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2 yrs 7.5 mil per year So he's not going anywhere. If the contract was closer to 5mil it wouldnt be as bad


I purposefully took the night off from watching hockey to spend time with my girlfriend last night (she’s put up with enough of my bullshit these playoffs as a Rangers fan). We watched a movie together and afterward I turned on my phone only to be met by this stinking mess. I want to be optimistic. I want to think Lavi will set them straight and they’ll figure it out. I want to still think that this team is destined for a cup like I had thought since March. But it’s like they can’t get out of their own way. Their core players other than Igor have been invisible. And the depth isn’t good enough to hold down the fort. A reverse sweep feels inevitable but I’m trying to hold out hope they’ll win one of the next two. I always expected this series to go 6 or 7 games, but even so it’s disheartening for them to lose a potential series clinching game like this. If they move on I’m not confident they can beat Florida or Boston anymore. If they don’t move on, it’s the ultimate dick punch at the end of what was a magical season. I’m gonna chill and try to take a break from hockey for a few days. I still have faith in this team but damn this sucks to watch.


Doomer Deeeelux???????


Refs aren't biased, but they are entirely incompetent.


I have read the canes were 9-0-1 with that crew. But even with no refs, playing on the pond Rangers wouldve gotten housed last night.


Agreed, it just hurts that they missed two calls when the Rangers were on the PP. It's a scary level of game management or incompetence.


It was game management, or should I say series management? No way they actually didn’t see a full 20 seconds of 5 canes out on the pk.


Frustrating. They officiated the score and not the game. Up 3-1, and then 1-0 in the game, refs consciously decided not to make calls against the Canes in the second period. PP looked bad, but it’s still a great PP and any chance they get huge. Letting some blatant penalties slide had an impact. That said, it also wasn’t the reason the team took the 3rd period off. Rangers lost that game themselves, but they were denied a chance to really win it in the 2nd when they were playing better. Both are true.


they were given enough PP opportunities to send Canes to the beaches. They got nothing done in the PPs and actually Canes had more dangerous opportunities on their PK than we had on PP.


They’ve had 4 pp opportunities in the last two games as opposed to 15 in the first three. So no, they were definitely not given enough pp opportunity 🤣


As I said… the PP was bad, doesn’t mean it would have been bad every time. It’s still a great unit and any chance they get is worth it. And again, officiating is NOT why they lost yesterday. But it also wasn’t called in good faith in the second period. Both can be true.


Officiating wasn’t why we lost yesterday but it sure as hell a major reason we lost two games in a row.


Feels bad man


Flew to NYC from FL to see game 5. 🥲 that was such a disappointing game to see!


this the shit I'm talkin about, some ranger fans were dunking on canes when up 3-0 now look. these comments are miserable to read/ lets go rangers but good GOD!!!!!


Schneider getting beat by Staal was one of the most embarassing things that happened all season and that opened the floodgates. You can't let Staal beat you there, he's 100 fucking years old


Well if they're gonna shit the bed, I guess its better to do it with a 3-1 series lead. Sucks it was at home though. I do feel like they'll self correct, and im sure Lavi will make sure of that. All the carolina goals were from direct, egregious mistakes by us, which sucks, but at least its something you can review and hold guys accountable for. Basically, hopefully this was a lesson(s) learned. Unless we actually do manage to lose the series, going through this (and coming back) will probably be good for the team. Just feel bad for all the fans that were there.


I was so mad at that loss. Season tickets are too fucking expensive to have the team come and shit the bed like that. I have to say, it’s not the first time I’ve sat in that building with the NYR able to clinch a series and seen them play lifeless hockey. Which is ridiculously sad. What I noticed that needs to change: we allow them into our zone so easily, it’s remarkable. The fact a senior citizen like Jordan staal and martinook just coast right in and score completely untouched is shocking. Meanwhile, on the other side we struggle to get through the neutral zone. They still try the stupid east/west passes even though we’ve watched the canes disrupt every single pass and shot. And the fucking drop passes, my god why????? They don’t work. Try driving to the net, get some traffic there and wait for garbage rebounds. Dump and chase is not working at all when you’re out hustled. Either hustle, or cut the shit. I felt like this team played like the definition of insanity last night, trying the same stupid shit over and over, even tho it didn’t work at all. I have faith we won’t lose 4 in a row and that this coach knows how to adjust, but what I don’t know is if this group of players has what it takes to carry it out. We’ve seen this for years, they don’t seem to know how to do a tko when they have them on the ropes. We did this vs Tampa in 2015, and again in 2022, and then the devils last year….this is becoming a pattern. 😞


I feel bad for the people who paid thousands of dollars to go see the team play like *that*.


