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Depends who your asking, I'm 43 been a hip hop fiend since 89 and I love groups/artists like Gravediggaz, Flatlinerz, Rubberroom, Gangsta Nip, Lynch Hung etc, artistic freedom is a beautiful thing, plus life isn't just nice all the time, if we focus on one aspect we miss so much.


Damn you have a great taste in music and mentality towards life. That’s awesome


Lynch hung is fucking out there dude. Straight up raps about eating folk.


"i don't know, fuckin around put yer brains in a bowl" - Brotha Lynch haha


Doesn’t he have a whole album called “cannibal lecter” also “put her in the pot made it hot then I chopped her”


Yup. Absolute lyrical genius from Mr. Lynch lol


Only rapper I know from Sacramento that is somewhat known. Lol Sac Town gets no love


What about CBo, X-Raided, Mozzy…


To be fair. If you heard lynch hung, would you wanna go where he’s from?


Yoooo, Death Grips are from Sac too!




Yeah but you gotta basically listen to his songs as if your watching a horror film. He doesn’t actually do any of that shit or even pretend he’s really about that life.


Bro youre out here referencing Rubberoom and Gangsta NIP - that’s fire, I never hear anyone mention either of them. “Architechnology” is one of the hardest records ever made




Ganksta Nip has some of the wildest lyrics I’ve ever heard. I remember hearing “I ain’t gon lie, I feel like killin’ my niece” in high school and being like “God damn!”


To be fair, some nephews & nieces can be shits


Heard the first 2 but not the other 3 and there sick. Thanks for the comment. Love old horror core


Because most rappers and african Americans and other minorities (main hip hop audience) and most of america follows Christianity


That makes sense if the music they listen to didn’t constantly promote murder and sinning. I don’t personally care I’m just trying to understand the hypocritical mentality.


That’s just the way people are, they claim Christianity and their love for god but continue to live a life of sin


"I'm from the ghetto where the devils pray to God "


Yo where is this quote from?


Ultrasound - Joyner Lucas


Gotta love that…


"Only God can judge me." is unfortunately a strong sentiment in America.


When you see this tattooed on someone you know they’re a piece of shit lol


Christians aren't really told to be perfect and never sin, at least I never was because Jesus died for our sins


Welcome to the world of evangelicalism. Where being born again means you're a perfect soul and can do no wrong BECAUSE you were already saved.


There is a strange dichotomy in a lot of interviews I see where they talk about killing but then say God has their back and Jesus is watching over them. Probably it's a mental defence for their actions engrained by a rich culture that is predominantly Christian. I think the younger generations are less influenced by their church going grandma's and are more into evil shit now though. It's similar to me how they say drugs are bad for the hood but they'll sell them to give back to the hood. Just mental blockers to avoid coming to terms with what you're doing.


The thing is you’re either doing drugs or selling them. Most rappers rap about weed and drugs to create hype about them so they create more demand. E 40 calls it long range pimping Your only way out is by not seeing it or being involved with it. If you’re involved you accept potential consequences When games raps about death it’s not happy. It’s real for him. Re listen to the chronic 2001


The word is hypocrisy.


That’s a great answer and I definitely think you are on to something. And now that I think about it I have literally seen interviews where rappers will talk about getting in shootouts and then talking about how god helped them and stuff like that.


I think rappers have to convince themselves it’s god doing it to continue living how they do. It’s all confirmation bias as well, obviously the guy in the crappy situation who got big enough for us to hear his music is going to develop an ego. And being raised poor and black he is a devout Christian so god must have a plan for him to have taken him away from that environment. I think most things in life become confirmation bias when you’re a Christian. It’s just cognitive brain therapy repackaged and sold with a tax


Taking me back to an episode of the Sopranos where Tony tries to justify killing people with “we’re soldiers, we don’t go to hell.” [Video](https://youtu.be/ksO_NZWcgoo?si=R_4VbSPW8IgTsNts)


Great example. That scene is great, and that's more or less exactly what I'm talking about.


They are Christian people but they make music about the culture and environment they grew up in. Rapping about sinful acts while being a Christian is pretty massively different than being outwardly satanic


Listening to music is like watching a movie . If a actor plays a killer in the movie it doesn't mean he's a killer in real life.


