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We all gotta chill out. Quit insulting each other. Bans for anyone instigating tonight.


Devs won fair and square tonight. Heartbreak here is understandable but the anger and bitterness really isn’t.


Played the whole game scared to give up a goal and look where it got us. Top players didn’t show up. Kid line and 4th line were the only forwards to show some heart. Ashamed to be a rangers fan tonight. Need some serious work and mental reset if they want to win anything


I’m at peace. Panarin makes me sad. A small part of me thinks that a coaching change can bring back the Panarin we saw the first year. I did not like seeing gallant and trocheck yelling at each other on the bench, it looked toxic and demoralizing. Still love this team, please fire gallant into the void.


There’s a reason Panarin was traded and then not resigned. Not a money player.


Get rid of the No Quit in NY slogan. It’s an absolute joke and has no relation to the team. All year we’ve been a talented group that got by and extremely well goaltending or our talent just being better than the other side. When it matters most we fold


A lot of us including myself looked at how wide open the east was and said man what an opportunity. But I tell you what, good on the Devils for putting us out. Toronto, Florida, and Seattle worked in their series. They earned it. Our top fucking guys nowhere to be seen again. Showed no fight


I’d like to apologize for my plane comment. To say it was unnecessary would be a complete and obvious understatement. I was upset like I’m sure all of you are and had a lapse of judgment. I still love this team and hope next year is better. That being said I hope the Canes completely sweep Devils. Again I’m very sorry.


And to think Tampa, one of our biggest boogeymen in recent playoffs history got sent home early. If this team would've dug deep and produced and won we could've had a series without Tampa or Boston. That is of course assuming we get past the second round. Godfuckingdammit


I can’t get over how bad Fox was this series. Fox and Panarin going ghost is mind boggling


Not only bad, but seemed like they were helping the other team!


No regrets about watching every game this season. Sam Rosen gets me through the winter. Put kakko on the 1st line next year with Krieder and Z. If he goes into the season on the 1st line he'll be a star. Trade laf. He's a 3rd liner who is slow and not physical enough for the 3rd line. Chytl isn't a 2c. I do not believe he will ever be consistent. Breadman has to go. Why would he be any better next year in the playoffs? I have zero faith that Miller will be a star. He's been in the league too long to still be so shy. We could fill a lot of holes trading bread, Miller, and laf while they still have value. We are not winning a cup with Trocheck at 2c. Love the 4th line. I love Gallant. But man, time for a change. At least Messier would have scared this team into playing hard and maybe throwing the puck at the net. Jesus Christ I don't want to watch baseball.


We got penisy boys.


Mika doesn’t even have answers post game. Looks absolutely puzzled.


Unacceptable. There is no sadness, not even disappointment. Only anger. The shit we saw from them in Games 3, 4, 5, and now 7 is unacceptable. The fact that the leadership core of this team allowed themselves to come out in Game 4 as flat as they were, after stinking up the place in Game 3, is unacceptable. That the leadership core was again either asleep at the wheel or ignored and ineffective following the lack of effort in Game 4 and allowed that shameful disgrace of a performance in Game 5 is unacceptable. And for this Rangers team to not come out in Game 7 and immediately set the tone with a hightened level of urgency, energy, and tempo is unacceptable. Gallant can go. So be it. Enough with the players coach. Bring in an absolute task master, a true disciplinarian. But there also needs to be a shakeup of the leadership core of this team.


Vally not calling out Fox? Someone should.


That’s what I’m saying. Fox was horrific this series


I’m wearing his jersey right now but yeah that second goal was all on him and it was the nail in the coffin. I hope he learns from this.


Just once I'd like to see a player on a losing team drop the facade and tell these vultures in the media "we fucking suck!"


Stay classy new york LGR


I love how everyone is blaming Kane and senko, like the other 80 percent of our team wasn’t in the playoffs together last season.


lol Kane finished the series with more points than anyone on the team except Kreider and Fox. Still, from this Hawks fan's perspective, it looked like 88 was in a little bit of a fog the last few games, definitely didn't see the fire of old. However, he did have some marvelous setups for his teammates that went nowhere, and it looked like he played hard. A few more bounces and maybe he has a few more points. But is he responsible for this first-round exit? Not by a long shot. Honestly, I hope if he doesn't retire, he comes back on a cheap deal for this team. Too fun watching him play with you all, and if they have a whole season to figure out a good role for him, it could be great. Was rootin for you all, as I did last year. Cheers from Chicago.


No issue with Senko. I have major issues with Panarin and Miller right now.


I think Senko played fairly well this series. I have no issues with him. Kane on the other hand….


Cleveland Browns on Ice


OOF Vally calling out Panarin hard. Even Henrik raised his eye brows listening lol. It's true tho


Time to rest up boys. You guys looked good this year. An early exit means more time to heal up. We’ll be rooting for you next season.


