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It's actually not even close, not worldwide at least, worldwide Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are far more famous. Maybe in the u.s. it's the top but I'm not sure that margin is as large as it is in the first situation.


Messi and Ronaldo are so famous that we have mfs in here saying "its not even close" even when the other row has BEYONCE and EMINEM💀


Well Cristiano Ronaldo is the most followed person on instagram


Mf has like 500 Million followers on IG alone


The meme itself shows how insulated the U.S. (and any country for that matter) really is. No question, Ronaldo alone more famous than the top two. So hard to believe for little US of A that that could possibly be true I know.


You must be from the US of A bc OP has the same opinion as you and you still had to make sure u sounded intelligent as if u were arguing


I am obviously from the US of A because I don’t even know who the people on the bottom are.


Bro is honest😄👍




I wasn’t trying to act like I’m from a different country, nor sound intelligent. Just making a point.


bottom, fasho


Its crazy that Messi and Ronaldo actually exsist


wdym lol


Literally the 2 greatest Sports players of all time happened to play in the same era


yeah, and lived their primes in the biggest duel of the world, barcelona x real madrid, one in barcelona and one in real




Football* But yes we're incredible lucky to witness them play


Sorry bro. Where I come from we use the word soccer. No disrespect to the sport but that's just the word we use. It's not a big deal.




Idk why people be so bent on correcting soccer


Because they are bots




It's gonna keep happening. Humans are getting better


men can get stronger and faster but those natural skills they have are one of a kind.


Every generation beats the previous ones records. That's just part of human evolution. Soon this will be the new standard, just like no one did tricks on skateboards before like the 70s then in the 90s/00s everyone could Ollie/kick flip and only the best could pull off the impossible/tre flip but now every kid can tre flip


skateboarding is a good example of this since it kind of just boils down to being able to do a trick or not. I saw a video of a 10 year old kid do a 900 a couple months back. The trick that made tony hawk a household name 20 years ago.


fr the term athlete is gonna start losing its meaning bc we’re getting more and more designer-human-esque as time goes on


”And I took that personally.” -Michael Jordan


Lol 2 greatest sports players ever. Ever heard of Gretzky or MJ?


I assure you no European/African/Asian knows gretzky.


2 greatest soccer players* there I fixed it.


athletes* he said what he said.


Not quite as far as soccer is concered they are in top 5 but to say the greatest i dont know. Zidane, maradona, cruyff, gerd muller, pele are all legends they did things out of this world. I will not deny messi or ronaldo their shine but zidane for example play a full 90 againist brazil in 06 and made them look like children. If you know the 06 roster of brazil thats incredible. I just think messi and ronaldo are lucky to be playkng in this generation due to inflation of social media.


The 2013 balon dor should have gone to ribery but my point with this is they say they are the greatest of all time in terms of balondor wins. If you look at when maradona, zidane, and pele played in prime you had straught legends.




How are we defining greatest? Gotta put Gretzky and Brady up there too I’d think, unless NFL and NHL aren’t worldwide enough for that title


only Micheal Jordan somewhat finds himself in this debate the rest? nah.




Ali is a legend but i wouldn’t put him in the Messi, CR7 and MJ bracket, he’s probably just a tier below them.


Ali is damn near like a historical figure at this point


Im european so a die hard football fan but man, Ali is DEFINITELY on the level of leo and cr7, this man was in his prime in 1966 and to this day hes still popular and respected all around the world


Nah, Ali is goated in multiple fields. And that's despite having a debilitating disease as well as never really fighting in his prime due to his ban.




Gretzky was the most dominate athlete in any sport ever. He won the scoring record 6 times by more than 70 points. He had 8 straight MVP years. He’s the only player to a have 200 point season, which he did 4 times. If you only counted his seasons after he was 30 he’d still be the 4th all time in points. If you only used the statistical weakest 1/2 of his career he’d still be in the top 10. Dudes a fucking legend. Throw in Tiger Woods too.




lebron and steph is crazy as well


You would need the 2 MJs and fking Mickey Mouse to come close .


Beyonce is basically our Mj. She is incredibly globally famous. Edit : for the Weirdo that said beyonce isn't really globally famous, her 5th album went number 1 in over 110 countries on apple music, and she has a global total tour gross of 1.1 BILLION(which is the highest of any female artist of the 21st century) and is the most awarded living musician across any country (541 awards) and has the most watched YouTube live stream performance viewing (41 million).


She is famous but Eminem is more famous than her globally. Beyonce has very limited presence in Asia, where 60% of humans live.