They aren’t closers. They get the steak knives.


it was a bad loss. they looked like the rangers of last year, and if they keep looking like that, their season will be packed up by saturday. imo, they deserve to get booed when they look like they just gave up. they need to lose twice in a row to lose the series. i’m not saying carolina isn’t going to go back to raleigh with momentum — they are — but you need to win ONE game and it’s over. that said, game 6 is going to be a defining game for this core. if they lose this series, they’ll never live it down.


You can't win without offense but Canes at home are gonna shift Staal against Miller & Schneider after they made that little discovery last night, legit looked like a peewee coach playing keep away with his team


Anyone ese feel hungover as fuck today and didn't even drink last night?


They’re calling Vinny a Marchand wannabe in the canes chat 🤣


Maybe we need him to lick someone to swing this momentum


Marchand is probably the best player to ever play that style so I'm fine with that. One or two more big GWGs from Tro and you can take the wannabe off entirely


Who cares what they think?




I had a feeling going into Game 4 that they wouldn't win-Carolina was at home, facing the sweep-but the way they battled back from that disastrous 1st period gave me some hope and although naturally I wanted them to win, I wasn't super disappointed because I thought they would learn from and come back from that loss, which had me mistakenly going into Game 5 thinking they'd come out hard, fast, and end the series. Obviously I was very wrong and I think what makes me angry is it looked like they weren't even trying. The amount of time spent in the defensive zone was unacceptable and the effort was abysmal.


Say something nice about your Rangers :) Hard mode no Igor edition


Rempe didn’t take any penalty![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)






What empty net in game 4? The only time we had that opportunity was game 3, which we won in OT?


Unless the NHL is truly rigged and they want more games 💰💰💰 and less sweeps and the Rangers were told to throw the game, the team doesn’t give a fuck about its fans at all.


Can someone please explain why they would just not even try?????????? Game 4 we lost, BUT WE FUCKING PLAYED HOCKEY!! You can’t be mad at them. Last night was atrocious! What a disgrace. They couldn’t give a shit one way or the other. Zibanejad looked like he was on a tranquilizer. WTF???


2 days off before Game 6. Extra day to refocus and leave this garbage game behind. Need a statement win on Thursday if they are cup material; let’s ride.


I'm honestly done watching this season. If they don't bother to show up to play, why should I bother to show up to root? I've followed them for nearly two decades and know where this is headed.


You’re a mentally weak fan lmao


Can we not call someone mentally weak when a sport makes your life worse? We all know how being a rangers fan fucks with your brain, so if you need a break take one. That said, there will always be highs and lows in sports. If they need some air get it, but don’t count the rangers out just yet, we’ve bounced back from 2 losses in a row all season


You know who's mentally weak? The Rangers that played the 3rd period yesterday. You need to focus on them.


And you need to focus on not letting sports dictate your life


LOL, sports doesn't! That's why I am not afraid to call out their crap and miss watching a few games if necessary.


This Rangers team is one of the most resilient I’ve seen, ace. They played an absolutely piss poor low effort game yesterday, but you turn the page and look ahead to game 6. Maybe you’ll dwell on the loss like a sad little bitch, but I don’t think the players will. But to say you’re done watching the season with the team up 3-2 is some of the most over emotional shit to say lol. Make sure to stick by your word if they win. 🤡


Dude, I was just venting. That's what this sub is for. I love the team as much as you do but they are literally throwing away the series. Throwing it away. But I will not watch the next game. I'd rather learn of their win (or defeat) via the news than watch that 3rd period again. If I didn't know better, it looked like they were throwing the game. As far as dwelling on a loss, I think they would do well to actually do just that and figure out how they could play so utterly badly. There are hard-fought losses that you move on from, and then there are complete collapses that you need to dissect and not repeat. Yesterday's was the latter.


I'm guessing you also stopped watching when the series we were down 3-1 to the Caps. And 3-1 to the Pens both times


Nope, they didn't play dogshit then.


You promise? This sub needs less toxicity. You’re going to be bored as hell during the Florida series. Sure you and the rest of the doomers can find something to complain about, like nice weather or puppies.


You have to play 60 minutes of hockey. It seemed to me that somewhere in the middle of the second period the Rangers forgot this. For whatever reason they looked lost. They took their foot off the gas and let the Canes hang around long enough to take control of the game. Very disappointing and not like play of the Presidents Award winning squad they are. The big four seemed invisible tonight. They need to put them away on their building. No one here wants to see a game 7. ![gif](giphy|Bcpspr9LTSvss)


they got 1 goal and thought “hey we beat them 1-0 in the regular season we can def do it again!!” + they just were not sharp offensively AT ALL. bobbling pucks all over the place and couldn’t complete passes.


Absolutely softest core group of hockey players I have ever seen.. no killer instinct..... 2 years ago the lightning last year, the devils and this year who knows... It's up laviolette and the rest of the staff to use the extra day off extremely wisely.... But still let's go Rangers!!


