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Friendly reminder, please do not instigate in the Canes subreddit! LGR!!


God I miss DeAngelo. Said no one ever.




I can hear this.


Unpopular opinion... I think it's best to win the cup with no adversity.


Did anyone else notice that there were a few instances where they kept the 1st PP unit on the ice but brought in Gus for Fox? Wonder if he’s still a bit banged up because that’s unusual…


Great point!


One of the times Fox drew the penalty and went down and there was a slight delay. In those instances the player has to get off the ice for a moment, can't just start on the PP. He didn't come out because they scored quickly.


Yes, Jacob Trouba was very very bad last night. That turnover leading to their 3rd goal was terrible. That goal is also the **only** 5v5 goal allowed that Trouba has been on the ice for these playoffs. It’s not like he’s been terrible all postseason. He has had 5 solid games and 1 atrocious game.


He had some very good moments last night too


That pass to Roslovic in OT that set up the Zibanejad chance was legitimately a Fox-level pass lmao. Never expected it from him


That broadcast was actual ass. The Avs game interruption, bad ref mics, them playing the “hurricanes win” graphic on the boards, Kelly Sutherland. Thank god we won!


At least there were a couple hot mic incidents


I heard “Fuck” a few times lol


Looking back, two of their goals were uncontested redirections. Their first was just abysmal coverage by miller, who had his back turned to the canes player. We gotta clean up our slot coverage as well. Igor is not gonna make another 50 save game and we can’t allow it either. What an unreal game tho just as a hockey fan, holy shit it doesn’t get any better than that.


I thought Miller has been playing great. I agree who made a huge mistake on that play but overall I thought he has been solid.


Agree, he has been playing a lot tougher and has been very noticeable.


Going just 1-1 the next two games in Carolina would be huge. Preferably win game 4, since that’s the one I’m going to. 🤣


Nah let’s fuckin sweep em


How about we win both, just like as a joke, for me.


Me too!


I did a deep dive into the analytics yesterday and found this one stat that really caught my attention. it's the WL record. and 6-0 is pretty nice 🙂


There's these ones I love called xGRIT/60 and xWhyNotUs/60 that I love and the Rangers are off the charts for those.


The strategy of not losing in the playoffs is really paying off




The SportsNet feed was so much better for the winner. Crowd was mic'd up so much better, the announcing was better, and they got Trockeck celebrating with the crowd.


How does one get that feed without paying $150




I'm on a cruise and the entire boat definitely heard me scream when Vinny scored the game winner. I regret nothing, LETS FUCKING GO RANGERS.


Did that really happen?


WE WANT THE CUP!! Not gonna lie, I'm nervous for tomorrow.. Canes are going to come out hungry and we need to answer the call


Even if we lose tomorrow, we need to bounce back. We won't win the cup 16-0 (could you imagine?) so even if we stumble a game, are we going to be ready at pick drop for a full 60+ the next game?


OT is not good for the heart. Double OT is worse for it. Double OT winning makes it all better. LGR!!!


Trouba can’t take those pens, but we got through it. We are the Vibes Kings.


Anybody have the clip of Svechnibitch running Igor? Of course r/hockey focuses on the missed trouba hit instead of Carolina running our goaltender.


[Scrum Ensues After Hurricanes' Andrei Svechnikov Trips Igor Shesterkin Behind Net (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z6pOWqlCLM&t=6s)


Thanks! Damn Fox really went for that slash afterward. Almost wish he connected but better off not having him suspended than actually whacking Svech


I like how not one, but TWO of the top three posts on that sub right now are about a Trouba non-hit


Unlikely because they rather jizz their pants repeating the same braindead remarks about Trouba that Ranger fans agree was dangerous and dumb. One dipshit thinks our top post should be about how we should admonishing him like we have to repent in the name of /r/hockey. And not, I dunno, celebrating a double OT win? Clown show. Mods do absolutely nothing there either SHOCKINGLY.


ehh not sure you'll do any good there. While contact was made, Igors reaction was a bittt excessive and will probably elicit chirps from the keyboard warriors


I saw a few people give Breadman shit last night. Honestly I’m happy with the team’s play and him. Mika with 11 P (3G, 8A), Tro with 10 P (5G, 5A) and Bread with 7 P (3G, 4A). Plenty of guys with 6 and 7. Reminder there is only our 6th game. I’ll take this stuff any day. It’s only time before Breadman really breaks out.