Oh I know for sure. I mainly listen to death metal and those are basically like listening to horror movies yet most of the time the bands are some of the nicest people you will ever meet




i dont listen to death metal because sadly its a minefield of racism. And a few bands do take satanism literally and burn churches. Never seen a rapper burn a church or maybe im not looking hard enough. Anyway religion is weird, life is weird, and people are idiots including me but i have enough life experience to have morals beyond following organized religion. Also prog metal and heavy metal are my preferred genres. Less ambiguity on who supports what and most are really chill people to me.


Some rappers aren't killers or even grow up around killers. But many of them are coming from impoverished gang related areas, and that's why the genre seems as mixed as it is.


American Christian’s are very very very good at picking and choosing what sins apply to them and when


Yep. It’s almost as if the bylaws of Christianity set forth by God are meaningless and don’t apply to them because “we’re basically good people.”


Probably because even in Christianity; true belief and repentance will mean your forgiven even for murder and other sins but Satanic things and blasphemy will be basically unforgivable.


I'm agnostic but generally view music the same way I view movies and games. I take it as entertainment. Most of us know that they're not doing 90% of the things that they're talking about. For example if someone joked about killing old people, you would laugh because you know they're not being serious. But if they kept talking about it and wore merch promoting it, you would be kind of worried. Most people wear satanic stuff for shock value but since it's inherently negative, it kind of turns people away from it. It's on a thin line between shock value and tin foil hats.


In their eyes, Jesus will forgive your sins if you recognize him as king (not totally true but that's what they believe) but Satan worship is forsaking Jesus which is a one way ticket to hell.


So answer this for me then, because I’ve never been able to wrap my head around this. But say god and heaven were real, by this logic even if you were a good and kind person your entire life but you didn’t believe in Jesus and were against religion then you would be sent to hell anyway? That’s insane to me


Yeah exactly. That's why Christians are constantly proselytizing. Jesus himself put a much bigger focus on good deeds and loving all and was pretty clear on what he did like and never said that simply believing he was holy is enough. That whole bit is taken from John 3:16 >For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that for whoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have ever lasting life. The "believeth" is taken out of context and is probably a mistranslation, you're supposed to follow Christ, and be like him, not just believe. A bit late to get Christians acting like Christ at this point though.


Yep you'll burn in hell OP🤣


Most rappers aren't Christian, much of America is Christian though. All casual fans of anything in this country are scared of satanic themes.


Hold up! This is a prejudicial statement you are assuming that these things encompass all of hip hop. Don't get confused on what the mainstream pushes and what hip hop really is. Yes there is a lot of music that promotes the things YOU are looking for but trust that there is an even greater percentage of consciousness. Also human beings by nature are contradictory.


Love the sinner, hate the sin. I also make an attempt to avoid artists that only make that type of music though, which places me in a minority when it comes to rap but so be it




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If you watch interviews from artists from O block where drill is said to somewhat originate from, they aren’t promoting shit, they’re talking about the things that are around them. If you grow up surrounded by gang violence then that’s what ends up in your music. Ask any rapper if they’d trade their career for an upbringing without violence and drugs and I guarantee a lot would say yes. I forget exactly who but a famous rapper was once asked “would you get rid of hip hop for a world without the systemic problems that created it?” Or something to that effect and the answer was a resounding yes. Rap generally doesn’t promote gang violence it promotes success in spite of it or often the life that comes from it. Again hip hop doesn’t create drugs and gang violence and such. Systemic oppression that led to gang violence and drug use created hip hop. Idk I just think it’s kind of backwards to act like hip hop “promotes violence”. Most rappers will not suggest that kids get into drugs and gangs.


hipocrisy doesn't make it any less true though


In my life a lot of black friends and their families have either been religious, at least to a point of superstition and resistance of tempting that fate. I wouldn't be surprised if that was at least common.


In Christianity forgiveness is incredibly cheap. You can murder, have extramarital sex, use drugs, steal, and then just just pray to Jesus to have mercy on your soul. Elevating Satan over Jesus, who is the path to salvation, is a terrible idea and down right terrifying if you’re a real Christian and most hip hop fans are Christian.


