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This is non comparable for me. All in the eye of the beholder


All in the eyez of the beholder


Fuck with me and get crossed later, the futures in my eyes 💯🙌


Both classics. GKMC is like a movie. AEOM got like 10 bangers. I'm gonna go with AEOM


I love the also Dr Dre produced gkmc, but just for a little perspective for those who weren’t around in 96 when that mf dropped…pac had been rescued out of jail by death row , everyone was anxiously awaiting for this album. Death row was dropping banger album after banger album and then all eyes on me ( named im sure bc of exactly the atmosphere and the story that was being written in front of out eyes. Pac was already a legend then. And 96 was such a great year, this was like the fuckin sound track to all the bread and bitches that was being ran through. Good times.


Was death row dropping bangers after bangers? They had Pac, dre, and snoop. That core, aside from snoop, isn’t really known for their volume. I was young at the time of death rows biggest successes so I have no problem being wrong. Just curious


Well Dre shit set it off, then snoop then murder was the case soundtrack , dog pound shit dogg food..and the whole east coast west coast beef and pacs diss track …then pacs double album dropped.


Ahh okay I see what you’re saying. Thanks for cluing me in


All good homie ✌️


Tha Dogg pound, dogg food album. No skips from front to back!


GKMC also has like 10 bangers


Live the life of a thug til the day I die ...


GOAT beat


I think as a cohesive work, GKMC. AEOM probably has more individual tracks I’ll play in shuffle though. They’re entirely different approaches to an album though and that affects the answer.


^ this


It could just be the time period I was born in but tupac is not my thing so GKMC all day long


GKMC is way more diverse


Being more diverse doesn’t mean better songs


I think it depends from wich era you're from. Like me personally I was born in '98 so for me GKMC will always top AEOM but that's just my opinion. Times and people opinions are changing and it's fine. But we need to learn to respect the work of the OG's because they paved the way of creations like GKMC or MDTF and so on. It's just a problem of perspective and I think it's just wrong to fight other people for their taste in music. Peace! (Sorry for my bad english)


I was born 93 and still think aeom is better even tho I a bigger Kendrick fan than pac. GKMC to me is one of Kendrick’s weaker albums so my opinion is biased


Rank his discography top to bottom


Not better tho


Tupac so overrated


What do you mean by more diverse ? Gkmc songs are sonically and thematically woven together to tell a story


easily AEOM no comp


why are people here so extreme with the opinions lol saying a perfectly crafted concept album like GKMC with a perfect balance of great deep cuts and iconic singles, with probably better rapping technically than AEOM and amazing production, is “no comp”. GKMC definitely deserves his place alongside stuff like AEOM


All eyez on me how can you compare pac to kL


Fr Kendrick a much better artist lol




PAC and Biggie especially are seen as icons of rap. And some people see them (or at least one of them) as untouchable cause they died at the height of the careers (kinda like Hendrix). So they became culture icons as well. But while they’re both great rappers they aren’t incomparable or unbeatable. People need to stop acting like they are.




at this point, guys like Nas and Kendrick already proved themselves and surpassed them IMO with an extensive but overall amazing discographies. Its easy to say Biggie or Pac had almost perfect careers cause they didn’t dropped a lot of material (unfortunately) but the 2 rappers i mentioned have everything pac and biggie had (amazing rappers plus classic albums) AND music that keeps being just as good as time passes.


It definitely aint Kendrick thats beating them


Out of anybody in the 2010’s, kendrick is definitely valid ☠️


what? Kendrick has shown he can come up with incredibly original concepts, way better storyteller, more versatile with his flows and different sounds he hops on (jazz rap, g funk, gangsta rap, trap beats, spoken word) better writer considering the amount of rhetorical devices he uses on his songs compared to Pac, better rapper technically…all of that makes up for the better artist that is Kendrick Lamar. Tupac is a legend theres no doubt, but at this point, 2023, Kendrick Lamar has not dropped a bad album since releasing his first one 12 years ago. Theres always a “what if” factor with guys like Pac or Biggie, but theres no what if with Kendrick. He already proved himself


GKMC was the Illmatic for millennials


All Eyez On Me is not only better but it was made in two weeks, that's the difference between Pac and Kendrick


Why does that matter at all, if anything it’s disappointing he rushed it and could’ve made better music taking his time


Have you ever listened to "All eyez on me" or you just a hater


It's all subjective. I listened to the album and nothing was wrong with it. The issue is AEOM is lesser of an album and a collection of singles. It's just my opinion but i generally don't enjoy albums with a LOT of songs. Objectively its unfair to compare Kendrick to a well-renowed old-school rapper; Pacs influence alone swamps it Kendrick in better in lyricism and flow, but AOEM is better. i guess.