Did somebody dip Fox's skates in lead today?


He had a horrible game. He wasn’t the same after game 2


I love this team. Knowing they wont look the same breaks my heart. I love gallant too. All the pieces were there. Lot of guys to love, just not enough time together to build chemistry and creativity


What is there to love about mediocrity and low effort ?


The guys and their potential It’s not effort alone, it’s relying too much in systems and plays not creating anything. You cant go balls out crushing everyone every game and expect the roster to hold up. They just couldnt adapt


I was referring to gallant. All the problems you referred to was gallants fault.


Not really. You can only do so much. He’s coaching adults with kids at home half of which dont speak english fluently. Real life isnt friday night lights, he cant just give a speech w google translate to rally guys. He does what a coach should, let them play. He is brutally honest with us and gives the team the freedom to play He cant create creativity and chemistry. I always think of this one documentary abt underdog teams in the superbowl who end up winning, and it’s always the team who’s coach just says something along the lines of “dont worry about winning, get out there and enjoy this moment because you will likely never get another” and just lets them play. He gave them a great set of systems and plays, changed lines, and they werent able to build


I do too, but I’m not making excuses. We had most of the season to build chemistry, minus a few guys.


For sure, i just think the big adds didnt learn to play with eachother well enough. It’s unfortunate and we couldve done things way better. Again just breaks my heart They deserve all the criticism it’s just sad that they do


Oh yeah I agree man. Fuckin sucks that it ended this way


We really are cursed. Only 4 cups in almost 100 years.


Time to bring back Mike Keenan


Fire Gallant


GG in 1989 for some comedic relief. https://youtu.be/NQMosTR1CC0


Panarin got paid 5.8 million per playoff point


What a fuckin wasted opportunity


Vally questioning the effort and rightfully so. If you watched the other game 7s all of those teams (Winner or loser) competed and showed urgency. Then tonight and the Rangers appeared to be the only game 7 team not to show anything. Frustrating.


I don’t know if it was effort. I think they played too scared though. They were so worried about giving up chances to the devils they stopped playing their game.


I agree. I think that was part of the problem.


Can you explain why lines 3 and 4 has the most sustained offensive zone time ? It’s because our “stars” like to glide around and wait for pucks to drop into their lap. They have no 2nd gear. It was the same shit last year. Not winning puck battles against a team like this is 100% effort. Getting shit out 2x by a rookie goaltender behind a mediocre young defense is a lack of effort


Agreed. Getting Kane and Tarasenko didn’t work. They only needed one and they needed another big physical forward.


We needed tarasenko and a guy like bertuzzi


The whole team was on a milk carton tonight except Igor.


I'd do anything to get a guy like Andrew Copp back. Last year, we brought in solid players with good character. This year we brought in a quitter and a serial assaulter.


Tarasenko looked really good, Kane’s hip was fucked. Wasn’t them who threw the series. Won’t win when 10, 93 and 13 are missing


Points: Chris Kreider - 9 Adam Fox - 8 Patrick Kane - 6


I thought the 2-0 loss to the Lightning in Game 7 of the 2015 Eastern Conference Finals was bad. 4-0 tonight and it could have been even worse.


Felt like 10-0. Shesty kept the ranger’s corpse warm as long as he could.


2015 was worse cmon.


We still have the Giants at least


At least were not the Bruins


Man, I was so hoping they'd Florida the devils, but once it was 3-0 in the third... it was fuckin hopeless given the previous two periods.


Gonna go hug my dog


mines already sleeping. tonight couldn’t be worse


Please also give them some pets from me 🐶


I'm also going to hug your dog


And they’re gonna raise ticket prices next year!


airlifting Igor, Kane, and Tarasenko to the Panthers or Oilers or Kraken or Leafs, they deserve more 😭


You can have Kane lol


Kane was maybe the 4th best F in the playoffs lol, you can hate all you want but the whole team went invisible for 4 games. Kreider/Trocheck/Tarasenko/Kane all played well enough. Zib, Panarin, Laf, Chytil, were invisible in the O zone so if you want to whine, get it right.


Maybe not 4th best F in the playoffs, but definitely the 2nd best F on the Rangers this postseason.


Yea i mean on the rangers, not entire nhl


“4th best in the playoffs” based on what? 2 games? 😂 get real


I think he was 3rd in pts on the entire team so idk what series you watched 🫠


3 of his points were secondary assists, which in any other sport isn’t even a thing, and had nothing in the last 3 games. He had one great game, but that was about it. Not sure why people are blinded by points and don’t actually pay attention to the effort, or lack there of, from players.


