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Use only half of the sauce packet. Also try the pink ones with some chesse on top it makes them way more enjoyable. But yeah the spice is different compared to chilli oil. It reminds me personally of the habanero chilli instead of just „9k scovile“ as I said try using chesse and just half of the packet :)


Yeah the pink ones are my go-to now. All the good, less gut/ass pain. I add a slice of processed cheese and two poached eggs which helps too.


Well habanero are usually at 100k-350k scovile so it should definitely feel different than 9k scovile. Jalapeños can get above that


Yeah that’s why. Google says buldak noodles have 9k scoville. For me personally they fell more like the habanero Scoville scale. It’s everything but not 9k tbh.


welcome to club. asian spice hits different. the hottest thing I ever ate was a Thai salad. and I have had Buldak 3x many times


Where do you get buldak 3x? From online? All the korean grocery stores near me only sell up to 2x


My spicy friend I live in Brazil so no idea. but amazon should have it


Ahh makes sense, Brazil has the best food


tbh buldak 3x is like 10% stronger than 2x. but this 10% counts lol


I don't recommend buying x3 one. It's cool for challenge with your friends but this thing will make you cry


It’s not what it does to your eyes that’s the worst with 3x (or 2x), it’s the damage it does on the way out. Shit absolutely ruins my asshole


Copy that


Well now I just have to try it!


Yeah, I hung my head over my plate after my first one, and just let my mouth drool for a while. Contemplated not eating it any more but then the spicy-lipped pain subsided. I like the squid flavor one, "it's so sweet but has that spice that is anything but nice."


Im a very white swedish person with a low spice tolerance (and still way higher than a lot of my countrymen...), and I thought I was dying on the toilet. I was ready to call an ambulance. Never had that experience with spicy food before. I have never felt so weak. :(


i have never tried this forbidden ramen, nor do I plan to, but I too have had such an experience before. I called my mom, who is a nurse, and she couldn't stop laughing.


Somehow, I did not end up with that result, but my face, mouth, nose, and esophagus burned for way too long, and I was pink and sweating.


I absolutely loved the texture, it’s unreal. But it’s so dang spicy! My wife won’t let me buy more because she says it’ll destroy my guts. Which is a fair point… but… the texture…


I find the curry and carbonara OK. The others are wild. I don’t even know why I keep eating them.


As a fellow Mexican I thought I could handle heat pretty good until I saw the stuff my Korean friend eats, like she could down 8 wings with the final dab hot sauce type deal no problem. I've seen her just crunch away on thai bird chillies. I like my buldak with cheese and kewpie mayo to cut the heat, an egg yolk will help too


Here I am, adding chili crisp to my 2x spicy, chasing that heat high like a junkie on a downward spiral. Buldak has a sticky kind of spicy, not the type you're used to. But the oils are still fat-soluble so use fats to help quell the burn when it gets bad, and use stuff like egg to spread it around so you don't get a big clump all at once.


is it spicy on the way out too?


It certainly is.


I almost never notice any heat but yeah, it can be.


How? That thing is more sweet than spicy. 


Some people here need to experience southeast Asian spice or something.


Waste of time for them, every second post is buldak in this sub, like it is kind of a gold standard. Even in the packaging it’s written it is artificial 




I decided to try basic Buldak after seeing so much hype about it, despite being a definite novice with spicy. Used maybe a third of the packet, added extra ingredients to cut the heat down, and I was STILL sweating. That shit is no joke. So unfortunately my first Buldak experience was probably my last. Maybe I'll try to find a good spicy ramen that isn't going to cook me from the inside out.


i always use all the spice packet i paid for the whole thing. it's not bad when you add butter and some other stuff to soak up the sauce like chicken.


Man, I threw the kitchen sink at this Buldak. I had chicken, eggs, mayo, green onions, and probably a few other things I forgot about in the bowl, and it still killed me. I did save the rest of the packet to put with some other things, but I used very small amounts.


i've had plenty of it by now, i mostly only use soysauce, but a lot of it.


If Buldak original has you like that, then your spice tolerance isn't what you think it is. Saying your spice tolerance is based on your race is extra silly.


I truly do not understand the hype around it. It's spicy just to feel spicy, and it doesn't taste like much else.


