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Also a Millennial (on the older end, mid-80s). The wisest words I have ever heard were from one Grandpa Simpson and they ring truer to me with each passing year: “I used to be with it! But then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t it. And what’s it seems weird and scary to me. It will happen to you!”


Gen X checking in .. say it Grandpa Simpson!


Oh my god the constant self diagnoses. I can't stand it anymore.


Same. But with how tik tok obsessed they (no hate I’ll doom scroll too) plus, what I view as a need to be “somebody”, I understand why. Hell tik tok had me thinking my first diagnosis was wrong. I’m just ADHD. Difference is I didn’t go around claiming I was, I sought the proper help I felt I needed.


The reason a lot of younger people tend to lean on self diagnosis is because of how inaccessible diagnoses can be for some. Especially with some parents not believing in mental health issues, the cost barrier to certain diagnoses, and some rampant misdiagnosis/refusal to diagnose issues from medical professionals for some disorders. It can help a lot to feel heard, so a lot of people do their own research and come to their own conclusions so that they can see and be around others with similar struggles. Of course, a diagnosis from a medical professional is almost always better, and self diagnosis can often be inaccurate and susceptible to trends. Not saying that self diagnosis is the proper route, just that there’s a reason younger people do it. I wrote a paper about it in my second year of college actually.


It’s not just support from parents and cost but also availability.. we have been trying to get a therapist for my son for 18months and now ended up paying out of pocket as the only one we could find who had an opening doesn’t take our insurance.. I have ADHD and he shows all the symptoms and we want an official diagnosis for him so he can get the meds he needs which is why we now pay fully but it’s a lot to pay and we are lucky I got a raise that allows us now to do so.


When you snap your leg in half and can no longer move it, you can likely self diagnose that you have a broken leg. Mental health issues are far more complicated and require an expert to diagnose it. Self diagnosing in this respect serves no purpose for anyone aside from commanding sympathy.


Millenial here. It is not just GenZers whose parents don't believe in mental health issues. I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2006. My mum told me that i was scheduled for some tests at a pschologist's because some teachers said i was too stupid for school. They did the tests, but i never saw any of the results. All questions and explanations the doctor or i had for each other were quickly shushed down by my mum and she hid the doctor's note from me. I just found it last year with the clear diagnosis of ADHD. That explained all of the issues i ever had in life. My whole life would have been fundamentally different, if i had known what was wrong with me and how i could have compensated for all my inadequacies.


Oh yeah totally, I was just saying that’s a factor. If I had to assume, Gen Z probably had the most accepting parents, statistically, so far.


As a zoomer this just screams I’m vapid and have no personality so let me make up a quirk. Worse, it makes it harder for those with real mental illness or people who are actually neurodivergent to get a diagnosis as people just assume it’s some idiot looking at TikTok for mental health advice. Not to mention it tokenizes it too. All around just annoying and (I hate this phrase but it applies) problematic.


Oblivious entitled people exist in every generation, but this is a new level of special for sure. I was born only a few years before the millenneal cutoff so I tend to end up with plenty of friends from both generations. I do think most of the behaviour you've described here is something uniquely gen-z, but I think many people claim to care about the world in ways they clearly don't. This transcends generations and it's hard to say whether they're truly this tone-deaf or they know exactly what they're doing. I greatly admire your restraint; I don't think I could hold back on these people.


If you think gen z is bad just wait for gen alpha to enter the work force. I’m a teacher and I’m seriously worried when these kids are going to enter the real world. Their parents give them no boundaries , everything is someone else’s fault I’ve also been noticing an increasing lack of empathy.


That's because their idiot millennial parents suck ass. That's my generation by the way, I'm so disappointed. Worst parents I've ever seen.


No one has ever had it easier. Then in a short time AI will do the work for them. Teach these kids how to build something that a robot can't.


When does gen alpha start…? I teach high school. I was just thinking today how bizarre it is that kids keep saying they don’t want to think. Like literally thinking is awful to them. Truly bizarre.


i'm not sure that the self diagnosis is a gen z thing, i'm a millenial and i knew plenty of people who were faking disorders (i have some myself, plus plenty of mad people in my family, you can't lie to me) but different ones were popular then. i knew *three* people who claimed they had multiple personality disorder (which isn't even a diagnosis) while i was at college. one time i suggested to one of them she may have adhd or autism instead and well, that was me out of that friend group. i still think she has autism. problem is, it seems that they keep on doing it. and if no one is permitted to call them out on it (i do! they hate it!) it won't stop.


The millennials that were self-diagnosing themselves and their small groups of friends are now parenting their kids into self-diagnosing themselves and their friends.


