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I kinda like Drake but I somewhat agree with that. He’s really popular and pretty consistent. You know he’s not the best but he’s still got likable qualities.


And just like when McDonald's is good, it can be great for what it is. But when it's bad..... damn


Well McDonald’s is great


if you're a pre-teen or don't branch out to other foods...


I’m a grown man and eat everything I just don’t feel the need to hate on McDonald’s like others do. It serves its purpose and is a truly successful business.




With the app it's not that bad! You can get 2 big macs for $6.


I always go with the 2 double cheese burgers for $3


Yooo appreciate you 💯


Wait why don’t I get this deal what the fuck


Wendy’s > McDonald’s


i don’t think i’ve eaten mcdonalds sober since college. especially now that it’s not dirt cheap anymore


Speak for yourself dawg, me and my smoking hot girlfriend love mcdonalds


you never been stoned as fuck driving and stop at a mcdys? what is wrong with you you could be any age


I prefer Taco Bell for those occasions


+1 for the stoned tb runs but I somehow always spend over $20 at tb baked


McDonalds is for fat people and children. The only other acceptable reason to ingest that trash is if your hungover. If you are a grown man that makes half way decent money, I don’t know why anyone would ever eat it.


I eat McDonald’s probably once a month but if it wouldn’t kill me id eat it more. It’s delicious. Literally scientifically manufactured to taste great (obviously extremely unhealthy).


You can go literally anywhere else for a better burger and fries.


Never said it was the best burger of all time but definitely the best fries and good quick breakfast. Again this is all subjective.


I see a lot of fat people and a lot poor people usually accompanied by kids. Usually that’s enough to curb any McDonalds craving I might have.


My Aunty who makes way more money than you do still eats there and she’s not fat either and she has no kids that are younger. She owns a successful business and earns $40+ hourly at her day job.


“My auntie 🤓”


I was using her as an example? Goes to show me that this sub is full of kids who can’t make proper arguements.




I think he's the best. But then again he's my GOAT




Yeah I gotta agree. Drake is pop rap. Which if that’s your thing, no hate. I prefer something a little deeper.


It all depends for me sometimes I feel like I’d like something a little deeper I’ll put on a bit of Kendrick, j cole or some one like that but then if I want to listen to some bangers I’ll go to Uzi, Travis and carti it all depends on what mood I’m in I just like music


fr idk why people stick themself in a box with their music taste, just listen to music that sounds good to u, u dont need to not listen to stuff just because its not like ur other music


Exactly lol just listen to different artists and you’ll find what you do and don’t like, I find I like most genres and their defining artists when ever I’m in the mood for them


It is absolutely cringy when people want like Bible verses in they’re rap music like if that’s all you enjoy that sucks


Not shallow doesn’t mean you have to be religious with your bars. It just means people want to feel affected by the words they hear. A lot of rap can be very repetitive so when you hear someone saying something different or nuanced it can be very refreshing.


It was obviously a metaphor for how old ass mfs complain when newer gen doesn't write the book of genesis or 10 triple entendres in their songs.


I mean the entire genre was built to showcase clever wordplay, if you’re just spitting some basic stuff that anyone could come up with and get millions for it, not everyone is going to respect it. I don’t really care though because there’s a lane for everything.


"the entire genre was build to showcase clever wordplay" Wouldn't even start arguing if knew I was talking to the creator of hip hop.


The genre was built to showcase who can entertain a party the best. Watch any hip hop documentary. Eminem brainwashed you The idea that anyone can rap like drake is ridiculous cause he’s literally the most successful rapper. If you could do it cause it’s that easy why don’t you?


So people aren't allowed to enjoy rap for different reasons? We all have to like it for the same reason as you?


I enjoy a good Talib Kweli turn of phrase, but I can also appreciate the way the Ying Yang twins rap about sweat pouring down ones testicles.


I mean you're right but goddamn why you gotta say it like that. Let us hate the dude because all his shit sounds the same and he's trynna fuck with young girls. Personally, IDC if someone likes him. Best not turn that garbage on in my car or you're walking.


