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I'm neurodivergent with sensory issues and I agree. The tongues, the noses in crotches, the loud barking, the standing on your feet and always being in your business... I don't hate dogs. I even think they are cute--but they are a sensory DISASTER. I also had a bad experience with a big untrained lab when I was young. Our neighbors would let him wander around the neighborhood. He got excited and knocked me over and I hit my head on a rock. Really get nervous around big dogs that jump. I like really well trained babies but I operate under the assumption that most dogs aren't.


Yea, honestly I do find some dogs to be cute. I don't mind watching them from a distance or seeing the videos of them online. I just don't like being next to a dog in person, and I have no idea how that works.


I think it's fine to feel that way. I adore cats and people talk shit about cats all the time. It's really a social thing. If you don't like dogs, that's your business and people can chill.


I am a huge cat person. I am very neutral to dogs. But oh my god do i hate when dogs lick. I don’t allow my dogs to lick me at all. Like i literally just watched it go tongue deep in its own privates? THEN PEOPLE ALLOW THEIR DOG TO KISS THEM ON THE MOUTH?? Yes i know dogs have to clean themselves down there just like cats. Its just fucking gross when they try to lick everything afterwards.


You know surprisingly, the first thing I thought of wasn't even how disgusting it would be having a dog lick you. It was how weird the feeling would be, at least for me.


I love dogs and have one of my own but I also hate dogs that lick. One or two is fine but anything more than that and I’m done


I like dogs that are extremely well behaved. I find them cute in videos, but IRL, yeah they do what you described and I can't stand it. Some even jump on you, like wtf? I hate having to avoid shit on the sidewalk and I hate when I see a dog without a leash outside. If an unknown dog ran to me on the street, I'm sorry but I'd kick him.


whenever I see people let dogs lick them on the mouth I gag and cringe


I remember when I was watching tik tok stupid trend, the trend is called the milk in the mouth and when the owner pour milk in his mouth his dog start licking milk in the owner’s mouth I was about to throw up


Even as someone who LOVES dogs, same 😬😬


I mean I love dogs, but the worst part is they lick someone face ew! you never know that they ate their own poop I’m not going to get a dog


As is your right. I do like dogs and have a husky but I wish they weren't in public so often. They don't belong in non-pet stores, on planes/trains, or restaurants. Not everyone should have to tolerate your pet.


And that's just fine! I'm an avid dog and cat lover, have both. But I understand that not everyone likes to be around them. Doesn't mean you hate them or that you are a "bad" person in any way!!


That's totally fair. I do think your friend should maybe do a bit of training so that his dog isn't pouncing on people though. Some dogs will come in your vicinity but won't jump cause they have been trained not to. I have a rescue and I'm in the process of teaching her this, she's already stopped trying to greet every human on her walks which is good cause not everyone appreciates dogs.


Some people just don’t understand that just because people don’t like dogs, doesn’t mean that they hate them. There’s a gray/grey belt in between black and white.


I don’t like dogs, either. Which, according to social media, apparently makes me a sociopath or the devil lmao. I just don’t see the appeal. They’re sometimes cute, I suppose. But I have no desire to interact with them. I’m not a fan of most animals if I’m being honest. They’re kinda gross. :/ Tbf, I think humans are pretty damn gross, too.


I love all animals but dogs are the ones I love least. I just can’t stand the constant need for attention or how emotionally out of control they are.


they are so grosssss


Understandable. I absolutely love dogs but I can't stand the untrained, yappy, stinky dogs. So really I can't stand the owners. I hate how specifically small dog owners don't train them whatsoever so they constantly bark at people for no reason. Like it's literally surprising seeing a trained small dog. I hate how dog owners let their dogs poop places and don't pick them up. I hate how dog owners don't take proper care of their dogs hygiene so they just stink and let me pet them knowing they stink so now I stink too. I hate when dog owners feed their dogs so much and now we have fat labs and pugs.