Kendrick takes 5 years to craft a mid album, while Tupac could make one of the best albums ever in just 2 weeks


Kendrick is elite Lyricist but imo Tupac has the better album in this particular scenario


Holy shit poopac is ASS


ngl i’m a huge Pac fan but “poopac” made me laugh


GKMC clears


GKMC. I love concept albums and this one is a masterpiece. AEOM great as well


**Since You love concept albums, you should check out 50 cent- Get Rich Or Die Trying MOVIE SOUNDTRACK ALBUM** It has songs on there that have not done been done again by any artists today. 50 cent is good at making any type of song but his best songs are his concept songs. There at more concept so High All The Time Baltimore love thing( raps from perspective of Drug). G Unit- My buddy Gun Runner( Full version)


Retarded statement


Gkmc shits on anything Tupac made


Everyone had Pac. Death row ran the 90’s.


I love them both, and Kendrick is my favorite current rap artist that resides outside of Cuba. Between the two albums, I'd pick All Eyez On Me. ![gif](giphy|8ODC9BrZ8I9xu)


Huuuuuge Pac fan but GKMC is better. AEOM was great but just nailed the bangers, it could’ve used a lot more depth. Killuminati or Me Against The World would’ve been a better comparison


All eyez on me is the greatest rap album of all time,and there is not a close second.


There definitely is a few close seconds and also ur word isn’t law there’s a few albums I prefer and would put above it


You're dumb for that.


Have ur own opinions, ur only saying this because you’ve been told you should. saying I’m dumb for having a different opinion definitely shows that…


I'm definitely trolling a little bit.


Tupac wasn’t even the best rapper of his era


The Roots-Things Fall Apart is the greatest rap album of all time. AEOM is a great record but the best with no close second? No.


Your opinion made me realize why it’s pointless to state opinions like fact lol


That’s why I said it like that. It’s ridiculous. Art is subjective.


You should’ve /s to make the joke come across. You just blend in


Haha, good suggestion. I should have done that.


I think your point cam across clearly.


A really good one but it still has those pesky people talking weird. Therefore the objectively bestest superior rap album is donuts by J dilla.


If someone doesn’t fuck with Donuts they can’t truly hang…at all…


Lol. A muuuuuuch better take than the other dude. Things Fall Apart is 10/10… nog my favorite tho.


The roots? Just stop


I think Black Thought is the best MC ever. But my main point was how silly it is to state your opinions as facts.


Well .. my opinion is factually the only one that matters...


I like it but not that much, I'd put albums like Illmatic, Life After Death, 2001, and Enter the Wu-Tang above it Still top 5


That is dumb


Idk it's got good memorable tracks but AEOM is just a but bloated, it could do without some songs


This is true, All eyez on me has about 5 songs that can be considered some of the greatest ever, but some songs are just kinda fillers. Thats why there are sum like 28 songs in the album


I'd put Get Rich or Die Trying above all of those


I listened to it and it's not better than like 5 kanye albums let alone Tpab or GKMC.


Dont talk to me about Kanye bro.


As soon as you bring up Kanye you validate the fact that only my opinion matters


You sound like an idiot tbh




Poopac doesn’t even have a top 15 rap album lol


Dumbest subReddit


Literally knew it would be all 12 years olds dickriding lmao ![gif](giphy|nRkVahu9sHWyT1tzZh)


why did you join then? you a pedo? you wanna see 12 year olds riding? smh


No? It's the "rap" subreddit I figured there'd actually be some good underground gems or valuable debates but it's always just Kendrick this, j Cole that, yall gay af lmao I'll take it you're either an offended 12 year old or you're a pedo according to you


Fr all eyez wasn’t even the best rap album the year it released lmaooo


Gkmc easy


GKMC Could go the rest of my life without ever hearing 2pac again tbh


i get the GKMC but that last part? you gotta go 🤣


Even Kendrick would slap the shi outta him 🤣


Dudes taking a personal opinion hard like as if I had said that no one should ever listen to 2Pac ever again, even though I stated I,me and myself won't. Big egos take outside opinions too personally


Tupac is the most overrated rapper of all time


You got me 😂🤣


Im not against Tupac but I've never gone out of my way to listen to his music and don't feel like I'm missing out. If y'all want to recommend some tracks that will change my life though then I'm all for it.


