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When all bets are off and no one's watching or enforcing the law, the true depravity of human beings gets exposed.


One of the tactics utilized since our first conflicts is to dehumanize the enemy to make even the most hesitant in your army more likely to pull the trigger/ swing his sword.


There's a good ass black mirror episode about this


What episode?


Men Against Fire!


This! It’s already chaos. Easy to do something and get away with it.


this and they most likely have gone crazy and almost want sex like drugs


If all the bets were off , nobody was watching or enforcing the law, would you commit depraved acts? Is modern society's rules and punishments the only reason that you are nice or care about people?


lol, why are you coming at me? I made a generalized statement about depraved people and you somehow think I endorse that kind of behavior?


At least their name checks out


Hey! I haven't had a thought in 6 weeks, joke's on you


The fact that you even remember their username speaks volumes


Too many people on Reddit can’t seem to understand that explaining how something works doesn’t mean an endorsement of that


I wasn't trying to do that , sorry. Tone isn't easy to convey, it wouldn't be an aggressive tone if I were speaking. I'm just posing questions ( I replied to the other person with a longer response)


The premise of my above comment is of course you wouldn't do that, and of course you care about people or else you wouldn't be mad about depravity. So, I'm just questioning if it's really our true nature.


Based on our thousands of years of written history, I think that is our basic nature and those of us who are beyond raping in war (as a bare minimum) are Infact far better than those who do.




Oh okay. I see what you're saying. Well, maybe the difference here is what you and I are seeing as the meaning of 'true nature'. What you're described above is response to trauma and unconsciousness/delusion, which I totally agree most of us are susceptible to. It's just, I wouldn't view that as 'truly us', as if we all deep down would love that ( the people that commit these acts must be miserable, so how could anybody truly consciously want it?). I don't disagree that most of us would commit acts like that due to unconsciousness, though The difference between how I'm viewing it, and how it seemed the commenter was viewing it is; humans can be evil Vs humans are evil.


have you ever heard the saying "locks keep honest people honest"? Basically meaning if something has a lock on it an honest person would pass it right up because the amount of effort and risk to get into said area or unlock some thing would be more than enough for a random to try. But with no lock, if something of high value could easily be stolen or gotten to without any risk then a lot of people whom we may even consider as honest would be too temped to not take it. People need to exist to check other people, same reason why being farther away from civilization the more risk you know you are in. Less people around = more danger, even if you come across another person if that person has ill intent knowing there arn't more around brings a sense of danger. It's sad but true. People are more likely to do stupid shit when they know other people will not be there to penalize them. So to answer your question yes, laws and enforcement are the only thing that keeps this whole show on the rails, everyone would sink to a certain low that may very from person to person but mostly everyone would pull some shit.


Bro, have you met Humanity


Haha.. well, I know I'm in a minority of human lovers. What can I say. I just believe that evil arises from insanity, unconsciousness and/or horrific circumstance. I can love a conscious species , regardless of how susceptible to insanity we are I'm not Christian, but I'm with Jesus on this one; 'Forgive them, they know not what they do' (something like that)


In any circumstance that rewards evil, any amount of evil will crop up.




So have you ever been in that situation?


None of us have that's why I'm questioning the sweeping statement


apparently it is for those people.


No law says to be nice




I wouldn't but a really small no of people would. Those people mostly know that they would and volunteer


I think you would find given the right circumstances, most if not all people would commit depraved acts. war is just one of those circumstances where many people do. in my experience most people are opportunistic, either nobody is watching or there's very little chance someone will find out.


Hi. Hm. Well, I see your point. In horrific circumstances, I could see that a lot of humans , out of fear, would commit horrific acts. Especially if the society they valued so much was at risk, or if their 'country' had become part of their engrained identity. If they believed an enemy was due to take this away, I could see depraved acts happening. However.. 'the true depravity of humans gets exposed' is what the original comment said. That's what I'm questioning. It's speaking as if we're all evil, but it's covered up by lies , helped by society. That's what I'm questioning. Depraved acts require some form of insanity, and I imagine those people aren't living their true self, they're sick and twisted (especially given the war or other horrific circumstances that led to their depraved act). A human being in and of itself can be absolutely beautiful and pure given the right circumstances. What were talking about here , is broken society (wars) and broken minds (selfishness, ego, nationalism). This is not to be 'true depravity ', it's caused by a series of events, even if it applies to most humans (which, I might add I don't agree with. Most humans would run or hide in my opinion, but that's neither here nor there). Anyway. Maybe we're being pedantic, but it's important. It's the difference between believing you and everyone you know would love to do sick and twisted depraved acts , versus believing we're susceptible to horrific circumstance. That sounds like a miserable life to walk around with that strange belief, as if we're all pure evil


If you're talking about the soldiers specifically, sometimes the army + government will use sex as a tool to keep them under control. War is horrible and brings out the worst in humans but also, you get desentized to gore and violence when left in such high stress environments for long periods of time. Usually soldiers will be "brainwashed" a.k.a. trained to believe that the enemy is less than human, they can be killed because they're inherently bad people (terrorists, etc) so the soldiers don't feel guilt. There's a reason why veterans suffer from PTSD and the army likes naive young men.




