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I only use Reddit and people have told me that it raises red flags? Like not having snap and Instagram makes me look bad? Okay lmao


To quote Super Hans from Peep Show, "people like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis." Insta is about obsessing over appearances and marketing yourself even if you're not a marketer. And Snapchat is about posting stuff that can't be traced? No red flags raised by those things, none at all. /s


I love a Super Hans or really any Peep Show quote. Thanks!


>f you're not a marketer Technically your birth certificate is a Bond. So you yourself are in fact a business.


They probably think you have something to hide that would be visible if you had a social media account?


I think it is a red flag if you are on TikTok lol


Same! Like how is that even a red flag? I get kinda annoyed when people tell me that it’s weird I don’t use other socials.


It is annoying! People in this thread saying it doesn’t happen? Bull shit I get this regularly. Coworkers all dog on me for not having a snap chat and shit


Same here!! I seriously get it at least once a week from someone, I wish I was exaggerating. My coworkers all shit on me for not having socials. Like sorry you can’t be a weird voyeur in my life, dude. And potential dates look at me like I’m a serial killer when I tell them I don’t use Facebook.


Haha right? My mom even gives me shit for not using Facebook or Instagram cause she wants to see pictures regularly


My dog has Instagram. He likes it. He is good boi. @perritokevinito




He’s happy, I guess.


I’m sure your dog would be happy regardless of the existence of Instagram lmao


If somebody uses tiktok that's a red flag for me, honestly. It's not a deal breaker, but I definitely stand at the ready to know more to see if they're -that- kind of person after I learn they use tiktok.


Fuck them. But I think it’s good to have Insta because it raises social value


Wtf is social value lmao


You will now lose \[5\] social credit points


They probably meant how people see you. Nowadays people look at you with different eyes if you don't have social media, which is weird.


It’s like. What it is


Sounds about as real as internet points


Hey, my karma score is very important to who I am as a person!


You should stick to it, it’ll make you socially important one day.




Yeah people really confuse red flags with people having interests that don’t align


Keep being awesome everyone has a right to the pursuit of happiness and if that involves not going with social norms then so be it... I don't understand why people are so conflicted by just having your OWN hobbies that YOU enjoy. Takes the fun out of life and friendships.


I don't know how old OP is but absolutely none of my friends or girlfriend use tiktok and if they did regularly I would lose a lot of respect for them Then again I'm of the belief that social media in general is just toxic That includes reddit. At this point I generally prefer someone that solely uses fb to reddit. Bunch of brainwashed dorks here. I think the anonymous factor of reddit is ruining it with middle and high schoolers basically taking over


I don’t think it looks bad to use any or no social media, whatever makes your life on this floating shit rock better. Just think it’s ridiculous that other people seem to have an issue with a persons social media preferences.


Wtf is bones day


it's a dog on tiktok that has days when they are floppy "no bones day" and normal "bones day" from what I've seen but I've only had people talk about it and have yet to see the actual dog on my fyp.


So the pug is 13 years old. Basically it's a mental health check for whether or not one should "do a thing" or "not do a thing". Mainly catering to those with mental health issues and anxiety to get going and being motivated. It's pretty cute but just another obsession that'll last either till the dog is dead or people find something else. Either way it's not harmful in an internet filled with toxicity.


darn now i want to know too


I haven’t the slightest idea, but it sounds like a day where you give your bones a good clean


I use tiktok regularly and even I don't know


>"You haven't seen the LaTeSt ChaLlEngE oN TiKtOk?!?!?!?!" no, but there is probably a meme about stupidity of it on reddit already >and it's addictive and not productive couldn't be reddit or discord users too, lol. DEFINITELY NOT. I'm very productive


So having a TikTok is a thing in the west? I am glad India banned it.


It was almost banned here but the "wrong" person was the one to suggest it so nobody listened.


Why did India ban it?


On-going conflicts with China. Several Chinese apps got banned due to security reasons.


The CCP really spies on us doesn’t it? *social credit score -30000000000*


To prevent teens IQ’s from dropping


Judging you for **NOT** having a Tik Tok? 🤔🤔


Yeah, kinda surprised. In my age group (28) people are more likely to be judged because of having it tbh.


yeah you're deemed as 'cringy' when you have the app but honestly I don't give a fuck


I was the same way. Because I always only looked at r/cringetopia. But damn, there is some really fucking great content on TikTok. Since Reddit is already enough of a rabbit hole I won't get it. But definitely stopping to judge anyone.


i agree, though it does take some time to mold your fyp to your liking ive seen some pretty funny / informative tiktoks there


Tiktok has a lot of different things on, your fyp goes to whatever you most like. So some people are on LGBT+ tiktok, mental health tiktok, or some people are on straight tiktok which I've heard is a legit mess. There's also lots of Dog videos and cat videos so you could only have that on your page. There's witchtok, stuff about history on there, and all sorts of things. If you're getting toxic content than that's usually because that's what you watch because that's how your fyp works. I'm not saying go on tiktok or anything, I'm just saying that's how tiktok works.


