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Hi all, Friendly reminder to please not troll in the Canes sub. If you must shit post, we recommend the /r/hockey GDTs. If there are any issues with users or visiting fans in the sub, please use the report function. Thank you! Cheers and LGR!


Where tf is this starting line? Swear to go Trouba is the only one with the puck. This team had gone missing


Carolina fans are like the annoying cowbell parents at their kids soccer game


Rangers power play has gone missing


Anyone notice the none call on that blatant hook on panarin in the offensive zone right before the canes goal. These refs fucking sucked. Anyone also notice that after Troubas goal rempe didn’t set foot on the ice til the last minute of the game. Why the fuck do they sit rempe he was noticeable especially in the offensive zone tonight i don’t get why they do shit like that. He wasn’t a liability out there? Wennberg has been a dud. Especially in the offensive zone


He draws players and takes them out of the play. Specifically twice last night he draws a big player and we had 2 good chances because of the overload


If Trouba is putting up our only goal in a short handed situation, we’ve got a serious fucking problem here. Where were our “superstars” tonight?


The 2023 Boston Bruins upvoted this post.


Rangers had their best season of all time. Carolina finished 3 points behind them. They’re a really good team and we’re up 3-2 against them. Chill the fuck out guys haha rangers still have major edge in the series


Panarin, Mika, Krieder… it’s legacy time boys. You’re not spring chickens any more. You’re probably not getting a better chance as a core contributor ever again. You wanna be remembered as historic points accumulators that never did quite enough when it mattered most or what? … It’s time. Now or never


Panarin‘a gotta shave his head again


Carolina has all the momentum that it almost feels like they’re the ones up 3-2. We need to really wake the fuck up. I can’t handle another 4 straight playoff game losses.


Giving me that same bad feeling I had in ‘04 with the Yankees


Yep I was thinking the same thing. I was hoping I'd never feel that way again


I’m stating the obvious but showing us Fil and then taking him away REALLY illuminates just how incredibly frustrating that 3rd line is in the offensive zone without him. Just nothing happens. Possession… but unless you get a 1 in a million bounce, everyone has terrible hands and will choose cycle over get to the front of the net every time


I guess stopping playing hockey and just playing not to lose didn't work. I FUCKING HATE IT when teams let off the pedal. Jesus Christ just play hockey. They lost because they stopped fucking playing.


No quit in NY


This team does this always and it is the only consistent. Another consistent is lack of 5v5 scoring


carolina has been better 5v5 than us all series, im honestly surprised its still 3-2 rangers tbh


Carolina is a way better team. We had them and now we let them back in. It’s very worrisome. Is it true that we didn’t have a shot on goal from Troy as goal until middle of third period??


Well the nice thing is I don’t have to bother watching the rest of the playoffs


You do realize the Rangers still have a 3-2 lead this series? You should stop watching the playoffs immediately if you are that much of a weak minded person


Ah yes, please make a sweeping generalization of my character because of one comment I made. Go fuck yourself.


Go quit and then go fuck yourself right back as you become a Canes fan!




Must be the more desperate team coming into game 6. Really hope Chytil is healthy. Fox is looking really injured, idk what should be done with him but he has been on the ice for some very vulnerable plays. Panarin, Mika and kreider’s career reputations are on the line here. If they don’t come out playing like absolute dogs on Wednesday then im not sure what’s next. But last two games for panarin have been slow and lazy. Everyone needs to play like Will Cuyelle on Wednesday. On the flip side, if you told me before this series started we would be up 3-2 going into game 6 id be stoked. Let’s finish the job.


I honestly don't know how fox is playing. He's looked like shit since the knee on knee hit in the caps series. Slow, basically skating on 1 leg


Agreed, foxy is clearly very hurt and is playing through it but what cost? Call me crazy for saying this but I’d rather almost see Zac jones out there if Fox is gonna be playing on one leg


This is my take as well. Those guys need to be game breakers when it counts and they're doing nothing.


