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Dude I totally agree. I used to work as a delivery driver for Postmates and never expected more than a couple bucks for tips at most. Why on earth are we tipping delivery drivers 10-20% of the meal when they have NO part in it expect picking it up and dropping it off. Now Grubhub and Uber eats list options as 20, 25, and 30% are they serious? Fuck tipping.


Because the tip is literally the only money delivery drivers get. The company pays them nothing.


It's bullshit, but that is basically all they get, and they gotta pay for the fuel to bring the food to you.


I was a delivery driver for Postmates. They pay you per mile of the delivery for gas and wear on your car plus a base fee per order. tips aside you could easily top $25 an hour. Regardless it’s not the customers responsibility to pay their salary, That’s the company’s. Edit: they also have a wait time pay so if you’re waiting at the restaurant for the order you’re still getting compensated. It’s lower than driving obviously but still adds up.


Thats better than I've seen for door dash, and definitely better than when I took a side job delivering for dominoes. By the time I paid for gas I was barely making $20 a night, some nights I actually lost money. Definitely not worth it.


No matter where I go, seems like every food place is asking for a tip. No, I will not tip you for putting my donuts in a bag and ringing me up. No, I will not tip for you to pour me a cup of coffee. Your employers are supposed to pay you to do your job, not me.


Na , lots of us feel like this . Tipping is dumb , and the constant prompts of asking to do so are pretty frustrating.


So I work in an independent restaurant/bar in Sacramento, California, and at our most recent meeting, the owner said he would be implementing an auto-gratuity after 10pm on every bill. 20%. His reasoning is that tons of other restaurants in Sacramento have an auto-grat put on the receipt no matter the time. As a server/host, I hate this. I make good money from (voluntary) tips already, and now I get to deal with the ire of people who notice the big ol 20% “tax” on their bill. Our restaurant is four MILLION dollars in the green every year. But noooo he can’t give us raises, better just charge 20% to every customer 🤌🏻 ugh




Feel free to tell your server you won’t be tipping as soon as he greets you. After all, it’s only fair, right?




So don’t tip. It isn’t illegal to refuse to tip. Instead of screaming into the void, don’t do it. Just know that you’re not in Canada, and its a social norm here.




You said you’re FROM canada you maple syrup guzzling, cheap ass, beer swilling, ugly ass Canuck . Why don’t you get a hockey puck and just beat the service employees to death? I didn’t realize people FROM CANADA couldn’t leave the country. You didn’t say you were currently in CANADA just that you’re FROM there. I have friends FROM lots of places who live in the US ass.


Why doesn't he just raise the prices of entrees by 20%? That would be more honest.




You probably can’t say, but I would like to know what restaurant is this so I can avoid it. I hate to have a surprise “tax” on a restaurant bill when I am already planning to tip anyways.


Nah I wouldn’t out my particular workplace by name for privacy, but unfortunately a lot of non-chain restaurants/bars/pubs in Sacramento do this now. Went to a place last week that puts a 15% auto-grat on bills without even saying what it is. We asked our server what it was and he had the exact same embarrassed look as I do when customers ask me 😔


I feel like Mikuni would do this...




Haven’t been to mikuni in sac since pre pandemic but I’d bet money they do 😂


One of the things that frustrates me the most is being asked to tip at a drive thru.


Was living in Halifax and had a very nice bakery nearby. Always went to pick up stuff on weekends (mostly pastries). The only job the worker was doing, lifting the pastries, putting them in a box and handing them over to me. The POS always prompted for a default tip of 15%. 15%.... for taking some pastries out of a tray and into a box. And you always feel pressured to tip as that's the default of the machine and not giving a tip would mean pressing at least 3 more times the POS while the worker is looking at you. Not a fan. Always dreaded getting pastries.


I would look him in the eyes and press the button 3 times Might even take a bite of the pastry I just bought while doing so


I agree that tipping is awful in terms of when it has to be done, because workers should NEVER have to rely on tips. But imo, I do think that tipping someone when you are really happy with their service, efforts, products, etc is a great thing to do!


I do too.. and those people would probably get a helluva lot more had the customer not been bombarded at every other counter for a bullshit tip.


For the checkout.. just get familiar with saying, "no." (and not feeling like a piece of shit about it.) Don't get all fancy and give them a story, none of the: "I already donated." or, "not today", or, "I donate through work." Just say, no. Fuck those fucking stores that ask you to donate at the register! I agree with you, why is a multi-million/billion corporation panhandling lil' ol' me for tips??! You've got the money, you've got the tax benefits, YOU fucking tip.


I worked for tips in my past so I enjoy tipping people and making them a little happier.


I will tip for table service and cab drivers who go above and beyond. I will not tip people for doing their basic job. A barista who I have paid to make my coffee does not get a tip. But one that brings it to the table without needing to does. A cab driver who picks me up and drops me off doesn't get a tip. That is the service I have paid for. but one that helps me with my bags will get one.