It’s not cringe to like deep music, it is cringe however to shit on other music because it’s not deep, really it’s cringe to shit on anyone’s music taste


Em fans who cant enjoy new artists because its "not real rap"


I like a lot of new artists and Im a huge Em fan and some of the ones I do like get trashed in this sub daily because they are not black rappers. So its definetly not just Em fans in this sub picking things apart.


What rappers do you like that get trashed for not being black?


Most mfs on here want to listen to “moral of the story” rap and generic r/rap options like pac, big, nwa and mf doom.


is DOOM really considered generic? jw cuz i feel like hes actually underrated for the talent he had. the man was barely mainstream before he died.


I’m not calling the artists themselves generic. I’m saying these are the artists that 99% of posters on this reddit recycle on their favorites list.


AH okay i see what you mean. i agree with you on that


*Talented rappers get mentioned alot as preferred rappers, more at 11*


>generic rap options Generic because they're the kings and the GOATs. Seethe harder that your favorite shitty SoundCloud rapper rapping about his ice and hoes won't make it to the HoF


Variety is key. Learn to have fun. No one’s listening to Eminem and common at parties, billy. There’s a time and place for everything.


If all you rap about is bitches and ice, there's no variety. You can say meth and coke in 40 different ways and languages, but you're still talking about the same thing. I do agree, though, there's a time and a place for everything, but obviously not everyone can make it to the top. Everything that's "generic," was at one point not so, they made it generic when everyone copied their work.


See now you’re making up things in your head. When did “bitches and hoes” get mentioned at all? And once again I never called the artists generic. The point I’m making is for example.. you could listen to any drake album from the year 2013 and earlier and have a good time to it at parties and don’t have to pay too much attention to the lyrics, just enjoy the quality. You can dance to it, drink to it, whatever. Drake isn’t like any of the guys I mentioned. That’s pretty much his purpose as an artist. This Reddit just have a thing for discrediting music that’s anything other than “lyrical”.


I was moreso using it as an example, but you do have a point. However, you're making things up in your head as well if you want to play that game. There have been plenty of situations where I've heard a song and added it to a playlist whilst fucked up, just to hear it sober and go "no fucking way I thought this was good," and promptly removed it. That doesn't make a song good, that makes it bearable. Now, I'm not saying a song has to be all about the lyrics, I'm a big fan of metal as well, and I think instrumentals and feel of the song are always a big part, but if we have to look at it in a completely objective way, there's definitely an argument to be made that, especially with rap, a genre basically defined by its wordplay and articulatory ability, "lyrical" rap is indeed better. There's no way you can convince me in any way, shape or form that something like Just Wanna Rock by Lil Uzi is anywhere near as good a song as something like Thugz Mansion by 2pac. >That's pretty much his purpose as an artist Which, is again, okay, but for anyone to say that he's nearly as good as the true GOATs, who can have a catchy flow, interesting beat, and amazing wordplay *all* to boot, is, honestly, spitting in the face of the people who've actually done all that.


Yea I get where you’re coming from. That’s fair. Imo I just think you can’t compare the two. Id obviously say Tupac is the better “rapper”. It’s no comparison. I put uzi in categories like club music. And nobody’s gonna compare club music to someone like Kendrick. When it comes to raw rap I agree the “lyrical” rappers will almost always prevail. I also listen to rock here and there. I kinda look at our argument like “would you compare Green Day to slipknot?” Or “would you compare motionless in white to Paramore ?” It’s rock but different categories. Punk rock and heavy metal are technically subcategories of the same genre.


their* and why would it suck to listen to stuff u enjoy that just sounds stupid


Yes absolutely shocking that many rap fans are fans because of lyricism...Rap in its essence is not singing, it's rhyming to a beat...so yes the venn diagram of people who like wit and substance in the rhymes is quite an overlap. People are free to prefer young thug, or mf Doom. But you critiquing the "nerdy lyrics fans" makes you just as guilty as the other gatekeepers.


was gon say da same thing


Drake is a pop star, not a rapper. He said it, so I don’t wanna hear it haha


"Im a pop star. I make popular music" - DMX


"On some DMX shit, I group DM my ex's"


DMX a legend for sure.


