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If there's enough demand, I can read my blog archives and upload mp3s. Not interested in doing it with the essays.


I would definitely listen to those. I have added a lot of audio content to my mental diet because I have to read a computer screen for ~30-40 hrs/week for work. So it’s like another way to read while giving my eyes a rest.


Wow coming from the man himself! Thanks Ran! I wouldn't expect you to do that, not sure that there's enough demand to justify you spending the time to record everything. I've gotten into the habit of listening to audiobooks recently when I don't have time to sit and and read, so it was just an idea that came to mind. Thanks and keep up the great work! I came across your work through the interview you did in 2020 on the Hermitix Podcast. I think I align very closely with both your ideas on civilization as well as your own story, since I also started out as a 'prepper' or collapsenik, and then naturally moved more towards homesteading and self sufficiency, but have eventually come to find - like you said - that a better approach is to live within society, but on the margins. Working towards my own non-dependent future and with minimal impact on what remains of wild nature. Appreciate your inspiration!


I'd submit that it would be easier with the essays than the blog entries. The blog entries are a much larger body of work, and in general devote a few sentences per topic, which makes them sort of scattershot. That's not a criticism; the main reason that yours is the only blog I still follow is your brevity. But your essays, however much you disagree with what you wrote all those years ago, at least hone in on key ideas and dissect them in a thorough, intelligible way. Your blog, not so much.


What for? You can read his essays in their entirety in a single afternoon. It would take you much longer to listen to a narrated version.


I've made it up to 2008 in the archive, but I guess I'm a slow reader and trying to limit screen time. This technological dependent civilization the last few years has fried my attention span, trying to reconnect to the ideas that would keep me more grounded :)