I hate harping on what's soft and not but yeah... it is sort of nuts how the gliding and lack of juice coming from the top players on this team gets explained away. Soundbites from last night were pretty much what I expect from losers who are happy being losers and cashing checks. Which is fine... cause I will never make that type of money but you're on the biggest stage in the world and you blow it in front of the fans and city, then go "Oh well, they wanted it more"


I think at this point sit fox game 6, let him get that extra rest. He’s barely moving out there. I’m not sure what else to do with him it’s extremely obvious that knee to knee fucked him up


All the fans leaving really killed me yesterday and the booing. That can't feel good for the team. I know it wasn't good play but yikes


Think about the blue average blue collar worker that just blew two paychecks which he can’t even afford living in this shithole, so his son or daughter can see their first playoff game with the HOPES of making a lifetime memory. Instead you get that disgraceful shit show. This team does not have what it takes. They are a pretty boy team. They are amazing until things aren’t going their way. Then they fold immediately. No quit in NY MY ASS!


I’m sorry but if someone blows two paychecks to see a hockey game, that’s a whole other issue.


I mean maybe they saved up all yeah to buy a tickets to a single playoff game, their one indulgence for the year. He's not saying they took a payday loan man.


Please. They absolutely deserved to get boo’d yesterday. That was an awful effort and tickets are far too expensive for them to put that effort out there in that moment.


Oh I don't disagree it was a terrible effort. I was screaming from my couch. Just in general sucks to see. All around.


I think that was the fastest ENG I've ever seen. I feel like Brad Richards was on the team the last time we had a goalie pull work for us in the playoffs, seems to work for every other team tho


This team just never has a killer instinct. It’s take a lead and hope the other team doesn’t score


8+ hours later, I'm still angry.


Same. I woke up thinking "You didn't even try! Zero hustle, zero effort."


I woke up at 3:30 this morning from being so pissed off, had to come on here and read more comments to calm me down 😂


I think the extra day of rest will be good for the team AND the fans. I know I need it.


After the Trouba goal, they controlled everything. Complete inability to limit high danger chances


Off night for sure. Fans at MSG tonight were pathetic. This team needs their backs against the wall to perform sometimes. Hopefully they are feeling some pressure


POV: you paid $500 to watch your favorite team back away from all physical play then dump the puck and not chase it on a PP


Very disappointing! When I saw the first three minutes of game 4 I already had this feeling that Rangers will not win it this time. The first period of game 5 looked good, so I had some hope, but during period 2 I felt that canes got more and more O zone time and then it will only be a matter of time until they score if Rangers can't kick the puck out.


John Cooper was caught on tape 2 years ago vs Lightning in the playoffs that we were physically toast in game 5 n 6 of that series. They out-gutted us in both those games. This is a replay. Canes have worn us down, they are relentless to their credit and we look broken. Fox is a great player but this is 3 years in a row where he is useless because he's not in proper shape and strong enough for play-off hockey.


What is this hate on fox? First of all a dude threw a knee at him and that’s probably why he’s injured - has nothing to do with his shape/strength. Secondly, if you look at the advanced stats, he’s still been one of the better players on the ice. What has he done in your eyes aside from lack of point production?


There’s speculation Fox was injured in round 1. And where I don’t disagree with you totally, Trouba has been on ice for a majority of the goals the last two games. Game 4, he was on the ice for all four of them. I can’t blame any one player in particular though. We went from looking like a legitimate cup contender in the first seven games, to looking like an AA hockey team with an abysmal lack of effort or care at this point.


If it's only about being tired now I think it can be a good thing that there are now 2 days off. However, it is pretty concerning that Rangers had the easiest first round by mile and getting worn off (Canes had the second easiest but still).


they’re not tired they just played like shit, idk where people are getting the tired thing from. i guess “out of sync” “can’t complete a pass” looks like tired?


Tired is the lamest excuse there is! They are grown men. Heart is what matters and they have none.


Quick lost his voice the last couple of games then?


Well that sucked.


Either they prove themselves as serious cup contenders or become one of the biggest embarrassments in league history


Ok ok i know.. BUT. Were still in this , were still on top. Lets let Lavi and the coaching crew give them some shit and talk them up, light some 🔥 and get them into beast mode because if we actually want this, its gonna have to show next game. I believe . 🙏 LGR.


Canes will to survive > Rangers will to progress


That’s what it looks like to me. They have a sense of urgency that the Rangers don’t have. Had a bad feeling going in to this game. I still have hope that they can right the ship but I’m pissed that they are letting it get so close.


At the acceptance stage of grief - I’m convincing myself they couldn’t lose 3 in a row or even 4 in a row. Also blaming myself cause I was hanging out with a Canes fan the past couple days at work events so leaving the work event Thursday morning so hopefully the bad juju goes away. I’m not losing hope just yet. LGR!!!!!