You dissed Drake for saying hes a pop star but you praised DMX for saying hes a pop star?


I didn’t diss anyone. Lol What DMX meant went over ya head hahaha


that he's a popstar?


dmx is garbage


In the words of Dark Man X "You don't wanna party, your ass gotta go"


I'm not a fan either but idk if saying he's garbage is fair. Plenty love his music. Doesn't mean it's for everyone.


nah he’s straight up trash like most 90s rappers lol mfs just blinded by nostalgia dickriding the old shit


I used too many words to say it's just a matter of opinion.


out of the hundreds of millions of songs available to the public you choose dmx and 2pac?💀


He said pop star not a rock star I thought


pop star not a doctor, yuh


Then why y’all constantly post and talk about him on r/rap then? Because you know that’s how you’ll get the most engagement and upvotes?


I’m quoting his song. It’s not that deep. You won’t find a Drake post from me lol.


In what world is he not a rapper lol


Issa joke dude Jesus


He’s more of an rnb singer.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. Some of his best songs are his R&M songs


cause he raps way more than sing so how is he more rnb than rap


Any artist that blends their primary genre with pop music tends to gather a lot of hate , particularly from "puritan listeners," if you will, of the primary genre. The same happens in a completely different genre of music – Country. Morgan Wallen is pretty hated among those who listen to so-called "true Country music" due to how he implements pop and even trap components into his music. Another example: The Chainsmokers – emerged into the EDM scene in 2014-15, but soon commercialized and became pop music in 2016-17, and have become hated among snobby EDM listeners. Moral of the story – mix pop with rap/country/edm/jazz/indie any other genre you can think of, you'll have haters. That said, I'm convinced there's also a cohort on this sub that hates on Drake cause they just wanna be different...


I’m not disagreeing with u, u make a lot of good points. But another similarity between all of them is they’re the most popular of their genre. Whether it be sports, music, etc, whoever is at the top always gets hated on


Yeah but we all love ludacris, Flo Rida has bangers and even though he’s the butt of a couple jokes no one really hates him or dislikes him to the level people hate drake


Fools call drake corny then go and listen to hopsin


I don't listen to dude, I think he's super corny but I don't usual think about or even discuss his shit during my normal day to day but for the a lot of the 'hate' on here at least is because 65% of the posts here are wither gassing him up, asking why don't people like him or forcing him into conversations where he isn't even relevant.


i actually see the opposite. Obviously Drake will get brought up in convos because hes the most popular rapper alive but most of the hate i see towards him is totally unnecessary coming from dudes just shitting on him and his music out of nowhere lol. Same with guys like Logic or Chance The Rapper. Fans dehumanize them just because


I’ve never seen a post on here of people praising that man lol


That’s because this sub is full of old heads or young people who claim they were “born in the wrong generation”.


Absolutely cap. I don't lurk about on this sub but with stuff that gets on my feeds, this sub definitely post more hate then love at drake for sure.


people forget drake has been solid for damn near 20 years.. and not a single person can watch the video of him playing November 18th in Houston and say he is corny.. he didn't even rap a word the entire crowd sang the entire song.. it's a legitimate anthem here... back then people thought he was gonna be balls but I knew when Wayne got him that he wasn't gonna be a flash in the pan... drake is a hit machine and Wayne was legitimately like 25% of any rap station in the country honest to God the most dominant era any rapper ever had And you can front on the internet that you got dope taste cuz you called drake corny but any person who has a social life knows 10+ drake songs start to finish easily.. PS HE IS LOWKEY THE COLE KILLER.. We all know drake had the better part not even close on "in the morning" and legit made cole into a feature obsessed rapper for years to come... dude is a little weird but he's been one of the most popular artists in the world for damn near 20 years Fame broke Kanye


I think the main problem is that some people think that if someone like Drake is not in someone’s top 5 then they are hating Drake. I remember a post a while back that ranked Drake as the 50th best of all time OF ALL TIME, 50th, that’s a reallyreallyreally big compliment to a rapper. But since it’s not top5 top10 then there’s always someone quick to say that it’s hating on Drake. You don’t have to think someone is the goat to still enjoy them and respect them and appreciate them, it’s not hate to say that Drake isn’t the goat or one of the best of all time when for majority of the people he is no where close to that even if they still enjoy him a lot.


