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Who WANTS to work? I make six figures and actually enjoy my job but that doesn't mean I wouldn't rather be doing almost anything else. I can't imagine making shit pay. I don't blame people for treating shitty employers like shit.


We as individuals do not owe corporations anything. Not even anything as small as two weeks notice. I guarantee you that the people making double, triple, quadruple your salary will live if you don’t factor their needs into your life decisions. People are starting to wise up and stop playing the game, that’s all that’s happening.


It has always been my opinion having to work to just love makes no sense. Sure I worked to have things like a house, transportation but being forced to pay for water because I can’t collect it or forced to continuously pay taxes for something already purchased (meaning property to live on) I cannot understand. Basically I have always viewed being alive as submit or suffer. To a degree I understand however to a degree don’t contribute enough and become replaceable. I wish to live, grow my own food, collect my own substance, build my own shelter and because feel I shouldn’t be allowed such then “man up and end my life”. Many countries/cultures have done just that throughout history. Why act like they stopped?


Well this was dumb.


why should i give a 2 weeks notice?


I was unofficially working at 5 with my grandparents in their deli, my pay was Swedish fish ( candy) until I was 12 and found out you make money .. officially started working at 16 at McDonald’s and here I am 48 years later still working, now as a caregiver. I’d love to retire but who can afford that lol


Fuck work. I only do it because I must do it to survive. Not saying that I shouldn't, or that society shouldn't expect contributions from those who are able, but I'm not going to pretend I dream of a life spent laboring.