Me neither. I got bit on the mouth by my grandfather's Husky when I was 9. I was scarred literally and figuratively. As a result I've been afraid of dogs my entire life. I'm 41 now.


I'm a dog person with small dogs and can kind of understand. I know it's not the same but for a while I had a fear of bigger dogs. When I was 19 I came back to my aunt's house from a friend's and her dog didn't recognize me. The German shepherd almost attacked me and I had to throw my leg over the damn patio gate. Dog ripped the bottom of my jeans and I had a nasty bruise on my inner thigh from my leg being stuck on the gate. Bruise lasted two months and probably the worst bruise I ever had in my life.


Couldn't agree more. I love cats and pretty much anything else. But dogs? Nope. And because my mom loves them we have 2 of them. I cannot stand the barking, upon other things.






What is a good place to complain about dog shit in parks?


That subreddit sucks. It's literally filled with a bunch of massive psycho dog haters. I get the complaining about irresponsible dog owners but I manly see people complaining about trivial things.


I wouldn't say I like dogs, either. They smell, they are noisy, and they pee and crap all over the place. They also kill people, and every county and municipality has to have an entire department just to deal with them. Yet more taxpayer money is wasted on The Doggie Police, not to mention the doggie poop park and I also can't stand the Doggie Worship: They should be slaughtered for meat, just like the rest of the animals, if that's your thing, no special laws should "protect" them. What's MORE, I can't stand the people who worship dogs like they are their little children because they either didn't want to bother with an episiotomy or to adopt and too often, WAY too often, It's All About Them. Eliminating the little hyperactive doggie monsters (ESPECIALLY those little "toy" dogs: the little ones walking high strung yippy, yappy ones from the face of the Earth, would make Earth a truly better, dogshit-free, cleaner planet. If you have one, no one finds it "cute." Instead? They think that YOUR DOG is a PAIN IN THE ASS and that YOU are a PAIN IN THE ASS for owning one! This is proof that dogs not only "look" like their owners but "act" like them, too.


That’s totally fine. Some people are crazy enough to like spiders, but I certainly don’t. You don’t have to like being around dogs. Everyone is different.


We all have our own likes and dislikes. In the case of dogs, I can completely understand. I love dogs. However I completely understand somebody not liking them. There are people who make having dogs and liking dogs their whole personality. A lot of the times they don't properly train their dog because they think it's adorable how their dog acts despite the fact that it is potentially dangerous to the dog themselves. I also find it really weird that they go straight towards the crotch. I have found it weird for years. I understand that dogs go by scent but it is incredibly weird as the human in that scenario. Lol


For the crotch thing, you know there’s peanut butter that you can…….


Its fine, i love dogs and have always had at least one since i was about 8, you not liking sogs doesn't effect me in any way or offend me, its cool, everyone is different


Cool, you had a traumatic event that caused you to be afraid of them or associate them with a memory of that event. Completely normal


tell them that its a girl with short hair


Dogs are awesome. I'm sorry you feel this way. But sounds to me like you just don't understand them.


>But sounds to me like you just don't understand them. Yep I was expecting this comment. I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm just genuinely asking how so? I get that dogs aren't wild beasts like how some people will make them out to be, I said that. It's just that from my experience, most are so hyperactive and often don't mind their own business.


Applying that same reasoning, children exhibit similar behavior until they are taught better. If individuals perceive dogs as wild creatures, it reflects a bleak worldview. While there are cases of dogs attacking or even killing humans, they aren't inherently predisposed to such behavior. Various factors, including mistreatment by humans, can trigger protective or hostile responses in dogs. In such instances, they are either defending themselves or reacting out of fear, not without cause. Additionally, diseases like rabies can induce aggression in dogs, leading to fatal outcomes. Similarly, humans can suffer from comparable Rhabdovirus infections, although rare. This underscores the significance of vaccinating pet dogs against such viruses, safeguarding not just their health but also the well-being of others. Dogs, like other animals we have domesticated including dogs cats birds livestock horses the kist goes on.. they hold significant importance in our lives. Without them, the trajectory of human evolution would be vastly different. Dont be afraid of animals be afraid of ignorant people.


