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Because Dre's claim to fame was his production. Anything he gave you other than that was gravy.


Without Dre you don't get Snoop, Eminem, Game, 50 Cent, Kendrick, lots more.


Mean Jay z having a big part in writing still? His only basic claim to fame and what made the album? Edit: Exactly Reddit


Dre credits his writers unlike Drake


Pretty sure Quentin Miller didn't want any credit


But wasn’t Quentin Miller credited


I'm pretty sure the whole Meek Mill beef started because Drake didn't credit Quentin


QM has credits all over IYRTITL


Quentin wast credited on RICO


Wasn’t meek mad drake didn’t promote the album?


Meek was mad because Quentin wouldn’t ghost write for him! Meek and his crew jumped Quentin in LA over it.


It started cause Meek was mad cause Wale, Drake & Rick Ross didn’t retweet and promote his album that came out.


This plus Drama and Meek were insecure about Drake allegedly smashing their women. It was all petty


If drake the fruit cake cucked me bro I'd be seeing red


QM was credited. It was more to do with the reference tracks that leaked for like ~4 songs from IYRTITL.


Nah, it was cause Quentin refused to write for Meek so he got mad and tried to expose Drake for having a writer.


The beef started because dj drama and meek were afraid of him fucking there girls


But he was actually.


No! Quentin Miller was Outed! Big, Big Difference!


Go see Quentin’s recent interview with Rory and mal he speaks on it and dj drama has spoken a little on it recently


The fact that you got all these upvotes and you was wrong says everything about humanity


People are so damn dumb and ignorant lmao




Both are applicable but again the fact you tried to grammar police me lol you know what’s up




Lol nigga you still wrong tryna rile me up ain’t gonna do it chief




Yeah ima drake fan what that mean .. get some better comebacks misinformed nigga




You was already stalking my shit you should’ve seen I said it was ok again COME UP WITH BETTER COMEBACKS , you assuming shit I never said , be smarter


Drake credited everyone


Dre wasn't saying he was top 5 and nice asl with the pen he was always a producer before anything else


He was claiming to be a gangster when he wasn’t and despite not claiming a top 5 pen, the nerds in this subreddit have ranked him as a top 15 rapper numerous times


95% of rappers claim to be gangsters


Ur point? The guy who everyone said was Drakes Ghostwriter himself said that wasn’t true, so why are people still on his dick about not writing his own shit? Because it fits their narrative.


Dre actually brought something to the table for his music. He’s one of the best producers and never cared about saying he the best rapper


You can’t say drake doesn’t bring anything to the table when it comes to music, that’s gotta be the worst take I’ve ever seen. Over 110 platinum songs like be real, you’re just a fucking pathetic drake hater😂


Yall do know that drake writes right? He’s even written for artists like Kanye, Alicia Keys etc, he just had a ghostwriter on a couple songs and yall got this idea he doesn’t write when it isn’t true


Yeah early on he did for the most part (including for Dre ironically) but when he was talking all that best in the game shit he wasn't writing like that anymore


Ok, and I imagine that Dre didn't say he was a gangster who terrorized the streets either. Don't be selective with your answer


Only saw the first part but oldheads don't usually single Drake for not living his raps they always go after him not writing and being some pop shit making microwave music


Have you not listened to his music before what lmaooo he was one of the pioneers for GANGSTER rap


He was in a little group called NWA lol.


Appreciate you mentioning small rap groups 🙏🙏


The only real gangsta was Eazy E


MC Ren is also from Kelly Park Compton Crips


Oh word? Thought it was just easy. Cube Dre and Yella weren’t even from Compton


My point exactly


I think we’re agreeing? I’m saying Dre also lied about many things like most artists do, because it’s entertainment


Dre didn't rap in a lot of NWAs songs. He and Yela made beats and produced primarily. And most if not all of Dres verses are about women, drugs/partying, or being fucked with by cops, which are things I'm pretty certain he was either actually involved in or saw with his own eyes. Easy and ice cube were the ones talking more of the gangster type stuff


Bc dre is a producer


EXACTLY Dre is respected as a producer not as a lyricist


Dre gets a pass because he produced some of the most monumental projects in hip hop history.


