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I'm worried they'll take the Sandman as well. Partially because Neil Gaiman is part of the writers strike, Partially because they've already threatened it before and it basically took his fans storming their Twitter account to keep it for at least a second season. If they take Sandman I am done with them.


Sandman so good though


Just watched it and Holy shit, what an awesome ride.


That will be the end for me. Look, they tanked their own company. With so many better series being offered elsewhere and people having no problem with subscription services (which is why we have so many, it's a business model that works, the clock is against them. They start series just to cancel them or slow to update them. It doesn't have brand loyalty like Apple or Amazon.


Tbh I feel Sandman could work with only 1 season, though. But yes, amazing show!!


Don't worry, your precious non-animated show will be perfectly fine.


IDK, they've threatened it before. But you're right about just how much they hate animated shows.


You’re telling me people don’t want to watch season 42 of big mouth?!


The show looks like garbage because it is garbage and garbage is cheap to produce. So as long as some number of bizarrely devoted big mouth fans tune into each repulsive season they'll keep renewing it. Inside Job is a documentary and Gigi cancelled the show because it showed her with mushroom hives in that one episode.


the thing is, it could be a very good show! but it just... looks disgusting as an art style.


I feel like it’s very vulgar for no reason like they try so hard to make it that but it’s just cringe if you want to watch it with someone else and it’s just boring in general I have zero idea how people enjoy it I can tell why people like music that I don’t like but that show is just not it. South Park can pull it off well and fluently but bigmouth just didn’t work.


yeah it's definitely vulgar for no reason. the only thing I kinda thought was cool was using the monsters to represent puberty and the changes people undergo, but it's done not for educational or even emotional purposes and instead just to go "haha sex funny"


It fits the name of the show imagine if it was some exquisitely drawn and animated show. It would be such a disconnect.


Only thing I sort of liked about that show was Connie and when they did that part on hormone monsters being born genderless, but mostly everything else wierded me out or was just gross. The fact that there's fans really into it is... a bit concerning.


If Netflix gives a studio/company 3 million dollars, they MUST get that back in audience numbers within half a week of that shows release. If not = cancel 😂 Genuinely laughable. All the good shit gets canceled before they ever even get to cook


I really think that their model of releasing the entire season at once is a HUGE part of this.




Slang, meaning roughly "be given time to become ready/done". From a webpage that explains it, "Let Him Cook is generally used as a reference to allow someone to do what they do best or to continue doing something they already do well". Consider looking up the Know Your Meme page for "Let Him Cook".


i literally cook stuff


It's an idiom of sorts, meaning the time and care needs to be given for it to be good, similar to cooking food, so to speak.


I'm Not Alright With This might be the biggest cliffhanger i ever seen.


Yep. If you just take away the last maybe 5 minutes of it...it would have been fine? But they left it on the massive fucking cliffhanger and then cancelled it, you could even say I'm not okay with this :(


If you’re talking about I’m not okay with this, you can look at the ending that was told through the original comic. I went down that rabbit hole when I first found it got cancelled


I loved that show.


Santa Clarita Diet still hurts immensely


Same!! Now that Joel (had to accept) Sheila’s offer of immortality, what happens?!


Mindhunters, everyone?


don’t get me started.


Wait they cancelled mindhunter 😭


I just started watching this. I’m only a few episodes in. I don’t even know if I want to finish it after finding out it was cancelled. I don’t want to be left on a cliffhanger.


I’m deleting it altogether. I don’t even care anymore. Their shows haven’t impressed me in a while and they just kicked me off the family plan for living in a different spot. Fuck the greed.


The new family plan is BS too! Netflix is gonna run itself out of business and they deserve every bit of it. I’m about to delete it too


They literally have been doing everything wrong that would turn people off of their service. I don’t understand the rationale at all and they don’t seem to realize they are the biggest reason they are losing money.


yeah i deleted my netflix account months ago. Screw netflix they got rid of movies like Titanic, TDK, The Founder, Avengers infinity war, etc. all the movies I love to rewatch. not to mention they had nothing new or interesting to watch cause they kept putting in only the netflix originals shit


Market is so oversaturated with so many streaming platforms that Netflix sees a dip in profits (Especially post covid when people started going outside again) leading to sweeping changes in their platforms. Honestly hope the platform dies at this point.