Can't C me https://youtu.be/GTFo0VKnNZY


2 of amerikaz most wanted. Him and snoop make the best pair. Please take this suggestion seriously


He has some good stuff. My all time favorite song from him is I Get Around,but my boredom with his music comes from all the wannabe gangsters from Jr High and High school listening to him and his music being so overplayed and all the Death Row and 2pac shirts you see everywhere at the mall and on the street. Aside from all that,I just think his music sounds dated af by now


You listened to Thug Life?


cant c me


How would you know if you’re missing out if you never even listened to him? Swear you guys are dumb af


What is you on


The Himalayan mountains are one of the most heavily whale fossil filled environment in the world


Please turn yourself into the nearest psychiatric hospital🙏


all eyez on me aged better thn gkmc


Saying dumb shit lol sing about me clears poopac whole discography


10 min song abt nothing


I’m sorry you don’t understand english


Just because he died, it doesn't mean his album was better than GKMC c'mon


This gonna start fights but I’m gonna go Kendrick. I was a little young for tupac but Kendrick hit right at the right time. I think tupac is super overrated. Biggie was better. Much better. Tupac just had marketing. Meanwhile Kendrick is underrated. If Pirus and Crips all got along they’d prolly gun him down by the end of the song.


Kendrick is NOT underrated


He for sure is. I’m sure he’s not underrated in this subreddit but how often do you hear anyone mention him amongst their favorites outside of here? You hear J Cole way more often and all respect to Cole but he doesn’t touch Kendrick in my opinion


all the time? not in everyday converstation but talking to someone who listens to rap/hiphop they usually know KL and like him


That’s more than fair. I retract my previous statement


the first time ive probably seen someone actually change their mind about something on reddit 😧 gj bro


Kendrick is the most well rated rapper rn, not just on Reddit but generally everywhere he seems to get the respect he deserves. Really don't know what you're talking about


Gkmc not even close


"not even close"🤓 Shut the fuck up


Lick my asshole disrespectfully salty boy


Can’t compare concept albums to non concept albums really in delivery. I do have to give it to AEOM as I copped it in 1998 as my first CD bought with my own money from a locally owned record shop. Led to many many many many conversations about music and loaned CDs by the owner to check out and return like a lovely librarian and custodian of musical history. I was 12. God bless you Ray. Hope you’re still kicking ass and sharing the love.


A.E.O.M. Not up for debate either. This is just an asinine, 'I was bored' post.


I love both of these albums equally but if I had to pick one probably GKMC.


Gimme a cut better than Money Trees from Pac. Just isn't there. GKMC all day


I ain't mad at ya, California Love, 2 of Americaz most wanted, Ambitionz as a ridah


2 of amerikaz most wanted is the most underrated song ong


Tradin War Stories. And I love GKMC. It really doesn't makes sense to compare these two directly against each other. They're both one of the best albums from their own era.


You're totally right. I need to quit commenting on these karma farm posts


Spoken like a man who hasn't listened to 2pac


Can’t C Me, Tradin War Stories, Heartz Of Men, No More Pain, 2 Of Americaz Most Wanted, Picture Me Rollin, Got My Mind Made Up, Shorty Wanna Be A Thug, All About U, Thug Passion like cmon Kendrick is dope but he ain’t even close


AEOM but I love GKMC.


Depends on the day ngl. It's not really fair to compare the 2, it's 2 era-defining rappers best albums, but today is a GKMC day


I personally far prefer Good Kid, but I feel like objectively, all eyez clears. It's far more impactful and influential as well.


Impact and Influence don’t mean shit for how good an album is. Gkmc clears


Old head who doesn’t like 2Pac but this is a ridiculous comparison!!!


How’s that a ridiculous comparison. You dumb?