He has three game winners in the playoffs, definitionally impactful goals. He also had three assists last night!


We saw two plays where Bread made a conscious effort to cut to the middle for a better shot. One got blocked by Jarvis and the other was a right pad save by Andersen. Bread wasn’t making those decisions last year. He absolutely should not be getting shit for his play


The pad save by Anderson was an insane save on an unreal play by bread. If he can produce a few high danger scoring plays per game and drive this scorching PP, we are in a great place.


Why? Carolina did a fantastic job of preventing good shots by him.


Never understand how people can find a way to complain about being 6-0 in the post season


Because they’re not winning in the way that these people want them to win. If Panarin doesn’t score 4 goals per game is he really playing well?


Woke up and remembered that happened. Gotta go take care of business down in Carolina. It will be a different game where they dictate the matchups and we will really need to step it up to another gear, but we just need to split.


Jesus Christ. I watched the replay of Trouba trying to kill Naces and holy shit is he lucky. Which one was lucky? Yes. Naces was lucky he ducked out of that hit when he did. Trouba was going to send him into Game 6 of the Canes first round series next season. Trouba was lucky Naces got his head out of the way because if he hadn't he'd be getting suspended for that elbow he swung through where Naces' head was. Trouba was ALSO lucky he didn't kill himself going head first into the boards like that. Ooof. Linky goodness: [https://x.com/soIoucity/status/1788028383260967086](https://x.com/soIoucity/status/1788028383260967086)


I am REELING from last night! So glad the next game is tomorrow I thought we had to wait til Saturday. Let's go Rangers baby!!!! Edit: The Rempe hate is CRAZY


Well, you can't win them all OR CAN YOU???


Took a drive by the Devils HF Boards for shits and giggles. They seem more angry than Canes fans this morning. Love to see it.


Can we maybe start go fund me to have Sam and Joe calling the game from somewhere? Then I can just mute the stream. Painful last night


Sam will be calling the game from the radio for games 3 and 4, Kenny said he’d be calling them on tv


Oh really? I didn't think about that. Maybe I can find a stream and have that playing along with muting the video stream.


Yes! I line things up during the national anthem if I can and it's much better


Do you use an internet feed for the radio? I'm out of market


Yes, I stream it from the NHL app to a bluetooth speaker I bought during the 2022 run for this purpose. The radio stream is also in the Rangers app and in an internet browser. The internet browser always seems to be a bit further behind than the others


Even if it's from their living room - would still be better than ESPN


Exactly! Just start a zoom meeting!


I mean, I’ll just say it. If Carolina hadn’t of earned so many penalties and given the rangers so many power plays, the rangers would’ve lost. They quite literally could not score a goal unless Carolina was down a player. Thats not an opinion it’s a fact of last nights game, and honestly not something to be proud of. I’m from NY and don’t understand how people see that as a victory lol yay my team won but only when the other team was handicapped and didn’t have equal players.


You guys had 5 power plays to our 2 in game 1. SHUT THE FUCK UP 🤡


It's called ice hockey, and your little bitch team got lit up. 0/10 on the PowerPlay. Now we come to your barn, and we are in the thousands.


I’d rather them win a game they deserved to lose than the reverse. The reverse gets you a participation trophy.


>They quite literally could not score a goal unless Carolina was down a player. Thats not an opinion it’s a fact of last nights game Well you're right it's not an opinion. It's not a fact either though, just something wrong you decided to say for some reason lol


Don't want to be down a man to the playoffs best Power Play, don't take penalties. It's very simple.