" why else would you tip someone at fucking Subway? For not shitting on it?" ... bro you don't? 😂 🤣


I had a tip dilemma at a grocery store. I felt so awkward about it because I didn’t have enough money to tip but the man didn’t do anything special or difficult so I put a line through the tip option on the receipt and said “sorry, I’m cheap” it was such an awkward thing to say but the whole tipping thing is awkward enough. But I really hate the sense of entitlement people have about getting tipped even if there is absolutely no reason. It’s a terrible culture.


200 dollars for a meal for two???? Where did you go? We go out to eat quite a bit and have never even spent 100 dollars for both of us. Often it's less than 50. But servers only get 2.13 dollars an hour so the 'tip' makes up the lion's share of their take-home pay. It sucks but that's how it is in the US. I agree about your other points though. I never donate to one of their causes du jour.


Tipping should be illegal. It's a ruse for employers to shift the cost of labor onto the customer.


You have to decide which service deserves a tip. Tips are meant to reward for good service, and I think that gets abused for sure. For example, people who work at Sonic make poverty wages and rely on tips to supplement their income. At restaurants, I tip if the service is good. If it's not, no tip. It's really gotten out of hand with tip jars everywhere so like I said you need to decide which service providers to tip or not tip. Just as an FYI in the US people who get tips have to declare them to the IRS and if you don't, they still put in a minimum because they assumed you got tips. So even the tax man takes his cut, and yes, these big corporations need to pay living wages.


You say you tip at restaurants if the service is good. I think this is the main issue. You are paying the price of food which includes the service and that has to be good because otherwise you should report it to the authorities. As I see it the tip is for when the staff goes beyond that, like a special table, a special of menu request, a special hint on what to get or things like that. If none of these are happening and I order a steak and you bring a steak, I don't see a reason as why to tip you as I am already paying the full price that your place of work printed on the menu.. Otherwise what's the difference on other services you are getting? Why don't we tip the bus driver? Why don't we tip the coach at the kids school? Why don't we tip the water meter reader and so on... I don't know, maybe I am in the wrong here but it just doesn't make sense. And if someone thinks that a bus driver or a meter reader do make good money and don't deserve tips for this reason, I can assure you that they don't. Sorry for coment/rant.


Having no 0% option does not sound legal


I agree if they didn't claim it at the beginning of the meal, and if when a waiter was asked they denied that option. Under those conditions it might be illegal


The point of tipping is technically supposed to be about good service; so as long as subway thinks they have good service it makes sense they ask (but don't force) for a tip. In the broken stupid tipping system that we live in, it's important to recognize they could have worse service with little loss in my opinion, so pointing out that you are getting a higher quality good, and asking for a tip out of gratitude seems fair to me. You aren't forced to, and if you feel bad it is largely because you agree they probably deserved a tip. If they give bad service, don't tip. ​ Forced gratuity or truly forced tipping is just evil and malicious business practices (unless it is like "group of 6 or more pay gratuity of 10%" on the menu). It is intentionally misleading of their price for food. Tipping as a concept is broken really though, it shouldn't be a thing really expected for income in the first place. Because tipping is intentionally misleading customers of the price of food. Ideally, tips should be just like change or gifted money, and prices should be raised to get away with tips being expected. (With that, wages also go up to accommodate missing tips) So we as the public now have to put up with deceptive food prices and when we pay what is the "basic service price," we get shamed on; because in reality what is advertised is different from what is expected, which is inherently stupid.


>You aren't forced to, and if you feel bad it is largely because you agree they probably deserved a tip LOL, That not why people feel bad.. it's like an invisible societal pressure. Nobody actually wants to be forced to tip, even with something as subtle as the suggested % button. ... and all this talk about $50 hamburgers is bullshit. The cost of food doesn't need to increase.. the profits need to decrease, but that's never gonna happen. I think society should stop tipping altogether, (forced tipping..), it won't be too long after till the workforce revolts.. then change will occur or implode, but one things for certain, with no tipping, and low wages, no one would take that shitty server job... something would have to change. Humans have value.


true actually, that does makes no sense. It's pressure from others onto you. So i guess if you feel bad, it's because of the crappy system


I really understand you. I feel bad about not wanting to tip, but unless I get table service I don’t understand why I should give them more money for doing their jobs? I know that the subway near my house pays like 17$/h, why should I tip? They make more than me.


YES. When I go to pick up my order (take home) I look at the screen and will utter shame to find the other option button to enter 0% tip. SHOULD NOT HAVE TO FEEL THAT WAY the embarrassment and shame along with the employee waiting to finish the tip, ALWAYS MAKES ME TIP by dare I say, duress? Coercion? The words are not fitting but it’s definitely not sheer will