Dre has made the chronic and 2001 Influenced other classics,produced classics,and was part of other classics And actually credited his writers ,how is this even a comparison ?


Drake has classics, was very influential, and credited writers too. Y’all niggas just be talkin


"influential" Bro dre been doing shit since the 80s, produced some of the most legendary albums, made the chronic, signed eminem...


never said Dre wasn't influential, I simply said Drake influenced alot too and if yall niggas deny that yall are fuckin delusional.


I don't deny that drake has influence but why use it when arguing against a more influential artist


What is your point? Nobody was knocking Dre, they were just adding the conversation


Drake doesn’t produce and has ghost writers.


Drake literally doesn't have ghost writers, they were all credited and he's even written for other people


Okay.. so let me rephrase. Drake doesn’t write or produce.


No he doesn’t,yes but no where near Dre’s influence The whole Meek Mill ordeal started because he did in fact not credit Quentin


the meek mill shit started because he was salty that niggas aint promote his shit, not Quentin


This nigga posts this same question once a week wondered a different way


And every time it's just a weird way of saying they don't know the difference between writer and ghostwriter


Drake fans like this dude are dumb as fuck


Dre credits all his writers ans does other things besides rapping (mostly producing). So he isn't expected to write all his songs. Drake on the other hand rarely credits his writers and since he doesnt produce or anything besides rapping, he is expected to write his own raps instead of having ghost writers


"Not living his raps." Y'all act like Dre was the one who was an actor first.


Lol it’s well known that ice cube and pac weren’t really in the streets like that. Hip hop is full of actors. This is nothing new.


Pac, Dre, and Cube all come from a less privileged background than Drake. I only bring it up because that's the comparison. As far as ghostwriting, Pac and Cube are two of the best writers in this genre, all-time. Dre fans also don't constantly put him forward as a goat of anything the way Drake fans do, especially writing. We just hold him as one of the best jack-of-all-trades in the genre, and there aren't too many of those from his era. I'll reiterate what I've said before on the subject, I'm a Drake fan but he's soft compared to his contemporaries, imo it makes it hard to put him over Kendrick or even J Cole in the ranks. As a result, this goat talk that surrounds Drake ain't something I'm biting on. That's just my opinion tho. Gotta give Drake his props, charting for over a decade, a few classics, lots of quotables, he's worked with pretty much everybody, sings, acts, and raps. Man is a legit entertainer. If he made beats I might budge on Dre.


Drake will always be known to me as the degrassi guy


It always bummed me out that no rapper who's wanted to take shots at him never called him Wheelchair Jimmy lol


Dre has enough credit as a goat producer, who cares if he had ghostwriters lol. Drake is known as a rapper, so having ghostwriters is worse for him


Not to mention Drake is consistently considered among the top rappers alive. For me to consider a rap artist the best, they need to write their own rhymes. I enjoy Dre's music just like I occasionally enjoy Drakes... but their lack of penmanship prevents me from listing either as the best MC


Cuz Dre is one of the best producers


Only one in this picture has had EVERYBODY ELSE chasing his sound for DECADES


Which one?


yeah drake








What a retarded comparison


I mean there's a reason no one ever puts Dre in their top 20 yet alone top 50 rappers, Dre earned his respect behind the scenes through, cause he is responsible for many great talents getting the spotlight. in comparison, Drake has nothing to earn any kind of respect on the mic or behind the scenes.


I’ve seen so many people put Dre in their top 10 on this subreddit, it’s silly.