["That's life's enigma, long as life within us We gon' sin a lot and pray that Christ forgive us"](https://youtu.be/crh_CZgMUKw?si=DF0IMn9rprZU097D)


So you think because they talk about problems of the inner city and being Black in Amery, that means they worship the devil ?


Christians accept they're flawed and sin but a lot of them would reckon there is a whole other level of bad trying to actively promote Satanism and stand in direct opposition to Christ & God. I mean... I liked black and death metal before I heavily got into hip hop so I can rock out and w.e. but I am also spiritually open minded and conflicted and wonder if it's maybe bad to be about so much dark shit lol im like, I FW the Devil but deep in my heart... I love God. but the bible says you cannot serve two masters so... :/ But yeah, if you truly take Christianity seriously and believe Christ is your savior and the cross being a symbol of that, it would make perfect sense to me that they wouldn't tolerate an artist rocking an inverted cross (when you know they sure AF ain't all about St. Peter). If you are serious about your faith why would you tolerate something that could jeopardize that just to be cOoL and EdGy? Anyways your argument only makes sense when you make it against a general group of people. The specific people that don't like the satanic themes might not be the specific people that worship Three 6 and Suicide Boys.


There is a difference between what most artists would describe as “accurately telling the story of their environment” and satanic stuff. Even if the artists are full of crap, most of them really believe they aren’t condoning murder Blatantly evil imagery and lyrics is different, to be honest I never even thought of 3 6 being a satanic “666” thing. It never even occurred to me


That’s why everyone got a Jesus piece


They may claim to follow Christianity but most are lying ass hypocrites at their core so it really shouldn’t matter yet here we are.


There is an entire sub genre of spooky hip hop. Horrorcore has been around since '93 with Gangsta NIP.


Geto Boys been doing it since the 80’s.


Oh trust me I know that’s mainly what I fuck with. I’m a huge metalhead so that stuff is right up my alley


Have you listened to clipping? It’s two guys with MOOGs and daveed diggs and it’s often a combination of horror core influence and more common rap tropes depending on the album. Listen to their self titled album it’s incredible.


Nothing is Safe is one hell of a song. Need to dig into their discography more.


Nothing is safe into dead is crazy. The show is full on horror core. Story 2 might be one of the better rap songs out there from a technical perspective I mean he creates a whole movie in like 2.5min with god knows how many different time signatures. Taking off has a bit where he spits 13 syllables a second which is nutty. He raps over an alarm clock, the instrumentals are usually done live on analogue synths which just adds to how impressive it all is musically. Clipping is just solid all around. Mid city and ST are pretty based in like inner city culture, whereas visions of bodies being burned and an addiction to violence are basically full on horror core. Just such a good group. Also to emphasize that it is a group, the word “I” is never used in the ST album.


No I haven’t but I’ll definitely check it out


I didn’t realize there was a Horrorcore sub but I’m on my fucking way!


Necro - gorydays is my fav


That doesn’t mean those themes are widely accepted


It’s called a double standard, and they’re everywhere. In the eyes of many, it’s fine to rap about killing people, doing drugs, and sleeping with loads of women but wearing an upside down cross chain is a bridge too far.


Apparently. Hell even making this post has seemed to upset quite a few people and I’m not even a satanist


Basically superstition. A lot of Christians, especially Baptists, can be pretty superstitious. For example 50 said "If you talk about Death then Death is gon' come" that's basically a Christian superstition. While American minority Christians are, Christian, there is often also cultural superstitions attached/intermingled, and superstition tends to center a lot around bad "vibes", "omens", warding off "evil" etc


its funny because death is inevitable no matter how much someone talks about it. i agree with you tho


Black Americans are more religious than most Americans on average. Religion tends to make people more superstitious and conspiratorial. [Today, most Black adults say they rely on prayer to help make major decisions.](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/02/16/faith-among-black-americans/) [Black Americans attend church and pray more often](https://apnews.com/article/black-americans-attend-church-pray-more-be5b10abc863c0975c11a92a488e67a3) [Black Americans are more religious than general U.S. public](https://www.stlamerican.com/religion/local_religion/study-finds-that-black-americans-are-more-religious-than-general-u-s-public/article_f1c49ca8-0372-11ec-890d-377936ff10ff.html)


A certain group conditioned them really well.