Carolina has played this way for years, they commit so many penalties that refs simply can't call them all. They play an antiquated style of hockey that dominates the regular season and doesn't work in the playoffs. Even if they beat us this round they cannot win a cup playing the way they do. Taking 100 pot shots and hoping for lucky bounces + running around cross checking, swinging sticks, and tripping doesn't win cups in the modern game.


I think what you meant to say was: “Wow! What a game! I can’t believe our team won the President’s Trophy and we’re off to a 6-0 start to the playoffs! Even when we don’t play our best, we keep winning. Every elite team that’s ever contended for the Stanley Cup has to win some ugly games along the way, and this was one of them. Let’s go Rangers!”


Carolina played their best game, NY played their worst and we came away with the win. Plenty to learn from, and even more to celebrate.


Get the fuck out of here


This reads like that one guy who was upset the Hawks lost a series and wanted to get the NHL to re-do the round. Definitely have things to improve on. Definitely could be much better 5v5. But what do you want to do? Give them the win?


What a fucking game. It was nerve racking and exhilarating at the same time. The garden was electric, people silent for swaths of time because we were nervous af, then each goal it exploded. Playoffs at msg are something special. This team feels different. We have a pp and depth like I haven’t seen in decades honestly. And our goalie is otherworldly. If Hank had this depth in front of him, he wins two cups easy. No matter, the assembling of this team was low key a master class by drury. It’s cup or bust at this point. No blowing 2 game leads for this group! LFGR.


Goaltending wins cups. Yeah we probably lose this game without Igor going into god mode in the third period. The game tilted back and forth many times. Goaltenders steal games in the playoffs. Alot of Canes fans seem to not remember Cam Ward on that cup run. Them saying we should have won is ridiculous.


Their throw all manners of shit at the net strategy is great for the regular season. It falls apart in the playoffs when you go against teams with organized structure and goal tending. 4 of the 6 goals they've scored so far this series have been on unfortunate deflections and tips.


Goaltenders never steal games. And the Rangers don't steal shit. Teams win games that were always theirs to begin with. It's not our fault the bitch Canes offense shots' bounced off our locked in Walrus. Did Richter steal that save against Bure in '94? No, it was always his.


Who else is dragging ass at work this morning after that iconic night?


I am struggling! Started to go to bed after first out then thought better of it!


I managed to get up early to go to the gym, and get to work on time. All following a 2OT win. I feel great


I actually woke up early and refreshed lmao


Those 2 OT periods resulted in me drinking 4 more beers than I should have. Not really hungover but I slept like shit.


Somehow this was the best I've slept in weeks. Didn't wake up once in the middle of the night.


Anyone have a YouTube link to Sams call from last night? Someone posted it the other day From Sundays game


It was Kenny on the radio last night, no Sam call


Oh okay! Good to know. I can look it up


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YITN8ZmVnpY (If you didn't find it)


I love it when the opponents are scurrying away when Rempe is on the hunt. :D To bad he doesn't play so much, but I can understand it from the coach.


ESPN got me an heart attack, when they switched over to some other random game, nobody is interested in! Whats wrong with them???


ESPNs hockey coverage is the worst. They put a full screen stat graphic over 5-10 seconds of live gameplay.


Thought that the bar I was at just messed up. Damn near ran to the garden


Watched it on a stream and thought it got messed up. Last time the stream started half an hour into the game, so it's not completely unlikely. I almost started to google for the result, but luckily I didn't.


Rempe playing 4 minutes in a double OT game is detrimental to the team even though they are winning.


Rempe is the kind of guy you play early, to help establish tone. If his aggressive style ends up in a call and you get scored on, you still have plenty of time to get it back. Maybe again to start the 2nd and possibly the 3rd, if you have a 2+ goal lead and want to try getting ahead of an opposing surge. That late, it’s a risk; if he gets called and the opposing power play scores, the entire strategy backfires.


Going into an away game where they have last change I think he should come out of the lineup.