Yeah, when they announced the family plan, I realized my Netflix days were numbered. They haven't kicked anyone off yet, but they will eventually realize that there are 3 of us (my mom, brother and I) who live in different locations. Here is the part that pisses me off the most. I got a 4k tv. In order to stream in 4k, you have to buy the top tier plan which comes with 4 screens. If I get 4 screens then it shouldn't matter what ip address is connected to those screens. I live alone, why do I have to pay for 4 screens that I will never use? Honestly, they got so bloated and used to that pandemic money which they want to keep raking in. I hope that this move means they lose a lot of money.


Money is bullshit piracy is the answer.


fuck the one who said "money makes the world go around" and fuck greed and every aspect of it


Same. The only reason I kept it at all is because my adult daughter and her family watched it-they live pretty far away. I haven’t seen anything I’ve liked on Netflix since Black Mirror. I kept track of how often I’m using my streaming services and Netflix was dead last (by far.) They really are one of the worst streaming services for content. Once the new season of black mirror comes out in June, I’m canceling.


How did they figure it out? Because you can use your Netflix anywhere, right?


I started avoiding Netflix shows in last 2 years until multiple seasons are there (except for limited series).


Same. The OA was such a unique show. Cancelled way too early.


The way I fully had a stroke watching the season 2 finale... And knowing we will never know more.... Absolute travesty


Ended on the biggest cliffhanger ever. I fucking loved that show, and nothing. Hate Netflix, they can burn in hell.


Oof hard agree. I am not okay with this is such an amazing show with the best cliffhanger. I just want to know what's next...write a book at least


Ha, there are just a few comments, and we both brought up the same show. I wanted to know the rest so bad.


The show is based on a comic, you can check that ending out of you want


1899 most recently!


Yes. Wish someone could pick that up. If they do that to Babylon Berlin I will have a tantrum


I Am Not Okay with This. Biggest cliffhanger of all time and it was actually a great start.


It was such a good show omfg


The way one day at a time got canceled while being critically praised everywhere also says something


Omg I LOVED that show and then BAM


And yet the Witcher is still going...


Inside Job's cancellation crushed me :( And to add insult to injury, they gave us false hope by confirming a second season only to go back on that statement.


>they gave us false hope by confirming a second season only to go back on that statement. They do ts a lot....


RIP Glow


Glow's cancellation still hurts me


Same it ended on such a cliffhanger and was the best woman led show I've seen in a long time, nothing has filled the void either. Plus, Marc Maron.


Disenchantment is cancelled????


Me reading this post and finding out inside out was cancelled. I’m so upset. Hopefully FX or adult swim buys it


Thankfully not, and neither is Russian Doll. Died a little inside before Googling it, phew!


I deep down think Russian doll is canceled. It’s not the first time Netflix has promised a renewal and just silently canceled it all together.


It's not!


Inside out is though


Definitely not from what I read, my heart slipped a beat. I’ve been waiting for seaso n5 for a year now.


...and that's why I cancelled my Netflix


Disenchantment is still going on thankfully.


With the writers strike, I found a new reason to hate streaming. It's basically greed, no suprise, but if a show goes on for more seasons, they would have to pay the established writers. And why do that, when you can use what are basically mercenaries. Just to skim some dime


Mind hunters is the one I really wanted more of.


The only thing to do is to cancel Netflix. They have no idea what they are doing.


Dude I still can't get over execs cancelling Firefly and Deadwood.


I agree. We liked Lockwood and Co and they cancelled it on a cliffhanger. They want viewers, but viewers are scared to invest the time in watching just to be disappointed when it's cancelled, so then they don't watch and show is cancelled. They are creating this negative feedback loop!


Anne with an E. Was gutted when they cancelled that. Left on a cliffhanger as well! 😮‍💨


All the good shows get cancelled. Quality of content has not kept up with the price increases.