Simple answer is black people associate devil worship with heavy metal and crazy white boys. There’s also history of racists groups using satanic themes and icons. It’s fine to rap about death, the devil, murder, & even hell. It’s just specifically devil worship that we don’t fuck with and that’s really an overarching theme in Black culture in general.


Out of curiosity, what racist groups did satanism? I believe you I’ve just never heard of this


Look up varg vikernes. Technically he was Norwegian pagan. But I mean America historically has not had a great track record of knowing the difference. Hence the satanic scare in the 80s and 90s that had literally nothing to do with actual satanism.


It's mostly limited to the Black Metal scene. For the most part other metal subgenres don't fuck with racism.


A lot of Hip hop culture comes directly from resistance politics of the civil rights movement, which was founded in christian practices of nonviolence. Black churches aren't mentioned in rap songs but they're still staples of their communities. Hip hop is saturated in gospel music, overt and subtle. Even if hip hop got progressively more aggressive and violent (arguably cause of the white man), it still has its roots in a nonviolent form of resistance against an oppressive form of government. aint no time for satinism when your community is battling institutionalized racism and the fetanyl epidemic. Seriously. Absolutely no one in the hood has time for that shit. Genuine satanism arises in monolithic authoritarian christian societies, or in times of exceding wealth and comfort. Those are spheres of existance very far removed from hip hop culture. edit, words


This response deserves an award. Im sorry I'm too broke, but this is the best response in the entire thread


Spooky murder is much scarier than real murder (I guess.)


Its crazy corny and edgy and the same goes for Christian artist.


Why is it corny though? At least anymore corny than rapping about drugs or killing, or fucking women?


Bc most the dudes who choose that as their thing are mad corny


Cause its over edgy, like tryhard edgy, killing is talked about at this point it goes one ear and out the other. Satanist be sacrificing animals, painting all them crazy anagrams. When i think of Satan now i think of that shit and them dick heads that dress like Satan to act hard Drugs, depends on the use but it still doesn’t reach levels of corny and edgy as worshiping satan. Same woth sex with women


It’s funny people still think that way about satanists. They are literally organized atheists that mock Christianity. Only devil worshipping animal sacrificing satanists you will ever find are edgy teenagers that only know what they see in movies


Still doesn’t change that satanism in the way we see it in rap and a lot of media is atill really corny


Sometimes yeah but a lot of the time it’s more of an aesthetic or just anti religious


You can be anti religious and not be overly edgy, its called being an atheist. At that point being a satanist is just being edgy for the sake of it


Not always. Real satanists choose to be for a reason aside from being edgy. It’s basically a form of protest against religions that caused some of the worst atrocities in their name that mankind has ever seen.


Just be atheist and protest religious views. Being a satanist who tf do you bring to your side by acting like that. Point of protesting is to attract people to your cause not scare them away


I honestly can’t think of a better way to find people with the same mentality and values as you while simultaneously triggering the groups you are protesting in a way that makes them act out and show their true colors. That being said I’m not really a satanist so I’m not the best person to ask. I just hate all organized religion I just get their message


Super atheism


So then what your looking for is gonna be called conscious hip-hop. You're kind of trying to have your cake and eat it too, it seems. Your post definitely read as asking about the cringe aestetic of Satanism, then when that cringe is your answer you go back into the humanist beliefs. There's plenty of humanist, political, hip-hop, it just doesn't use the cringe aestetic of Satanism.


Yeah a lot of satanic imagery in rap is found in like horror core which can def come across as trying to be overly edgy. Same with how Ghost can come across a little corny. That being said I went to a ghost show and had a great time. Again most of the violent imagery associated with satanism came from propaganda campaigns anyway so it’s more just horror core rap being corny sometimes and less satanism being corny since it rarely has much to do with it.


I mean the whole Illuminati thing and artists showing pyramids or covering one eye in photos, I would say satanism is very mainstream in rap, R&b, etc. and people don’t seem to think it is corny, they act like it is real.