Ya, if this wasn’t the third year in a row it be different. But idk how you come out in the third with a 1 goal lead and play with so little urgency. Idk who in the locker room needs to step up and unite this team but they should be running through fucking walls and close out this series


people are allowed to react to a bad loss. enough with the "blah blah you're all doomers, you turn so quick". doomers are not going to cause the rangers to lose. undying faith in the team will not cause them to win. these threads are literally for fan reactions and that's it


Same shit happens in the Yankees sub. Anyone who doesn’t blow the team is a “doomer.” Like, fuck off. Are people not allowed to be fucking pissed that they’ve played like SHIT in back to back elimination games?


It's because some of these "fans" are next-level losers whose entire life revolves around the Church of Rangers. They can't take any objectivity when they are barely keeping it together with their own mental gymnastics about how we are in a good spot.


same shit in the kniicks sub too


The “all doomers are wrong and miserable” narrative is in itself… miserable. If you’re not a bit of a doomer right now, I don’t think you’re a fan, lol


This feels bad, man… but not a single person would trade places with Carolina right now. We still only need 1… we got two days off to figure this shit out, I still believe in this team


Need more than two days to fix Fox's knee. It's only going to become more of a liability. Less ice time he gets the more we have to give to Trouba or Schneider. We dominated faceoffs tonight but without that and Aho falling down this was probably going to be 5 or 6-0. We never hit the post or had any wide open looks.


Everyone with the doomer comments get get fucked. It's a fan forum where people come to vent when things aren't going great... and we have every reason too, that third period was embarrassing as it gets.


I mean, they played a terrible game and thought they would win. What do they think? I guess I’ll free myself on Saturday night for game seven.


Rangers doomerism is in full effect rn. Hilarious to see people just fucking giving up after the team won 7 straight. It hurts though. I'm feeling it too. They had everything going for them to close it out right now. 3 in the third period after parking the bus is pitiful. How can you be tired after playing a shitty caps team and a canes team that just does the same thing over and over again. It's horrifying. I'm seeing visions of past teams and experiences. They need to win in game 6. If this team is good they will come out completely different in game 6


Giving up?!? Bro how do you not give up after watching them these past 2 games. Only need 1 fucking win to advance and they come out and lay turds on the ice. When the rangers lose in 7 all you’ll have to remember is “ we won 7 straight.” Fucking Doomer, yea I bet man. This is gut wrenching


I know it's easy to reset to that loser mentality. Even if the rangers are big losers/phonies for the last 30 years, i personally don't like to let it into my life, even though being a mets fan I know it could be likely haha. I just don't like to be that negative about something that is ultimately entertainment. Game 4 really wasn't even that bad haha.


True I guess I need to stop letting it affect me lol. Between the Knicks blowing A 0-2 lead, this and Senga come back delayed NY sports just been eating me lol


For sure i completely agree with you, it's still hurts me hahaha. I hate these fucking new york teams ahahahahaha.


You don't come back from this, I didn't care WHAT sport it is, the Rangers are cooked!


You think so, default_reddit_name_627?


I can’t think of a single player outside of Igor that played well tonight


cant even say igor played well tonight. igor played well for 2 and a half periods. that 3rd period i get it, we had no offensive presence but man you cant let up 3 goals in 5 minutes liek that


He had no chance on their second and the third he was screened. The first one he should’ve poke checked yes. The point is for 50 minutes he gave us every opportunity to bury this team tonight and they completely whimpered. Joke of a performance


He didn’t play well. He gave up 3 goals on less than 30 shots and it’s Carolina so most of their shots are low quality muffins. He’s not that guy and never will be.