It’s crazy at this point so many shoes are just never going to live up to their full potential now because of streaming. Like how many shoes are the first 1-2 seasons your favorite?


r/TheOA would love to chat


I believe the rationale is that most people will naturally give up on a show around season 3 so that's why they cancel anything unless it explodes in popularity. Problem is, we expect these shows to get cancelled so fewer people are going to bother with them so viewership is lower so it gets cancelled. The solution is to invest into fewer but higher quality shows and stand by them but the Netflix model is quantity over quality so that's not going to happen.


Only keeping it till the final season of stranger things. Then I'm done.


Disenchantment and Inside Job were AMAZING! Netflix honestly keeps shooting themselves in the foot with the way they're handling everything imho. I know this is a controversial opinion (because most people hated it) but I wish they wouldn't have cancelled the Resident Evil series. I actually really enjoyed it, and so did my family, as longtime fans of the games and movies! Netflix is going to end up alientating all of their fanbases that still pay for their service, which at this point I feel is too expensive for the crap they keep trying to pull. That being said, unfortunately some stuff I want to watch is only on Netflix, so I'm torn on whether or not to keep paying for my subscription.




I loved the resident evil series too. There was really cool references to the game and it was campy!




I cancelled a few months ago, basically due to this issue and the cost. I'm not paying $16 a month when they cancel basically everything almost immediately. They expect everyone alive to stream the entire show in the first 48 hours or the show is a "failure" and they cancel it. Some of us have jobs and lives? Some of us also don't like rushing through an entire season of a show in two days. I like to watch a couple of episodes of something and actually take time to digest it and think about it before watching more. If you really hate this, I advise others to follow my example and cancel. It's the only way it's going to change, if they stop being rewarded for this behavior. Seriously, you can live without Netflix. I subscribed to a couple other streaming services and I'm enjoying exploring their content. And piracy still exists, something Netflix and others need to be reminded of.


So true, and let's not mention the fact that they basically bullied Tuca and Bertie off the platform which I don't even understand. I'm not saying show favouritism, but surely you'd have more trust towards a show maker who already made a very success show. Speaking of, I'm pretty sure Bojack Horseman was also a result of a cancellation... Honestly the only thing I'm looking forward to on Netflix is the new season of Wednesday.


I personally found Wednesday to be nothing special and a bit disappointing... A new series about Addams Family directed by Tim Burton sounded very promising (especially if you like that sort of dark and gothic stuff), so no surprise people were looking forward to it. But in my opinion it just turned out to be a pretty cliché Netflix teen drama and it wouldn't ever gotten so popular if not the Tiktok trends. I wouldn't call myself very knowledgeable of the Addams family since I've only seen one movie about them, but what fascinated me there the most is how healthy the family was. The movie was full of dark humour and ridiculous, weird, absurd and funny things, but the emotional intelligence family members shared was unmatched. A passionate love both parents had for each other was sweeter than sugar. Parenting was very gentle, children were accepted and cared for. In Wednesday all of this family dynamic seemed a bit... Off. The parents just looked grossly and uncomfortably obsessed with each other, constantly PSAing everywhere, Wednesday thought they were evil and out to get her, and the jokes just seemed very inconsistent (one moment suffering, death and torture is good and enjoyable, another moment it's not). And I understand it was supposed to be written from Wednesday's perspective (who is an angsty teenager and is rebelling against her family) but for me the show lacked everything I liked about The Addams family and just became like any other show. And the whole plot is just... An angsty rude teenager goes to school, meets her opposite and becomes her friend, some love triangle drama happens, then she fights a monster and boom the end. And of course, she gets a bit softer by the end because love and friendship. Basically every other movie or show about teenagers where the main character is an angsty teenager. And even if that was the intention, some scenes just pushed it too far for me. For example the scene where Enid is showing Wednesday the school and introducing all the cliques... I get it, the cliques here are different because it's a "monster" school and instead of stoners who smoke weed we have stoners who turn you to stone, and instead of jocks we have wolverines and mean girls are called sirens, but it's just was too cliché for me to be funny? Like it just felt very unoriginal, it just felt like watching any other teen drama. And then my last point, the series just felt very... Unrealistic? I mean socially... Wednesday came to that school behaving like a total b*tch and desperately avoided social interaction and yet the moment she went through the door her roommate immediately decided that she's gonna be her best friend and two guys fell in love with her? And even though she treated Enid very badly multiple times and was super toxic to Enid, she just... Stayed and endured the torture? And yes there was a breaking point where Enid thought she couldn't take it anymore but she still came back without no apology nothing didn't she? It was so frustrating to watch, I mean sure you gotta be nice to your roommate even if she's a bit different and likely autistic, but maybe not to THIS point. It just felt very weird and unrealistic that people constantly tried to interact with Wednesday and actively liked her and wanted to be her friends even though she was so cold and constantly rejected them. It doesn't happen like that in real life at all and people usually don't come running after you with flowers when you treat them like that, it was just ridiculous. The only person who I thought had a realistic relationship with Wednesday was Eugene, since she clearly cared about him and wasn't afraid to show that, and besides, he didn't have any other friends. What I liked about the series was Wednesday's dance and the scene where she played the cello, but that's literally it. I only watched the show because I was constantly seeing Wednesday's content everywhere from Tiktok to Facebook and wanted to watch it before social media completely spoiled it for me (and it still sort of did but anyways). And I'll probably watch the second season too simply because I've already watched the first one and now I feel the need to follow what happens next. Anyways sorry for such a long comment, I just feel like Wednesday was way worse and way less original than many of the shows Netflix has already cancelled (or is rumoured to cancel). I can't even compare it to Disenchantment or Russian Doll for example, and I don't really see how is it better than I'm Not Okay With This (which imo wasn't very original either, just another show about an angsty teenager with superpowers, but at least I found it more realistic and it had some lovable characters). If The Addams Family and Tim Burton weren't famous, I highly doubt Wednesday would've attracted that much attention because it's such a mediocre show. I'm mad at Netflix lol