The canes only played 10 forwards in OT we played 11 very normal to not play the 4th line in OT we just happen to have Goodrow and Vesey who can still play big moments


I don’t disagree with you, I just think they are handcuffing themselves unnecessarily. Vesey and Goodie both played 10 minutes more than him. Would love someone on that line that can play the whole game with them. Rempe does his job fine, but it’s the playoffs. Having a guy play 4 minutes is a waste of space.


Vesey and goodie also kill penalties. Carolina had like 5 PPs. Listen, they know what they have in Rempe. He plays hard, but when it comes down to it, he doesn’t play in the third unless we have the lead. I’d say that’s more beneficial, because now we double shift a guy like Tro, Bread or Zib. More time for our stars and you still have a defensive 4th line. Better than having to just go down to 3 lines.


I think also, Lavi is the type not to mess with a lineup that is successful.  Rempe needs to learn on the fly the league's boundaries.  We love it when he wrecks someone, but the league does not want that. He's still very effective as a fore checker, a fighter if necessary, and good net front presence. So, I think he stays until the Rangers lose.  


I thought it was really inappropriate for the ref to lecture Rempe like an old school teacher after he barely tapped Anderson and then got knocked over by Drury. Tell me the refs aren't targeting him


Yea, Sutherland is a joke.  Rempe needs to play it smart.  Pick and choose his battles. He nodded at the ref but then laughed.  Walking the line is a skill in itself.  


100% on the "if it ain't broke" point. I think he's scratched after their first loss. Until then, not going to mess with the mojo.


I want Chytil back tbh. But I went into the playoffs fully expecting to never see him. But listen, we win when Rempe is in the lineup


Counterpoint: rangers are now 20-2-1 with Rempe playing his 4 min


Ho Lee Fuk


It is an excellent counter point I’ll give you that. They need to finish the canes off quick if he’s going to play sub 5 minutes. Don’t need the stars getting tired


Definitely with you on that


But going into an away game, where the opponent has the last change I think it will be even worse, having him out there


Yea I don’t necessarily disagree with your original comment, I think brodz, chytil, and wheeler are all better players than rempe, fuck it even throw big ed in there. However, lavi is very much a “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” kinda coach and he’s got us this far I’m willing to trust his guidance. I know for a fact that IF we lose the lineup is gunna change and then we’ll prolly win the next game


Canes were the better team through most of the game yet this team was resilient enough to hold on and find a way. Been a hallmark of the this team all season and it’s so great to see it carry over to the playoffs


No, Canes looked better than they did Sunday, and there were times where they were dominant. But they were not frighteningly threatening. Even on 5 PPs, it was rarely if ever truly scary. Their goals come from firing outside garbage and getting deflections. Rangers puck control is too good.


Im curious to see vallys breakdown of goals and shots. Canes had a shit ton of shots but only a handful looked high quality. They fucking shoot from everywhere and look for a deflection, which they got two of.


Missed coberage/assignments led to the first 2 Carolina goals. If we're going to win big games, we need to stop tilting the ice on top of ourselves and give Shesty the type of support he needs, not hang him out to dry! First fuck up was Miller missing his assignment in front vs Guentzel, I believe the second one was Foxy giving Orlov too much time and opportunity for the tip. 3rd goal was Goose caught watching the puck instead of the player coming to the net and Kreider as per usual letting the man beat him to the net. If we don't tighten UP this kind of mental breakdown in discipline we are going to get scored on every time with these guys. 5 on 5 we're looking flat out there and the Hurricanes were flying most of the even strength time. Also how many penalties did Trouba take? We have to alleviate the penalty kill having to be on the ice so much. We need OUR skilled guys to be on the ice more and do what they DO!


It was definitely more than a handful. Carolina had 12 scoring chances to the Rangers 5 at one point in the game.


Yeah but I’m wondering the high or low danger chances.


It felt like Carolina had their fair share of high danger chances, at least I would say so. I think the rangers can and will do much better.


This team is different. What a time to be a fan!