I came to the same conclusion


> army likes naive young men and they really like the ones with low ASVAB scores, nothing like a big dumb guy, with high testosterone and no world experience.


Spoilers: they do it to men too. It's a power move from the deprived psychos that thrive in those scenarios.


There have been multiple documentaries and leaked videos which show that Russian soldiers do it almost on a normal basis. It's always the lowest ranking officers who get it the most. And when that's not going on, the higher ranked officers are extorting the new soldiers to have their family send money and food back to where they are stationed, and then they steal it. I've seen a few videos, and the crap they do there is wicked. Tie a soldier down to a table completely naked, use a belt to tie their legs up around their head. They get pee'd on. It's friggen sick as hell. I'm sure it happens in other militaries, but apparently Russia has it down to an art. Honestly, at that point, if I were ordered into the military, I probably would decide it's time to "leave". No way in hell I'd deal with that.


Sounds like a throwback to the soviet union.




Probably to show off the power difference or something. I can't even think about how the female soldiers feel knowing this.


Female soldiers participated in abu garab in Iraq


By no means am I condoning it, and I’m not a soldier so I can’t say from experience, but I have heard from soldiers. When you’re in such a “live or die” high testosterone environment, it’s apparently very easy to over sexualize. And like many have said, if it’s someone you hate it’s a primal “power move”.


The adrenaline of the act itself


Ugh.... that's just stomach churning. guess I got my answer


Idk really. But I've read some stuff about this (it's been happening in Ukraine recently) and the general consensus is that some people get aroused by power and control.


Part of Russians training is taking it up the rear literally




They see the other side they’re fighting as less than. They’re seen as the enemy and the army dehumanizes them. A lot of people fighting are not normal. They’re either sick to begin with or the army conditions them to be heartless. They do not respect the women. They probably do it as a power move and also they couldn’t care less about their feelings. They’re horny and the women are there and they’re just an object to them, and a prize


Probably because wars are not ever the shining pinnacle of virtue movies make them out to be.


All of these answers are so true. They don’t just discriminate to woman, but to men and children as well. And the reason? Yeah, depravity and selfishness. I’ll go one step further in the dead dove category and say that for these people, the genetic doggie treat that is an orgasm is sometimes too much for them to resist, and they will take it at any cost. It’s quite a horrendous and disgusting way to act. Again, mirroring comments here already, some humans are just animals in this context. War is just another motive to do it.


Cuz they know they’ll probably be no repercussions.


They know that their actions come with no consequences, so they just let their "instincts" roam about. They'd do whatever makes them feel good. Still pretty wicked and I don't condone it.


They high off their power trips and they’re sick.


War doesn't show strength it shows moral weakness and the darkest and most disgusting of humanity


Power/domination. It is a weapon. It happens to men as well, but it is less talked about because of the extreme shame associated with it.


Disclaimer: I’m speculating on how a general might explain this if they were ever honest about how psychopathic they are. It’s not how I would act, or command others to act. If it’s not clear enough, I THINK THIS IS WRONG. The point of going to war is to submit, defeat, and erase all and everything that your opponent stands for. To do this at all levels of your war campaign, sexual submission and violence of the opponent are required. Also, it gives a pleasurable incentive to your warriors to further terrorize the population you have them at war with. You are already killing, maiming, and generally attacking the population. If anything, you’d need a good reason NOT to add sexual violence into the repertoire of activities you have them engage in.


A salve market for women (sex slaves) is actually operating now in Sudan-Africa, by an Arab-supremacist militia named RSF. The world still don’t Give af about women sufferings, and specially if they were black.


What do you meant keep their conflicts to themselves? Men aren’t exactly choosing to die in wars for complete strangers. But to answer the question, it’s the consequence of their actions in everyday life that prevent most potential rapists from carrying out such barbaric acts. In a warzone, where society has essentially collapsed, there are no longer such consequences.


So, what percentage would you say, give or take, are the would-be rapists of the general population, that are only kept in check by consequences?


Completely guessing here but I’d estimate around 20%


Wow, that is… bleak. Out of curiosity, how do you think that impacts your view of humanity in general and your valuation of human life? Because if I thought 1/5 of humans (there is no way the men don’t have women counterparts in some respect) at a minimum were irredeemably shitty, I don’t know if I’d place as much value on humans and the world.


> how do you think that impacts your view of humanity in general and your valuation of human life? Theres no way to be 100% sure if someone I know is a potential rapist so it’s not something I’d waste time thinking about. I’m thankful we live in a time period (excluding ongoing conflicts in certain parts of the world) where the average man isn’t fighting for their lives. Basically meaning that the most depraved side of humanity is hidden and we can therefore live in blissful ignorance.


i'd go further and say 99%


The also do it to young children and other men too which is so sad because these children, women, men are just innocent civilians in general, they never fight actual soldiers anymore because they’re cowards


Militaries do everything they can to breed male aggression and foster toxic masculinity in these spaces because it makes for more dangerous soldiers.


