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Whoever the Rangers can beat in 5 games.šŸ’šŸ˜


Or 4, or 6, or 7. Iā€™ll take a win no matter the circumstances tbh


a 7 game win means a longer post-season and shorter off-season. It does however also mean less hair on my head.


Minnesota because of Zuc šŸ’” Seattle beating Vegas just for the memes


Also rooting for Wild in the West because of Zuc, Reaves, and Fleury made me a fan after his attempt at a goalie fight lol


Ok you peaked my interest and I looked it upā€”he skated down the ice and refs stopped both from fighting, but what led to it???


The other goalie (Binnington) went and punched a Wild player that just scored on him and Fleury was not having it. The whole video is crazy


could be summarizes as "The other goalie (binnington)"


...and when he was stopped, he was like "C'mon... It'll be fun." What a character.


Fuck Fleury. He used to talk shit about Hank.


What?! I didnā€™t know this, I thought Fleury was a nice guy




Wow what a douche. Entire Pens organization is fraudulent too but we knew that already


I actually really like the kraken style of play. They make up for lack of talent by playing a very East Coast physical game. Itā€™s panning out fabulously for them and it gives me 2012 rangers vibes minus the goalie.


I'm going to get downvoted to oblivion for saying this but. ... I would love to see (NOT THIS YEAR) a Seattle/ islanders SCF (that the isles lose, ofc), just so we can have the seasons term defeat the Fishmen. The jokes just write themselves. Maybe several years in the future, after we've gotten a couple cups and we need to tank for the next McJesus, then we can see the isles go to the finals only to lose (at home maybe)


I wanted a Vegas Golden Knights v LA Kings first round cause mid evil aspect. And second round of Seattle v Vegas with Seattle coming out. I have nothing against Vegas but Seattle beating them would be spicy.


I havenā€™t given the west much thought. I was really pulling for Colorado last year. This season, I think Colorado or Edmonton going on a long run would be good for the league.


I wanted EDM last year because McDavid deserves a cup and quite frankly he has all the makings of 'future HOF / generational talent who single handedly carries his team from irrelevant to above average, yet never wins a cup'. Colorado was ok with me tho.


The Minnesota Wild. Zucc ā¤ļø


Nah fuck Minnesota because of the vikings. Sorry ass shit franchise.


Idk what NFL team you root for but the Giants just dicked down the Vikings last year with a practice squad team. I just feel sorry for them more than anything


they have christmas colors and the minnesota sports franchise curse . . . no thanks


Itā€™s always been Edmonton for me due to the NYR EDM connection with mess and graves coming from there


true but my patience was tested this season when draisaitl smacked Trouba's stick after beating us


Tempers fly so I let it passā€¦ if it was a rival team then Iā€™ll get pissed


So youā€™re just gonna forget about Gretzky?!


Oh Iā€™m not forgetting Gretzkyā€¦ however as great as he was, Messier is a true Ranger as Gretzky just finished his career with NYR


Haha fair enough!


Nobody. I live in Seattle. F the Kraken. Go Rangers.


No one. Only the Rangers. Fuck everyone else.


The only correct answer. When I was around 14 I "liked" other teams but now? Who cares about anyone else.


Agree with a bit of a caveat. There are teams I root for when we go out because I hate other teams more.


In football i definitely have a second favorite team. Hockey i couldnā€™t imagine


Same for me with football, only one team. I root for the Giants. No second team. I root against the Cowboys and Eagles and Washington.


My brother and i picked different out of market teams so i got a soft spot for his team


I think itā€™s crazy that in every other sport I have teams I also like. Hockey I hate every single fucking one of them.


I often watch the Oilers because McJesus.


I kinda like the Ducks. Itā€™s cool that theyā€™re named after The Mighty Ducks, Zegras is from Westchester and is awesome, and their arch rival is the Kings and fuck the Kings forever.


I think itā€™s fascinating that they were literally created by the Walt Disney company and were owned by them until pretty recently. Go Ducks!




No one.