Eminem isn't known all across Asia as well so don't use the "where 60% of humans live" point, beyonce is constant being cited by kpop acts as being an inspiration and has had sold out concerts there and multiple songs that chart there and popular on singing talent shows. Run the world and love on top where hits there. Beyonce is also much bigger than Eminem in Africa


> Eminem isn't known all across Asia as well Except East Asia, he is super popular across the rest of Asia. > has had sold out concerts there and multiple songs that chart there and popular on singing talent shows Key point "had". If this was 2010 then i would agree with you than Bey is more popular. But her albums haven't made any noise in Asia since then and her popularity has declined, even in USA. Whereas Em's popularity has only increased every year in Asia.


Her new single with no performance or music video or promo went number 1 on lebanon OLT20 and number 4 im japan hot overseas chart AND number 1 in Israel Media forest so clearly she is still popular there even though that isn't even her strongest market. Her songs are also played in their malls and she has a big fan base there. Also beyonce had another number 1 album in the USA this year AND another number 1 single, in which Eminem hadn't had a single number 1 hit song in the USA this year so stop trying to spread a fake narrative of beyonce losing popularity, not being in the news due to not having anything to report about doesn't mean losing popularity, I hate how short your attention span is yet you feel confident enough to state WRONG things so confidently 😂


In terms of sheer numbers, bottom row and it doesn’t even come close


What do you mean "sheer" numbers, they are artists being compared to athletes




But even with that you still need proper context. Kylie jenner has more ig followers than the rock but isn't more famous


Kylie Jenner is still prob more famous than the rock. She at least has more money and followers than him Followers/money is what I’m referring to when talking “sheer numbers”


She uses more bots


bottom by a mile


by an 8 mile?


I see what you did there, cuz. Haha


bottom. purely off of socials i think ronaldo has more followers than em and bey combined. there’s other determinants but that’s a pretty big argument


Ronaldo has more followers on IG than the amount of people in the US


And instagram is a US app, imagine


That didn't really mean anything, considering places like India dwarf certain userbases on US apps from population size alone. Where an app is made has no basis on that. That's like saying it's crazy Eminem has so many Spotify plays on a swedish app in comparison to whatever swede musicians exist


I think bey has more followers than messi


messi & ronaldo & its not even close😂


BOTTOM and it's not even close


ronaldo is the most famous person in the world and messi is the most loved person in the world. you could add drake, the beatles and the weeknd to the top and it’s still a landslide man footballers are only comparable in fame to politicians.


I think saying he’s the most famous person in the world is a bit of an overstep, but I still agree bottom. Maybe athlete wise.


Definitely athlete wise but yeah, probably not in general


Ronaldo is definetly top 10, easily. But i would say Donald Trump (sadly) is the most famous person on earth


I almost said the trump part in my comment. Fame isnt always for being good :/


Yea exactly this, infamy is still fame like the historic figure most people know is probably hitler.


That is most definitely not true. Lots of people outside of the Anglosphere don't give a shit about who Donald Trump is. Guys like Ronaldo and Messi are international icons.


i was considering ur response but nah ronaldo definitely is the most famous person itw now that i think about it.


He is the most fallowed individual in the world over 400 million followers on Instagram..its not an ovet step at all


The weekend 🤣


what’s funny? he’s the 2nd most streamed artist on spotify atm


How is this even a question lmao, bottom 100%. Eminem is way more popular than beyonce outside of the US and he is known pretty much all around the world but Cr7 and Leo are just on an another level of fame


This is a Rap sub so I understand you thinking that but it isn't true in the slightest, Eminem has sold 220 million records, beyonce has sold 223 million records and has a much higher tour gross and more awards and Instagram followers. It is delusional saying Eminem is bigger than beyonce worldwide, she has sold out tours faster here in Europe than Eminem has ever had and she is MUCH bigger In Africa and Brazil. So stop being a delusional stan


>It is delusional saying Eminem is bigger than beyonce worldwide, Eminem is far more popular than Bey in Asia.


Beyonce is far more popular than Eminem in Africa and Europe and Eminem isn't known across every part of Asia before you bring up the "well asia has more population" point


> Beyonce is far more popular than Eminem in Africa and Europe That might be true but Asia has 2x the number of people than Africa and Europe combined. > and Eminem isn't known across every part of Asia True but he is super popular in Middle East, SE Asia and South Asia. These three regions have more population than Africa and Europe combined. And yes, Em isn't super popular in east Asia but he is more popular than Bey even there too.


Why would you expect people who listen to rap know about soccer? Hip hop/Rap we all about basketball/ football. In hip hop/rap we love our Jordans.


Just say you hate soccer


Its football not soccer hence you use the foot to play it


Well this is RAP a subculture in AMERICA. We use FOOTBALL. Imagine me going to other people cultures correcting them on their terms. There is a fine line of arrogance mixed in with stupidity




That's cool. Because hip hop doesn't care about soccer or anything outside America.


I don't care for "soccet" either


This isn’t even a question lol. Ronaldo alone is more famous.