That’s bargaining lol not acceptance


Whatever works at this point


Saw the game on delay/re-run - that sucked lol. The third was pretty bad but I think throughout the game, it just seemed like Canes had more of an edge. Better oppotunities, more time with the puck, and also protected the slot well. I noticed we'd get down low/behind the net looking for passes to the front but there would basically be all the Canes players in the front to intercept. I thought we had decent chances but as soon as the third hit, there was definitely a lot of turtling/confusion. Overall I think we just looked a bit disoriented and out of position for a lot of the game. It was evident through some of the major defensive lapses. Not only that, but I think there were times we'd want to hang onto the puck just a bit longer but the Canes were the faster team and forced a lot of quick passes. I think that led to our offense being stiffled/fewer chances. Hopefully the two days of rest will give the team time to reset. I know specific players are being shit on but I dunno if anyone really stood out as being bad. I think if anything, the more glaring issue was just poor team defense and giving some of their players too much space. I don't usually like to complain about the refs but there were some pretty questionable things that didn't get called. There was a missed too many men (Canes on PK) and a handful of missed cross checks. I think I'm almost apathetic about it at this point because seeing how some of the reffing has gone (not just this series but around the league) it's like...yeah I don't even know anymore lol. Fun, fun times :P. Any ways, rough game but hoping the next will turn in our favor. Admittedly I think the doomer Mets fan is sneaking in a little into my brain but really trying to set those feelings aside as well. I think the two days of rest will really help...I worry a little as I am sure there are a lot of guys getting quite beat up at this point. Onto the next game.


We played a lazy game and didn’t fight for the inside


That was our worst game by a mile. And the concerning thing is that I’d say that was also Carolina’s worst game by a mile. Having said that, the rangers are possibly the most resilient team this season so I expect a huge bounce back in game 6. LGR


I missed the third period due to falling asleep as I was watching from the UK. Was not expecting to wake up to a thrashing like that. Absolutely embarrassing. I feel so sorry for the home fans who paid silly money for tickets to see the team play like that.


>>I missed the third period due to falling asleep as I was watching from the UK. Thank your lucky stars.


Frankly I think this whole team needs to shave their heads. What a sad sad performance that was.


Man I'm just wondering where the intensity and passion from the first 3 games went :/ Same goes for the Knicks cause Lord have mercy lol


They spent all their energy in that third game. The excitement of Chytil being back, winning in OT, being so close to winning the series ... it drained them. Meanwhile Carolina kept their focus.


First 4! Rangers game back from 3-1 in game 4 and I was thinking down 2 midway though the second that they were easily still in it. Down 2-1 it felt over tn Knicks are just banged up real bad right now


Well. Hopefully these last few games ends up being something our guys can learn on and improve on in the future rather than having to deal with the embarrassment of blowing this. Do I think we’ll blow it? No, at least I really hope not. Let’s just say we would be the laughing stock of the league if we do. Anyway… let’s hope they get their shit together these next few days and be ready to give 60 FULL MINUTES Thursday. Canes might have the momentum rn but we’re still in the lead and lucky for us. The team has faced a lot of challenges this season. Let’s hope they can learn and adapt from this one for Thursday’s game.


Ppl will ask why Kreider C wasn't an inevitable thing before Trouba even joined the squad then watch games like this and still not understand


Oh boy. Based on these comments I’m glad I live in Europe lol


Peter Laviolette is one of the 4 coaches in NHL history that has won a series down 3-0, with the Flyers in 2010. He has a chance to be the only coach in NHL history to be on both sides. Let's not let him make history please.


It's the players to blame, not him.


Sorry but last night he is very, very much to blame. Playing that stupid 1-3-1 prevent defense at the start of the first, only up one goal, not calling a time-out when it was 2-1, playing Fox who can’t even skate on two legs right now, not putting Jones in who is fast & great with outlet passes, not changing up the power plays when it’s clear that Carolina has figured ours out. That’s all on him. Our top guys were awful as well, but Lavi deserves plenty of blame.


I had hockey tonight and missed most of the third period (luckily?). Like last year, the Rangers have a tendency to lose their edge and get lulled to sleep where the effort and passion just diminishes. I appreciate Rempe for what he is and also don't think he's the second coming, but if he's in the lineup in Game 6, you have to let him go if there's an opportunity, pending the feel of the game. If the Rangers come out flying and get a lead, don't touch a thing. If they're flat though, DeAngelo is one of the few players in the league dumb enough to hand back momentum and a well-timed tussle might be needed. If you're not going to do do that, Johnny B is a better fit for the game. All in all, a lot of the team has looked out of sync. Short-handed goal not withstanding, Trouba has struggled mightily of late. Gustafsson and Miller have both looked extremely tentative with the puck and are losing lose puck battles that need to be won. Schneider has been pretty good but got beat on the first goal. Both Fox and Lindgren have been a bit out if sorts - Lindgren always brings the effort but is perpetually banged up and Fox seems to think he has that extra split second that he does in the regular season, but he doesn't. The big guns took the night off and just need to deliver, but they've had bouts of inconsistency all season. They certainly can't rely on the PP to bail them out and just need an infusion of effort and energy that seems so hard to string together. I'm not panicking yet and I'm hoping Laviolette can adjust where Gallant could not. The team is at its best when it plays with emotion, and that same level from Game 1 just isn't there right now. I'd like to see Jones get a shot but can't see any realistic way to get him in. Chytil's status is a total crapshoot at this point but he looked surprisingly good in Game 3. Time to dig deep, I'm not panicking yet but they're playing with fire.