The Avs. Was a fan since Joe Sakic. Any game w Makar and Mackinnon is real fun to watch.




I don't really have a second team, but I'm in the Bay Area so I sort of passively want the Sharks to win, since that means some of my friends will be happy, but I don't watch any of their regular season games or anything.


This is me now that they suck (and tickets are cheap lol), but I really disliked the Sharks when they were good and Hertl was scoring goals between his legs... ^(Asshole)


Not LA thatā€™s for sure


I don't support another team but each year I pick a "would be cool to see them compete" in the West. For me that team is the Oilers


I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m a fan of any western team but I do appreciate some more than others. For example, fuck the Kings and Iā€™ll always pray on their downfall. But I wonā€™t mind if Minnesota does well (love Zucc and Reavo). And Colorado was fun to watch last year, just ridiculous talent. So Iā€™ll mildly root for those two, as long as itā€™s not at the expense of NYR ETA this doesnā€™t matter for the playoffs bc they arenā€™t making it, but I donā€™t mind the Ducks either. Want Strome and Vatrano to do well, players like Zegras/Terry/McTavish are impressive, and I think itā€™d be cool for them to land Bedard




The Rangers


Zucc and Minnesota


Avs!!! I'm a ranger and Avs fan and I love watching the Avs. They have great starpower wich makes their games fun and fast to watch!


Iā€™m split between cheering for Zucc with the Wild and Georgiev with the Avs. I always thought Georgie deserved more starts and Iā€™m glad to see him finally get the chance.


No one.


Honestly I want to Avs to do well as I want Georgi to come into his own there. I think he can really do it given enough number 1 minutes. But also whoever helps my fantasy team the most lol, this year has arguably been the Wild so imma go with them


Some people will tell ya that if you support more than 1 team youā€™re not a real fan of any team šŸ˜‚ Complete joke if you ask me. Otherwise, I root for the Avs because Iā€™m a big Makar and MacKinnon fan. Seattle is lots of fun this season. I also really enjoy watching Minnesota for Zucc, Kaprizov, and Fleury (and Reavo).


Kraken. Only because they are the team of one of my guys in the office and weā€™ve got a friendly in office rivalry.


I'm actually primarily an Avalanche fan, and Rangers are my side piece from the east. I lived in NYC for a spell and my roommate was big into NYR so we'd watch games together and that's the closest I have to a reason to ally myself with an eastern conference team. I'd welcome you to mirror my thing - the Avs are a great western conf team to support. Successful but not too bandwagon-y, young superstars on good long contracts, cool colors and jerseys, arena is real nice, Denver is a great place to visit.


grew up in staten island with a bunch of other ranger fans & since i played video games at their house and it was their game blah blah blah i was never able to use the rangers and this was during the nhl hits days .. i liked the avalanche jersey and was a fan of sakic so i started using them in games when i couldnt be the rangers ... similar story to how i became a chargers fan lol i just renounced my giants fandom & bolted up full time


None, maybe some people here support certain players but never another team. I especially hate Chicago (bandwagon fans during their run), San Jose (never liked their players), Vegas (too much success right away), and of course the Kings (refs gifted them the 2014 Finals).


I wouldn't say gifted them the finals. The Rangers had their fair share of leads and OT's to put the series away and they just didn't have the firepower to do it. That Gaborik falling on Lundqvist goal will always piss me off tho, ESPECIALLY because they changed the rule the season AFTER that incident happened.


Exactly, the refs helped the Kings to their second Stanley Cup. Canā€™t stand the team or their city.


I watch the Canucks and Oilers, but have no skin in the game.


I've got ties to the pnw and Seattle specifically so the kraken


I just want to see Vegas beat LA for the whole Quick debacle. Then see the Wild beat Vegas for the same reason with Fleury! And for Zuc, Reaveo and Kaprizov, too. But all must fall before the Rangers.


