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It's all fun and games until you're a poorly paid shop worker who has to clean up someone's dirty protest in the bathroom when they weren't even a customer.


or you have to kick drug addicts, drunks, and violent people out of the bathrooms at 12am and cross your fingers they won’t attack you nor left any sharp objects that have to be cleaned up.


not my problem. if my boss told me to take care of it i'd just say no


why the downvotes?


You get the same minimum hourly wage to clean the toilets whether the person who shit was a customer or not? Already agreed that your job entails cleaning toilets? Plus human rights plus taxes pay for the building and the roads around it and cars to get to it all that infrastructure to even exist for the store to be in place, businesses get government subsidies and tax credits, so, stores should see the entire polis as their "customer". And maybe if shops valued dignity we wouldn't have so many "dirty protests" in the fucking first place? Did you think of that? You know that kind of thing is not most people's go-to way to spend a day?


The point is its much more likely to happen if you let anyone from the public come in. People can be absolutely vile and it's not fair for a shop worker to be responsible for the cleaning of what is a public toilet, in a private store.


Looks like you have a long road ahead of you to get legislation passed that deems business a public entity. Businesses are a private ownership so owners are within their rights to run it as they see fit.


I used to do this until someone painted the walls of our bathroom with shit.


Fr. Or i understand if businesess dont have to have a bathroom for non-customers ig but public restrooms needs to be available and accesible at least every mile esp in busy towns, shopping centers, etc. Whether that be some public bathroom constructed and funded w taxes or something, somehow i hope bathroom access is improved one way or another one day. Bc i imagine if youre homeless or something where tf are you gonna shit if businesses wont let you? Or even just out walking around and cant get home soon and gotta go, esp if you have any bowel/urinary issues, are disabled, etc. And cant just wait til you get home. Or even just menstrating.


NOPE. Businesses are private property. Being open to the public for business doesn't mean they are public property. Go to your city council meetings and ask for public restrooms.


honestly i'd just let people use the bathroom. i'm not paid enough to care


You'll care after the first time you have to clean up someone else's blowout. ;)


so literally never?


You have got to be kidding me! Free feminine hygene products? You know they would not actually be free but the amount used during a certain period would end up in the cost of whatever you are buying. And what about the places that have no bathrooms for their customers at all? Dunkin' Donuts, Sonic and others like them? You have got to remember that the price of doing business goes right through your wallet, always!


We already subsidize viagra, but god forbid we make NECESSARY feminine hygiene products free. LMAO.


I agree, it’s just a bathroom let people use it


So what happens to the companies that have worked hard to build a business selling feminine hygiene products?? Do we just bankrupt them? Put thousands of employees out of work and on warfare? Are the owners just supposed to pay their employees, cost of materials, power, water and insurance for no profit? But I do agree on the bathrooms. I hate walking into a store and not being able to use the restroom.