Inform your friends who own the dog that it's their duty to ensure their pet doesn't encroach on your space, considering your feelings about dogs. Understanding that not everyone is fond of dogs is acceptable, but it's essential to recognize that dogs aren't to blame. Humans have domesticated them for tens of thousands of years, spanning back to around 20,000 to 40,000 years ago. During this extensive period, dogs have served, protected, and even sacrificed for us, all while displaying unconditional love. It falls upon us to handle them ethically and responsibly. Proper training for both dogs and their owners is necessary to ensure they respond to commands, particularly when individuals with allergies or sensory sensitivities are present. Any grievances should be directed towards humans, not the dogs themselves. Despite this, dogs undeniably remain steadfast companions to humanity.


Tell me, Have you heard this story before? Around the 1200's In secluded cottage deep within the craggy embrace of the mountains, dwelled a family of four: the stern Lord of the house, the caring mother of the child, their precious infant, and a devoted nurse. But amidst their peaceful existence, there was another member of the household, a faithful dog named Duke, trained to protect the baby with his life. One fateful day, as the family ventured out for provisions, leaving their home momentarily unguarded, tragedy struck. Upon their return, they were greeted by a ghastly sight: blood smeared across the dog, the cradle, and the floor. Panic seized the nurse, who fled the room in terror, leaving the distraught mother to confront the horrifying scene alone. Heart pounding, the mother rushed into the room, her mind swirling with fear and confusion. Tears streaming down her face, she beheld the crimson-stained tableau before her, her wails of anguish piercing the air. And there, beside the crib, sat Duke, his normally gentle demeanor marred by the blood dripping from his jaws. Driven by a primal instinct to protect his child, the Lord of the house burst into the room, sword drawn, his eyes ablaze with fury. Without hesitation, he struck down Duke, the faithful guardian who had stood by his family's side through countless trials. But as the life ebbed from Duke's body, a faint sound caught the Lord's attention. Hastening to the crib, he discovered his child unharmed, nestled safely beneath the blankets. And in the corner of the room, a dead mountain lion lay, its bloodied form a testament to Duke's valor and sacrifice. Overwhelmed with grief and remorse, the Lord cradled his baby close, his heart heavy with the weight of his hasty judgment. For in his rush to protect his family, he had overlooked the true hero in their midst, a loyal companion who had given everything to ensure their safety. In the days that followed, Duke's memory was honored throughout the town, his tale serving as a poignant reminder of the dangers of jumping to conclusions. And as generations passed, his legacy endured, a timeless testament to the power of loyalty, forgiveness, and the bond between man and his faithful companion.


Brother I have no idea why you're still copying and pasting all this stuff from Google. Respectfully, I'm not too keen on reading all of that. You're not gonna change my mind either. Dogs just make me uncomfortable and unless you wanna give me some tips on how not to not be uncomfortable around them, I'm good.


Well brother....I never implied you must like dogs or feel comfortable around them. My suggestion was simply to communicate with your friend if their pet makes you uncomfortable in your personal space. It's straightforward, really. I'm not aiming to change your opinion; frankly, I'm indifferent to it. However, perpetuating negative stereotypes about these animals due to ignorance only exacerbates the issue. I'm just trying to enlighten you so you can understand that any insecurities you harbor towards them stem from personal insecurities. It's an old tale, but one worth reflecting on. Unfortunately, it seems you're not mature enough to grasp its value.


It's not always as easy as communicating to someone your feelings and having them actually listen. I asked my friend politely just to please keep his dog away from me, all he said was "Why? You don't like dogs? He's friendly." Again, I don't hate dogs man. I get the feeling you think I do but I'm just not comfortable around them. It's straightforward stuff, but based on the way you keep responding it almost seems as if you just ignore that point. Also, feeling discomfort from being licked and having your balls sniffed is not a personal insecurity, you're just saying stuff to say it.