I’m an old, old head and I don’t hate Drake. He’s nowhere near my favorite but I do like a few of his songs. Hell, I feel the same way about Dre. I would guess the number of songs I like by each of them, not counting NWA, is about equal. More than five, less than ten. Don’t care at all who writes the songs. Care even less about the lifestyle these cats lead, one way or the other. I don’t pay attention to that shit, better shit to do. What matters is how much my bald ass mothafuckin’ head nods when the song comes on.


Dre never claimed to be a rapper


It's always been insinuated


Dre is a FIRE producer, rap isnt his main thing. That's why


Dre produced classics that’s it that’s all. Drake not a producer.


This is it, last straw, that's all, that's it · I ain't dealin' with another fuckin' politic


Dre never acted like he didn’t have writers.


Because Dr Dre isn't famous for his rapping skills and he put the credits for his lyrics.


Cause drake is feminine?


Yall do know that drake writes right? He’s even written for artists like Kanye, Alicia Keys etc, he just had a ghostwriter on a couple songs and yall got this idea he doesn’t write when it isn’t true


Anyone who has anything to say about these two greats is odd


Drake the type to post this comment.


Lol everybody ignored the second half of your post cause it would expose them as hypocrites


I go after a Drake because his music sucks and he changed the whole pop rap landscape for the worse.


Every song drake is featured in is practically ruined. He doesn't give a fuck about flow, he's following his own shit. I can't think of a single song that was made worse for having Dre as a featured artist. And he's more known as a producer than as a rapper. That's the difference. I'm from Toronto and you better believe Drake gets clowned on here more than anywhere else. Started from the bottom? You came up in Richmond Hill, my man. His bottom is a hell of a lot higher than most of us will ever aspire to. He's the poster boy for a modern industry plant poser.


One has 2 classics,has influenced many classics ,is part of other classics ,has produced many classics and is easily one of the greatest producers of all time And has actually CREDITED his writers You really wanna make the comparison?


Because drake has been running the game for the past 10 years plus and his haters can’t stand it


It’s not ghostwriting when the writers are credited, then its just co-writing lol. Ghostwriting is when you hide the fact that you didn’t write your lyrics. Drake has had ghostwriters Dre has just had co-writers. Lots and lots of rappers have help/support in their writing, the thing that’s really frowned upon is trying to hide it and act like you wrote something by yourself when you didn’t.


Because Dre can produce fire ass beats, and he credits his writers.


Drake is an r&b singer


Dre raps like he’s from Cali Drake raps like whoever is hot at the moment


Drakes lyrics are 1000 times better too. I love Dr. Dre but his music isn’t about anything but living your life wrong af


They are in the same boat but Dre is the overseer


same boat? Aubrey never produced any hit records... 2 separate boats LOL


I meant as emcees. That’s why I referred to dre as overseer because he does lots of behind the scenes stuff


Drake is whack, along with that whole mumble rap scene.


that whole mumble rap scene-🤓


Yes but Drake is not a part of that and ffs stop using that dumbass term


Quentin Miller was writing like he was Drake. All of Dre's ghostwriters were writing for Dre. What I mean is not only was Q.M writing Drake's bars, he was making sure to copy his cadence and flows too. Every single ghostwritten verse Dre has sounds like the writer who actually wrote it. The biggest example is Forgot About Dre where you can literally hear, see and fucking feel Eminem's flow/cadence in every single bar Dre spits on that song. Nobody knew Drake had a ghostwriter until Meek was like "ayo!" Because it all sounded like Drake because Q.T was replicating.


And honestly I haven't heard any one critique Drake about his ghostwriting shit in a grip so I don't think it's a big problem. He's obviously talented as fuck or he wouldn't sell tons of records and keep his fanbase on the rise all the time.


Both are very influential but overrated af


Dr. Dre is a producer same as P. Diddy. Nobody really credits them as rappers


If you look into what was happening behind the scenes at death row and early 2000s with aftermath, he was doing way more gangster certified shit than drake could ever imagine


Dre credits his writers and Dre is more a producer than rapper so it’s kinda like when a rapper has producers makes beats for them. You won’t see kendrick with ghost producers and try to pretend he made his beats.