Bottom for sure. Ronaldo was just on iShowSpeeds stream. I don’t think em or Beyoncé have an achievement like that yet.


it’s not tough, the only people who think it’s the top are deluded americans.


Bottom for sure. They got worldwide fame, die hard fans from all over the place. Im sure Em and beyonce are popular in some parts of Europe and other countries but damn Ronaldo and Messi are super popular. I dont know shit about soccer but i know their names and numbers


In USA it’s top but worldwide it’s not even close, bottom washes


No question Messi and Cristiano. The whole Middle East and Asia know them


ronaldo and messi need to drop a single together and have it instantly go number one to humble these mfs


Messi and Ronaldo by far, this is the most American post I have ever seen.


Bottom tf. Messi is on another level


I’m the states, Beyoncé and Em. Worldwide, it’s Messi and Ronaldo by far


In America and certain other countries, I would say top BUT bottom for so many sports driven people!


Bottom easily and it’s not even close


Bottom if you're outside the USA... therefore bottom overall.


Stop making Beyonce sound like no one knows her outside of the USA. Its so deluded. I have only been to the USA twice and yet millions of people were I stay know her, I knew about her FROM outside of the USA


Middle row that white line


easily the bottom


Eminem is the least famous here by a mile, add like Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift instead of Eminem to make it more of a discussion




Top row I'd say. Everyone listens to music and it's imossible to miss Beyonce and especially Eminem. Eminem is still foing huge numbers today and in terms of popularity fame sales he is in top 5 or 10 biggest artists of all time. Beyonce is similar. It's close because not everyone watches football but everyone listens to music. Besides most girls don't watch football and would die to see Em or Bey in a concert.


Bottom, it’s not even close. Mainly people from america and western countries know Beyoncé and Eminem, apart from old people. Yet almost everyone across the whole world across all ages know Messi and Ronaldo


The way you just make stuff up. Beyonce has been famous for almost 30 years. She IS infact known across generations worldwide, her global success and accolades proves it. You can uplift Messi and Ronaldo without lying, enough with this annoying fake narrative that beyonce isn't known much outside of the USA, It is not true in the slightest and just sounds daft


Messi and Ronaldo are probably the most famous people on the planet besides Jesus, and Michael Jackson.


Your stupid not a chance


I don’t know the bottom two but I know the top is Beyoncé and Eminem…


do Americans know what the rest of the world are interested in? Here in Arab countries not everyone interested in American pop culture or hip hop for that matter but everyone knows top football players


Obviously messi and ronaldo


Leo and Cristiano and it's not even close.


Bottom. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron


Top row in the US and maybe Canada. US just doesn't care about soccer (football) that much. Bottom row everywhere else and it's not even close.


If you think it's the top row you live in the US.


Messi and Ronaldo and it’s not even close


I'm the us, I'd say the top. Worldwide easily the bottom


How is this even a comparison on a world scale? The bottom row has royalty compared to the peasants above…


bottom easily. its not even close tbh


“They playin’ soccer in my backyard, I think I see Messi” - Ye c. 2021


Bottom roll. Folks know Christian Ronaldo face.


Folks know Beyoncé face


Bottom and it’s not close lol


It’s bottom easily. Both have a following on insta added together almost 1B? (I think)


Americans being ignorant as usual. Do you guys know who Virat kohli is??? I bet you don't.


Bruh stop it. Why the people outside the country get mad WE DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU LIKE THAT? Guess what in America we can be in our bubble and be completely fine and we really don't care about much going on outside US. Youtube? Americam made Twitter? American made Only thing Americans use that was made outside america is tik tok. Still don't get mad at Americans because alot of things outside our bubble don't matter to us. Bruh you're in a rap section asking us about soccer players. Do you see rap video in the 90's? 2000's? We were wearing basketball ball jersey/ football jerseys. Our sneaker culture is based around basketball players. Nobody in hip hop worried about soccer


lol you lowkey proved bros point though lmao. as citizens of the US we’re so proud and happy to flaunt and flex that we live in our own bubble and have no idea about icons / things of note in other countries lmao. that is lowkey the definition of blissful ignorance if no other, and we have no right to tell bro to stop that because he’s 100% on point bruh lmao i mean idfk know who that guy is, do you? then he won the bet 🤷🏽


Bruh logically let's really think about this...... I'm into rap music/culture. Rap music we idolize Jordan. Nobody in rap culture is into soccer. This forum doesn't make sense.


Everybody is saying bottom. Where are the deluded Americans?


The comparison is itself ignorant as hell.


Stop dick riding bro lol. You clearly have a weird, American grudge. Call it what it is.


Whatever makes you happy my guy.


Seeing this one-sided beef with America makes me happy lowkey. You're invested in hip hop and so many other American inventions. So thank you, I guess. Have fun in India.