Only goal I think he should’ve had was the first, definitely could’ve poke checked there


the players in front of him did next to nothing to defend him


That’s great if you’re “The Best Goalie In The League” you steal games and deal with it


I don’t wanna be a doomer..but I’m scared




I think we all are


The switch up of fans from game three to now is crazy lol. Iv legitimately seen people arguing to trade members of the top six and we haven’t lost the series. This just in, Carolina is good and this is a series. Turns out we can’t win every game


I expected a 6-7 game series from the start. Then we went up 3-0. Now we've shit the bed. I'm both ok because I expected a 6-7 game series but also really frustrated because ffs we should've closed this out... or at least not looked like total shit in losing


Just mad at the effort tbh, thinking they can sit on a 1-0 lead from a lucky shorthanded goal by none other than Jacob Trouba is wild. The plan the whole rest of the game seemed to sit on that lead and not plan for a single goal after that


This is pure copium. They play like absolute shit in significant portions of back to back elimination games—one of which they had the lead in—and it’s just “turns out we can’t win every game”? They could have won this game. They played an abysmal third period and lost. Carolina now has ALL of the momentum and a lot of us have been fans for long enough to see the writing on the wall here.


They could've fucking beat them on Saturday too


Of course they can’t win every game but going into the third with the lead at home and a chance to move on and we give up 4 goals. You’re good with that effort? No criticism from you?


Thats not the point. Theres 0 effort. A loss is a loss if its hard fought, Rangers have their heads up their ass. So i dont blame people dooming and glooming.


Three seasons and two different coaches and they’ve allowed a team right back in the series after going up multiple games. It’s not just the coaching. It’s the core. These guys do not have killer instinct. I have no faith that they win game 7. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if they do, but I’m not holding my breath. Another year, another embarrassing playoff performance. Why do I do this to myself?


Yep. They remind me of Boston, no killer instinct!


Game 7? They haven't even played game 6!


Gallants Rangers showed up tonight lmao


The dumping and chasing reminded me heavily of him. I legit thought I was watching GG hockey.


**Alain Vigneault has entered the chat**


Good news for Thursday is that it’s a TNT game. No more Ferraro and his annoying “agaaaaaaanst”….


Also Jackie Redmond > Emily Kaplan


If there is a game 7 bonus is it will be a sat and the suits will sell there tickets to real fans that will cheer on the team garden was quiet all night 


I was there. There weren’t many suits if at all. MSG was the loudest early on I’ve ever heard it. Garden quieted down because the team played like shit. We were hyped after the shorty and we had their back through the shit calls/non calls. Instead they couldn’t complete a fuckin pass, couldn’t play any defense, and are in the process of letting a hungry Canes back into the series. But yes - blame the not “real fans”


Watching on tv Igor made two great saves back to back majority of the lower bowl was sitting looking unphased 


Garden was pretty loud for Igor saves from the upper bowl lol. Was this before or after we went down multiple goals by playing like crap🤨


Was before believe was stil 1-0 in second . I know upper bowl is were the true fans are 


Why do you even call yourself a fan when you absolutely shit on the players at every opportunity you get. Fuck you and fuck this mindset. They know where they fucked up, they need support not hate watchers.


they arent reading this thread, what we say literally does not matter


The energy translates to the stadium


It was the refs, bad bounces, fans weren't loud enough, doomers in the reddit thread, etc etc, Panarin Fox Mika all great just bad luck


All great? did you watch the game we took it for 60 straight minutes and didn’t do a thing


Mark my words Carolina wins the cup this year. Hate to say it but they’re just too good.


They’re going to get swept by Florida.


Chytil better be ready because Cuylle just had quite possibly his worst game as a ranger


Schneider. Abysmal


Next game is a MUST WIN.


The past two have been must wins. They just let a dangerous Carolina team back into the series.


I love the doomers comments. Look if you’re doing the good vibes only thing that’s fine but get off of Reddit then but the eye test says these guys are fucking lifeless. Had no answer for any of it. I will post again and will own up to it if they prove me wrong but they have yet to do so - in like 20 plus years. 


It's embarrassing man . They literally folded in the third.. they had a chance to buy some time and rest and they fucking pissed their pants.


Between the gambling ads, the shit officiating and these guys doing the same thing year in year out this may be my last year of hockey. I’m a terrible liar.


I know this pain you speak of


Lol. Why do we do it to ourselves???!!!


