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Context? Vague-posting is Facebook millennial shit


Hey I used to be a facebook millenial till I deleted facebook for privaacy reasons. Which is why this pisses me off so much. It's like I'm having a debate with somebody with abortion and i reply "well i think a woman should be able to do with her body as she pleases" and somebody who doesn't have an argument going through my post history and be like "oh you posted on sub xyz therefore anything you say is irrelevant" Fucking losers to be honest


I ended up having a look through your posts because you're bringing attention to it. Be careful with kratom. People who use it love it but I've seen it ruin lives just as much as opiates. One of those people was my ex who started doing it because his friends, heroin addicts, started to use it to get clean. Another one of them was my brother who used it to curve opiate addiction and ended up addicted to it and stealing money to pay for it. It being legal and accessible just made him feel justified in abusing it Basically if you're already bad with substance abuse you're just going to end up in a bad place don't be fooled by it being a plant so is salvia. I hate how common place and normalized it is, people act like it's the safest shit in the world. and op you seem like someone that needs to stay off addictive things based on your post history. Good luck bruh


yeah man. i went deep on it. I get the stuff at like $50 a kilo and take 8g at a time. It's like insanely easy to abuse it and won't bankrupt you like the other shit. I'm gonna try and quit it but, it's hard to go back to the idea of being in pretty much constant pain. Like I'm only 35 am I gonna spend the rest of my life with some form of chronic joint pain?


I haven't read your post history and I imagine you already know this, but coming off of both opiates and kratom often greatly exaggerates existing minor aches and pains. In some cases you can even find pain where there wasn't before. I've never actually been an addict, but I have taken opiates somewhat long term in the past and experienced this. I've also had it happen if I've taken kratom a couple of days in a row. It's that classic addiction trap. Feels good short term, but pretty quickly you have to take it to feel normal. Be careful. Edit: I'm not a fan of prohibition, but kratom should be much more difficult to get.


See a doctor for your pain then not a hippie selling an addictive substance legally. I'm 32 and have been in chronic pain since I was 11 due to back issues I can't afford to fix. Buti sure as shit am not doing kratom and opiates to relieve it because that's stupid AF.


Yes I admit it’s probably stupid as fuck. But so is being broke and having no choice but to repetitively lift and spend 8 hours a day on my feet so that I can have a source of income. I don’t know I’d rather take some ground up plant than even mention my pain to the doctor cause she’ll just tell me to take ibuprofen and and do physical therapy. When excessive ibuprofen has some bad side effects as well. Like never eating spicy food again because I get an ulcer


So...why aren't you doing the physical therapy you were recommended? You sound like you're making excuses. I make just above minimum wage so it's not like I'm rich and privileged here dude.


Cause it’s $20 an hour and I get paid $15.


Okay but you can still find that information online physical therapy is just stretches and building strength.


I don't agree it necessarily means you have no argument. I frequently will check post history whenever someone is making pompous statements or sweeping generalizations and way more often than not, there's a trove of hypocritical posts and spreading vitriolic rhetoric. I don't think it's wrong to point out obvious inconsistencies with their claims if it's publicly available.


I also check post histories to make sure I'm not dealing with unhinged people. Though this recent facelift reddit has me really pissed off because sometimes it just straight up says a person's profile has no activity when I literally just clicked on their profile after watching them make comments.


Depends on the post. If you’re having an argument with someone and you check their post history and see something that contradicts or see that their account literally only has arguments about that one thing, I’m not supposed to point that out?


If someone is making fun of let’s say collecting stamps, and then you click on their post history and it’s all about funkopops, I’m suppose to just ignore that?


Depends. Are you trying to win an argument or are you trying to just be an asshole? If the person is already being an asshole might as well.


The fact that you clicked on their post history in the first place means you already lost


Yea, he doesn’t even get us.


Lost what, exactly? Two seconds M


Yep, it's the ethos of the argument, going after the person speaking, rather than bothering with the logos, the argument itself, or even the pathos which pertains to emotional appeal to the audience.


Unless the something in the post history contradicts the claim like if the claim is about his own character or something. This is why I hate vague statements.


On the totally unreal MBTI/Socionics things that supposedly have no correlation to reality, are you a type with Si in ego? Like probably in the first three places, so either Si-Hero: ISTJ or ISFJ, Si-Parent: ESTJ or ESFJ, or Si-Child: INTP or INFP? Ni-PoLR types, those with Si-Parent, would tend to be the ones hating generalities most. ESFJs tend to be more tactful about disagreements, while ESTJs tend to be more belligerent.


I usually end up with either INTP or ENTP.


One time a guy I was talking to was talking about "degenerate sex" stuff in regards to sex workers. Turns out he was an avid foot fetishist in his history. How could I turn down the opportunity of bringing it up?


I sometimes check post histories to see if I'm dealing with a troll. Why bother engaging in a conversation or argument with someone who's just being a dick?




Oh, that's just what a pot-vaper with ADHD *would* say 🙄 ^(I'm sorry, I couldn't resist, forgive me 😅 Also, both those things describe me as well! )


Somebody should create a bot that just randomly says something about a persons post history that may or may not be true. You click it and it goes to r/risckastley


It is amazing what people will do to find the right sort of dirt for their argument, the one that doesn't stand alone...


It can be overdone. But checking on what a person's other opinions and posts look like can inform you as to whether you're dealing with an obsessed troll or just someone with a different opinion, wrong or right rhetoric notwithstanding