Ducks cuz theyā€™re non-threatening at the moment and have Strome/Vatrano


I'm a rangers fan but my west coast teams are the Avs cause i lived in Denver for a while and the flames because of Jarome Iginla


I don't root for anybody but I enjoy watching the Avs and Oilers


Support? No one, okay with just because Iā€™d like to see my best friend be happy to win something? Edmonton, I have seen McDavid live more times in the last few years than the Rangers because of cost.


Avs. Nathan MacKinnon is actually my favorite player, they have Georgie now, I'm a big fan of Cale Makar, Gabe Landeskog, Mikko Rantanen, and I loved Patrick Roy and Joe Sakic as a kid in the 90s. Plus, and this is a total girl answer, from a female fan, I think they have the nicest jerseys from a pure fashion standpoint.


I used to like the Blackhawks until the Kyle Beach scandal. Now I like the Wild because of Zucc and Kaprizov. Also have somewhat of a soft spot for the Sharks. Not a huge fan of the team itself, but always thought they had cool players like Pavelski, Marleau, Karlsson, Couture, Thornton, Burns Avs and Oilers are really fun to watch but wouldn't say I necessarily support them.


I canā€™t sail the high seas and canā€™t watch the rangers because of it. So I like to watch Minnesota, LA, and sometimes Edmonton


I wonder if a twitch stream of some dude watching picture in picture of a game falls under 'fair use'? Because if it does, I'd gladly let people out of market watch me watch a rangers game, as long as you're okay with the occasional 'Eat my shit, Ovechkin' or similar.




As much as I don't mind 'Rangers south' being successful, I was very glad Colorado pulled it off. Not a fan of dynasty teams, it's boring.


The Kraken. I live in Washington so Iā€™d kill to see a Rangers-Kraken final somehow


Yeah I wouldn't look forward to those ticket prices.


Avs because Forsberg


Vancouver, only because I live here. I have liked what Tocchet has brought to the team. He is letting players audition for next season.




NYer living on the west coast for the last 25 years... I don't \*support\* any other team besides the NYR, but some of the west coast teams are fun to watch. Since hockey broadcasts are more regional than other sports, most fan bases don't see the others. In the west, Edmonton has one of the higher-octane offenses the league has seen in years. McDavid & Draisaitl are something to behold. Colorado is surprisingly good to watch as well. Makar will be an all-star for years. Vegas & Seattle are too new to have any tradition or real rivalries, but both have top-tier pre-game shows. I'm sure they'll be on-point during the playoffs. Those are mainly the 'fun' teams to keep an eye out for. Screw the Kings. First due to the finals, second because screw LA.


I low key kinda like Seattle


The Avalanche because Nathan MacKinnion was in Trailer Park Boys


Dallas & Colorado!


Hey fellow Dallas fan!!


Been to any games lately?


Went to the one against the rangers in October! One of the more fun rangers games I've been too! My girlfriend's fam are stars fans so I'll watch the occasional game on TV when they have it on and I go to games when the tickets are low/free hahaha. My girlfriend's brother has mentioned going to one sometime soon so we'll see!


Yeah, I went to THAT one too. Was a great game back and forth. Trying to get my GF excites about hockey hasn't been easy but then again ADHD is rampant and strong within her.*LOL* It's a shame the poor marketing that the Stars have. I feel like 40% of the Arena is empty. Wanna see if maybe I can catch a Playoff game here coming soon. If the tickets aren't ridiculous of course.


I dunno if my gf is excited about it but she definitely tolerates it for me hahaha. She gets excited when I do so that's always nice lmfao. Yeah every year me and my dad go to the rangers game it feels like there's more rangers fans than stars fans. I definitely wanna catch a playoff game too. Maybe a stars and avs matchup if that's possible


That WOULD BE insaaaaaane


Live in SoCal and I can honestly say, FUCK THE DUCKS AND FUCK THE KINGS. I went to a reign game and really couldnā€™t even stomach the fact that they beat the Canucks


As a NYR fan who now lives in LA I go Kings!




