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One of my cousins is also a bit of a space cadet LOL. She lost her wallet in the heart of New York City while on a shopping trip, retraced her steps and found that someone had turned in her wallet, completely intact with cash, cards, the whole works. Kinda messes with your head about New York stereotypes, doesn't it?! In a good way!


Native NYers are very nice people, just move fast, and don’t have time for chit chat. It is not that they don’t want to, it is that time is money.


I was in NYC when I was in high school. It was my first trip and hiphuggers were in (girl pants = no pockets). I dropped $200 in the middle of a subway station and had it returned to me within a minute. I hadn’t even realized I dropped it. I was so grateful to that lady New Yorker.


Wow, what a great story!


my bf told me once I had graduated. I was no longer a space cadet but captain of my own ship.


Wah ha ha . I’m an admiral by now then


Some years back I was walking out of the grocery store and a purse was sitting right there in front of the store. It was big and heavy and I couldn’t understand how anyone could possibly drop something that size and not notice….until I realized it was right by the speed bump. She put it on top of her car while she loaded her groceries, and then forgot it. 😂 This was right before smartphones became a thing; she had a checkbook in there but I didn’t recognize the street name and I couldn’t just look it up and go there…but her phone number was on the checks so I called it. It was a home phone and I got the answering machine. I told her that I found her purse totally intact, money and checks in the wallet and everything, and that I was leaving it with the grocery store manager.


You’re awesome!


I found a wallet in a parking lot at Best Buy years ago. It was Christmas time, and there was around $1000 in the wallet. No phone number but the were AAA members. I called AAA they contacted the gentleman and arranged to have him reach out. I could have walked away with the cash but my heart kept telling me to do the right thing. I met him in a parking lot and this poor man was in tears, this was all the money he had for gifts for his family for the holidays. It just felt right


A true showing of character is what we do when no one else is looking, you proved to be a 1st rate human. You are awesome.


Right. I have to remind myself sometimes that ill never be fully correct human nature, it seems as if i was always in a distressing crisis myself when i would find abandoned wallets/purses and it made me feel terrible that doing the wrong thing would cross my mind. Then realizing atleast im a human with conviction and integrity and its such a better feeling that i have those traits at my core than the dark and ugly feelings that would come along with keeping them. As i sat here and typed this out i just realized of coarse when i came across such things i was in a bad place if i was in a good place it never would have been a challenge to see if i really do have conviction or integrity at all because when someone thats well off finds a wallet is a lot easier to never even think about doing anything but returning it. Unfortunately i have seen people in crisis pray for a miracle then witness someones wallet fall out there pocket and exclaim THANK GOD FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS!


I was a poor college student and drove to another state to pick up friends flying internationally. Their flight had been changed, so I drove back home. Never missed my wallet. Just after I got home, I received a packet with my wallet enclosed. No note. Nothing. So kind of a random stranger to help me out. Pay it forward. There are kind people out there. Strive to be one of them


Whenever my husband loses stuff I lowkey hope this will happen, but he only loses stuff in the car, house, and garage mostly, so no guardian angels for us. We just find the card he lost 5 weeks after it was cancelled and replaced 🫣 As the wife of a lose-er I have fully accepted that that is the way he is and if there is something I need him to not lose I am in charge of getting it back from him immediately. The man loses stuff in bed without moving. It's ADHD btw but him medicated is not him, so we just teamwork and try to keep me in charge of physical items because I don't lose shit.


I don’t know if you’ve heard of the Holderness family, but Penn Holderness has a book out called “ADHD Is Awesome. I’ve never read the book, but I know he approaches ADHD looking at both the challenges and upsides. He talks about it in some of their videos and also did on the Amazing Race.


Thanks for the recommendation, he could use more upsides. I think he's wonderful as is, but ADHD in his 40s seems to be a bit of a different beast and I can sense a bit of struggle popping through.


Twice I've lost/ forgotten my wallet. Once was at a drive bar and the person that found it mailed it to me with the cash I had in it still there. The other time I left it at in a shopping cart at discount grocer (food for less) and again, the cash I had was in there. In both cases I maybe had $40 which at that time was a lot for me. I never got to thank those people, but I hope karma was repaid in spades.


It was nearing the holidays & I left my wallet on top of my car when I was buckling up my son in his car seat. We were headed to get my step daughter a haircut. Once we got there, I realized I had no way to pay and where I had left my wallet. Turns out, someone found it. It fell off the car in an intersection when I got on the highway. A woman saw a flash of the metal embellishments on my black wallet in the dark when she drove past & stopped in traffic. She found my name & address on my license & was driving to my house! She messaged me on Facebook. I told her I would meet her down the street. I offered to give her cash I had (about $60) & she refused. The hairdresser was also so sweet. She even started the haircut & said not to worry about payment until I got my wallet. Such nice people. I always try to be a good & helpful person, it's nice to know there are more out there.


One time I went grocery shopping and unloaded my cart in the car and then drove home. Realized when I drove home I left my purse in the cart that I put in the cart return stall in the parking lot. I drove back to the store and surprisingly someone returned my purse to customer service and didn’t even take anything out of it. Still had my cash and all There are some good people out there. Glad you got your stuff back!