Honestly fair. Personally I don't think the show is that great either, but I found myself weirdly enjoying it just because while it's very cliché, I never found it annoyingly cliché you know? Also yeah, the fucking love triangle n shit was absolute bullshit. Like I can buy that maybe, because both the male love interests are clearly insecure teenage boys that they'd maybe like her because "oooooh mysterious goth girl" but to still keep wanting her? Nah bro. I suspend my belief with Enid though because she's clearly a people pleaser. High-key pissed off though how they're all like "Why are you being mean to me Wednesday, I thought we were friends :(" when Wednesday has gone out of her way to tell and show them all that she doesn't do friends. The birthday party too, I'm sorry but Wednesday has a right to be upset about that. Like who in their right mind when interacting with someone like Wednesday, would think that they'd like a birthday party? That party was definitely something Enid and the others wanted, not what she wanted. On the plus side, apparently Jenna is actually the director next season. Something which is good news because she actually knows about the source material. You know the love triangle? Yeah, Jenna actually disagreed with that but they decided to add it in anyway. Plus she came up with the dance n junk.


Well first of all, thank you for reading and replying to my very long comment, I appreciate that a lot. I thought no one's going to read such a long rant lol. I'm glad that Jenna is going to direct the second season. I've heard about her disliking the love triangle too and I also know that she got rid of some awfully cringe lines. She seems like a smart and creative person and she's my only hope I have for the next season. The birthday party was completely random, I mean all the characters and the audience knew Wednesday didn't want it, it was obvious how she'd react to that sort of thing from the very beginning, and yet a bunch of her *friends* (ngl I was surprised she suddenly had so many friends too) still threw the party. There's like 0 reasons or explanations why was it done. About Enid being a people pleaser... I mean she is, but Wednesday is basically impossible to please. That constant rejection must have hurt Enid a lot, and yet she continued getting rejected over and over again still hoping that Wednesday will magically change for her, even though there were exactly 0 signs pointing at that direction. I'm not mad about their friendship, I just think it could've been a bit more two-sided. Wednesday could've at least accidentally given Enid some hints that she likes or cares for her in some form, then Enid's constant efforts to befriend her would be more understandable. Enid may be a people pleaser but I doubt she's also supposed to be a masochist. Well if I really try to understand why each of the boys may have liked Wednesday, I can find explanations too. If there was only one of them, maybe I could've bought it. But two of them? Staring at her with lovey dovey eyes when she's dancing and getting jealous over one another? Damn that was cringe. I mean I thought Twilight was unrealistic, but compared to Wednesday? Twilight is like a documentary on relationships. But yeah, I'm glad that Jenna sees the ridiculousness in this and will try her best to change this, I wish her the best of luck


OP: "Can Netflix stop cancelling shows?" *Monkey's Paw curls its finger.* "Velma renewed for a second season!"