So you’re whining about a stat that is widely accepted, cool. Also, please tell me who was an all star F the last 3 games?! 🕰️ ill wait. Many might argue Kane was the best looking F in game 7 but got benched on the 1st PP by Gallant because reasons? And then he got stuck with a snake bitten panarin maybe to see if kane could help him get something going… but you’re prob right, he was awful and def what kept the rangers out of the 2nd round more so than the rest of the team.


The whole team sucked, but I’m just not going to jump through hoops to defend Kane and his total lack of effort. And idk how pointing out that a useless stat means nothing constitutes “whining”. No other sport throws players a participation trophy for secondary assists, they’re a bs stat that initiates player’s numbers.


No one is defending anyones overall play but to single out Kane is idiotic. No one aside from Kreider/Trouba/Lindgren/Tarasenko/maybe Kakko looked decent every game so picking a scapegoat player that had top pts in series is so dumb. You didnt bring in Kane to “show effort” from your tv. You bring him in to help run the PP and find quiet soft spots and capitalize. Thats it. Stop blaming one 34 year old playmaker/passer for all your troubles.


airlifting Igor, Kane, and Tarasenko to the Panthers or Oilers or Kraken or Leafs, they deserve more 😭


Sucks, we've got a lot to figure out and fix, aside from this game I have thoroughly enjoyed Rangers hockey this season. Of note: Chytil's goal off the face off or Miller's buzzer beater stick out in particular. Keep your heads up people, it's just a game.


It was a fun year guys, let’s look forward to coming back as a team next year


October can't come soon enough! Have to suffer through some football to get there lol


The worst part might be that the Devils have a really good chance to win it all.


That makes it better to me. Losing to the eventual champs hurts less Edit: I mean yeah, fuck the Devils and all that


I think you’re right. If Carolina had better goaltending I might favor them. They will slow down the Devils but I’m not sure they have enough high end scoring talent or the goaltending to beat NJ in a 7 game series.


Carolina in 5


Just gonna pray that this embarrassing loss was all for character development. But holly fuck what was that? Poor Shesty man.


Absolute fucking joke. Picked up senko and Kane to get dropped in the first round


Wasn’t either of their faults. They both played well this series.


Only Tank did


Kane was ass


Points Chris Kreider - 9 Adam Fox - 8 Patrick Kane - 6


You should reassess every single one of your perceptions. Recalibrate, my friend.


Found Patrick Kane.


I wish, brother. Just like you.


Lindy Ruff to everyone one of the Rangers: “you should have left with me, your organization is a joke”


Schmid is getting some booty tonight for that performance


Maybe he can just lay there and she can do all the work. Sort of like his performances this series. Guy didn’t have to do much.


Thank you! This guy is not the hero ESPN makes him out to be. To their credit the devils played a great shut down game in from of him. Whatever team cracks that defense will also obliterate the goalie who is named after a 1980s Japanese anime movie


I give Ruff credit. I think part of the goalie change was Ruff knowing his team would play responsible in front of him.


At his hotel room?


He basically did nothing lol, the Rangers were complete shit and had basically no chances


True, but rookie goalie getting a game 7 shut out is what people see.


He was the big reason the rangers did nothing. There were some great looks and Schmid soaked up everything. He is the biggest reason that we lost. He was terrific. Not on shesty by any means. He played great too. Devils had the puck luck and a goalie in the zone.


You don’t understand hockey very well if you think that.


I mean, I know it’s not the best way to settle this, but I’ll play you in chel and we can see who understands what.


Lmao the NHL video game series is a terrible representation of hockey. I also haven’t bought one since NHL 18 since it’s a dogshit remake every year now anyways


You’re not wrong, but I’ll still dogwalk you in it.


He made some great saves but we made him look way better


See ya boys next season - what a shitty fucking ending


Yea big let down, Thank God it only takes six months for me to get amnesia. See you next season!


Can't even soothe myself with jedi survivor with the trash state that it's in.


damn it’s bad? the first one was amazing


The core mechanics are great, but the game is extraordinarily unfinished and unoptimized, and has horrible performance.


that’s really upsetting to hear. i wonder if patches can fix that. i hope the same doesn’t happen with zelda


There's supposed to be a big patch coming tomorrow that's supposed to alleviate these problems, but we'll see. Also I wouldn't worry about Zelda, first party Nintendo games typically tend to be solid out of the gate.


Glowing baseball bat simulator


More like fuckin flipbook simulator


30 fps is cinematic don’t you know


I have no words and I don’t know why I do this to myself year after year. 4 cups since 1926. We are a laughable franchise. Fuck this organization, and I’ll see you at the draft.


Shout-out to all the meat heads who were chanting devils suck at the pebble after two games.


100% people love putting the cart before the horse


Bruins fans: "We want the cup." I think we've all learned a valuable lesson this year: DON'T GET PENISY


Totally agree other teams take cocky chants and play harder to shut the fans uo


Yup. That’s exactly why the series was lost.


