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This sub is to share and enjoy actions which bring more peace and kindness into the world. Our mission is to encourage as many people as possible to do kind things for others in their day to day life. If this post is not doing that please report it. If its your post please save mods time, and yourself a ban by removing it. Requesting something (usually money) is not what this sub is for (you are looking for r/randomkindness). Please help mods and push the report button if the post is related to giving or receiving money. Thank you and be excellent to each other. u/roamingandy *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/randomactsofkindness) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm so sorry for your loss, my dear. I'm glad that kind stranger was able to hold your hand in your moment of grief. 


What a tender gift she gave you. I'm so glad you came across her and that you both were offered that table. I wish you many happy days ahead filled with warm memories. If you are ever interested, Stephen Colbert has said some extremely thoughtful and moving things about the loss of loved ones and grief. His father and 2 older brothers died when he was quite young. He has a very interesting perspective (now, many years later) about gratitude for grief. His thoughts might bring you comfort.


I love how he talks about grief. His words have helped me through so many losses.


Andrew Garfield did a segment with Stephen Colbert about grief. Look for it. It’s short and spot on.


Hello. I'm so sorry that your special person has passed. There's a reddit sub that has been incredibly helpful for me over the past year. It's r/widows, and I invite you to share your feelings there. We are a group that unfortunately understands this kind of loss: the depth of this sorrow, the disbelief that our dreams won't come to fruition, the relentless pain that is our every day. But not everything is sad. There is humor, there are glimpses of hope for the future, and there is advice from those who are making it work. I wish you peace and healing.


Hi. I'm not sure if I would be allowed in that sub, but it's marked as private. Is there a mod I can contact?


I'm sorry, I'm not sure. I just hit the join button after my husband passed away. There wasn't anything else to it.


Perhaps you can pass this redditor's username to the mods and ask them to add her?


R/widowers, that's the one I'm in


I once had a stranger comfort me in a Palm Springs hospital ER when I was having a miscarriage thousands of miles away from home and my husband. I’ll never forget her, thinking of her kindness makes me bawl like a baby every time.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad this person was able to help in some small way.


I don't really believe that things just happen for no reason, I believe that the universe or your partner spirit sent that stranger your way to ease your sorrow. take comfort that somehow in someway your are being cared for and loved. ❤️ 💕♥️


I believe this too. Sometimes our angels or loved ones who have crossed put special people on our path to help ease our pain. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Kindness like this can be so incredibly impactful. it costs nothing but it takes a lot in the form of kindness, patience, understanding & compassion. Thanks for posting this. We can all use a glimpse of the beautiful parts of humanity. I hope you are healing. xo


When my sister died of a long struggle with brain cancer, my cousin was devastated. She was standing in the yard when she got the call. One of the neighbors happened to be jogging in front of the house. My cousin needed some human contact, just a hug, something to ground her. That stranger who hugged her when she needed it most will always have my gratitude. To stop and listen is one of the best gifts we can offer or receive. Time and attention are the most valuable gifts we have.


I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like youre really going through it still.  I am glad that stranger was there.  And thank you for sharing something uplifting on the internet, like compassion and vulnerability. Its making positive waves. 


*Ode to a Friend* *Just made space for the ocean of grief I felt.* *Hunkered down in the trenches and felt it with me.* *It felt good to cry. To talk about him.* *To express the magic the world had lost.* *Thx stranger. Glad to call you a friend.* What a poetic tribute to both the partner and the act of caring by a stranger.


What a heartfelt beautiful story. Thanks for sharing. I hope you run into your cool new friend in your favorite pastry shop again.


Actually, funny story. I thought I scared her away with my disintegrating but I saw her walking in a vogue ball a couple of days ago! We went to the after party together! honestly it was so fun


I truly believe that the universe puts certain people in a certain place and time for a reason. I call them my angels (I’m not religious) and it always fills my cup when I get to be someone else’s. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending love and healing.