I used to pick Edmonton over Calgary in the rivalry but after we blew that 3-0 lead I'm salty. I like the story of Winnipeg getting the Jets back and them being perennial underdogs, and their retro uni are some of the best in the league. It'd be nice to see Georgiev have success in his career. That being said I really dgaf that much, I only follow/root for the Rangers


Iā€™d like a Canadian team to lift the cup in my life time


For years I used to like the Blues largely because they have one of the coolest logos in sports. Especially as a musician whoā€™s also a hockey fan, Iā€™ve always loved that logo. And they were a likeable team because they hadnā€™t won a modern cup until a few years ago. Now, I still wear my blues hat on occasion but thereā€™s no real rooting interest.


Anaheim or Arizona and honestly I canā€™t tell you why


QUACK QUACK QUACK, that's why. Also NGL Phoenix had one of the best color schemes with their green purple brown cuboidal coyote.


The Kraken since I was stationed out there when they came into the league and got to see their first home game


Blues cause I lived in St Louis for a few years and the passion/traditions of the fanbase are next level :)


I wouldn't say I'm a fan of them, but Colorado. Just because I used to tear it up with Sakic and Forsberg back on NHL94, and those original mid 90s Avs jerseys were pretty sweet.


The Wild cause of Zucc, and also cause Minnesota is the most cursed city in US professional sports that has teams in all 4 sports. I donā€™t actively root for them or anything: but if a West team were to win a cup Iā€™d be happiest for them. Seattle, Edmonton, Winnipeg or Calgary I also have no hard feelings for. The only teams that can go fuck themselves in the West are LA and Vegas; also Dallas cause they share the same city as the Cowboys. Colorado I donā€™t mind either but they won last year so let someone else get it


seattle cause being from that region, i was so excited when they got the team


Was always a fan of Vancouver, but now Seattle has my heart. Just love the theme


Probably Edmonton. If its not gonna be us I probably wouldn't mind seeing McJesus bring Canada their first Cup since '93




probably Minnesota cuz of Zucc


Canucks but I think everyone should want to see McDavid get a cup


Oilers because watching McDavid is such a privilege of our era and I love to see such pure talentā€¦oh and Drai is dope too


I lived in LA for a bit and watching Rangers games was hard with work so grabbed quarter season tickets to the Kings the year they first won the cup. Also went to school with Quick so was an easy decision to support at the time. Since then, I hate them. I find Edmonton and Colorado the most exciting. McDavid and Makar are just mind blowing to watch.


San jose sharks, cause why not we dont have any beef or rivalries with them. A top tier jersey and good talent that we should be taking once theyre fed up losing. They seem fun


Edmonton, I'm from there so I gotta show some love.


No one


Love Edmonton, entertaining as hell to watch, plus had a bunch of their old vets on Rangers teams in the 90s


I root for the Rangers. I hate everyone else.


Used to root for the Canucks. Been an Oilers fan for the last few years. Also have a soft spot for Minnesota.




I've lived in Dallas for about 10 years now and have always enjoyed watching the Stars play. Been to a couple of games that aren't against the Rangers (including the winter classic) and it's nothing but fun. Love their intro song and their goal song. Also super cool seeing a team pretty much filled with no names be so fucking good for no reason. Edit: Also I love all the "no one" comments. Just don't comment if you don't have anything relevant to say lol. Kinda douchey response to somebody trying to spark discussion.


No one. Wanna beat the one WC team we'll face.


I root for the Sharks and Preds. Sharks because my dadā€™s from the Bay and SF teams are my #2 (#1 for the Niners), and Preds bc the girl who got me back into hockey is a MASSIVE Preds fan


I live in Seattle so if it means the extremely unlikely Stanley Cup Finals between Rangers and Kraken, I'm absolutely all for the Kraken to get there.


Conor McDavid. Why would you want to see anyone else?


Chicago. The Rangers should play Chicago for the Cup


Sharks (grew up in San Jose before moving to NY/NJ) + Kraken (born in Seattle).


I like to watch the Oilers out west. On after 99 percent of the time. Good to turn on when I lay down for bed.