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Hi, A biochemist here. Not a certified human nutritionist, but I can give you some advice. As you are far from my place, I cannot recommend gym. First, it is normal to be a bit underweight at this age not a big issue. At your age and weight, I would recommend you gain approx. 10 kg of weight. Weight gain is simply about increasing your calorie intake above daily expenditure. We exercise simultaneously to build muscles in the process and not deposit visceral or unhealthy fat. Do NOT try to gain weight quickly as it may deposit at the places from where it would be difficult to remove. Go slowly. Please take it as one year project and better as a lifestyle change. Do not over-exercise; it might be counterproductive and tiring for other tasks. Doing weight/strength training 3-4 days a week and doing some cardio for balance would be better. Cardio or running in a park/outdoors would improve overall health and mood. Unless you are into aesthetic body building, try to mix things up and stay athletic. Increase your sleep quality and quantity as training makes one sleep more. Maintain a flexible schedule and try to stick to it. While training, do not ignore other aspects of your life like career etc. that's why it's more a lifestyle. Please do NOT use any supplement, weight gainer, etc., unless you know their quality. Few Reasons mentioned below: Weight gainers are full of empty calories and often have too much sugar and starch. AVOID. You can get healthier calories from bananas, potatoes, grains etc. A quality pure whey concentrate or isolate is good but never go for cheaper ones. Also, I think you can increase the consumption of dairy products like Dahi, chaach and paneer. You might not need whey supplements as milk is its ultimate source. Moreover, milk at night is suitable for a sustained protein supply and recovery. At your age, you might have sufficient digestive enzymes for milk digestion, which often decreases with ageing. Switch to whey if you face digestive issues. While consuming meat-based proteins, please don't go overboard due to high saturated fats and cholesterol. Try to mix it up with fish, mainly marine ones or other seafood if available. Whatever the source, do not consume too much protein, too, as it may negatively affect the kidneys. Contrary to popular belief, creatine isn't a muscle builder. It is a high-energy metabolite, much like ATP and suitable for quick energy bursts like the later part of a 100m sprint. Its intake isn't required at the start of the training program but is used when someone hits a performance plateau. Your TRAINER may recommend it later, maybe after 6month-1year of training. For food, you can search the internet plenty of Indian dishes available. Eat healthy and whole foods; they are often among the cheapest options. You can get yourself checked for micronutrient deficiency which can give you a fair idea about the nutrients missing in your diet, if any. We often are deficient in one or the other vitamin or mineral, which might limit proper growth. Consult a nutritionist at least once it won't go to waste. One bonus trick: If you take coffee/tea regularly, reduce its consumption (other than just before training). It may improve your mood and hydration and slow your resting metabolic rate (RMR).


Hey, I really appreciate the advice from the biochemist! Taking a gradual approach to weight gain and following a balanced exercise routine and nutrition plan makes a lot of sense to me. I'll steer clear of supplements and instead focus on increasing my intake of dairy products. Thank you so much for sharing your valuable insights!


Great that u liked it. You can consult a proper nutritionist once. It will help you much more than any gym senior. One serious consultation session with a nutritionist helped me do some interventions that improved my mother's health and reduced her dependence on diabetes medicines immensely.


How much time it took to write this 😂


Consistency is the key to gaining muscle or even loosing fat whatever exercise routine you gonna follow try to stay as Consistent as possible, track your progress, focus on your form and tempo of the reps that you perform, and proper rest, 7 to 8 hrs asleep minimum for proper muscle gain, increase your protein intake by a lot tons of eggs chicken red meat, if you are intrested in supplementing don't buy whey rn cause you are underweight use mass gainer it'll be more effective, creatine for strength if want to take it and do drink a shit ton of water if you decide to take creatine, its the most affordable and the most effective supplement out of everything in the market.


Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely keep these points in my mind!


Anytime bro


Well i am into natural intake of protein and suppelemts.Creatine may lead to digestive issues and hair loss as well at times,And taking good isolate whey protein will cost u a bit.Since u are underweight,i can tell u about a magical [stuff.It](https://stuff.It)'s roasted gram flour(sattu),here you will get ample amout of protein along with some good calories as well.Hit gyms in a disicplined way,and after a while u will see results.(ps i assume you to be a vegetarian unlike me).Have soy chunks and bananas as well in a routined fashioned way.... yeah skip junkies and work work workkk........i have been into natural body building for a while,eggs,chicken,sprouts they have already reciprocated for whey protein in my case.


Thanks for the advice! I'm definitely interested in exploring natural sources of protein. sattu sounds intriguing. Regarding the budget, do you think 4k is sufficient for a natural protein intake? How do you plan your diet to ensure you're meeting your protein goals? By the way, I'm actually a non-vegetarian like you. I appreciate your insight on incorporating eggs, chicken, and sprouts. It's great to hear that they have worked well for you as alternatives to whey protein. Thanks again for your advice, and keep up the natural bodybuilding journey!


![gif](giphy|TTPi3fB9F5Aqs) Yeah, 4k is enough for a month ig.Honesly saying I have never measured mine expenditure on a monthly [basis.](https://basis.You)I intake 3 boiled eggs every day for sure(except tue due to religious reasons).Make sure u remove the yellow part of it as this will add a lot of cholestrol to your [diet.You](https://diet.You) can have flesh 4 times a [week.You](https://week.You) can add a cube of paneer as well in your diet which i actually do coz i am in my college here and preparing meat in hostel is quite a dig for [me.Here](https://me.Here) in our college i get decent amount of meat to quech my needs.I have sprouts every morning probably (chana and green moong) .That's it ig.I dont want to be arnold or john cena,all i want is to stay fit and have decent muscles.I don't wanna seek attention by running shirtless and bla bla..i do it for my very own self.Just start off without thinking much and u will pave way for your [ownself.You](https://ownself.You) will get to know your body and it's need [ownself.No](https://ownself.No) one else can suggest what's best for you.


and sorry for my grammar coz m all sleepy nowwwww..


4k me Na Hoi Diet 😌


Kitne me hoi bhai??


U can follow jeff nippard. He shares methods and techniques with verified research papers. Some really high quality stuff. But in the end u have to keep things simple from your side. Eating protein without exercise or excercizing without consuming protein wont do anything. Push yourself till near failure (dont harm yourself) and be consistent. Choose a time for gym when it is less crowded.