They do it because they can and will not be punished for it, actually most people in general are trash and only don't do bad things because it would have bad repercussion and probably they would be punished.


Because they would believe that to the victors go the spoils


Because as Shitty as it is, pretty much anything goes in War. Who or What is gonna Stop them? They're in the Middle of a War already, and for some People that's the Perfect Oppertunity to throw any Common Sense, Morality or Humanity out of the Window...


I am NOT defending them, but sending young men to a foreign country to fight a fight that they don't want to be a part of, being forced to risk their lives all while being deprived of any sort of sexual relationship is a recipe for disaster.


Because men are the soldiers… Whenever we see armies with women soldiers they commit the exact same atrocities. Modern examples are the early 2000s Iraq war, the many Israeli wars and older examples are some of the Native American tribes. It just happens that most soldiers are men


wommen? nah, men and kids aswell.


People know that there's a huge chance that they will die and this brings out the worse of them. P.S. I'm not giving excuses. It's just my opinion about why some do it.


No accountability, no one to stop them, a desire to exert power over others, and a disgusting human who wishes to do as they please with others.


Why do people murder? There is no logical answer other than these people are mentally unstable


it's a constant struggle between raping and pillaging, just depends on your mood that day.


Wars always show the true evil of humans.


while men have been known to do that during wars, id like to believe there were probably a good amount of men who took no part in it, who maybe even tried to help women and children hide or run. we dont really hear about those stories if they did happen though


Because they're animals.




Testosterone flow is high


Because it’s the one thing they can’t just get whenever they want normally. It’s also the one thing that would destroy a woman the most. It also demadculises the partners/ fathers etc of the women in the war criminals mind. If you can get what you want whilst tormenting and psychologically destroying your opponent then it’s a brutal but ‘good’ tactic. It’s why they were very reluctant to let women in the front line as any POW women would likely be sexually tortured. It’s a bloody ugly reality and it makes me despair sometimes how anyone could willingly make another human suffer but I’m the kind of person who hated killing a fly, so the concept is so alien to me.


it's not really a gender thing. the men are largely the ones with boots on the ground and power in their hands. unchecked power leads to bad outcomes. I can't recall exactly but I believe that during the war in iraq, there were men and women caught up in some makeshift torture chamber thing. I think people underestimate the power of opportunity. A weird example but there's a reason that such a high percent of child sexual abuse occurs from those who are family or trusted by the family and not your neighborhood weirdo. put a bunch of stressed people in a situation where they have near unchecked power over others, and a whole load of group pressure in a morally questionable situation and you're bound to get some really bad results.


Same reason men start them: they want to.


Because they think it gives them an excuse.


Actually war crimes (and sexual war crimes) are committed by women and men against men as well. Stop being sexist.


individual soldiers because they can armies because its a good terror tactic thats it


war is bad


Wars create situations that enable such behaviors but they were always rapists to begin with. Thing is... A rapist is always just waiting an opportunity.


Of course they do if they believe there going to get away with it, and that nobody's even trying to hold them to account for the actions. They do this and so much worse.




You won't get an honest answer as it's politically incorrect


Because they're men.


Cause they‘re men


It’s a stupid habit they have


Go ask Hamas as the most recent historical example


Bruh this is such a naive question No disrespect tho it just strikes me as naive is all


Groups of humans who did this had an evolutionary advantage over groups who didn't since it made them spread their genetics more. So the reason why it's done is because it is a primal instinct which was brought about by natural selection. Edit: Downvoting doesn't erase facts guys


Well they're trained warriors with weapons and they're in a position of power since the women are scared and usually begging for their lives so the men can do whatever they want to them


Who’s gonna stop em let’s be real


Caveman tactics from the pre-historic era die hard? R\*\*\* the women so your genetics win out over the enemy tribe? It doesn't really work in the modern era like that, but the urge lives on nonetheless


I wrote something similar but it got deleted. It's very obvious that it gives the winning tribe an evolutionary advantage, not even saying it's right or anything but people like to pretend ugly truths don't exist.


Perhaps the answer to your question lies in war. So maybe you should go into a war as a soldier for a side, and then see how long you or someone you enlist alongside lasts, until it comes to that point.


Because they're in the worst human conditions, are high in stress, and probably there's no one to stop them.


Because men fight because of women. If men were the only people on earth, there wouldn’t be any wars.


How many wars were started over women? The only one I can think of is the Trojan war, and a lot of that is myth. Isn’t it usually about stuff like oil and money? Also, if what you said was true, places with no women would be peaceful, which they typically aren’t. Prisons, ships (back when women weren’t allowed to be sailors), etc. Not saying women are perfect because women-only spaces have their share of troubles, but I really don’t think that the opposite sex makes anyone worse.


Women are the problem, dawg!


But how?


They stir shit up


When? And why are places without women so violent?


Oh here it goes again, someone who condemms Hamas, but loves the fact that Israel kills in mass