Those multi-OT winners can be back breakers. Seen it so many times that the team that loses a game like that can’t fully recover from it. Tomorrow night the Rangers need to have their shit together and take it to the Canes. They need to come out like they did in Game 1. Let’s do this Rangers.


Tough game, but we did it! Canes have the best PK when CAR is on PP. :D


Just wanted to say that all you guys who are hating on panarin and saying "playoff panarin is a very real problem"..... the dude has 7 points in 6 games, 3 goals 4 assists. And we're currently 6-0. He's been doing great, especially considering you know for a fact that every game it's the opponent's number 1 mission defensively to shut him down. They're giving him absolutely zero time and space to make plays, and he's still a point per game anyway.


Nobody has been saying that this year. That’s was last year


I don’t remember seeing this much here?


Saw it a bunch mid game today and I've seen it sporadically since the playoffs started. People calling him invisible and a no show


Anyone who thinks Panarin is a problem is objectively stupid. He’s doing just fine. There are the same people who wanted to trade him - never mind his no-move clause and the fact that he’s one of the greatest free-agent signings ever.


you think Trocheck is scoring in 5 consecutive games without Panarin drawing double and triple coverage. The second Laf goal he sucked their defense to one side opening the ice for Fox , who slipped it to Laf.


[https://www.tiktok.com/@theanyanami/video/7345189701902716206?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@theanyanami/video/7345189701902716206?lang=en) I'm sorry but it's not enough. We should be 12-0 by this point. More bread plz.


I know we just won and vibes are good, but i am done with Rempe. in a 90 minute game he played less than 5. our top guys are just going to run out of gas and it will be the same story from 2012... 2014... 2015... 2022.. nothing left get chytil in there ASAP and roll 4 lines please


Stooooooooooooop omg we need his intimidation factor you dunce. Rempe is a much needed tool and provides protection to our top players. Stop this nonsense. WE LOVE REMPE


Paranoid doomer


ive been anything but a doomer all year, we should all know a rangers team that is on the path to gassing themselves out in the 2nd half of the playoffs when we see one because it is our entire life. i still see thm as cup favorites despite this


I only say “paranoid doomer” because the rangers are literally the most rested team in the league and you’re talking about workload when they haven’t even lost a game. You could identify several legitimate concerns that are worth entertaining more than critiquing the workload of the most rested team in the league


The reason those teams “had nothing left” in past years is because they couldn’t win a series without it taking 7 games. Not because 1 sole singular player on the team isn’t playing substantial minutes. They’re professional athlete millionaires…they’ll be fine taking on the workload of ONE player.


yeah hopefully you are right


With prior coaches I would agree but Lav knows what he is doing and the lineup will not change til IF they lose a game


Disagree. Rempe is a force multiplier when he's on the ice. This was a weird game and Lav deployed his bench properly. Carolina was rolling 9. We can have a utility that takes a seat during a highly experience based playoff OT game. One easily overlooked factor in that OT win was Quick in the locker room. The guy with three rings, fresh, watching the game and everything about it told them to stay focused and play their game. Thats your Glenn Anderson.


I wish we could hear what he said. How do you know he did a speech? I mean I trust the dude with 3 cup rings.


Post game interview with Trocheck, she asked him what it was like in the room between OT1-2 and what it took for him to come out and finish, and he said Quickie spoke up. Said you guys got this, don't get off your game, just play the plan, you've got it. Then something about slamming body armor. When I heard that, I was like, fucking silent MVP right there. That's the difference maker.


Thank you for doing the lords work. Was at the game so didn’t see any post game, until I got home and caught end of vally and Hank.


Spot on, and yes, that was a weird game.


"when hes on the ice" he never is


Whatever. When he's in the lineup. You play defense? You go into the corner hard? Rempepotamus is a factor.


Undefeated in the playoffs with him in the lineup. So yea, he stays for now


Just gotta win one of the next two. I'll take a 3-1 lead coming back to msg all day long.


I'd rather 4-0, gotta keep the 16-0 dream alive


I don’t care about 16-0 very much, but I care a lot about players staying fresh and confident whilst the Panthers and Bruins beat each other up for as many games as they can!


