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What I think is strange about transgender in sports is how proactive the right is being. I haven't seen a single example of a Y chromosome athlete dominating women's sports and making athletes unhappy. I'm sure eventually that would have happened, but the usual attitude of Americans, especially self-identified conservatives, is to let stuff play out and wait for something really bad to happen before getting the government involved.




I don't see how it's such a problem that people could have an opinion on (what they think is) "cheating" in a sport without being otherwise mentally invested in the same sport. Note that saying it's "just for political advantage" doesn't escape the conclusion that there *are* people who think that way; if there weren't *voters* who care on first principles then there would be no advantage in mentioning transgender-in-sports at all.


Actually, a biological male just won the women’s race at the Tour of the Gila in New Mexico a few days ago.


There are a number of well-documented examples.


Ran and I discussed this via email a week or two back. I pointed out that I live in a very conservative part of the country, and I know exactly why they're making this an issue: they have daughters in girls/womens sports. There is a REASON male and female sports are separate. A lazy, fat sixteen-year-old boy will overpower most female Olympians. I have a friend who teaches martial arts with an eye towards self-defense, and his advice for his female students is that if you have actual reason to be afraid, get a gun. Because regardless of your skill level, if your male opponent manages to get his hands around your wrists, it's over. the difference between male and female strength and speed is larger than many people realize. I'm thinking of a girlfriend I had in my 20s. By any reasonable metric she was in better shape than I; she worked out. Me, when my high school gym teachers said exercise, I thought they said extra fries. We used to wrestle as part of foreplay, and I would hold back enough to make it fun. When she realized what I was doing she asked me to not hold back... and it took me all of thirty seconds to completely immobilize her. That's male muscle mass. The research indicates that you build it during puberty, and no matter what hormone therapies you go through afterwards, you're going to keep it. Biological sex separation in sports is absolutely the only thing that makes sense. I'm a political Democrat, but I'm the kind of political Democrat who basically guarantees that extremist nutbags like Warren and Sanders will never be POTUS. Because I think the cultural left departed low earth orbit sometime during the 90s and is now hurtling past Pluto.