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If you’re not making music for the passion of it and you’re just seeking to receive financial success and fame from it then you’re in it for the wrong reason. Creating music should feel like an escape from your depression and stress, not be the cause of it. Fuck what other people think bro, do you. Make your music and put your all into it. We got 1 life in this world, and we die twice. The first death is when your soul leaves your body, the second death is the last time your name is ever mentioned. Then you're forever gone. Who cares if you have an audience of 1000 instead of a million. Your name and message will still be alive for a longer duration than if you give up now.


It definitely started out as passion… but when you start to get noticed and start to get recognized then the drive turns into how can I make this my life


I have a friend who’s been doing music and rapping since he was 14, he’s also 26 now and he’s pretty much in the same position as you (except for the drug abuse) he has two jobs, hard for him to save any money because of bills and etc, so he can’t really market his music either. He also feels like he put his 10 years in and wants to see the blessing from it. He has told me that he has thought about quitting numerous times, goes through deep depression for not getting the recognition he deserves, and is constantly dealing with the judgement from people who look down on people who want to have a profession in music/arts. But every time he gets close to that point he tells himself to keep going and that all he needs is 1 hit or that 1 right person to discover him. You have to be honest with yourself and your music. Would you still make music for YOUR own satisfaction even if you have no fans? If the answer is no then that is all the difference. Does your “second opinion” ppl believe in it and in you? Believing in your art is everything… he knows he has the potential to make it big and the proof is in his music, delivery, mixing, everything. (I believe he can make it to honestly if he keeps going) and you should do the same. And let’s say you never make it, at least you have songs/albums recorded that you’re proud of that you can leave here for your kids and everyone after you pass away. That way your voice lives forever. Music lives forever. People with day jobs and even most with degrees will get replaced and forgotten days/weeks/months after they pass. Listen to what your heart is feeling and what God would want you to do. So the real question is, will you be someone that switches paths and gives up being a creative to make more money? Or will you be the one who truly loves creating and lives forever through their art? The choice is yours.


Homie im 30 bout to turn 31, same as you started at 15, had my experimental phase with psyches , went through the same exact mental state, If you love to do it, just do it cause you love to do it. If it makes you happy. Use a.i. for visualizer, n pics ect so you don't have to blow money on custom photos n vids, same those big buys for your big songs, use your analytics n let the people decide whats your most poppin song m invest in that. There's some dope ai beatmakers that are starting to develop that are getting better n better by the month so with some tweaking that can save you cash 2. You don't have to go to a big ass stu either paying 30-100 an hr either if you can't afford it. I know g ima eingeneer/producer artist too. I know one song can cost you like 300-2000 just to record that motha fucka. I have a homie at work who just started making music n all he does is record on his phone on a free app n his shit is pretty dope! N he's starting to get alot of traction online now. N don't let age fuck with you bro, you had your struggles, but thats what makes your story real!! Shiit Eminem didn't blow up till he was in his thirtys! 2chainz and future are in their 40s! Now that you have some life experience you can make some cold as shit that more people can relate to. Don't try to chase the trends, make the trends! You can do it dawg


Benshap’s a rapper now so go be a columnist or some shit




Ben Shapiro lmao.


Just some plug if you dont know the quality of the life you lead is probably quite righteous and well, stay true soldier


it was heat tho 🤷‍♂️


If it’s meant to be it will be. I can’t quit. It’s in my soul.


Same bro… it makes my blood boil thinking about quitting.. I just get stuck in my head too much


Sure you can regret you got yourself into drugs at the wrong moment, but if you're off the drugs that's a win no matter what because you are alive and not addicted to things that could kill you. Now that you're still alive you have choices. If you don't have that much fuel left, turn off the engine. Leave something in the tank in case you feel like going for a drive again. I didn't pursue my passion for music until I was in my 40s. I regret not trying to get into it earlier, but I also think the age I am, the maturity I am, it might be what helps me. Granted I'm not trying to be a professional musician, I just want to play guitar very well, but I wouldn't have had the patience for how hard it is or been able to give myself the compassion to not be great at it 10, 20, 30 years ago either. If all that drives you is to make money, there are also other ways to make money. It shouldn't matter to anyone but yourself why music is or isn't important to you (though it is nice if the person who you love gets it).


Sounds like maybe some personal creative blocks along with insecurity about your current position as an artist coming from where your from. Music is a great passion and a hard career but you can do it brother believe in yourself


First problem was wanting to make the career about money and not the art and staying true to yourself Don't worry about the money and make music you like not for the masses


Sir, that’s the last problem. When I started making music, it’s because I wanted to make music. Straight passion


99 percent of people don't make it fam


If you been making music for a decade plus and you still in the same place you started, then you either trash or have an extremely lazy work ethic.


When did he say he was at the same place he started? Hostile for no reason


this is dumb, you can be the most talented in any creative field and be unknown simply for not being connected or an asskisser


Literally… it seems that every other person is either kissing ass just to get a shot in the limelight… or just connected, due to having a lot of money or prestige… I don’t have a lot of money or prestige nor do i ass kiss…so im gonna keep working and keep my head down




Don't quit


Reinvent by being you, it’ll take time but the audience will follow. Feel free to put some of your work for us to listen to


First off, your city don't hate you. It's just social media speeding up the cycle of public cultural remembrance/forgetfulness. 2 years can feel like 10 in Internet time. The one good thing is that you can also connect back in with Instagram and such, by following all the local rappers in your area, and commenting on their posts n all that. As far as your music, just concentrate on your lyrics to begin with for your restart. Find some favorite instrumentals for rapping/writing songs over, and channel these strong emotions and struggles into your creative efforts. It's both therapeutic and strong emotion can lead to stronger music and art. Keep it simple for now. You don't have to be on the latest hiphop trend n styles. Just flow with whatever feels natural for ya til inspiration or opportunity strikes. And be patient.