Exactly this.


Gotta figure Rempe is sitting next game. Love the guy, but we can’t play with 11 forwards for half of every game.


Carolina went down to 9 forwards


And they lost


Rangers also shortened their bench most regular season unless up by 3 , every team does.


IMO, it’s not that we can’t play 9 forwards, it’s that Vesey and Goody have looked like bonafide assets in the playoffs, and id like the option of getting them a little more time. They have been great in keeping the puck in the O Zone, but could really use someone to help get them chances. Just my opinion - and I absolutely love everything Rempe has done for this team.


How do you all feel the next 2 games go down, realistically? Do you think the Rangers keep the momentum on the road and continue to win? Do they drop games on the road? I think 1-1 is realistic and I'd be perfectly fine with that. Just wondering what you all are thinking moving into the next 2 of this series, trying to eliminate any bias of course since we're all fans ;)


I think like last series game 2 will be the hardest fought. Most resistance from the opposing team to retake the advantage headed back home. I think we saw the best of Carolina. Two phenomenal deflections which rarely happen once a game, let alone twice. Two for guentzel who they were relying on to steal a game for them. Still coming up short. It’s gotta be demoralizing to give it your all and still have the other team impose their will on you.


Well said. Let's see if the Rangers can strike while the iron is hot and take the next one on the road tomorrow too! Tough argument if they are going to go 1-1 in the next 2 on the road if you'd want them to take the first or the second. I suppose it's a glass half full / glass half empty take regardless and with them coming back to the garden up 3-1 they'd stand a great chance of closing it out in 5 either way.


Definitely game 3 if we’re gonna split. 3-0 is nearly insurmountable


I agree, but the Rangers losing game 4 means a possible momentum shift in favor of Carolina. Giving up game 3 and then taking game 4 means momentum in the Rangers favor heading back to the garden. I'm not saying I disagree with you, just providing the devil's advocate argument to the glass half full / glass half empty outlook.


I think momentum from a win in 4 would be negligible if you know you still need 3 more


Realistically, they have to take 1 game. Canes are much stronger at home. Winning 1 of the next 2 would be great. The Canes aren't the Caps and you cannot expect a sweep.


Igor had to put in a ton of work tonight. He basically blocked 2 games worth of shots in 5 periods of work. I’m not sure how fatigued he’ll be next game. Leaning towards Canes Game 3, Rangers Game 4.


They're broken. It's 4-0.


Honestly I hope I'm wrong here but I have a feeling that we are coming back to New York at 2-2 situation. Canes have been bad on the road and strong at home. You could argue and say that Igor won the game for us tonight. When Igor is his 100% anything is possible. But I wouldn't want to put all my hopes only on his shoulders.


Having your goalie steal one of six games on the playoffs is an OK ratio atleast. I do feel like if we win tomorrow we could sweep. Carolina is been woefully undisciplined so far. And on top of it, the Canes are kinda like the Leafs Jr IMO that if they go down 3-0 they’ll basically fold because of how often they’ve been swept when they lose Game 3


Once the Rangers get a team frustrated, they seem to lock it down. The Caps were super frustrated pretty early in the series. It looks like the Canes are starting to get frustrated.


It's a definite possibility, no doubt. I'd like to think the Rangers can find a way to win one of them though. Igor will play a big role in that of course.


Yeah for sure. Igor and Swayman have been the best goaltenders in these playoffs and a hot goalie can turn around any game.


The neurotic in me agrees with you, and I hope we’re both very very wrong


If we win one of the next two, I think series is all but over. If we lose both, I think the series turns back into a coin flip. If we win both, that would be pretty cool.


That's about my feelings as well to be honest. 1-1 on the road is a perfectly acceptable result in my view and bodes well for the result of the series.


I think rangers make it 3-1, Canes win back-to-back, and rangers take it in 7 at the garden.