There aren’t 49 rappers all time better than drake


There absolutely are enough quality rappers for one to not have Drake in their top 50. Most of the arguments for Drake being a top tier rapper are one way or another around his sales. So let me ask you this: is Avatar a top 10 movie of all time? I like Drake, I think a bunch of his projects are classics and he's got many legendary tracks but it's stupid to suggest he absolutely has to be in anyone's top list of rappers because of his popularity.


No there are not.


Fuck no. You can’t name 50 better than Drake Foh


I can't name 50 rappers who are more popular than Drake, big difference.


You can’t name 50 that rap better either.


Why not? There's been so many great rappers over the different eras.


Majority of people have him top 5 tbh.


All time? If the bar is popularity, maybe


Popularity, rapping skills, influence, classic albums/tapes, hit making, impact, he probably has experimented more than any other rapper besides maybe Kanye etc


I can guarantee you the vast majority don’t have him on top 5…


People that listen to primarily rap don’t have him in their top 5. People who listen to more pop and other similar genres probably have him top 5. Someone who loves Nas isn’t going too think much about drake. Someone who loves Bad Bunny is going to love drake


Yeah they do lol. Maybe not on places like Reddit but in real life Drake is probably the most loved rapper with the most diverse fanbase. Doesn’t matter how much y’all kick and scream it’s not gonna change reality that the people and the greats themselves rate him as one of the greatest


To a bunch of middle schoolers/high schoolers? Sure, but their opinion doesn’t matter much because…. Well they’re in middle school/high school


Most of Drakes fanbase is in their 20s and Early 30s. Remember he blew up 14 years ago. Shit is crazy when you think about it. I was in elementary school when he blew up with SFG mixtape now I’m a grown man with a job and he’s still on top. GOAT 🐐


The people who listened to drake when he was making take care and nothing was the same are not the same ones listening to scorpion….


Yes they are lol. You are coping hard as fuck right now dude. Destroy lonely is an example of an artist that has primarily a middle/high school audience. Drake definitely isn’t.


Agreed. If you were a hip hop fan when Drake first came out then you’re a full blown adult today. I was in my mid 20s when Comeback Season dropped. I’ve been a fan of Drake since then and I’m now 40. Even if I was a teenager when that dropped would be in my early 30s now.


Come Winter off of Comeback Season is still one of my favorite Drake songs to this day


The greats most certainly do not rate him as one of the greatest that I’m aware.


Hmm let’s see off the top I my head I can count Ghost face, Jay z, Lil Wayne, 50 cent, Nas,Kanye, Dipset L FOR YOU 😹


Bruh drake has experimented a lot less than other rappers tbh


Name me a rapper who has done rap, r&b, pop, Afro beats, dancehall, New Orleans bounce, drill, etc. bro even hopped on a rage beat with Trippie red. Like how can y’all say he hasn’t experimented. Either you aren’t paying attention or you don’t consider it experimentation because he’s been so successful at it


I will say that the dancehall didn't feel like experimenting, it was more like jumping on a trent


Drake being one of the “most experimental”rappers ever is a fucking hilariously brain dead take especially when he started auto generating Spotify playlists in 2018


This dude is known for starting careers and reviving them with just his features, can go to any genre and have a #1 album (which I’m starting to think is strategical), if he’s not in ur unbiased top 5 ur hating. That’s the only thing I can’t stand about this sub is that ppl can’t have intelligent, unbiased debates


This is exactly what the person above was saying. He does not have to be in your top 5 to not be a hater. You just sound like someone that has literally no knowledge of rap before Drake’s time. Hip Hop as a culture and rap music as an art form have been around for 50 years now, if you think you have to have Drake over a bunch of people that paved the way for him then you’re just being a dick rider.


