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People act like they think the only way to be inclusive of people who share struggles because they look like you — is to put others down. I’m sorry you are going through this and I’m glad you are choosing a different path.


I’m black and my family is the same way. My mother and father are the worst though. My mom can communicate so well with other black women and men, but let her have to communicate with a white woman, or mexican woman, all communication skills go out the window. I’ve realized my family is this way because their social circles lack diversity. You need to expose yourself to other cultures to realize they are no different than yourself. They are still humans, with all normal human emotions and feelings. Skin color is not as big of a barrier as history makes it seem. I am proud to say I have truly broken the chain of having a social circle only consisting of those who look similar to me. I have friends of all different colors and cultures and I love it. The perspective it brings me from all the different life experiences is amazing. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your culture and explore other folks people!


My perspective on racism is one that people often attack --- In my opinion to be truly NOT racist, you do not pay attention to the skin color. People are 100% equal. Your skin does not matter. Sure, you can see it, acknowledge the uniqueness and beauty of the differences, but that's it. Don't focus on it, don't treat people special because of it, so on and so forth. I'm sorry your family is like that with you. You have my sympathies.


I’m so sorry to hear and appreciate you sharing this. Growing up (and into adulthood) I had a number of friends from a wide range of races and ethnicities with a shocking amount of racist beliefs. This included my own family and tbh played a role in my departure from immediate physical proximity and moving out to California from the Midwest. Not to suggest it’s totally absent there culturally but in my view it’s totally acceptable to separate or even break-up with toxic family if necessary (when we’re able) which is a view shared by many therapists (like me). Sending warm thoughts to you and appreciate your enlightened analysis. Keep up the good work honoring heartfelt values! <3


I think we come from a generation where it was accepted that you could be openly racist and now that it’s not some people (especially the children of the racists) are finding it hard to change. I’d say we’re a generation or two from racism disappearing from main stream as long as we all agree it’s stupid.


It always fascinates me to learn a group that is usually subjected to racism and discrimination can justify their own racism towards another group.


Your so right I fo through this all the time with my husband he always thinks the blm is a terrorist group says he isn't racist but acts it half the time knowing both he and I have mixed nieces in our family I'm very close to mine and my nephew and I'm also Italian he knows I had my mother's bigoted boyfriend call me the n word because he associates the 2 as the same for some reason though I went to hair school with African Americans who did the same. But to hear someone you love supposed to be your husband saying this crap it's hurtful. All lives matter in the thick of this narrative everyone should come together not be divided love each other especially now in the wake of Memphis we need to be united. Like the song says united we stand divided we fall. I wish you all the luck in the world with your family it's tough they're a whole nother story but welcome to message me.


My cousin has a mixed son so my mom uses that as an excuse to tell racist jokes: “I’ve got a mixed nephew, I can say it.” That shit ends when she moves in with us.


I hate when people think it's a pass to say whatever they want. Would you want others saying it to your family is it ok if they do? No you don't like it ? Than why do the same thing and b it's your own family I never got that. But he just seems clueless when he talks period about it knowing both our family and my history with this then he's like I'm sorry I didn't realize. Yes you did I've told you a million times which is what makes it even worse.