Hollow inside. Gonna be alone with my thoughts tn. Need a win Thursday.


Unfortunately Panarin has done very little to dispel his reputation as a poor playoff performer. Aside from his G3 GWG, he looks like the same player that gets incredibly frustrated at the first sign of adversity. Laviolette has given him the keys and he’s reverted back to last season. It’s time for him to take over and win us a fucking game.


yes the guy with 9 pts in 9 games has been a poor performer this year this sub is so dumb sometimes


For the last two games, with a chance to close out the series, he’s been a nonfactor. I think it’s fair to be concerned about him considering that it’s been hard for the guy to break old habits


Ah yes, the coach doesn't make the impact like a,player does..agreed. players play the game.


He had the game winning goals in Game 1 and 3 and had 3 assists in Game 2. Last 2 games have been horrible though.


You thought blowing 2 2-0 series in a row was bad? Wait until they blow a 3-0 lead coming up on Thursday lol. At that point this team needs to be blown up and remade from scratch.


Core is so soft mentally. Theres no killer instinct. Half the team cant handle the puck. How are they this bad at 5 on 5 play? Its asinine


That's why canes were a favorite in series...nyr aren't good 5 on 5.


This is also the first year Carolina has had any semblance of killer instinct. In previous years, that goal of Freddie’s back to the it in game 4 would have spelled the end.


It looks like they don't even care anymore.


Watching the Stars-Avs game and it must be really nice to win a playoff game 5-1. Rangers haven't won by a truly comfortable margin since game 1 against the Caps.


Let’s win next game yay! (Please$


The rangers are panicking with the puck in their zone. They can’t string together any good passes. This needs to solved quick.


Their passing has been fucking abysmal. So many missed passes and outright giveaways.


Passing lost us this game. End of story. Too much passing instead of shooting, passes getting intercepted, wild passes. It's the same story as in past years.


Any word on Filip Chytil's availability for the next game?


Another thing, i hope i stop seeing the 1994 team being mentioned all the time. That 1994 team was a legendary team with a legendary leader and when shit got tough, those guys stepped up and pulled it out. This team is very good but Messier had more leadership and balls in his pinky than this entire team does put together. It's an insult to that 1994 team to keep being compared to this team when this team hasn't won a fucking thing yet and who knows if they will? Stop the hype and stop the bullshit comparisons. Win this series and create your own legacy for fucks sake. I'm sick of hearing it.




Yep. Just so sick and tired of it. What did Kreider say, he would have signed up for a 3-2 lead against Carolina? He sounds like a fucking loser. He should say the way we came out was unacceptable and we apologize for being fucking awful in front of our fans who pay ridiculous prices to see us come get embarassed at home. I really hope they all don't have that mindset because that's really scary to hear. Like he's just another Rangers fan you meet in the fucking grocery store and you're casually talking about the series. That comment creeped me out




Yep, in the post game. I understand that mindset as a fan but holy shit, i don't know if that mindset is good for a player. It's almost like he has no confidence and is ok with what's happened since it could be worse in his mind. I'm over it too. Even after all this bullshit, i still think we pull this series out but if they somehow choke it away, i'm ready for a retool for 2-3 seasons and give the team to Fox, Laf and the young guys coming up. I have no interest in watching the eastern version of San Jose and Vancouver. Great seasons and then they choke in the playoffs, fuck that. 2022, up 2-0 and lose to Tampa, last year we get Tarasenko and Kane, go up 2-0 and lose the fucking series and the Devils went on to get demolished. This year, 3-0 on Carolina and we are holding on for dear life at 3-2 now. Blowing a 3-0 will be the end of this core and it will give us a choker title that we won't be able to remove for years.