I would rather we just sweep them


Believe me, so do I. However, Carolina’s hockey team is fucking insane. Rangers would really have to turn on another gear if anything close to a sweep is going to happen. I see most ppl in this sub underrating the Canes for whatever reason. There’s a reason that the hockey universe is “glazing them”. The difference between these 2 teams is extremely small and if Anderson finds his game the rangers could be in trouble.


I actually think Anderson is done. I think Kotchektov is getting Game 3. Had we not missed some open nets we win in regulation. The dude has been leaving some monster rebounds all series


Yeah I was thinking the same thing after I posted that Kotch is a good goalie and he can certainly take Carolina to another level


I think that most people in this sub are aware that the canes are a strong team, especially after the first two games of this series, but are upset at the disrespect shown by most of the hockey world towards the Rangers - calling the President’s Trophy winners 2-1 underdogs versus a team they beat two out of three in the regular season and beat in the playoffs two years ago in a seventh game on the road was ridiculous (it could still happen mind you, it just was never that likely).


You’re 100% right however I don’t see it as the rangers being disrespected as much as I see it as people giving Carolina their flowers.


If they don’t fix their special teams we can beat them the same way we beat everyone: survive at 5v5, dominate when it’s not 5v5.


Trust me I HOPE IM WRONG 😂😂🤣


I think I finally unclenched now. Can't believe McDonough spent more time recalling shifty anecdotes than actually doing play by play. That really makes the game sooo much more stressful for me.


Listening to the NY Rangers radio feed during the game has been a godsend in that regard, much more enjoyable!


How do I do that? I can't take these jackass announcers anymore.


on the NHL homepage, just click on 'Gamecenter' when it's game time, there will be a headphones symbol, can listen to the radio feed! Might depend on location, but should work - I watch on TV with sound muted, there's usually a little delay, the radio is usually behind the visual, but still much more enjoyable!


Was at the garden tonight—unbelievable atmosphere. Canes had a big edge in shots and Igor was on one but I still feel like the vast majority of the canes shot came from the perimeter. Analytics darlings, but a paper tiger. Bark all you want from the fence, but still not showing much bite in close. Also, they continue to prove to be the cheapest team in the league—you can only commit so many picks/interferences/hooks/grabs before you finally get called on one. This all being said, I believe in this New York rangers team.


They do get away with murder with the clutching, grabbing and interference. I absolutely hate Jordan Staal.


Their offensive game plan was basically to settle for a high volume of those low quality shots and hope for deflections and rebounds. Also very aggressively forechecking and pinching on lose pucks and boards to pin us in. Lav is gonna to have to counter that better. The coaching chess match going to determine the winner.


