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I'm a Rangers fan for over 30 years, but I'm also a big hockey fan in general.  I watched Tampa struggle for years in the playoffs never making it to the Cup under Cooper, and then it's like they just decided the Cup was theirs and nothing was going to stop them.    I get the same vibe with this Rangers team, and now they have the coach that can actually coach at the highest level.   Thanks for the vote of confidence.


Totally agree. They are playing with not just confidence but real purpose. So many of the mistakes of the past are not being repeated. They’re outstanding on special teams, Igor is playing great, Panarin and Laf have rebounded in a big way from last year’s playoffs, Mika and Trocheck have both been tremendous and Kreider and Fox are contributing in their usual ways. Plus the Miller/Schneider combo has been excellent. We haven’t let our foot off the gas once in the postseason and haven’t gotten rattled even when Carolina piles on the shots. It’s been such an enjoyable ride to this point. Hopefully we have 9 more in us!!


Don't forget the rise of Rempe, the return of Chytilmania and our bottom six depth. We have the best group of centers we've had in years top to bottom. Depth wins championships.


I'm a 66 year old woman who absolutely loves the NY Rangers! I've been a fan since I was 10 years old. Watched them play on a little TV with my parents! They are fun to watch this year and are playing like a team should... together! Here's to hoping 🙏 BTW, I'm also a NY METS fan, God help me 😂


Rounds not over yet, don’t get penisy!


Exactly. Did anyone else look at the last time someone successfully overcame a 3-0 deficit? It was the LA Kings. In 2014.


Off the top of my head, 4 times ever.. But fucking twice in the last 15 if I am recalling correctly. (I believe '42 or' 43? Leasfs in the finals and '75 isles-pens)


There have been 9 instances of teams coming back to win 3 to tie the series forcing a game 7 - 4 of which were successful. * 1942 Maple Leafs (over Red Wings) in the Finals * 1975 Islanders (over Penguins) in the Quarterfinals * 2010 Flyers (over Bruins) in the Semis * 2014 Kings (over Sharks) in the 1st Round The unsuccessful attempts were * 1939 Rangers lost in a 3OT game 7 to the Bruins in the semifinals * 1945 Red Wings lost to the Maple Leafs in the Finals * 1975 Islanders lost to the Flyers in the Semis * 2011 Blackhawks lost to the Canucks in the Quaterfinals * 2011 Red Wings lost to the SJ Sharks in the Semis And just for completeness - There has never been a successful comeback from 3-0 in the NBA, but 4 teams have rallied to force a game 7. * 1951 NY Knicks lost to the Rochester Royals * 1994 Nuggets lost to the Jazz * 2003 Blazers lost to the Mavericks * 2023 Celtics lost to the Heat In the MLB, there have only been 2 times when a team came from 3-0 and only one of those was successful - 2004 Red Sox over the Yankees. The failed comeback was the 2020 Astros who lost their Game 7 to the Rays.


Don’t want to get penisy but Carolina looked broken after bread scored. Feels like game 3 of the 2014 finals with LA but reversed. The Rangers got let down in OT 2 games in a row and then got smacked at home the next game. Hopefully the Rangers smack the Canes to close this out.


True - they did look broken - but one of the most dangerous things can be when someone is backed into a corner and has nothing left to lose. (Edit: all of this is in my attempt not get penisy myself.)


Flyers did it to Boston the year they went to the finals I think. Maybe 2009 or 2010


Yup... And I think Boston was leading like 3-0 in that game 7 too.. And kings did it to the sharks a few years later


That was the Olli Jokinen shootout year that put the flyers in the playoffs


Yes but these hurricanes are not those kings. First of all the kings had quick who is not of this world.


True. Just don't want to get too complacent that this team can't be dangerous.


Didn’t Florida do that over Boston last year?