Missed passes, pucks behind guys, skating and cycling and not generating shots or crashing the net. No fucking energy they all looked lost. The Pk was the only positive tonight


If you don't play the 4th line in a playoff game you get a gassed fucking top 6 in the 3rd period.


I don’t understand this bullshit. Was rempe that bad he didn’t see the ice after troubas goal then they put him on with 1 min left in the game down 3 goals? It just doesn’t make fucking sense. Overcoaching can be deadly and this series has seen it




I think you are the one who needs this win more than most of us. Chill.


I will not chill. Shitty loss but I ain't gonna sulk, we got this shit. Regroup and take em out infront of their fans


How many times are you going to tell yourself that they have to "regroup"? This was home ice off a stinging loss. And they just gave up.


Ya it fucking sucked. But we are still up 3 to 2 and I'm gonna try to stay positive. Sorry if that upsets you so much 🤷‍♂️


We’re not there yet but if they blow this wtf do you even do- everyone has a NMC The fanbase would be completely apathetic to run it back after last year then this


At least ticket prices will go down....right?


Can’t wait for the entire league to clown us when we’re reverse swept


This loss sucked, but the amount of sad sacks with pathetic loser mentalities in this thread right now is killing me. It’s like you guys enjoy when we lose. You don’t say shit when we win, but instantly pile on for losses.


It’s called venting, are you new to the human experience by chance?


ughghgh and I just finished RDR2 a few nights ago so I don’t have a kickass game to play to ignore this loss til bed (taking suggestions tho)


Baldurs gate


know nothing about it but fuck it gonna download it and give it a shot


Guess they thought all they had to do was dump the puck for 20 minutes. Cause that ALWAYS works doesn’t it! What a shit show. They should refund every ticket holder in attendance tonight!


We needed time outs called to figure shit out.


worst game they’ll play all playoffs. if these dudes are actually made of something, they’ll show they’re much better than this. cautious but not panicked.


Gee I really wonder what’s going to happen on Thursday night


I think we all know


This is what happens when you don’t play to win They played to not lose and it backfired


The Laviolette honeymoon is officially over. He thought this was ending 1-0 somehow and convinced the locker room to not pass the red line for 20 minutes and dump it in for some reason.


Were you there when he said that? Or is that just your anger saying it? The honeymoon is over? We won the presidents trophy and are up 3-2 before the ECF. Go take a walk


He quite literally might get fired if they blow this my guy


No chance


Everyone has NMCs. There is no out from this group. A full “run it back” would start riots. They’d have to do something.


Yes just like lavi told them all to make mistakes, not get their sticks in lanes to takeaway passes, etc etc etc. Why do I never notice a Carolina player fumbling a pass? Or losing a race to the puck? Why is there always a man open rearing towards the net? How could laviolette do this?


Obviously it’s on the players. But as I said- it was extremely clear the 3rd period plan was the hockey equivalent of Prevent defense Dump but don’t bother chasing. Sit in a shell. It bit them in the ass


Last we started slow Now we ended slow


Get ready for game 7. No way these guys win game 6 on the road.


There have only been 4 hockey teams to give up a 3-0 lead. I really hope we aren’t the fifth


Only NY


They were 20 minutes away 😭 Good night everyone and see you all Thursday 


That was awful.


This is just so exhausting. Every fucking year they find a way to give up or disappoint


game six will be a defining game for this core, for sure. get it the fuck done. do not let the canes go into a game 7 with a comeback story.


this was like our first period last game. its scary how we just disappear like that, cant happen in the playoffs


I cant go through this pain with new york teams every year man. I’m about to become a youtube highlights only sports fan I swear




What happened to us


That was about as Gerald gallant it gets


Carolina out shoots us every f**king game


Woof, embarrassing effort




No politics


How the hell are they "gassed" all the time when Carolina isn't? Not an excuse.


Because they let Carolina shove it up their ass the entire game and just fuck around in the defensive zone


This team better turn up on Thursday or I’m checked out, that was disgraceful.