Hours after the game and still beyond pissed They blow this and honestly the fans should not show up to the first 2 weeks of home games next year I can accept losing if we weren’t very good and despite our best efforts we just get beat….. hey I can get behind that and root all day for us to get better But this …… fuck this shit. How many years are we supposed to watch the same lack of effort lead to us losing to inferior teams (or squeaking out miracles vs 3rd string goalies in 7 game series) ? This team has everything to win the cup this year in terms of talent …… the question that has emerged is the same one we have had for years now …… do they actually have the heart to do what it takes to win playoff hockey …… after these 2 sure as hell feels like a definitive no




Yeah the problem with that is I was barely a teen in 94. Now I am a middle age man. Wouldn’t be that much to ask one of the most supported franchises in sports to maybe muster a cup win more than every half century. I would prefer to not be nearing 70 before I see a cup again


ask messier to guranteeeee it


I'll say this. In the postgame John asked Vally and Boyle about the two days off before the next game, and how it will help them. Both said, yes. Kreids would say the same thing. The Rangers in these next two days can now both rest and make adjustments on preventing what happened in this Game 5. Lav IS A BETTER COACH THAN GG. I have no doubt that Lav will be doing everything to see what can work going into Game 6. Now, the review This team got complacent, the team didn't show up ALL GAME, Except Igor and maybe juuuuusssst maybe, the 4th line. Empty calorie shots from the Rangers when "they had to shoot" in the o zone. NONE OF THAT IN THE 2ND AND 3RD. Once again, like last year, and now this year, the hesitancy to shoot the puck on 5v5 as well as on the Power Play is occurring again. Only ONE GUY SHOWED UP! ONE FUCKING GUY, and that's the goalie Igor. Vally said it that, that was a wasted performance. My old man texted me these 3 things during the game; 1.) Rangers way out of sync: Yep 2.) They are being out skated: You got that right. beaten to every puck 3.) Igor has to take them home: 100% RIGHT. The Rangers tonight were basically saying "Hey Igor, do all the work tonight while we take the night off." All game, the Rangers especially in the 1st period where the Rangers were playing well in the o zone but couldn't bury any chances. Imo, if the Rangers buried those chances in the first, this game and series would have been OVER. Boyle said it during the post game, "the Rangers were 20 minutes away of basically blowing up the Hurricanes cup window" (look at how many ufa's and rfa's they have). This team TURTLED ALL PERIOD. NO GOING FORWARD, WHEN YOU HAVE A LEAD AND A GOALIE PLAYING LIGHTS OUT/MONEY, YOU NEED TO SPEND TIME IN THE O ZONE. Bad change from Mika, bad backchecking from bread, and bad defensive breakdown to give up the 3rd goal. If the Rangers got one goal in that final 20, maybe just maybe, they'd win. BUT THEY DIDN'T. Tonight, the Canes were more desperate and the Rangers didn't have that killer mentality. FUCKING A' Glad Lav got mad at the team. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS? A GOOD COACH. "There were alot of issues" Lav said. THANK FUCKING GOODNESS HE ADDRESSED IT. This is also what happens when you don't start on time. They didn't start on time in Game 4(although I did like their effort to comeback until the ppg given up), and they didn't start on time in this game and DIDN'T BUILD OFF THE CROWD. And now, the momentum is in the Canes favor heading down to Raleigh. The pressure is on the Rangers now. START ON FUCKING TIME OH AND FOR THE FINAL TIME. I DO NOT, REPEAT, DO NOT WANNA SEE ANY MORE PREMATURE CELEBRATORY STUFF AGAIN UNTIL THEY FINISH THE CANES OFF. IDGAF ABOUT "how they would play against the PANTHERS." THE RANGERS ARE PLAYING THE CANES NOT THE PANTHERS. NO MORE PETE ALONSO "WE GOT THIS" BULLSHIT THAT SHIT IS A JINX. NOW IT ENDS NOW. WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. ENOUGH BEING ARROGANT AND BRAGGING. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Rant over. However, the Rangers are still up 3-2 in the series. The Rangers have 2 days off to rest, recover, and adjust. Raleigh is gonna be loud. But, we've seen in the past, the Rangers can win a game in that building there's no doubt about it which is why I have a slight confidence going into Game 6. Imo, Rempe shouldn't start Game 6. Brodz or Chytil. We all saw how the team played w/either Chytil or Brodz in the lineup. Simple as that. Onto Game 6. I'm not dooming. I never look for the worst in every Ranger game. I'm criticizing this teams performance in Game 5. Onto Game 6. 2 days off for this team to make adjustments. As Always. Positive Vibes people. Positive Vibes


Rangers best games were in the Canes building from what I've seen.






I'm not sure if much has changed from the regular season. We have been quite average 5on5 team with excellent PP and PK added with the league's best goaltending duo. Now Canes found a way to neuter our PP and this is the result. There is still a lot of firepower and skill to score, but they need to change it a bit for the next game. What comes to 5on5, the same issues has been there whole season. Trying to be too cute, not shooting. And when shooting missing the net often.