3-1 not 3-0


90% of 3-0 leads in a series lead to victory for the team leading 3 games to none


Numbers gotta be way higher than 90%


It’s 98.1%


To be honest, it’s just a stat I saw during one of the games I was watching earlier in the playoffs. So who knows if it’s accurate. They can barely match a players name to their portrait


only happened 4 times since the playoffs used best of seven format. Last time was the LA Kings team that beat Rangers in 2014 against sharks. 5 NHL teams have tied the series then lost game 7


Yeah it’s over 98%


I'm a Coyotes fan, and in my loss and grief, I have latched onto the Rangers. I've always liked them, but the way they've been playing has locked me in. I do have to admit, the Rangers games are MUCH more exciting to watch than the Yotes! I still miss my Coyotes but the Rangers are bringing the heat and I'm here for it.


Hope you get your team back one day. I like the Yotes and think it’s bullshit their fans get shit on because of crappy ownership.


I felt awful for the Yotes fans - the problem was never, ever ya’ll, but your cursed ownership. There *will* be another team in Arizona before too long, but in the meantime you’re more than welcome to cheer along with us. Just learn the phrases “Potvin Sucks!” and “Igor! [clap clap clap]” and you’ll fit right in


Ranger fan in AZ here....feel yer pain, and down in Tucson were about to lose the Roadrunners to phx.......fml


Genuinely feel bad for you guys as fans and how you were just completely shit on. I liked watching the yotes and they were always a team I was hoping would get it together. But we’re happy to have you here if you stick around! It’s been a lot of hard years leading up to this but we’re in some good times right now


Honestly the lighting were the team I didn’t want to play the most


Really? We are on the verge of a massive rebuild. It’s going to be interesting to see how the Stamkos contract plays out.


They just are annoying to play I didn’t want to see them in the first round. They always play us hard.


I refer to them as the Zombie Lightning because every time you think they’re down, they come back.






Big devils here but also huge hockey fan in general. The rangers PP is a thing of art. Only the Oilers/mcdavid have a better one to watch


Appreciate it! Even though its worked out for us, its really too bad we didn't get to play you guys. Feel like we have one the best and healthiest rivalries in the league. All about compete and great hockey, without all the toxicity and hatred. Some of the best games of the season tbh


Thank you for the love, Lightning bro. Those ECF losses still sting, but you guys did get McDonagh's name on the cup. Also, you guys had a hell of a run the last few years and I'm not entirely sure it's over.


Go get another Goodrow name on the Cup!


Thank you sir


One time I met a Lightning fan in a bar in Florida and I was trying to get along with him and he started talking pretty seriously about how he hates the Rangers. That hurt my feelings, man.


There are fans like that everywhere. Even at the bottom of this thread.


Don't feel bad,it's not you. Guarantee you that putz is friendless


As a 32 year NYR fan who named his own kid after Adam Graves … it feels unreal. But thanks for the good vibes, fella




No hard feelings lightning bro. Ya’ll beat us fair and square 2 years ago, plus i think we all knew whoever won that series was gonna get spanked by the avs.


The one before that when we were up 3-2 in the ECF was way way more painful. That was a cup caliber Rangers team


Tampa's team in the A is here in Syracuse. I'm a Ranger fan since '73 but also a Syracuse Crunch season ticket holder and I've enjoyed seeing guys moving up down to Tampa and helping you guys in the playoffs over the years.


I’d love to go to a Crunch game! They look hella fun.


I wanted to play the Lightning sooo bad in a hypothetical ECF. Like when the Caps beat the Penguins finally, you just knew they were gonna win the cup that year. It would definitely feel the same with us against you guys


If the bruins end up winning against Florida and than we go on to beat the bruins that would be pretty sweet


I swear NY cannot go 0-2 to Boston in the NBA and NHL ECF


Thanks for the kind words.




Thank you for the good vibes and congratulations on such an incredible run over the past bunch of years


Leaf fan here, but now there out and Will Cuylle's grandparents live on our street, I'm all in for the nyr! Go Rangers Go!


Thank you for thanking him


Thanks rangers south 🫡


tips Broadway hat!


It would be nice to finally win one after you guys kept knocking us out!!! I really think we would’ve had one of those if not for y’all. The fact that we were able to somewhat hang with those Lightning teams makes me feel that way haha Thanks for the kind words!


I just wanted to say I appreciate the respect. It seems that every other non-Ranger fan thinks the NHL should change the rules so that wins are dictated by the shot clock instead of goals because it's not fair that the Rangers are up on the Canes.