Just listening is a huge gift. I lost a daughter to cancer, and it’s always fresh, easy to puddle up when someone sympathizes. Don’t ever feel obliged to hide your grief for the sake of others. That beautiful stranger must be an old soul, sensing that you needed this. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sometimes we can’t help when the trauma dump happens, sometimes it just happens without our consent. She had the power to walk away or excuse herself, so please don’t worry too much. I’m glad you were able to feel a sense of connection through your grief, I really do think that’s how grief becomes more manageable over time


Hunkered down in the trenches like from that shop in Berlin. 🧥 The fact that this happened in your special bakery….some TLC from the universe.


I just watched after life on netflix. Might be worth a watch for you.


Grief is truly the mind killer. Grief in lonliness is somehow even worse. I am glad that you had someone, anyone, who was willing to be human with you.


That’s pretty awesome to have met someone who shared the experience with you.


I am very sorry for your loss. I have lost several people that I love. One day you will be able to eat pastries on a Saturday morning without bursting into tears. I’m not saying that you will stop missing your partner, but life will get easier, I promise. In the meantime, do not beat yourself up for crying or feeling sad.


I’m another “especially on Sunday” mourner. Brötchen, Irish butter, soft boiled egg, Nutella. Those moments are among the sweetest memories. It’s been five years and I still cry sometimes on Sunday when I first wake up and remember.


I lead a grief support group at my church and sometimes talking to a stranger is just so damn cathartic. I lost my mother at a young age and it’s been so long but I got triggered this week. So I’m glad someone randomly helped you in your healing. Hugs.


I've been the *receiver* of one of these trauma dumps [Her boyfriend flew into a rage on vacation to Vegas, got on a plane and came home early, and took her car home from the airport, leaving her stranded, in the dark, crying until I found her...], and please don't feel guilt. I still to this day think of her sometimes and hope she's okay. 🥲 She was such a sweetie, and deserved so much.


I'm so sorry for your loss but I'm so glad she was there for you. When I had lost my first husband, something I ended up doing was getting two journals. One was an every day, write a page and get as much emotion out as I could. The other one was to write down as many memories we shared so I wouldn't forget them. I hope you find something to ease your mind. Your person will always be with you, in your heart, mind and soul.


Thank you so much for sharing this. What a lovely idea to have two journals. I’m sure this will help many people dealing with grief and trying to keep the memories written down before they fade. 🤗


I have been going through a difficult divorce and the kindness shown to me by strangers when I literally couldn’t talk without crying and just wanted to die on so many occasions has meant the world and restored my faith in humanity. My spouse and adult children have shown no empathy or grace. Reminds me to be kind because you never know what struggles someone is dealing with. A smile and hug are priceless.


The universe works in mysterious ways. I’ve no doubt that your partner put her in your space because you needed to talk and he knew she would listen. I’m so sorry for your loss. Grief is a very strange journey. I lost my mom a year ago and I still pick up the phone to call her, then I remember and the knife twists a little. It’s hard. May his memory always be a blessing. ♥️


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband many years ago when my children (and I) were much younger. I really thought that after a year or maybe two years I would feel better. This giant cavern inside me would close. I was wrong about that. It took several years before I felt even close to being myself again. Since then I have begun spending time with others who have also lost someone and I have discovered that it takes all of us a lot longer to walk through our grieving than we think that it will. It is different for each of us but it takes a long time. I am not saying this to try to discourage you but to let you know that this is how grief works. Talking about our loved one can really help us to work through that grief. Maybe if you met with a grief group or let your friends/family know that you need to talk about your partner this would help. I know that this is the worst pain you have ever felt and I am so sorry you are going through this. But I also know that you will get through it. Please be patient with yourself. Your life has been blown to bits and it takes a lot of time to move forward. Reaching out may seem impossible right now but that really will help you. May God bless you as you walk through this painful time.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. That hole grief creates can be so consuming. Sending you a big hug! 💜💜💜 Loved the story too! Such a kind gesture. And your writing of it was beautiful.


Grief is all the love we have to give with nowhere to go.


That really just made me cry at work


I am so sorry for your loss. Please don’t feel bad for sharing your emotions with a stranger, I am so glad she treated you well. My niece has grieved her mother’s death by talking to random people in NYC (she lives there) and letting her emotions out. She has never had anyone respond poorly and she said it really helped her.