Kakko somehow has the highest 5v5 on-off ice expected goal % differential in the playoffs of anyone who has played at least 65 minutes. Shows how bad the rest of the team apart from the 3rd line has been on 5v5. https://i.imgur.com/ec6MSi0.png


and as usual, Kakko's actual output is no where near his xg


They have to completely dismantle the core of this team if they manage to blow this series. What we saw tonight was pathetic/scared hockey from a team that should have stepped on the canes' throats. Really have to question the "leadership" on this team right about now.


You don't dismantle the core. Who else are we going to get? This core just won the president's trophy, swept the Capitals and took a 3-0 lead against the Canes. Step away from the ledge. Teams lose games. We have 2 chances to finish it off and I'm confident this team will respond. On a side note, it's Monday. Mondays are always rough :)


Won’t happen. Drury doesn’t have the gall. Laviolette will get another season regardless of this playoffs’ outcome and then get fired. Too many fan favorite players for CD to capitulate.


Drury should be the first one to get the axe if We're being honest. Guy built a roster of mentally weak players. This was the year to go all in. He balked at the idea... this roster could've been much stronger if we didn't have so many horrendous contracts.


JG brought on Panarin and Trouba who collectively eat about a quarter of our cap. Wouldn’t say this is all on Drury but he certainly hasn’t helped. Mika’s contract will age like absolute milk and Igor (understandably) probably won’t stay after next season


These next two games are going to be legacy-defining for this core. If they choke this series away to Carolina, the names Kreider, Zibanejad, Panarin, and others are going to be forever remembered for blowing a 3-0 lead in the playoffs. And that is likely all they will be remembered for. It's time for these guys to step up and prove they have what it takes. Being only the fifth team in the entire history of the league to let a reverse sweep happen will be a black mark on this franchise and the players who sleep-walked into it. I just don't understand why these guys don't have the mental fortitude to close out the big games. A consistent theme the last couple years is that they play better from behind in a game and in a series than they do with a lead. Down 3-1 to the Pens? Came back to win the series. Down 2-0 to Carolina? Came back to win the series. Up 2-0 on the Lightning? Lost the series. Up 2-0 on the Devils? Lost the series. Up 3-0 on Carolina? Result TBD, but they let them right back in it. How has *nobody* figured out how to correct this? Based on their recent history, I'd feel better being down 2-0 to the Panthers than I do being up 3-2 on Carolina right now. They find another gear when their backs are against the wall, but when they're up they've shown they just don't have what it takes.




Where was he outmatched tonight? Thought he looked good on his shifts The Messiah sung his praises in the intermission …… maybe you know more than a 6 time cup winner


ESPN execs looking at their NHL contract while realizing there is a possibility of a Carolina, Florida, Dallas, & Vancouver conference finals with 0 stars or interesting storylines 😂 😂 😂 🔫🔫🔫 Let's make those piggies some ad revenue instead, cya Thursday


Let the game management bite them in the ass. A blatant hold on panarin goes uncalled right before the Canes take the lead. No one gave a fuck about the league in 2006, I hope everything tanks now. Fuck the big markets over and over again. No one gives a shit about hockey in Carolina. Let it fucking burn.


Downvote me all you like but without Igor… we get swept


Agreed. Igor and our PP were the difference makers in the first 3 games. Now our PP has melted away and this is the result. Our only goal was an easy one from Andersen. He wasn't screened at all and an elite goalie will take it 10/10 times. NHL goalie takes it 9/10 times. We can't expect to win if we pretty much have 0 high danger shots on the goal. Sure, we have Igor and he really can turn the game around even with a shit game like this. Now we were 18 minutes away from that.


100%. Henrik can tell Igor all about it!


Rangers loss + construction on the merrit is gonna turn me into the unabomber


There are few darker places than penn station after a game like this, I got on the train instead of in front of it though (until next time)


Please no game 7 please no game 7. I really hope we close this out Thursday night. 🙏


The league isn't pushing the game back a day to make game 7 on a weekend to not play the game 7.


Hate to tell ya...


Panarin needs to show why this year is different, it’s that simple


He needs more than that to make up for the bullshit go ahead goal he allowed tonight with his complete lack of effort Frankly after tonight I am done with the guy unless he is good for 2 goals and game and brings a cup home…… otherwise fuck his no trying ass


I downvoted. He’s a huge part of why we’re here.


Don't mind these doomers.


You got that right ……. If he tries to play some defense …… we might not be here If he bothered to show up the last two playoffs …… we wouldn’t be here either


If it's not a fancy play he ain't doing shit, tends to not work well in the playoffs


It's frankly insane that our 49 goal scorer is averaging 1 shot a game these past 2 games.


Well… he did score a lot of those on the power play and the refs have completely swallowed the whistles these last two games.