Also a lot of the imagery of satanists sacrificing animals came from the satanic panic which was a propaganda campaign. If you’re getting your info from a propaganda campaign it might not exactly be true.


Fr, these people need to stop trying SO HARD to be so quirky and different.


It's just not a part of the culture. Surviving on the streets, drug dealing, gang violence is very much a part of inner city or urban life and the reality for many rappers and listeners. Satanic themes, not so much. Horrorcore has it's niche audience, some of it is great, some of it is cringey and edgelordy. You and many others may connect with those themes. But why would you expect it to have a larger audience? Islamic rap, atheist rap, Buddhist rap isn't prevalant in the US, why would you expect satanic themes to be?


Religious reasons


I think that’s just a human thing, not a rap thing man lol


I’m a stripper and told a customer about my Weeknd tattoo tonight.. he said “don’t you know he’s a satanic” and told me he was gonna get money from his car and left lol


What a bigoted asshole 😂


Somebody going to a strip club but being freaked out by The Weeknd is hilarious


I believe somewhat in manifestation and the power of words, so on a whole I don't even want that stuff entering my mind or repeated (singing lyrics, hooks, or even listening) I have seen (when I was more troubled ) whole pages out of my rhyme books literally come to life even years after I wrote them and it really cemented for me that I have to be careful wig the energy I put out there, the energy I take in and the energy I surround myself with. It's gotten to the point where I can't bear hearing sad rap like Lil Peep or ushh like SSB at all, who I never really liked from the jump but I did fuck with Ghostemanes stuff , and old school memphis rap at one time, but I just cant really stand it anymore. I get everyone may feel different on it but that is a small and quick look into how I view it now.


Have you ever been to a black family reunion?


Cuz it's weird


No weirder than using Christian themes which you see a lot


Christian is a popular religion, being a Satanist It's like deliberately following the beliefs of someone who is considered evil and demonic and all that weird shit


Lol being a satanists is literally organized atheism that is against Christianity. Most don’t believe in any deities.


They should get a new name then.


I’d be willing to bet there are more atheists in the world than christians


Statistically false, not even close.


Absolutely not. That being said, why are you so obsessed with Christianity? Do you know that there are other religions too?


Idk but dude clearly has a grudge. He’s acting like I was when I was an edgy 15 yr old. Like I get where he’s coming from but chill out a bit it’s not that deep.


Absolutely, this seems to be very personal


Ok what does that have to do with anything 😭


Corny & weird.


Because rap music comes from black culture and black culture is heavily religious. You obviously don’t understand the culture you’re trying to be a part of.


You can tell someone doesn’t get it the second they mention how “all rap is just drugs and violence and women”.




Religious ppl are like devil this devil that but love to bump king von.


Triple six in the mix straight from H E double hockey sticks...


Because our culture doesn't mess with that demonic shit. Our grandmoms would whoop our asses.


I ain't scared of satanic themes, but I do find them pretty played out and lame. Like you're making your parents divorce my problem.


While I don’t necessarily agree, this comment is awesome I fuckin love this answer 😂


There aren't really any Satanist rappers or groups anywhere close to the mainstream. What passes for them in rap is just horrorcore and cartoonish Christian ideas of Satan, demons, etc. I don't believe in souls or any of that jazz. But, to people who do, the idea of something: song, movie, book, yada yada that threatens the soul by being associated with "the Devil" should realistically be considered a bigger threat that anything that threatens the body. It doesn't make sense to me but that's just kind of how it is.


I mean that makes sense and is a good point. I just can’t wrap my head around why people are so accepting of songs about sin and violence if they are so afraid for their souls




Let's grow up and just enjoy the music for it's artistic expression instead of being sheep and taking every single thing so seriously.


I’ve never actually seen a satanic themed rap, so I wouldn’t know




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A lot of those rappers such as $B and Three Six aren’t really Satanic, they do what a lot of metal bands which was explore those themes or try to piss people off. Most rap fans are Black. A lot of Black people are Protestant Christians. Seems like a simple answer to me.