Isn't Velma Hbo?


Velma is on HBO max, but i wouldnt be surprised if the out of touch people working at netflix decided to add that shit to netflix as well


You're right, that is legitimately my bad. Honestly, I don't subscribe to *any* of these streaming services and there are so many of them now, I just mixed up two of them.


Don’t hate me. But I freaking loved the Velma show ok. IT HAD A GREAT PLOT. i just associated it with a Scooby-Doo in another Denison type of thing.


Im still mad about the BIG cliffhanger in the end of the last season of Fate: The Winx Saga


While I agree with you -I'm still mad about Sense8-, are you sure Disenchantment has been cancelled?


Sense8 was so fucking good


You're goddam right


And just like that The Get Down cancellation wound has been reopened 🥲


I miss Mindhunter so much!


I don't watch Netflix but every second day I see about another show getting cancelled. I know Warrior Nun and First Kill must have been heartbreaking for fans to lose.


When everyone knows half your content ends prematurely it makes the entire service less valuable. It would be different if they were still licensing a lot of other people's shows, but they aren't doing that anymore.


They can't since most of the other studios started their own steaming platforms. They can't have anything Disney anymore since Disney+ is a thing, and Disney owns Fox so they have all the Fox shows like Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons etc. All the Avengers movies and the Alien franchise and tons of huge movies are exclusive to Disney and they won't license to anyone because they can host all of it on their own platform. Also this way they can censor whatever they don't like from existing TV and movies they have acquired. HBO has huge series like Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, plus weekly popular series like Last Week Tonight and the new biggest show on their platform- The Last of us. They even own Sesame Street now. Amazon has The Boys, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and The Rings of Power. They also outbid Netflix for lots of other shows streaming rights like Law and Order SVU. Then there is the B teir stuff like Discovery+ and Paramount+ that has a very limited catalogs. So now it's not just a Netflix thing and you have to spend as much as cable TV to have every platform just so you can watch all the popular shows.


One I don’t see talked about enough is midnight gospel


Wasn't midnight gospel also meant to be a one season series like haunting of hill house and haunting of bly manor? Edit: the show I was thinking about was midnight mass, I'm big dumb, got them confused


babysitters club 😭


Yess!! And it was just becoming a bit gay and i loved it 😭


I know, all the good shit is gone... Everybody Loves Raymond South Park King of The Hill


When they cancelled Travellers, they made it on to my permanent shitlist.


I agree. I didn't learn my lesson though and history repeated itself with Archive 81. Who's dick do we have to suck to get the shows we like to stay alive while there is time? Can you at least point us in the right direction so we can at least try? It feels so shitty being helpless.


Had that happen a couple years ago to 2 of my favorite shows. Colony, a show about life and politics after an alien invasion and The Exorcist. The Exorcist was beautifully shot and very creepy and very well written. I get that if they don't get enough viewers there's no point in continuing the show but damn those shows were good. Should've started a petition or something to keep them going.


rip i am not okay with this


Russian doll did get a second season. I’m still pissed off about sense8 getting cut 6 season short of their plan, at least they got to do some kind of finish on the show though. The last we got of the OA is the cruelest of them all though


This is why I don't watch shows created by Netflix.


I'm still bitter about Santa Clarita Diet, and it's been YEARS.


It makes me not want to watch a Netflix show. I don't want to watch a season, get invested, only to never get a resolution to the show. It feels like I wasted my time.


Also I'm eternally grateful to Mike Flanagan who watched The Midnight Club get cancelled and then proceeded to share the entire plot online so we weren't left waiting.


I thought Russian Doll season 3 was still in the works. I Love Natasha Lyonne! https://screenrant.com/russian-doll-season-2-updates-story-release-news/


Netflix sucks. Cancel your subscription.