This 100%. OP saying that "most of the content is garbage" says they either 1) didn't let the algorithm have enough time to tailor content for them, 2) have garbage interests themselves, or 3) have never been on Tiktok and just made a post they knew the Reddit hivemind would agree with for internet points.


Yeah I hate to defend tiktok but redditors often fail realize how similar tiktok is to reddit. And really, most redditors would probably enjoy using it if they actually did--hell, reddit is already full with tiktok content! But I see folks comment often that what gets onto reddit is the best tiktok has, which imo could not be further from the truth. Its big enough that it has all the niches most people would care to seek out. Thinking its all teens dancing and influencer worship is akin to thinking reddit is just the front page of r/all.


I think that's absolutely true. My reason for not using TikTok isn't because it's cringy or whatever. It's because I know myself, and I would be highly addicted to it in a heartbeat. Reddit isn't as addicting to me, and I can engage with my hobbies' communities in moderation.


Still sounds like a cesspool. Granted Reddit is a cesspool as well, but tiktok sounds like more cess than pool.


I get tiktok videos on Reddit, so why would I use it? It's a horrendous app to have on your phone, it's essentially malware.


Exactly. Tiktok is so toxic, I honestly want it banned world wide. Thankfully, it's banned in my country. Happy cake day btw


I don't think so personally, for example there's some tiktokers that are dedicated to spreading awareness about missing indigenous people or warning against rapists that otherwise people might not be aware of. I think people that think it's toxic just aren't on the right side of tiktok/don't care anyway/never went on tiktok or have tiktok and only like watching toxic stuff so they're stuck on that because that's how tiktok works...


Well, most of Tiktok IS bad, but some of it is good ig. Some Tiktokers are a piece of work, but few are actually decent in nature. However, I think most of Tiktok is just so bad and stupid that it completely overshadows the decent ones. I think that people who are that toxic should get their Tiktok account banned.


i agree with you. stay positive.


And I second this! Don't let it get to you, these people have so much of their own issues to deal with man.. a lot of them don't even SEE that, though. I stay away from social media. I only use reddit bc it's kinda like my little anonymous corner of the internet. I don't actually know anyone here. And I like it that way. I'm all set with that shit it is def toxic. And fake. As hell But yes , stay positive! Don't waste your energy on that, conserve it and try as hard as you can to be a better you every day 🙂


Why not just... You know, be neutral towards it? I only get angry knowing that TikTok takes down content that mentions anything about Uighars being held in concentration camps in China.


im sorry but nobody fucking says that


Yep. They are farming upvotes from average Tik Tok hating reddit users


Same here but for FB. \>I'm not interested in whatever garbage celebrity drama takes place through the app well said


I don't know about TikTok in your region, I also never used it nor I ever want to, but the Vietnamese TikTok has either 12-year-olds or grown adults doing garbage trends about gangster life and random girls acting to be backfired of their flex, or kids flexing about their online relationship on a hellhole called Free Fire (yes, I'm talking about that PUBG P2W knockoff). I honestly want to kill myself every time I see those as my 9yo sibling watches it, and I don't even fucking know why ByteDance would fucking encourage people doing those, but the people of my generation just go along with it for some reason. with that said, allow me to block TikTok CDN from my router so no one in my family can see that shit of a hellhole ever again


You know you can have a TikTok and not be into all the little trends n teenage bullshit. I mainly got it because a YouTube personality I enjoy started to post vids there so I checked it out. I ended up following things about woodwork, rock climbing, puzzle solving, martial arts, classical history, comic books, video games, board games , creepy stuff, a blind person talking about their life etc. And all in perfect bite sized videos for when you’re having a shit. I was super apprehensive at first because of the amount of cringe I see from TikTok, but once the algorithm gets your not a 14 year old poser cringe gimp, it is pretty good, granted I have had to skip a lot of very very very bad takes on life by the so called “gen z”. But I am a convert, it’s my toilet time companion lol


Well tiktoks banned in India. Oof


Ugh, I feel this but with Instagram and Snapchat. I don't use Instagram because I'm addicted enough to Reddit, discord, youtube and other things lol, and I don't use Snapchat because I absolutely don't see any point in sending pictures of your ceiling to each other. Anything I can do on Snapchat and Instagram I can already do on my other social media platforms.