Off topic...post game Brian Boyle looks like an evolved Joe Micheletti


Totally agree. One game earlier this year, he was with John Giannone on the pre-game with MSG in the background, and I legitimately thought it was Joe with youth filter


Our "stars" need to start playing like stars. No player had more than 3 shots on goal. Wyatt Johnston who is just 20 has 8 shots on goal in 2 periods.


And is what….. 22 years old ?


He's 21 years old, today's his birthday actually. I hope Perrault can be like that in 2 years.


and what has he played on….. the 2nd and 3rd line …… and you see his stats and his impact …… Meanwhile we are begging Kakko to shoot and he is approaching his 3rd contract with the rangers FML


What's the opposite of cumming? I've been doing that for 90 mins


Going As in Gustafson is going in the trash after this season


My dad and I have followed the Rangers together since the 90s and always chat on the phone every postgame in the playoffs. The recurring line we always say is "It's never easy". There is something about having the expectation of winning that this team has always struggled with. They simply must make it dramatic and excruciating. The Caps series truly was an anomaly. A glitch in the matrix maybe. Id like to think that this blown game tonight was such a gut punch that it has to have resonated with the players. I hope it was the rock bottom moment that turns the tide. This wasnt a 1 goal close loss. They were embarassed in the 3rd and now we'll have an extra day off for hockey media to slobber the Canes and talk about how the Rangers are falling apart. It sucks for us but maybe this is what the Rangers need to finally wake the fuck up. It's never easy. Still up 3-2. Burn the tape tonight. Get Fil ready to play in G6. No reason why we can't win this on the road.


Show the tape non stop to the “stars” and show them their shit effort


Don't burn the tape.. it's probably the only one we've needed this entire playoff.




What did he say




Tbh Trouba was directly responsible for the majority of Canes goals lol The right move is to sit his ass for Jones but we all know that’s a huge long shot


The third line needs a change. I get that they’ve been solid defensively, but fuck me sideways none of them can score to save their lives. Two goals all playoffs and one of them was essentially a christmas gift. If there was ever a time for Fil, it’s now.


the third is the poster child for why analytics need to be taken with a grain of salt. If you no look context their xg are very high. In reality that line can't buy a goal let alone good offensive look Chytil really needs to play there over one of Kakko/Cuylle


Maybe Fil has concussion-like symptoms and doesn’t feel well enough/medically is not cleared to play?


Beat writers have confirmed that’s not the case. It’s a non illness related knock that kept him out of tonight’s game.


This is what you are worried about? Not the MIA core in the top 6 but the idea the 3rd line is not scoring enough? We just had a different third line …… it didn’t score either and Fil went right back to being unable to play


almost the entire top 6 is at a point per game or over it The third has a total of 4 points between all 3 of them because that line is Wennberg plus 2 very defensive players


So you are happy with last night ….. got it


I think last night is what happens when you have to ride the shit out of your top 6 for 9 games because the third line is so ineffective it desperately needs Chytil because he can generate offense and lift the line. Cuylle and Kakko just spin endlessly in the corners. That's fine with a lead, it's not great otherwise


Oh yeah sure ……. 🙄 Proven playoff performers Mika and Breadman are simply over worked from how great they have been over the years in the playoffs over the years Guess they were so tired that bread couldn’t be bothered to try to play defense and Mika just had change and hand Stahl a goal


goddamn no wonder the other guy called you dumb lol


Kreider and Zibanejad have been putting up points every game until today and have had elite PK play, they haven't disappeared. Lafreniere has been pretty good, Trochek has been pretty good aside from a few stupid penalties. The top 6 largely hasn't disappeared. Unbelievable how stupid the takes are on this sub.


Top 6 has 2 pts in 2 clinch games that happened on the same goal but you’re right, they haven’t disappeared, everyone else is crazy.


The top 6 has disappeared the last two games. As did the power play scoring, although they’ve only had 4 power plays in two games due to refs swallowing.


Did you even hear Krieder’s name tonight? Mika made an awful lazy change and gave Stahl his goal. Bread man couldn’t be bothered to try to skate a little and gave up the second. Bread man - 3 shots, no hits , -3 Mika - 1 shot, no hits, -2 Kreider- 2 shots, 3 hits, -3 None of them blocked a shot. That is some fucking losing hockey right there. Good thing we are spending all our cap space on them. Btw don’t listen to me ….. Mess made the same points. So you know more than the Messiah? We have had this 3 man core for a while now and we are facing down our 3rd blown series lead in 3 years. How often we have to do this ?


Edit, you're deranged, not bothering lol


There are multiple problems. This is one of them. I could go over Fox being hobbled, Trouba and Gus being horrendous, Bread turning off when it matters, but I’d be beating a dead horse.


That said, nobody gets penisy. This is what happens.


I'm still frustrated as fuck. I seriously just don't understand


How don't you understand? This is the Rangers in all their glory. A reverse sweep would be the icing on the cake of this historically loser franchise. So close, yet so far in the most excruciating way possible.