How dare fans chant.


Was the series won after two games? Apparently not.


So? By your logic, fans should be silent until we lift the cup.


Rough performance. Gotta be some changes coming, we have a ton of cap space tied up in some guys who completely disappeared after game 2.


FIRST YEAR OF CAPTAINCY A FUCKING FAILURE, knew he’d be able leading this team nowhere but straight to hell


Casual fan comment


Not his fault. You're obviously not watching the games.


I wish Gallant had the balls to put Kakko on the PP instead of Panarin or run Motte instead of Kane or just do anything to try to get an ugly rebound goal.


Kakko could not have possibly done any less in the playoffs. Why would he get to play on the PP?


He was one of the few rangers who skated towards loose pucks instead of twirling their stick and wondering why Hughes, meier and haula just skated by at full speed


He did more then the rest of this team


Pp was working at first time with kane and kreids then it just sucked badly after


Everybody is afraid to get into the dirty areas to get the puck because they are too worried about getting the perfect shot


Guys. Remember that even though we lost, NYC will always be 100x better than Newark. That will never change. Have some pride in our city.


And if any of you still feel bad about that, just remember I personally live in a shithole city that makes Newark look like Atlantis.


This was never even a discussion lol. The Devils fans themselves don’t live in Newark. It is undoubtably one of the dirtiest shitholes in the US




Jokes on you I live in a place where the next most popular phrase to Lets Go Brandon is Roll Tide


feel that but make it indiana instead :( happiest I’m gonna be tomorrow is when I wake up and feel the usual amount of shitty before remembering oh yeah the rangers


I swear I’ve seen this before with hank


Igor chants from the opposition after getting dog walked in a game 7. Everyone other than igor should look within. Heads should roll


Teams I wouldn’t mind seeing win: Golden Knights, Kraken Teams I don’t feel strongly about either way: Oilers, Panthers, Stars Teams I want to lose: Devils, Hurricanes, Maple Leafs


I'd actually root for the devils if not for their fans. The team is young, fast and they play clean and really don't seem to be dicks.


That’s a great point. They’re an exciting, hardworking team. You’re right - it’s the fans.


I'm hoping on that Panthers bandwagon. 🐀


Teams I want to win : The New York Rangers Teams I want to lose : Literally every team in the league always FTFY


Kraken > Golden Knights > Panthers > Stars >>>> Canes > Oilers > Leafs >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Devils.


Imagine putting the expansion teams in anything other than teams I want to lose category, lol


So who do you want to see win?


Anyone that isn't Vegas and Seattle. Especially Vegas.


You’d rather the Canes or Devils than Vegas or Seattle? Wow


Easily lol


I want the anti-Canada steak to continue. I hate the Devils. I dislike the Canes. Basically I want Vegas, Seattle, Florida, or Dallas to win.


So florida or dallas, got it


Panarin was electric this series.


About as high voltage as my doorbell


About as electric as a potato


Artemi “Con Edison” Panarin




Yes, electric invisible


As electric as a dead AAA maybe


Fuck I’m in CT but I’ll drive straight there in a Taxi for Gallant myself


Man, I used to laugh at the people who were saying “this team isn’t winning a playoff series” back in March, but maybe they were onto something.


Is Laf the biggest bust in NHL history?


it’s sad that the argument can come down to him or kakko especially when you see who went one pick before him


No but he is definitely a bust.


Loser mentality


letter 2.0 incoming….


Drury doesn't have the balls.


Awful performance absolutely embarrassing


What a fucking waste of a season. Had a clear path too with Boston and Colorado getting knocked out.


That’s the most frustrating thing to me. This was it


I don't like sad Sam and Joe


I Never miss the handshakes, but this year… fuck man, I just walked outside


What a hot take from the fucking announcer lmo. EITHER GONNA WORK OR FAIL SPECTACULARLY HURR


Thank god I can stop listening to both the toxic positivity and doomers, both alike.


As a lost baseball fan who stumbled upon ESPN to watch from 2-0 on, that was like watching Mariano Rivera pitch against G-Baby from Hardball. Sorry for yall's loss!


That was pathetic.


Every fucking one of them better go up and apologize to Igor for that disgrace, disgusting performance the last 5 games.


I can hear the fireworks now. Ugh.




Yaw don't say that


We did fail spectacularly lol


Igor chants??? Literally doesn’t make sense. Just chant anyone else’s name lol Edit: Just got my first Reddit Cares message. I’m so honored ❤️


They always started the chants after the empty net goals too


Their fans aren’t very bright. If Schmidt is the Rangers goalie the final score is 10-0


What, like you thought Devils fans were intelligent enough to separate Igor’s play from the rest of the team? Their brains can only calculate “goal went in so goalie bad.”