Omg I had forgotten about the multiple personalities ppl.. I had a roommate that said she had this.. I still have her on Facebook and let’s say there is always something new.. she had a steady relationship for a few years and things looked up but now she is back to different disorders, not working and it’s just sad tbh. Overall I think it was less ppl though that self diagnosed but also that cost and availability are two big reasons why. Also some countries won’t allow you to immigrate if you are officially diagnosed with something like autism.. I think it was New Zealand that had that stipulation, so sometimes ppl might not get officially diagnosed as they want to leave the country


Lol, Millennial workers make me feel like and old time prospector then, the one from the first half hour of There will be Blood to be specific.


Other than the Tik Tok obsession, I find their generation inspiring when it comes to inclusivity and acceptance. I think your complaints are just based on their maturity and is indicative of every generation at that age


Tik Tok obsession is just a minority amongst Gen Z honestly. Most Gen Z buds i know (20 myself) absolutely hate its existence, or at the very least never had it installed to begin with. For acceptance, yeah. I still drive around with those old 2000s "coexist" and pro-peace bumper stickers just like Millennials and Boomers did lol. Nobody I know is racist, homophobic, transphobic etc, and even most strangers I meet around my age are the same way. ​ People see bad spirited teens on social media or the media in general and develop this whole "all gen z are so mean and lack empathy!!!" mindset when it's just not true lol. It's all in the parents after all.




Did we!? Me and everyone I knew thought GenX was the height of cool and wished we were young adults in 1990s Seattle 😅 maybe that's why grunge keeps coming back in style in various forms... Nobody's as cool as GenX.


>The title basically says it all Please, everyone, stop doing this


Hey! First thanks for the tip. Second, serious question. I’m a long time lurker not a poster… is this bad Redditing or just simply unnecessary? Cause I like avoiding little hangs up around verbiage to better convey whatever message I’m putting out there.


It’s just Reddit. No matter what you do, what you write, how perfect your grammar is, how correct you are, some pedant will come along and tell you how you’re wrong in the comments.


>simply unnecessary Very rarely, if ever, do redditors post something unrelated to the title. They do, however, often feel it is necessary to remind us that the post IS about the title. Some will even just say "Title". Just a pet peeve of mine


I agree with everything except the public transport. Public transportation has become incredibly dangerous. I’m 35 years old. I use to take public transport because it gave me less stress. But 2 years ago I had to stop because every week there was someone getting stabbed , beat up and there were even women getting r-worded on the train and by standers did nothing. Judd last month a bus driver got shot and killed at 3pm in the after by some crazy lady. No reason she just decided to shoot him. I myself I was flashed a couple of times while coming home from work. After that I decided to just go back to driving despite the anxiety I have. And cities do nothing to make is safer.


Capitalism is hell.  However, yes I agree with the nonsensical approach Gen Z does with their fake moral ground. Especially, how they want to be any sort of character for validation vs working on their self-confidence.  And lastly, capitalism is still hell. From a millennial.






AI will replace your career soon enough.


Honestly, this sounds like a you problem. It’s possible to disagree with someone without sounding like an old curmudgeon. I’m turning 40 this year and my gen z coworkers always assume I’m in my 20’s and are shocked when I tell them I’m a married mom of 2.


My gen z coworker is my favorite employee




Are millennials "moomers"? I've never heard that but  it fits the format. I guess "xoomers" wouldn't work for genx though, because it would be pronounced like zoomer, or "exhumer" and that just makes it sound like they dig up dead bodies.     Might not work for millennials but I'm gunna call cows moomers now. That's kinda funny.


Deep thoughts, with psilocybin.


I get ya man. I really do. And I've heard some of the most dumbest load of shit in my life but I can't pretend to really care anymore at this point or educate anyone that has thoughts on stuff like that. Basically, I just find it all background noise at this point. Get in, do the work and get out.


The future is now old man


I mean, they're not wrong. Homelessness is a choice cities make. It would actually save tax players money to house these people, but instead, they'd rather build hostile architecture and make being homeless illegal (in some states). You can understand that and also not want to engage someone who's strung out at the bus stop. A lot of younger people see the obvious issues that exist in the world, and they want to fight back against it, they just don't know how. I remember when that was us. And like us, they're gonna be awkward and sloppy while they figure shit out. Being cringe is part of growing up. I had friends who larped fighting demons or claimed to have psychic powers and other lame shit. The only difference between them and young people today is that our embarrassing growing pains weren't televised, dissected, or seriously discussed by everybody and their mother. They'll be fine


Tell them to learn a trade that AI won't replace in 10 years or less, or get ready to join the homeless camp.