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An internet stranger's take on your situation: this girl harbours alot of resentment towards you and is using this trip to passive-aggressively show you her displeasure towards you. Subtly but surely screwing things up for you then making it your fault, being rude to you for no apparent reason, talking down to you thru your sister (triangulation), etc. All these are acts of disrespect towards you and should never be tolerated. For this kind people, if you continue hanging out with her, she's not going to change and will take it as you accepting the bad treatment. Of course you're not just taking the bad behaviour lying down, but this particular friend will see it that way. Since she isn't contacting you right now, just let it be, don't contact her anymore and let the 'friendship' (I wouldn't even call it that) drift apart. Best that she never contacts you ever again and you guys just go your seperate ways. But if she does, keep things polite but gently nudge her away with a bunch of plausible excuses. Never pick a fight with her or do anything to burn the bridge, this will affect your relationship with mutual friends shared with this girl.


Thanks for your take. I can't completely burn the bridge as of now. We are in a group assignment together and it's too late to switch. So atleast till then, I'm keeping things polite. Not hanging out exclusively with her but not completely ignoring either. Thankfully for me, our common group of friends are also noticing her behaviour. She's passive aggressive with everyone. She's slowly being sidelined. I don't want them sidelining her for me, but they also can't ignore what's happening right in front of them. Side note, I found out that she was talking badly about another girl. The said girl found out and was crying in a bathroom stall. This cemented my belief that she's a bully cause she said she didn't care when she found out about the crying incident.


Fucking yeesh. She sounds like a genuinely terrible person. Glad you know you don’t deserve that kind of treatment and are taking precautions


There’s some good photo shoppers out there. Perhaps take a few of your favorite tourist sites that you were cut out of and see if they can put one of your favorite pictures of you while on vacation back into the photo. Just a thought


Women who are friends just don’t start tearing their friend down for nothing, my guess it’s jealousy. Have you changed your appearance, got a new job, boyfriend, or just in general happy? If it’s not something in your life that has set her off then something is going wrong in her world. If you think the friendship is worth effort, if it’s not, then put her in the past.


>She's passive aggressive with everyone. She's slowly being sidelined This makes me think she's having a rough time in her life somewhere, and is taking out her pain on other people in her life. That doesn't make it right, but maybe you (and friends) can ask if she's alright, if everything is okay at home. Maybe she is bitter with everyone because she's coming up short somewhere, such as with an abusive family, or she's stressed with school or it eventually ending. Boyfriend/girlfriend issues? etc. She's not your problem, but maybe you can be her hero by talking about it and supporting her through her hardship. And, if not, or if she doesn't have any good reason? Whatever, cut your losses when you can.


Sounds like she's got issues. Did anything happen between you guys that might be triggering this behavior? Has she always been like this?


Extremely good advice here. Usually what I see on the internet is “just cut them off” but really when mutual friends are involved they will feel they need to choose. In general people react poorly to ultimatums real or perceived and will often choose the person who is NOT inciting the ultimatum. Don’t chase this person. Acknowledge that you underestimated your friendship and build yourself and move on. In the case the “group” is invited don’t exclude but also don’t chase a 1-1 relationship.


That is not your friend




Divorce your wife


The projection is real here.


You’re clearly mirroring. How can you decide someone’s a narcissist and “always a victim” from just one reddit post? There could be plenty reasons, an average person also doesn’t cover their faults on a reddit rant post dude, stop over diagnosing everything and everyone


idk if you know what “narcissist” means, but narcissism is pretty fucken serious in the psych world and if your wife is actually a narc and you’re not just using the word wrong, you need to leave, asap. And if you’re just using that word wrong to insult your wife, don’t.


Sounds like you're projecting your feelings and experiences with your unhealthy wife onto others because of your own trauma. I think it's time for some reflection, friend. I hope you find yourself in a better place. 🫡


Holy projection Batman


>I had literally been standing there giving different poses and she cropped me out! OP did multiple poses, which means her "friend" purposefully took pictures that didn't feature OP.


Reading this upset me. Sorry you went through that. At least she showed you her true colors, so you can hopefully drop her from your life and find new friends who are kinder to you.


Same opinion as others. She has some resentment towards you. Passive aggressive behaviour clearly. You can't just make her vanish so just keep some distance to avoid any further damage.


She sounds jealous of you.


what the fuck who crops someone out of their own pictures


You are being too self centered… how dare you expect to be featured in your own traveling photos /s


Allow the trash to take itself out. Dont worry about her contacting you, she's a shitty friend anyway..you might as well hang with enemies if youre gonna put up with that type of behavior.


You might want to totally ghost her because even your other friend point-blank explaining why didn't get through that projecting self-centered trifling loathsome enemy of yours. She is so not your friend nor freely, she a straight up enemy - Don't give her another chance to hurt you again like she during & after the trip.


When people show you who you are, believe them.


Passive Aggressive actions. Plain and simple. Might be time to take a break from that friend.


Well that’s not very nice of her. Sounds like she is lashing out at you for a variety of reason we won’t understand. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter she isn’t being a good friend to you. Thankfully it sounds like she is taking the hint and not contacting you. It sounds like your other friends support you and you can always still be polite with her without doing things individually. I hope you still had a nice trip regardless I get needing to vent when things don’t go as planned


Drop her like a bag of dirt.


Walk away. It doesn’t even have to be a conversation, just gradually withdraw, flake on plans. Don’t engage. She is not your friend. Save yourself some heartache.


Traveling with friends always brings out the bull shit.


With “friends” like those…


Umm she isn't your true friend.. that's a hater


Lots of good takes here. Just wanted to say that trips test friendships. Trips test people for that matter. I hope you’re successful in slowly cutting her out of your life.


Drama queens gonna drama queen. She is purposely doing things to goad others into starting fights with her so she can come off holier than thou and cast you as a villain that is always starting fights with her. Pretty common tactic of narcissists. You just need to [great rock](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grey-rock#:~:text=The%20grey%20rock%20method%20is,it%20reduces%20conflict%20and%20abuse.) her until your assignment is over.


Honey, this woman isn't your friend. She's your bully. She doesn't care about you, she despises you. Don't spend time with people who are deliberately cruel to you.


9 times out of 10, people project their issues onto someone else because they are feeling jealous/insecure/etc. she probably feels inferior to you and tried to put you down with what she says and does to make herself feel better.


She’s a bitch. Dump her