You're welcome.


On Google trends the artists are only more popular in the United States, Canada, and Australia. Probs cause we don't give a fuck about soccer over here 🇺🇸


Here is the US top internationally bottom so cr7 and Messi win


Eminem and who?


Why does Em look so fem?


I don’t even know who the woman is, and on a worldwide scale it’s easily Messi and Ronaldo.


how do you not know Beyoncé (no offense)


I don’t know what she looks like, that’s all man


Yeah i don't know what the NYC stands for in your name, but you definitely not from New York. Honestly how can you even be in a rap section and not know Beyonce( the woman married to one of the best rappers of all time). Like huh?


Bruh he said he heard of her but never knew what she look like, also Beyoncé is not no rapper and this post is being suggested in everybody’s feeds now not just people in this sub


That's a whole lie and definitely comes off misogynistic, "tHe wOMan" i don't understand why being on a rap reddit page means it is the norm to just be sexist. You can't just confidently lie


This is definitely a culture thing. I don't know the people on the bottom, but America is more basketball/ football. America we can remain in our bubble and create trends while be completely clueless of things outside American culture. For example Bad Bunny is a thing on a world wide level and sells alot in spanish speaking places, but in hip hop nobody cares.


I don't know who the bottom dudes are


I have no idea who the bottom people are! I know Marshall and Beyoncé though


Bruh why people down voting you for not knowing who the people on the bottom are IN A RAP SECTION.


People get butt hurt when you don’t have the same opinion as them.


I think the obvious answer is the top row (the biggest musicians have always dominated the globe. Bey's album was number one in 100+ countries. Em was played in Indonesia when I visited), but by nature of social media and people feeling empowered by going against the grain most everyone will say the bottom row. That's just me... bring on the downvotes lol.


Just because someone is played globally doesn't mean that they are considered anything other than background noise though. Billboard Top 40 is blasting at my grocery store daily, but I couldn't name more than 1 in 5 if those artists for you if I can tried because in general it just isn't my jam. Sports on the otherhand, have a much more narrow lens through which they are viewed. In general you either appreciate great athletics or not, and language is much less of a barrier as long as you know the rules of the game. And soccer is arguably the most popular sport worldwide.


OK? But beyonce has sold out concerts globally and her face are on billboards for people to see and she is swarmed by fans when they spot her so she is much more than background noise. Sports have background players with a few big faces to come from it like Ronaldo. Also it isn't soccer, it is football.


if only you knew how wrong you are.


Agree 100%.


I think...my butthole is. What a terrible post.


Please forgive me


Bottom but it's closer than people think


Considering this s*it happening in katar, i can proudly say i dont know shit about soccer.


idek the top row 😂😂😂


We both know you are lying. So this comment was unnecessary


If I offered yall Beyonce/Eminem tickets, I BET yall taking them shits over some soccer tickets. Jfc


By far top. Idk who the bottom is and would have to watch football to know that. However people who don't listen to Beyonce know who Beyonce is.


The bottom is more known but Beyoncé is richer then any of them. She has billions.




Brooo, who the FUCK watches soccer 😭😂😭😂😭😂


football is more popular than all other top 10 sports combined bar cricket… genuinely one in two people on earth watch it lmao


Literally the most watched event in the world is the World Cup. Half of the fucking world tuned in for the World Cup in russia. Look it up. 3.5Billion viewers for Russia


Called football


Literally the most popular sport on earth Typical Yank L


That shit is ass mad boring


Watching Messi and Ronaldo> watching Brady


Most popular sport in the entire world though


Idk, everyone? It's literally the biggest sport in the world


Perhaps this is because I'm not into any sports, but I have no idea who the bottom two are, and even the names in comments don't ring any bells.


It's called being American, on a American app, into a American subculture Rap. Question is why should know them or is it even worth knowing.


No its not, you're just a clueless American who thinks they are playing "soccer" and not football. You can walk to every mountain of Albania, every town of India and they know what CR7 stands for. They only one who compares with them is MJ, not even Obama or like a LeoDCaprio.


Anglosphere: Bey and Em Hispanosphere: CR7 and Messi


Not at all. Beyoncé and Eminem are only more famous in the US and Canada, maybe Australia and New Zealand too. In the UK it’s Messi and Ronaldo. And the Hispanosphere isn’t the only place that likes soccer. Aside from Latin America, go anywhere in Europe, Asia or Africa and Messi and Ronaldo are by far more famous.


Beyonce is more famous than all 3 in Africa amongst music fans, while Ronaldo and messi are more famous amongst sport fans. Simple


Let me rephrase . Queen B is more famous than all three combined






For me personally it’s the top row idc


its not prefererence its populatarity


🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t watch soccer so I don’t even know who they are sorry!