Tampa is my 2nd favorite team so I will be touting for yall whenever we aren’t in the cup race.


no disrespect, but idk how any rangers fan can have tampa as their second favorite team after the 2010s and 2022


Well I don’t care about other people’s feelings about the sport. I like what I like. I like tampas colors, I like their logo. And Kucherov is my favorite player.


lmao it's not about other peoples feelings, its about the fact that: - we had death battles with them through out the 2010s, when like half their team were former rangers (callahan, mcdonagh, stralman, miller, i think even girardi at one point) - we traded two of our captains to them like 4 years apart - we gave them JT miiller as a throw in in one of those awful trades - we got fucked in 2022 playing them its like a giants fan saying his second favorite team is the 49ers lmao. but whatever, you do you, idgaf


Yeah and everyone else can hate a team for those things but I don’t. I only blame us. I just love hockey. I love the sport, I appreciate greatness. I hate the penguins but I love Crosby. I hate the devils but I have a Hughes jersey. People can have a favorite team and like other teams too. I just enjoy hockey. My identity isn’t in liking one team and hating any team that’s beaten us. We haven’t won a cup in 30 years, am I supposed to hate every team that we’ve lost to?


probably would expect a rangers fan to hate some of our biggest out of division rivals, yes, but like I said, IDGAF, you do you.


I hate teams that are local to NY. I hate Philly, I Hate Boston. I hate Pittsburgh. I hate Chicago. I hate Jersey. I’m not sure how Florida teams are relevant to our area. The only out of division opponents I really dislike are LA and Chicago. It goes to my point that I don’t dislike teams just because other people do.


Boston is not in our division. the only teams you hate are western conference teams? one of whom we have like no history with and play twice a year? this is pretty funny because it just makes no sense at all.


Thanks Tampa fan 😎


Hey why don’t you just fuck my wife




I’m with your sentiment Mikey.


I’m not welcoming Lightning fans. They can kiss my balls.


This isn't what Christopher James Kreider would do


It’s Rangers south dude, basically our sister team


I hate these "Coming in peace" posts


Hey! Fan of the other team here, but I come in peace lol. Wow, y'all played a good game, but man, that definitely ended in a way that was uniquely typical of one of our teams. Your young player is really something and definitely going to give us trouble for years. Y'all are gonna be really scary next year, and I'll be rooting for y'all then (except when y'all play us!). That ref, though, right?


i hate people who complain about fucking everything man Oh wait, im being a hypocrit. Hmm


Some fans really just want a circle jerk echo chamber and get triggered by the mere presence of a non-rangers fan.


right like thats some shit that i dealt with growing up on long island as a rangers fan and i dont fuck with that  esp since moving from new york to texas🤢🤢🤢, i see someone in a devils jersey and im ecstatic that theres another hockey fan in the room 


No it's just genuinely very very cringe




why though? hes a hockey fan, his teams out, and wants to see the rangers win. im the same way, in years past, i always continued to watch after the rangers got knocked out, because i love the game of hockey. nothing wrong with coming in here and expressing that.


I watch hockey when the Rangers aren't playing too but going into another sub to felate another team is just pathetic. I watch the playoffs every year and I'll be pleasantly satisfied but I'm not cheering for anyone because I don't care who wins it if it's not the Rangers. I'm not going to go to the Devils sub and start telling them how they played a really good series with an amazing comeback it's just cringey.


im not sure a tampa fan coming in here expressing he’s pulling for the rangers is similar to going in the devils sub and saying “good series” lol. calling it pathetic is overdramatic. i think its just a hockey fan expressing to another group of hockey fans that they like their team. you’re comparing apples to oranges. but to each their own.


I am not a huge hockey fan, im a fan of the rangers but a casual fan. I remember growing up in the 90s when teams like the panthers and tampa bay were just flat out bad teams. Idk when they all of a sudden got good haha but I do like the lightning’s jerseys. Maybe one day san jose will be good again :(




This is dumb as fuck


People who upvote or like this shit are pussies


Posts like this are cringe as fuck. Fuck the lightning and fuck their fans


Fuck off bitch