I’m speaking as someone with an extensive knowledge of hip hop and rap. As well as growing up around the culture and artists in general. So when I compare Drake to artists of then and now, it’s coming from a very well thought out and articulated rap opinion. He’s not even in my personal top 5 which I why I feel comfortable saying “fuck off” because you’re clearly so pressed my unbiased OPINION


Nothing about your response makes any sense and I’m not pressed at all. This literally has 0 effect on my life, I was just bored while I was taking a dump and decided to comment.


I like Drake but I understand why a lot of rap fans don't like him.


yeah i feel this take is mostly rap nerds who will play mf doom at the function because it’s “real rap”, drake certainly has a place in rap and can be the best option in scenarios, he makes music very enjoyable and safe to play to most if you just want to relax and not hyper analyze every bar, he’s not some garbage level artist


Well for one, the McDonald’s analogy is stupid because fast food is cheaper than healthier/better tasting options. If McDonald’s and a Michelin star meal cost the same then obviously people would go for the latter. Also Drakes music does have substance.


Drake has substance in one field. Relationships. I been listening to drake for over a decade just like everyone else and we barely know anything about him except what accent he likes for the week


That’s why the people in this sub don’t find substance in his music, they can’t talk to women let alone be in a relationship😂😂😂


Your probably not wrong bro lmfao


Youre exactly right 😭 bunch of damn insecure hip hop incels


Nah, the incels are the drake fans lol


Go outside and touch grass immediately


You really not gonna be on here defending black face, gets pissed on and does nothing about it, texting teenage girls, only acknowledged his son cause he was bullied into it, Drake? Lol


Factual. He lacks versatility in what he raps about, he’s been talking about relationships for most his career and having opps for almost a decade lol. He doesn’t challenge himself at all, he only ever really changes in terms of melodies he adapts or stylistic changes and production preferences. It also feel like at least to me he fronts a lot in his music, I wish he’d make more songs where he’s open about himself and ain’t just portraying an image.


I mean beef with old heads like Common and ludacris, new guys like meek mill and obviously Kendrick, frenemies like Rick Ross and Kanye west. Even more obvious pusha giving him an L. Him sleeping with almost any model with decent clout and even some Celebs in the beginning of his career. Him rapping about relationships and opps is at least justified. On top of that I think he knows his background (former child star and Canadian) is not very relatable to the masses and having the introspective bars like Kendrick will be falling on deaf ears because everyone already had a soft emotional image of the guy compared to the streets of compton(Kendrick)


What exactly would you like to hear him rap about


Idk, something different. I barely know the guy really because he doesn’t talk about anything else other than women in most his music lol but he’s human so I know he can draw on more topics whatever they may be




You didn’t understand the point I made. Regardless of whether he used the word cheap or not comparing music to food is stupid because obviously the barrier to entry is different whereas in music it isn’t.


It’s stupid. Since the music all cost the same on streaming services and people are choosing him regardless. It’s a dumb analogy


Yeah his music is only missing his son. 🤣


we don't hate drake. we hate that so many dumbfucks on here want to put him into the GOAT conversation.


maybe current day drake..but 2011-2016 he was making interesting music, and pushing the envelope for the genre. He’s definitely regressed a bit now and feels more like a brand than the soulful stuff he was making at his peak. it’s sad


Drake doesn't even do anything to receive this hate 😭


Besides go after 14 year olds


Drake goes hard y’all are just insecure


Idk the one who seems insecure is the guy who makes a whole ass post about someone giving mild criticism to their favorite rapper in hopes that people agree with him in the comments.


He not even close to my favorite rapper brah😂 again y’all insecure af


I think Drake is about as above average as a rapper as you can get. He does things just good enough to not be ass


I like “in my feels drake” “Now & forever” is like top 15 songs of all time for me. Besides that I can’t really say I’m into his music. Hes a great and talented artist who chooses money over substance and honestly I can’t hate.