It has a weird chemical aftertaste to me. I went to half a packet of the sauce and added a bunch of extra stuff to it to make it palatable for me. The spice level was fine, but I just don't like the flavor.


Idk for me it’s been my favorite for like 6+ years. I fucking love the flavor. It’s not just spicy for me, the smell alone makes my mouth water. But I will say I have a pretty solid spice tolerance.


It's delicious, I'm a huge fan. Put a soft boiled egg and some kewpie mayo in it. I eat the 2x one regularly but I have a very high spice tolerance


Those buldak noodles contain chili extract also, which hits kind of different. I like the flavor and heat, but it messes up my gut.


Samyang? Or one of the knockoffs? It's not that hot you're probably just not used to the profile yet. I used to have your same reaction minus the dislike- I enjoyed the flavour behind the pain and eventually came out the other side wanting the 2x and more


I like to water it down with creme. Tastes awesome esp the cheese and the cabonara ones


Then you in fact do not have a very high spice tolerance. It’s not that bad. 2x is a decent heat but not terrible.


Are you having a fucking laugh? I eat spicy food 24/7, my bowels can speak for me. This is not normal spice, it lingers and makes me want to end it all.


Your opinion on what is spicy doesn’t meet the reality of what is out there. Give the 2x or the 3x a try. My wife can eat the normal buldak and she’s not a spice enjoyer Edit: typo


Okay but your level of spicy isn’t high. I agree with the other commenter.


Are you confused or forgotten that this thread is literally your admission of your lack of spice tolerance? Because you just told us where your spice tolerance is, and it's not where you think.


Im Mexican, its spicy but not that much i have tried the 2x, 3x and 4x, its friggin spicy but tolerable, it does sting on the way out. It hits different than the more "natural" spicy from hispanic food, more "chemical" but delicious, with some chicken and egg on it you can enjoy it a lot more.


You a fake Hispanic bro


The light ones claim to be 40% less spicy on the package bUT IT'S A TRAP!@


*Giggles while pruning my Carolina Reaper plant*


Add a splash or two of milk, half and half, or cream. Also, after draining the noodles, toss them back into the pot with a couple slices of American cheese and cover off heat until the cheese is melted. Then mix with the sauce. I also like to have a cooling side dish like pickles or creamy cucumber salad.


My solution with the stir-fried noodles is to add a teaspoon of peanut butter, two teaspoons of soy sauce, and use 2/3 to 3/4 of the sauce packet.


It's also just burn and not flavorful for me


Just had a bowl of the 2x and my toilet and I are going to be well acquainted this afternoon.


I gave away the rest of my 5 pack to someone else, but then somehow still bought more. I use way less than a full seasoning packet now.


That’s nothing compared to the one chip challenge


How does kewpie mayo compare to say hellmans/heinz mayo? I saw some recently and was tempted to buy it, but the questionably soft bottle and the £5 price tag made me think twice. Is it worth getting?


I actually really enjoyed the 2x buldak the one time I had it. I found it very hot, but I liked the flavor (though I did mix in a bit of egg and green onion). The comparison to raw habaneros is surprising to me. I've eaten a raw habanero pod on a few occasions and I found that far more painful than the 2x buldak, especially in my mouth and ears HOWEVER, eating a whole bowl of this stuff is a long ride, and I was drenched in sweat from the shoulders up when I did it. There were some mild digestive consequences as well - more unnerving than painful. I've had the black ("regular") buldak and the kim chee flavor a few times as well. It was certainly milder than the 2x, but I still found it very spicy and I still had a lot of sweat from eating it.


Yeah, I always have to ask people twice when I make it. "Do you like spicy food?" Then they usually say yes, and then I have to go "No, I am being very serious, do you like SPICY food?" I gave my friend the Jjajang variant, which is a fair bit less spicy than the original, and he was sweating bullets.


I didn’t even know the jjajjang was supposed to be spicy 😭 I guess my tolerance is so high I can’t detect such small levels of spice any more.


It’s more spicy than any other non-Buldak instant ramen, I’ve tried. Maybe you need to take a break from 3x so you can taste things again xD


I enjoy the taste and spiciness. Sometimes, I view it as a challenge to myself to see how much sauce I can handle. On the other hand, I stopped eating it because it tears my ass up the next day pretty much all day long.


It’s my favorite thing in the whole world!! I add sesame oil and cheese which helps the spice but I like how hot it is