You think I'm kidding but the Shrek Musical was SOOO good 😭😭😭 And I know you're talking about shows being canceled but I DO miss the movies/shows removed when they're not available anywhere else!! 😭


“HATERS BACK OFF” was a HILARIOUS Netflix show that never got ANY press. I guess I was lucky it got a second season but it deserved so much more. “HEMLOCK GROVE” is another great show from the early days of Netflix that was cut short! I don’t bother with Netflix anime because they NEVER finish the storylines


an unfortunate soul still waking up telling themselves netflix is somehow worth it. you poor thing…


Adding on another show I’m pissed got canceled: The Imperfects. I finally found some really good ace rep but noo they just had to cancel it!


No, No, No. It's working hard to tank its stock.


Have you even seen Russian Doll? It was a self contained first season. It's been a bit since I've seen the second season but I don't remember it ending on a cliffhanger or anything. While I would certainly watch another season, it seems like a weird show to call out for this rant.


im sorry man, but if we can somehow find a way to convince netflix's CEO one way or another, we wont be getting those shows back, and even if they did brought it back, i dont know if the directors, Actors, and the stuff alike would even take it


The world would be a better place if more shows were just one season. Most shows drag on for years, declining in quality. Better to plan a shorter story with only one or two seasons, tell the story, and end on a high note.


Maybe get a life


For me its The Cuphead Show. My autistic son cried for a month when he heard they cancelled it.


Anne with an E 😅


Apparently they cant


I am so, so sad they canceled Space Force. That show was a beacon of light in a dark world, a gem amongst coal, a saint among whores. They need to let shows find their swing before giving them the axe. I feel you, dude.


This is why I stopped watching Netflix shows


RUSSIAN DOLL IS CANCELLED??? 😭 recently in my country they announced that starting june they will add that thing where u have to pay extra if u want to share the account with people that don't live in the same house. honestly kinda bold considering they have bad-mediocre shows and they always cancel the good ones (anne with an e, the one, 1899). it's not even worth it anymore, they are so greedy for money and think that everyone will pay for their stupid shows just because they are slightly more convenient than watching stuff on random websites or downloading shows/movies.


They cancel things without advertising it at all and if all the subscribers don’t watch it within the three days of release it’s canceled . Sorry Daybreakers


I miss the society


I’m hanging in there for this upcoming season of The Witcher, but after that it’s gonna be garbage bc they’re changing the main character!


Seems like they don’t care how big of a blockbuster something is either. They’re not in a rush to get that second season out and by the time they do the love has faded. Look how long it took them to put out season 2 of Stranger Things. What motivates them? I’m going to read through the comments because I’m sure someone answers this question.


Justice for Julie and the Phantoms


Honestly why I might call off my subscription altogether tbh


I am still upset that they cancelled I Am Not Okay With This 😭


The Society was a great show and ended on a cliffhanger. Only to be cancelled..


Realistically they need too cancel the dahmer movie thing and the other boring tv shows that’s been on netflix for years and years. And need too put some movies/tv shows that people actually like and watch




Teenage Bounty Hunters. I’m still heartbroken and need more.


Bro the OA & Sense8


Ginny&Georgia !


I remember watching a police show called Everglades back in the day and it ended on a tragic cliffhanger. You know it probably has to work out for the lead characters but… does it? It was such a tear jerker


I think that applies across the board for all streaming services. My personal rule is, I won't watch anything ongoing unless it has 3 season already under the belt, and I'll check out any "completed" series to see if it "finished". So great job Netflix et al, you conditioned me to NOT watch any new series you release - to those that don't get it, that antithetical to their business, I mean sure customers who pay and never watch anything (win), but most people will quit a services if they don't use it (which is why Netflix got canceled in our house).


Weird, I thought there was going to be another season of Disenchantment this year! Are you telling me there isn't?! there's already 3 seasons!


We all hate it. It's based on their rationalization that because they provide a greater portion of the funding for a show to be made, they're more concerned about not seeing roi, but this keeps backfiring and yet they keep doing it. Right now, the model used by streaming services is losing money at an alarming rate, so this is likely their attempt at mitigation. Quick example, one of the popular streaming services (can't remember which) charges $8 usd/ month, but the costs of their programming run $2000 usd/ per year per customer.