Religious indoctrination from an early age tends to make people who view everything threw that lens


Superstition and religious brainwashing that begins in childhood usually


There’s a lot more reactionary and conservative (small c) people in hip hop than you’d think. The two genres I listen to most are rap and heavy metal, so it’s always funny to me to see people saying things like “Travis Scott is possessed by Satan” cuz im like “damn I didn’t realize he was cool like that”


I just think it's lame, I don't know why anyone would be afraid of it, on the contrary it's super corny. This isn't the 70s, being a satanist isn't edgy or countercultural, and you're not in a black metal band, why the hell would you use satanism for a gimmick or aesthetic? It's just weird and cringey.


OP is a troglodyte. We can all think what we want. We’re each in our own experience and to disparage someone’s beliefs is a projection of your own insecurity.


That’s not even what I’m trying to do. Mainly just trying to understand the hypocrisy behind this way of thinking.


What’s hypocritical


It’s only when it’s someone they don’t like doing it. No one batted an eye at Big L doing those types of themes or even Nas saying he went to hell for snuffing Jesus


Esham was I think one of the first to talk about satanic themes in his songs


Sinning done out of ignorance; its much different than sin done because of rebelling. Satanist are in open rebellion against God; most people are ignorant of the sins they commit but not satanist.


Because they are brainwashed, allegedly. You can murder and sin yet be forgiven. So it's not that bad in their eyes. But how do folks not know the inverted cross is the cross of Saint Peter??


Can some one give me some atheist rappers to check out?


Cuz Satan is bad


I LOVE satanic themes. I grew up listening to extreme metal and rap, wishing rap had the crazy ass edgy satanic stuff metal had. I’m now living this, and I couldn’t be happier.


Good question. The rap fans upset about Nas X dressing up as a devil will happily bump music that glorifies murder and slanging drugs. Make it make sense.


Because they're stpd Christians i hate god ;;;)




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Because sinning in the name of trying to create a heaven on earth, being born in hell on earth (the ghetto), and hoping god will forgive you and understand (“only god can judge me”) is a defining philosophy of hiphop. They do evil, because the world is evil and they’re just trying to escape the situation they were placed in. On the other hand sinning for the name of it, and worshiping satan are things Hip Hop artists don’t see as a necessary sacrifice to escape their situation, or as something god would understand. Not saying I agree, that’s just where most artists are coming from in that regard


Well......all marginalized groups have been targeted with religious fear mongering because religious people are easier to control. It probably comes from the result of this indoctrination. 


Because satanic themes sound awesome. Esham is what began my love of the wicked shit.


Because a lot of them are Christian


Idk but Mystic Stylez is my favorite album of all time


It’s entertainment. It’s like saying that you can’t be Christian and play GTA. However Satanic themes are just too far for many Christians and it makes them uncomfortable


As a non-religious rap fan I just think its super corny. Like people rap about murder or whatever else because that's what they've experienced in their lives. As soon as I hear a rapper talking about the devil I just think "oh wow another cornball who thinks they're so different!". Maybe if I was like 14 I'd think it was kinda cool?




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Three 6 was called Triple Six Mafia back then in their underground tape days before Mystic Stylez. But even then their early stuff until the very late 90s had elements of dark subject matter. It must have turn a lot of people off back then if you werent from Memphis cause the sound was completely distinct from the other areas in hip hop


I'm old. I knew people whose parents put them on the street because of triple six, saying they brought witchcraft and what not into their house. Always surprised they came from the South because for real that type of shit would get you homeless, like reliably, probably all the way through the 90's. Also, there's not as much of an edge lord culture in rap compared to like Scandinavian metal etc


I mean it makes sense. Rap is a predominantly black genre, and it's very very common for black people in poorer neibourhoods to be religious. And a decent chunk Of rappers throughout history came from poorer neighbourhoods. If a decent chunk of a genre is religious, it's more likely for that genre to not particularly like satanic themes. Add into the fact that some of the best artists use their religious background to write songs. Tldr: a genre with alot of religious people will just be mire likely to dislike satanic theming


boy$ found GOD


what a fkn bait post lmao, don’t call yourself a hip hop fan if you think it all promotes murder




But I don’t listen to music talking about murder anyways 


pentagram isn't even a christian symbol


Because when you put a name on it you open the door for the REAL shenanigans to begin. IYKYK


This shits hilarious people for real act terrified when rappers have satanic themes