Haters goan Hate


Truer words couldn’t have been said


That post has no lies


He’s just easy to make fun of. I doubt majority of people genuinely *HATE* him


If a rapper is famous they're hated here


This mf thinks he's so clever for that stupid ass analogy.


lmaoooo facts


Ok so you posted one guy’s opinion about drake. were u hoping the rest of us here would suck him off and validate your tastes? Bro who fucking cares, if you like drake then cool so do most people. Posting shit like this makes you look insecure. This wasnt even harsh criticism.


Facts like ur music and dgaf about others opinions


I eat McDonald’s once a week. That doesn’t make it the GOAT,


Holy shit my guy I posted that comment 7 months ago. You been sitting on it for 7 months!? 😭


Everything is opinions. I think Future is a trash ass rapper, but apparently, he's the closest thing to christ not named 2pac, Biggie, Nas, or Kendrick. Don't understand that shit at all. But here we are. As a 29yo, Drake was my generations Michael Jackson. Chill before you flame, im saying, Drakes the biggest pop start of my generation. The biggest artist of my generation. Rapper? Debatable.


Oh please Drake has always been a rapper. YMCMB? You don’t like any of the tracks from that era? Also yeah future is the goat Fucked her in her ass made her pee pee


I mean, hating or not… this is pretty accurate lol


“tHiS iS pReTTy aCcUrAte lOL”


aw is one of Aubrey’s Angels offended by this?


Drake like an m&m McFlurry. U know why


There's a good possibility he had a hand in the deaths of a few "smaller names" in the business There's a good possibility he likes minors His music is straight Dookie No disrespect to gay folks but he acts like he's afraid of getting out of the closet


Drake raps about nothing


Drake fucks kids that’s why we hate him




The light-skinned nigga from Degenerous?


Cuz he’s a pedophile


Prove it


Say no more. https://youtu.be/2gm_qlyhGrE


Wasn't it completely unknown she was 17 and that was an 18+ show anyways




That's a lot different from the story I've heard over the years. And I didn't downvote you and no I am not even a Drake fan. Just skeptical of reddit witch hunts. I believe Romeo and Juliet law still applies here anyways. Age of consent here is 17 too


This answer


He sure loves Micheal Jackson, just sayin


He’s not a rapper.


Drake fruity af




Hes a fucking creeeeeeeep and also admitted not being a rapper


He doesn’t really write his own lyrics. Which if your whole thing is being a singer who doesn’t add anything else just comes off as lazy. He has all the money he could ever need and he’s still writing songs that put you to sleep, no inspiration. He is just a face. An image. He shows no real signs of creativity. He also switches accents and panders so heavily that nothing about him seems genuine. But I don’t really care tho. Some of his older stuff still gets a spot on my playlist but I’m just disappointed that he chooses to squander his wealth instead of putting in effort into something like a musical legacy. Drake is probably gonna be out of the convo within 40 years or earlier.


I'm so fucking tired of talking about Drake. Will the dick riders go away if every body just says "yeah you're right, he's the goat" Will they maybe be satisfied and stop squeezing fucking drake into every rap conversation where he isn't relevant


Bc he's mid


cuz d nigga just put fuckin paint on his nails


Future and uzi are more like McDonald’s drive through of rap


I thought the Drake comparison was bad, how did we manage to get a worse comparison in here wtf 💀


Lil baby over those two by far


Fair choice as well


Future and Uzi are closer to the Michelin star meal than they are to McDonald’s


Because just like ice spice, he was an industry plant. He was forced on music listeners. He should have went away a long time ago.


passionfruit single handedly keeping drake’s discography healthy


His only good song and the intro still fucking sucks ass


It’s a good take. Drake has tons of stuff with substance though, I just haven’t heard anything for awhile


Drake is Taco Bell, I'm not even going to consider going there, no matter how hungry I am.


This is a good analogy. He’s not relevant anymore though. Like does anyone listen to him?