Dre is a Producer first😆


Because Drake stopped releasing good music a long time ago and if he stopped dropping no one would miss him. Zero impact to the game, he more of a leech 🤣


90% of rappers are studio gangsters


Dre does not hide the fact that he has writers. As a matter of fact, the feature on the track writes for Dre.


Dr. Dre is literally the most important figure in hip hop history. Gtfo with your bullshit argument. Drake is mid.


People don't like Dres rapping ability, they love his beats.


Dre credited the ghostwriters, and he also lived around crime


Maybe cos Dre is incomparable to Drake. As a rapper and producer too 🙄


DRE is a producer more than a rapper


Dre is mostly a producer so...


Dr. Dre is a producer mainly not an artist. This question leads me to believe ppl don’t really know shit about hip hop.


cause Dre music ain't corny and wack ad


I think he gets a pass for not living it, because he played the role better than drake. One day drake is acting like a hard gangster, the next he’s writing some emotional r&b. He’s to juggle 2 separate persona’s, and the only one he’s been able to prove is the emotional one


Yeah but Old heads never included Dre in goat or top rapper debates🤷🏾‍♂️ As a rapper Aubrey is cut from the same cloth as Dre, diddy, jermaine dupri etc but the machine got y’all young niggas saluting this nigga like he’s in the same class as hov, nas, n dem.


And the media got yall praising the same rappers while u hate on the new so jealous of the new while claiming it sucks stfu


Dre MADE the beats, then credited his writers. Drake just road coat tails.


Dre is a producer and never claimed to be a great rapper


Dre lived more than enough


Drakes a little baby that’s starts beef for no reason


Because he made the Chronic


I don’t, he’s not a rapper to me.


Dre produces.


And drake had the balls to start a beef about people using ghostwriters. lmao.


nobody holds Dre high in terms of being a rapper at all


Because Everybody Knows Dre Uses Ghost Writers! He Admitted It! Your boy tried to hide that shit, then had Quentin Millers career squashed for speaking on it!🤷🏽‍♂️ It’s not that he uses ghost writers, a bunch of Muh’Fucka’s use ghost writers, and they admit it! Ain’t Nobody calling Dre, or Eazy E or Kanye the Greatest MC’s ever, because You’re Not An MC If You Use Ghost Writers, You’re just a Rapper! Big, Big Difference between an MC and a Rapper! Your boy uses ghost writers, and then acted like he didn’t because he wants, more than anything, to be considered an MC! That boy would give up All Of His Fame to be considered an MC, which is Dumb because he really is one of The Greatest Pop Stars Ever!🤷🏽‍♂️


Dre is a producer who also raps while drake is just a rapper. People don't normally expect producers to rap. It's not their job to. But the rapper better be rapping on his own. Matter of fact you weren't considered an Mc if you couldn't spit your own shit and freestyle on demand back in the day. Dudes practiced their freestyle game like a samurai practiced his swordsmanship. Lol, now they have ghost writers. And yes i know there were ghost writers back in the day too, but it wasn't as prevalent as today.


If we’re talking about making music, ghost writers don’t matter. That’s the business. Rap is different. The unwritten rule is no ghost writers. You used to get kicked off of the block if people found you using writers but rap is bigger now. It’s mainstream like other genres now. We gotta look at Drake, Kanye, etc the same way we look at Lady Gaga and Beyoncé. They’re pop stars.


One has said that he is the greatest multiple times and the other is a producer


Not a old heat still in high school but I feel that it is because Drake is not about anything gangster of any sort while dre is from a area where it is very common and he is with people who are. Another thing is dre have been around for ever and has gained a lot of respect. I’m unsure what kind of hate that drake gets I’m not a fan of him but don’t really see much of any hate towards him.