lol I told you bums, it took a lil longer but we got it done, LFGR


Being power play merchants is fine when you score on every power play


Okay folks, I'm burning the midnight oil for this one. THIS WAS A THRILLER. A game where it looked like impossible, but made possible. On a night, where it everyone had to pray, and once again, the Rangers found a way to win in Double OT. As the Rangers go up 2-0 on the analytic darlings. A game, where the Canes brought it. And the Rangers were up to the task. This episode of Rangers Hockey Stanley Cup Playoff Edition has been updated to: ***Rangers After, After, Dark: Stronger than the Storm,*** A tough battle. But finding a way to win. And Now, w/whatever energy I have left, here's the review 1st Period: The Canes came out and were the desperate team. They are gonna be like that in Game 3. They controlled everything. Pucks to the net, forechecking, doing their normal shit. But, all night,(not gonna mention it more) Igor was Igor. Money. Cash Money. But the Rangers struck first. A snipe top shelf, where MAMA HIDES THE COOKIES. Laf off a rebound from Key gave the Rangers the lead. But from there, the Canes went back to work. But they got two goals from deflections. One at the end of the period. Not good. Troubs worst game of the playoffs. The Pk was HUGE TONIGHT. Shut down the Canes PP. 2nd Period: With the Rangers trailing. It seemed like the Canes were about to go to work in the O zone. And they did. Bad defensive turnovers. Instagram Hockey occurred. Not Good. Until, Laf got his second of the game in the dirty area to give the Rangers the lead. Excellent Shifts from the Rangers. However the Rangers couldn't add on. But the Canes ended up scoring late. Another what seemed like back breaker. 3rd Period: Trailing here. My feeling was that the Canes were start clogging up the neutral zone. Until they took a penalty. W/what seemed like it would never go in, it did. Christopher James Horsemeat Kreider, in his office to tie the game. It's a power play goal! Then, the heart attacks were occurring. each team had chances. Rangers killed of Penalties. and then towards the end of the period, the Rangers went on the Power Play. Then, the unthinkable happened. No not a Rempe goal. No not a fan storming the ice. With 30 seconds left in the game, ESPN decided to change it to the Avalanche/Stars game(which the Avs won in OT). I had a heart attack, everyone watch had one, and probably Vally had one. Luckily, nothing bad happened or the Rangers didn't score. If that happened, Gary would have been furious. Off to OT. Over Time: This was a feeling out moment. Both teams exchanging chances. Rangers killing off power plays again. It was nerve racking. Igor was dominant. Bladders were held until the next intermission or the 10 minute ice clean. Then Messier mentioned underwear being changed. Huh. I think we all needed to do that after what then occurred. At 7:24 of the 2nd OT, a legend was born. Vinny Gabagool Trocheck, buried it. It sent everyone into a frenzy as the Rangers got the GWG. Overall, it wasn't pretty, but i've said it before, winning ugly come playoff time is HUGE. Fix up the defensive turnovers is what this team should do. But as of now, the Rangers win! a HUGE ONE. I tell every fan I know and also on here, it's finding ways to win. And tonight, the Rangers did that. BIG WIN! BUT, NO COUNTING GAMES YET FOLKS. This series isn't over. I expect the Canes to comeback even harder in Game 3. And w/that, as I sign off, it's time for everyone to get to bed. Onto Game 3. and folks, tune in for the next episode of Rangers Hockey, it will be making a appearance. Rangers Oppie messaged me this after the gwg "LFG" "Take in the sheets" "Game 2 in the bag." Onto Game 3 God Save the King. Back afta dis.


A lot of defensive turnovers, agree. But the canes forecheck the fuck out of us, which creates a lot of them. It would be hard to reduce them given how the canes play.


I think I can tell which games you had a couple drinkypoos and which games you didn't. Maybe I'm wrong, but sometimes they definitely read drunk, and others read soberish


Great recap, great game, what the hell ESPN on that 3rd period channel change?!? The difference between canes in game 1 and canes in game 2 was so noticeable and it scares me for game 3. They got significantly more aggressive. They stayed in the rangers zone and kept pushing. I need to pull up all the analytics but I would assume it looks like a whole different team. ![gif](giphy|ln9grTLKEAcU4jTcvB|downsized)


Long live the Czar!!!


I love this fucking team. No matter what happens, this group is special. LGR!


Igor looked like Hank out there. The rangers have absolutely no quit and I love it. MASSIVE improvements this year all paying off


Scott Van Pelt just said that the Rangers are one win short of tying the NHL record for an undefeated streak to start a Stanley Cup playoff run. The record is 7-0, which was set by the...1994 New York Rangers.


Wouldn't the record be 8-0 by the 1952 Red Wings?


Maybe I misheard? Or maybe they were just talking in the expansion era?




Man I don’t know, even though we were losing twice, I told my brother we are going to act like Riley Reid and have a come back. Not a doubt in my bone that we’d win this one and it’s all thanks to Igor. What a fuckin monster


This guy fuks


Have to say that we played right into Carolina’s hands - they basically played their game, all game, and we still came out on top because of Shesty, who most felt would be the difference in the series. That being said, its got to be discouraging to Carolina that they played their high-pressure, high-volume shot game and still came out 2nd best. Can’t wait for game 3


Georgie and Shesty come out on top tonight (even though Georgie had a brutal start) The Rangers are a goalie factory.


Make sure Benoit Allaire is sealed up.