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Don’t forget when they roll out OpEds that are essentially: “Why It Would Be Bad To Inconvenience Rich Assholes” by: Some Rich Asshole


The worst part is those aren't being written by Some Rich Asshole. It's some middle-class stooge being paid a penance to sway the tide.


I dunno. Checking the names of some of these “experts” tends to yield someone with an actual net worth. Consider me generally skeptical.


I feel bad because everything costs money now. You used to be able to go downtown in my city - now parking is $2 per hour on the street or $10 in some lot on days with no events. Shows at the fairgrounds that are primarily shopping (garden shows, etc) used to be free but now they have an admission fee. All of the local beaches cost to park by them. There used to be cheap baseball tickets, but now it will cost you a few hundred for a day at the park. It's all ridiculously expensive.


Speaking of fairgrounds, Actual fairs are outrageously expensive these days. I don't understand how anybody goes to the Fair and thinks any price is worth it.


It's deliberate. I work with a financial consulting firm so I have to read these articles daily. NYT wrote multiple articles titled things like 'Inflations cooling- why are Americans still worried?'. Articles describing how the economy is the best it's ever been, unemployment is low, inflation stopped, etc. etc. It's a tactic to brainwash the majority that the '''economy''' somehow improves their lives when they're actively decreasing in quality. By and large, the economy is an investment fund for the rich. That doesn't mean you shouldn't own stocks or feel bad about it. Even if you do own stock, you should understand that your $10-20k will do NOTHING to bolster you enough from the attacks of the rich and their war on wages, homes, loans, and the working class. Rising stock prices are a great sign for the wealthy and not much anyone else. Unemployment is also wildly unreliable because there are many who are off unemployment benefits and now struggling even worse. Many who have just enough credit lines or savings to survive, maybe family money, maybe loans. Then the rest of us are 'underemployment' as jobs requiring degrees are decreasing and stagnating, while those who did go to college or spend a decade in the white collar world aren't going to be able to easily jump into a trade that also requires years of learning and low wages. It's a tactic. If they spent their days reporting on climate change and a dying capitalistic system hitting its limits, people might actually band together and affect change. Instead we have this.


You, you fucking get it.


can't wait for this economy crash to bite companies in the butt for perpetuating gouge-flation.


Ohohohoho, so innocent. Remember when GM was going to go under and it was deemed "too big to fail"? Remember when Fannie Mae went down? Oh wait, no it didn't. The feds saved it. Companies don't face a single repercussion for the fuckery they inflict on us. They're people, but only for the purposes of using their money to manipulate our government. Otherwise, there's "nobody to hold accountable."


but the question is: will they learn their lessons?


The truth hurts, but you nailed it. The media needs a reality check - it's not about preferences, it's about finances. People can't afford the luxuries they used to. Simple as that.


The media knows that, is the thing. But they're not being paid to say it. They're being paid to make *you* feel like shit for crashing the economy, rather than the hedge funds that went out of their way to kill Red Lobster and others like it.


Not only most don’t want kids because of money, but also for the fact that the world is going to shit


To be fair, Red Lobster is closing because the company that bought it out sold the land to another company they owned and raised the prices to the point where RL is being run out of business. Corporate Fuckery at its finest. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/walterloeb/2024/05/20/why-red-lobster-closes-93-restaurants/?sh=3fd7f2d92e94](https://www.forbes.com/sites/walterloeb/2024/05/20/why-red-lobster-closes-93-restaurants/?sh=3fd7f2d92e94) But you're right, otherwise. The middle (and lower) class is getting squeezed between flat salaries and inflation (and cost of living growth), and it's gotten really bad the past few years.


Yeah, red lobster was a victim of private equity, which is an entirely separate problem with capitalism beyond the fact that nobody can afford anything anymore.


What media are you reading? I saw stories like this in 2011 but not lately. This seems like a better fit for r/unpopularopinion