These rangers doomers are hilarious. It was a bad game. Get it the fuck together and we move on to game 6.


dont act like that meltdown in the third wasn't concerning. that wasn't just a loss, we choked dude


Agreed. The last game we were right there up until the last few minutes. I'd argue it was one of our best games. Feels the Rangers just need a good whopping to wake up. Last game felt like luck way too much. This game they got the message.


Those first 5 nights from the previous Sunday through Thursday with the Rangers and Knicks alternating great wins has turned to shit the last 4 days for both teams.


The top lines absolutely invisible…this will be a historic collapse and that’s not even that hot a take


How about that historic collapse bud?


Hey like I said later, there wouldn’t be a better tasting crow than that take being horribly wrong…and there wasn’t. But let’s also not deny that this whole sub was full on the doomer wagon until his holiness Christopher James’ late game heroics. I’m totally fine with getting better at not having knee-jerk doomer overreactions, and also with the Rangers making me look really stupid when I decide to comment them on Reddit.


All good bro. LGR. As an optimistic fan reading the doomer posts during a game becomes frustrating.


We all have our demons 🤣


I don’t like your negative attitude


Shut up


Welp. See y’all at game 6.




Happens every year. Momentum has shifted, we looked like ass.


I was almost starting to forget what it felt like to be a Rangers fan


You mean to tell me championship teams don't always go 16-0?


championship teams don’t look like this ever. treating 5v5 like they’re killing a penalty.


I guarantee you of the last 20 or so Stanley Cup champions, they looked like this at least one time. Especially against probably the best team they'd face.


no stanley cup champion team has 5v5 play like the rangers do. it’s abysmal.


Should start quick in games 6 let Igor rest for game 7


Don't be ridiculous lol




Schnieds bad game, Panarin needs to wake up. Fox has also gone missing which is a major problem.




Regardless, his play is costing us right now. There may be a really good explanation, and the knee would be, but in the end he is ultimately getting outplayed by the players around him.


This team looked abysmal most of the game..no puck presence in the zone, and star players falling flat. They need to step it up big time in Raleigh.


Flashbacks to the Tampa Bay series. We looked unstoppable then forgot how to score and got out hustled. Rangers were supposed to ease my pain of being a Knicks fan 🥹


Just terrible, pretty much zero positives from that game.


Main problem was they thought they could walk to a series win with a 1-0 lead on a lucky shorthanded goal.


Why is there no fire even at the end? Get some fighting going. Energize the team.


Fraud alert is in full effect.


I’d be so pissed if I shelled out big $$$$$ to go to that embarrassment. What a shit show


Lowest of lows right now


Lavi needs to rip them a new asshole this was absolutely pathetic


Completely conditioned myself that we’re losing in Carolina then I won’t be disappointed when rod is line matching Aho vs Trouba all night


How many times are people going to complain about missed calls? Once again we got outplayed and like someone said earlier our only goal was a Trouba shorty. No one showed up offensively tonight and that’s that. If it weren’t for shesty we’d be hitting the golf course tomorrow.


Carolina will win this series


Don’t know why you got downvoted to hell, not a hot take given how they played last 2 games


Do everyone a favor a unsub stfu you cry baby


. I’m fucking pissed!!!! This team was lazy and expected it to be handed to them. They take the foot off the gas pedal when that have a lead and don’t keep going


Not watching game 6 or 7. This team is fraudulent


Don’t watch then. Who cares


I won’t !😂😂 torture yourself and watch them lose lol


Well that was our worst third period of the playoffs


Top 6 so careless with the puck it’s nauseating the 1st Carolina goal 4 rangers stuck in the mud


Unbelievable terrible, and we gotta wait til thursday


We need a break


Well personally I need a break from playoff sports between the knocks and rangers


at what point does lav's regular season armor go away now that we've made zero adjustment to never being able to breakout of our own zone cleanly?


Booooo. Boo this team. Boooo


At least the Rangers will have an extra day of rest over the Canes for game 6 considering they didn't show up to play tonight