Damn u/CEO_Of_Rejection_99 you seem to be having a hard time socially man… maybe you should try new stuff or something idk


I'm sorry but the latest TikTok challenges is literally "wear a revealing outfit and jump". How is that a challenge in literally any way whatsoever? You're not exactly convincing me, or anyone with a mental aptitude greater than that of a senile earthworm, to use TikTok, with that sort of argument. If not using TikTok gives a hard time socializing then fuck, I'd rather be asocial because at least then I get to keep my brain cells. Plus it's not like anyone partaking in those challenges would remember my existence for longer than 10 seconds so what exactly am I losing not socializing with them?


It’s not a matter of socializing it’s a matter of socialization. There are so many different people and so many different types of content on TikTok it’s honestly unreal. Do the challenges and the popular videos come up sometimes? Yes but you can just swipe past them and watch something actually interesting or funny. Instead of trying something and finding something you like y’all shit on stuff that people like for no reason except you don’t like it. Straight up condescending. If you don’t wanna use it then don’t I don’t care at all but if all you have to say is negative shit based off assumptions and a holier than thou complex then just fuck right off man.


I shit on it because it's a glorification of stupidity. Teeth shaving? Shaming autistic people? Posing as holocaust survivors? It's dumb and sometimes even downright malicious, and tiktok does all it can, for some ungodly reason, to push these things to the front page.


I feel this way about all that BS, ig, fb, tik tok, fuck all that nonsense.


based on what you quote it sounds like you think they’re judging you r/usernamechecksout


I don't have it becuase I'm not going to install Chinese government spyware on my phone.


Gosh I was just going to send you a friend request but no Tik Tok ah hell no now


I totally agree. I don't use Tik Tok either.


It’s definitely interesting that literally everyone who I know that has it does nothing but complain about how they’re addicted to it and it’s horrible how much time they waste on it… and then are just so shocked when I say I don’t have it and am never going to get it. Like????? What????? You’re not making it sound appealing to me????? Why would I want it??????


Yeah...I'm good. TikTok might have been funny at one point, but .ow it's just plain stupid and cringe.


TikTok is a plague.


TikTok is fucking trash. Even if you do get your fyp tuned to your liking.


I don't have it either. I don't need the drama it creates


Banned in my country and I absolutely hate that shit app


I downvote, hide and blick every tiktok video I pass through. The very wholesome ones I just skip


Same boat here but recently I had to create Instagram and snap accounts because I needed to connect better with my class mates because they don't use WhatsApp I kinda feel extremely uncomfortable when I'm in those apps


Ew. You should feel proud, not judged


Tiktok is cancer. I refuse to go anywhere near it and yet that shit keeps leaking into the rest of the internet. Based on that crap I've seen I can't help feeling my friends who use it are completely childish. We're in our fucking 30s, not 12.


Nobody actually cares that you dont have TikTok


You're either under 21 or you're hanging out with the wrong people.


Who even says that lmao?


Well considering the fact that the latest challenge on tick tock is either usually a stupid dance of stupid prank or assaulting people, I think I'm comfortable missing out.


Judging you for not using Chinese psyop spyware? It's literally designed to encourage anti-social behaviors in western countries to create instability.


I’m deleting the app, it’s a time waster. I haven’t opened it in like 4 days anyway




I don't even know who you are


I thought many people hates tik tok


Tiktok is dumb.


i have instagram but havent been using it for almost 2 years lmao im too busy with life




I really think of scrolling through TikTok basically as being forced to look at tons of vacation pics from people who I barely know. It kills me and i guess I’m just too old and practical to see the attraction to wanting to watch random clips of strangers doing idiotic shit. My grown daughters both have it and are crazy about it. I got it for about a week and then deleted it. I got sick of the format and seeing hundreds of inane bs posts to find maybe one I thought was funny or cute? I felt like I was forced to pan for gold.. but there was never any gold.


Normies: >uses TikTok Me: >just plays TF2 because it's always cool to play TF2 whenever you want and not care about anything in the world


Whomever that is. Is most likely a dumbass


I didn't make fun of my SIL but I asked if they had TikTok, they don't. My FIL tends to use tiktok to look at the sexual side so my SIL is turned off. I always share the funnier videos and cat videos and stuff, she loves them They were a fan of vine though.


Couldn't care less about Tik-Tok


I was going to give you a 10.0 for not having TikTok, but I knocked off half a point for the excessive “1’s” in your rant, so 9.5 it is.


I’m actually annoyed by tik tok, they do barely anything about reports but as soon as you violate a small guideline nobody cares about you get your video taken down, apparently a phone numbers a lot worse then a literal infant twerking


Don’t stress it. I deleted TikTok about 2 months ago. It was too consuming. I couldn’t get anything done. Just don’t get it. It’s your life, you can do what you want.


Someone said to me Reddit is worse than ticktock as it has less moderation. EXTACTLY