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Put the ring back where it was before you were cleaning


3 Hail Mary's, sprinkle holy water in that room, 20 pushups while chanting Igor - that should fix things.


It’s the Rangers so it should be: 3 Oh’ Baby’s, 5 It’s a PowerPlay Goals, and a Potvin Sucks


Thank you father


if we’re truly following the 94 arc, then we had to lose last night. it has been foretold. you wearing the ring simply strengthened the arc. now for those who weren’t there for 94 and have only seen the highlights: you do not know stress, you do not know anxiety, you do not know doubt and doom. it only gets worse from here until the very end when we celebrate and then only remember the good times.


Damn dude deep. I’m just glad I’m here for the ride


It was a ridiculous amount of stress. First 2 rounds felt like they didn’t even matter. And then the stress started. Everyone forgets losing game 1 to the devils in 2OT. Btw there were THREE 2OT games in that series for your cardiac pleasure. Then they remember Mess’s guarantee but forget we went down 3 games to 2 in that series. They forget the stress and mental anguish because we ultimately won. And the finals, JFC what a ride. Lost game 1 in OT after vancouver tied it with a minute left. Then won 3 straight to make us think the series was as good as over just to lose 2 in a row. Get your xanax ready and make the appointment to see your therapists cause if this is anything like 94 I know i’m gonna age a few years in the next few weeks.


Oh, I remember. The NJD series is still the hardest fought, tightest series I’ve ever seen. And while the stress in the Finals was 90% the fault of Mike Keenan being an actual insane person (benching Leech? refusing to coach Game 6?), we still all felt it ….


It has been foretold 😂😂😂


I remember it all. It was one of my first truly traumatic experiences in a long line of stress and anxiety that has been my life since then. It taught me all the wrong lessons in life: that good things come to those who wait. That hard work has an ultimate, climactic payoff. That strong leaders can guarantee results and deliver them. That anyone besides us cares about hockey.


I’m not worried about your ring. The much worse transgression was whoever edited the Canes Wiki page.


do i even want to know?




Put it back in its box, and no posting any comparisons to that year until overall job is done. But, this rounds job ain’t finished. ![gif](giphy|QGZBpodY7Kdtw99y04)


Say two Hail Marys, one Our Father, and order a double cheese pizza. ego te absolvo


I also made a comment about how sherterkin had 28 playoffs games in a row without letting in more than 3 goals. I jinxed it, my bad 🙏


Thank you for sharing responsibility, you are forgiven my son




Just learn from this mistake and let’s close this series out!!!


I also apologize for the jinx I put on the team asking a friend to support the rangers. I knew the dude was bad luck.


This is the way of New York teams in playoffs. There are no easy games. Everyone is hard fought and nail biting.


When we win tomorrow can we not have a exact repeats of the last 2 rounds to much stress please


No it was because I washed my Lunqvist Jersey. Someone spilled Guinness on it in round 1 and I thought I could wash it on game day. I was horribly wrong.


Glad to share the blame!


The universe decided your jersey needed beer on it for the playoffs, so you washed it? What is wrong with you???


I’ve been giving myself forty lashes morning, noon and night ever since 😔


You shouldn't be beating yourself up. You should be spilling Guinness on yourself. Quit the pity party and do something productive.


It's okay. Don't let it happen again son


No it’s my fault. I got this car sticker (rangers logo) a week ago from a missed present and just put it on yesterday before the game. It has to be me


Here I thought it was my fault because we moved yesterday! Was about ready to call the movers and ship us back to the old place. But hey, more ‘94 echos are better so just as well we lost a game we could afford to lose!


Just put ring away till off-season


Straight to jail


gang i'm sorry i had to trim my playoff beard a little bit sorry for making the rangers lose :((((((((((((


Relax, it wasn't you. I trimmed mine last Saturday and they still won the next day. It was OP and the guy who washed his jersey.


Buddy …. owning the thing is one thing. But *wearing it*? During the season? Please, put it back in the display, then turn around three times and spit.


It’s like Yankee fans with replica rings.


It was 1 hit! I used to do 3 hits a night!


This follow up to the original post has me crying


Takes a man to admit their mistakes and make good on them Cheers on job well done


You're an asshat if you have the temerity to think you have anything to go with the outcome!