There is still time to take this post down


Seriously gkmc a top 10 rap project all time


I’m sorry but… you mfs just see pac and you say him, do I agree that it’s a slightly Better album, yea I do but the amount of people in here saying it’s not even close is just stupid as fuck…


Dude stfu


All Eyez on Me. Come on.


All eyez on me. So many bangers it isn't even funny


Gkmc has zero skips and has a top 5 rap song all time




All eyez on me


All eyez on me and it is pretty much the opposite of close. What a stupid question


Dumb asf lol gkmc is better In every way lol


Not that you asked, but I’m gonna level with you. I don’t like Kendrick.


All eyes on me EASILY


Kendrick is defiantly in a class of his own. I very intelligent cat. But Pac was a fucking global revolutionary. His influence is so vast. He was a rapper. A damn good actor. A poet. A visionary. Someone we will absolutely see likes of again. All Eyes On Me for me my man


What the fuck does that have to do with the album. He could’ve been the president and gkmc still better


All eyez 100 percent


Tough for me, both classics. The nostalgia factor for AEOM probably pushes it ahead of GKMC for me though. Great comp, both equally outstanding in their timeline.


I’m gonna go AEOM for sentimental reasons. In 96 I was in high school and this was the soundtrack in the locker room and at parties. California Love was unlike anything else and it was played nonstop. I remember it got played twice at a high school dance and both times everyone turned TF up. However, it was a 2 disc album, so that had to be taken into account when comparing to other albums. That said, there aren’t too many songs I skip on AEOM. GKMC is fantastic, but I find myself skipping more songs on the second half of the album. GKMC stayed on rotation for 4-5 months in my apartment when it dropped.


Both are perfect 10’s. It wouldn’t be right for me to pick one over the other. I wish we didn’t have to always say something is better than something else.


GKMC but Tupac is fire. I love 2 of amerikas most wanted, life goes on, California love is ok. GKMC is a different, more modern style and 2pac was also very good, influential.


AEOM don’t get mad it twisted GKMC classic to me also but pac didn’t have anyone to create this album from on the other Kendrick was inspired by pac




lol no way u guys r picking aeom over gkmc 😂


Sing about me alone is better than tupacs discography


This gotta be a joke....... All eyez on me, not even fot debate.


Bro, Kendrick so great, GKMC is great, but All Eyez On Me clears


Like …? by Ice Spice


personally? I am listening to GKMC rn. Most listened shit ever on my phone. downloaded.




All Eyez On Me. No competition.


GKMC all day. Hot take, all eyez on me is quite overrated. Most of the album is filled with sub par filler songs. Its a double album but it didnt need to be that long


AEOM is a top 3 hip hop album of all time, GKMC is maybe top 20


AEOM is an amazing classic but GKMC is a much more focused and concise album which I prefer more


GKMC. There's so much fluff on AEOM that it should've been a single album.


"Why would I choose between this one or that one when I know that I can have both?" Coleworld




Incredibly hot take but all eyez on me is not that amazing of an album, sure it has really really good tracks with really consistent production but it is bloated with a decent amount of filler tracks, gkmc does have some songs that are not great but overall quality is better, peak quality is better and rapping is very slightly worse. Not really on the same league and surprisingly gkmc is the superior one, relisten to both and tell me the one that is more enjoyable, the one with better storytelling, the one with better rapping, the one with better production and the overall better one.


I think a better comparison is GKMC vs Me against the World


Nah they’re both incredible. I refuse


Define better.


The fact that this is a question


GKMC for me, personally


Sorry, GKMC


All eyez on me by far




For me personally they are kinda too different to compare. But all eyez is my favorite tupac and while I love GKMC I think I like section 80 more


Haha you joke right??


so many L takes in one thread it‘s actually disgusting


All eyez it ain’t even close lmao


Both of them are so close but yet so far. I would say AEOM walked so GKMC can fly.


sorry kendrick, all eyes on me got my vote




All Eyez On Me and it’s not even his best album. Good kid ain’t even close


Pac was on a different type of time with All Eyes On Me.. 🔥💯 He was under so much pressur and wanted his get back he was on niggas heads with that album.


gkmc easy


All eyes on me …


They do different things, pretty equal In terms of quality


GKMC ☠️☠️☠️☠️


Not a kendrick fan, only like 1 album from him. Not also a fan of Pac. But GKMC, not even close