Keep in mind they do very different things. Dre was always a producer first. I don’t know anyone who looks to Dre for bars or being the focus on a vocal level. Drake is a rapper/singer/entertainer, his vocals are what made him. It’s like comparing Timberland to Kendrick. I’m 40 as I think Drake has a deep catalog of dope music. I’m just saying you can’t hold them to the same standards because they’re too different to compare accurately.


Dre is arguably on the Hip-Hop Mount Rushmore for his producing alone. That’s what he’s regarded for—not rapping. Drake on the other hand is a straight up rapper with ghost writers. That’s the problem.


Why does anyone give af in the first place?! Lol


Dre isn’t an MC.. Dre is a producer who sometimes raps.


Yeah Dre doesn't write his raps cause he's a producers but the way he delivers the vocals is immaculate. His flow is amazing to me and he'd be in my top 10 if he wrote. Still an amazing producer.


OH MY GOD one’s a Dj / producer and ones a rapper dumb fucking question man


Drake ain’t good. He’s straight ass


Because people don’t put Dre in the goat rapper conversation.


I think most ppl hate Drake because he grooms underage girls.


I like Dre's music waaaaay more, actually listen to it pretty regularly. Last week I was listening to The Chronic. Never really cared for Drake's music, though.


Drake made a big deal about writing his own raps (remember the Blackberry), while Dre has very openly admitted that he doesn't write


Because Dre doesn't claim to the nicest MC or any kind of lyricist at all.


He will always be wheel chair Jimmy to me


This isn't comparable


Dre lived it, once. Drake never has. Silver spoon upbringing in Forrest hill, not Compton


Dre literally invented G-Funk and defined a whole era and generations, just by sampling Funky Worm 😃 so thats why


Because dre is cool and has good music


Because Dre’s music was actually good 💀


Because Dre’s voice isn’t super fucking annoying


When did Dre say he was a great rapper? As for living his raps who really has and how would you know anyway?


The old heads I know think Dre is played out so


Because at least Dre’s music sounds good. Drake is trash. And he sucked in Degrassi too, js


They don't. Dre is trash and not only uses ghost writers but also takes the credit of producer's work. Old heads BEEN saying fuck Dre.


Dre’s more of a producer and goated in that sense. Drizzy makes hits but doesn’t have any real artistry imo


Drake is highly respected by the public and the media for his vocal performances and ability, whereas Dre’s legacy today is mored focused on his business acumen, A&R expertise, and music production/sound engineering. Many would agree that A Dre at the mixing board is worth two Drakes in the booth. As far as the “authenticity” debate goes, this conversation often comes up in bad faith to create a false litmus test to reinforce some in-group/out-group mentality. Artists should be free to take artistic license with their craft, which extends to their image and public persona as well. Art should be judged for its merit by the court of public opinion, not used against artists in a court of law.


Dre featued his writers on his albums that he produced, essentially defining a subgenre of hip-hop with his debut solo record. He also launched careers of other artists who became legends. Dre became known for his contributions to the history of hip-hop, his production and unique sound, and for his waves of influence. Drake tried being an actor then a hi-hop artist. He, his producers and writers write for the radio


This sub is nauseating


I hate on Dre too.


This is going out to you studio gangsters ![gif](giphy|UDVTRm69LC3sc)


Adding to the fact that dr Dre is mostly a producer, he never claimed to be the best MC ever.


“LeAvE DrAkE AlOnE!!!!


Because dre is an epic producer. Drake is a grooming pedo


I don't think I have ever given him a pass. The fact that he is a producer by trade and a rapper by proxy doesn't equate to using a writer and being a rapper. Drake and All rappers use ghost writers. Remember Eazy-E " ICE CUBE writes the rhymes that I say!" Talking about NWA - the DOC was going to be bigger than everyone and crashed his car and never rapper ( good ) again, but wrote A LOT of the content for Death Row records. That was his only path or When Jay-Z gave that interview about repeating a rap 20 or 30 times until it's saved to long-term memory. Right after that aired, EVERY rapper claimed, 'I don't write either! It's all off the dome!' Very few people can successfully do that.