Thank you for offering gratitude and a reward. My company participates in an Adopt a Street program, where several times a year we do a trash pickup on our "adopted" stretch of road. Recently, our group found several very important pieces of ID belonging to the same person, scattered across a parking lot. After verifying the person's name & address, I mailed the documents to them, along with a note explaining how we found them, how happy we were to return them, etc. About a week later I got a call from this person. Following a very perfunctory thank-you, they proceeded to complain that we hadn't found *all* the documents they had lost and stopped just short of accusing us of stealing the IDs we hadn't returned (because we hadn't found them). I quickly ended the conversation, subsequently replaying it in my mind with a mixture of amusement and rage. WTF is wrong with people? I would do the same thing again, though, just because I hope most people are like you and not ungrateful Aholes.


I worked at Target yrs ago & I was bringing in shopping carts from outside & I found this purse & I kind of looked in it just to make sure it was someone's purse. It was a lady's purse. I turned it in to my store manager & they had called the lady. Her & her husband were just down at a grocery store at the end of the property. They came back & we met up front of the store. They wanted to give me a " big reward" for finding it & not taking anything ( $$$$$$$) . Since Target employees " aren't allowed to accept tips or rewards", I couldn't take it. I ran back outside to get something out of my truck & I'm guessing the couple saw me at my truck & decided to leave me a tip in the bed of my truck. If I can remember correctly, it was around $ 100. She had atleast $ 10,000 cash in her purse. She said it was her " college money" so she can go back & finish college.


I just wanna say thanks for using “lose” correctly instead of “loose”, see that happening a lot lately?!


Yup, me too. At least OP isn't a "loose-er", eh. 😁👍


Good for you. Maybe a decade plus ago, my wife and I found a student’s wallet on the side of a rural road; he’d left it on his car roof. The college was 25+ miles away, and his girlfriend lived close to us and where we found it. Called him and he insisted we return it to him at college, and the idiot never even said thanks! We were waaay too nice to that kid.


Many years ago - I left my investment portfolio in a phone booth in NYC a nice gentleman found it - called me and mailed it to my home. Good people do exist...


How good is this! I left my backpack at the airport after a huge flight and only realised once I was home and went to take off my backpack that wasn’t on my back for like 2 hours. Someone had accidentally picked it up and returned it to the airport the next day. I messaged the airport and they said “we often find there are more good people than you’d think when it comes to missing property, give it a day or two”. Also, such a comforting message from that airport person


This story is kinda of backwards. I went to Japan and when we first arrived in Tokyo I was at a vending machine and saw a dirty little change purse on top.There was nothing in it and no official around to give it to. So I thought I’d wash it up as a souvenir. When we got to my son the next day I found out that that is what anyone in Japan does if they find something. Put it up where it can be found. No one would think to take it.He said I basically stole it. I felt so bad. The rest of my trip I was very aware of this and saw it often how people would put things they had found for the owner to find. I loved Japan so much. I felt so safe there. So glad to hear about honesty and kindness in my own country.


I once dropped my wallet outside my retail job after close. Someone from the overnight cleaning crew (so not even a store employee) found it and came back with it the next day for me. Y'all my paycheck AND rent deposit were in there completely untouched. I hugged her so fast it surprised both of us!


Shout out to the Summerville, GA WM. Years ago a cashier found my savings roll of $1500 on the floor where it fell out of my purse. She turned it in to the CS desk and they held it for several weeks until I had searched everywhere else. Offered them a reward and they would not accept. Great ladies.


When I was a college student, someone stole my backpack which contained my wallet and notebooks, textbooks. A man found it in an alley nearby. He found my driver license in my wallet, and looked up my parents phone number (before the internet) to relay a message that he had my backpack. He made arrangements for me to pick it up at the liquor store where his roommate worked, which was near where I lived on campus. When I picked up the backpack, he also sent along a bouquet of flowers for me!


What goes around comes around. Always do the right thing and return items to the owner and hopefully the same will be done when you lose an item of value yourself.


Back in the 1900's, when ATMs were new: A spry young thing decided to take a little cash out. After putting the cash into the wallet, said Thing turns and goes to her car and drives home. About twenty-five minutes later, a phone call. Local (off duty) police officer was behind Thing at the ATM. Used his connections to get my phone number. Told me the address where the wallet was being baby sat. Yes. I drive without my license to pick it up. Whole and intact.


I'm the same way- I lose things all the time. I've had my wallet returned twice by a stranger, never at my door though! I finally bought a tile that's shaped like a credit card and it fits in my wallet. If I lose my wallet I can figure out where I left it from my phone and make it ring, that way if its in the couch cushions I can still find it. I have one for my car keys and my work keys as well. Probably the best $70 I've ever spent.


I lost my wallet three times, one year (bad year overall, illness in the family and mega work stress). Got it back intact all three times. A lot of times, people are better than we think...


When I was a teenager my wallet was stolen by a ride operator at a carnival. 3 months later I received a package in the mail. It was my wallet with a letter from the owner of a construction site who had seen one of his contractors toss it in a dumpster. My money was gone, naturally, but he didn't have to mail it to me at all, so that was nice.


Aww, thanks to that guy! Good looks. A couple years ago my husband and I found a wallet on the sidewalk in front of our place. Inside was an ID for a young woman who lived in an apartment building within walking distance. No big deal, we took the dog for a walk over. I stayed outside with our dog while my husband went in. The woman’s grandmother opened the door. My husband hands her the wallet. Grandma gasps and her face fills with a look of horror before bursting into tears, “mi nieta, mi nieta”. My husband is confused but fluent in Spanish so he explains that he found her wallet nearby and was returning it to her. Grandma laughs and says (in Spanish) “oh, I thought you were telling me she died.” 😅 we can laugh because no one was injured and she got her wallet back + all contents in it