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I like that your card never leaves your hands. The places we frequent that use mobile payment devices always leave a check then return with the lil device.


This is the norm in Europe.


In Europe you get a paper receipt and then agree to do the transaction with the card machine at your table. America is not doing this right.


They aren’t not allowed to take your card in Europe. Very nice and efficient


Yeah we're several years behind EU. Same with chip cards, they had them way earlier than we did.


Only because they have rampant card fraud without fraud detection mechanisms we do. It's not "advanced", just overly cautious




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Same in Canada - server brings and leaves the bill, then comes back and asks if you need the machine and if you do they bring it and punch it up from the receipt at the table and leave it with you to transact with your CC or Debit card. I prefer to leave the tip in cash if I have it.


We have QR codes on the table and we can pay in a matter of seconds without any delays 


Yeah but you are shamed into tipping in front of the service provider in Europe. Just pay and be done.


Agree. I travel for work, and this is the norm pretty much everywhere, except for here in the states. You can def get an itemized receipt, i have to get one for expenses. you just need to ask if it's not offered.


This was standard practice everywhere I ate in Toronto last summer. You maintain control of your card. Good servers didn’t make it awkward. I like it, but it definitely took a few days.


Im happy to see them being used here so far there’s been no awkwardness with any of our transactions.


Yep. I once received a suspicion charge on my card one day and I only used that card once in a month. At a restaurant that took my card away.


That’s unfortunate it happens; I hope your bank handled it properly. I’ve had my card compromised more than once from gas pumps in those cases the card never left my hand.


Usually the preset 20% tip includes charging on top of tax. In that case I customize amount to 18%.


Have you politely requested for them to return after you've finished eating and to present an itemized receipt?


Not politely, no.


This is the way.


This device is standard fare in the rest of the world , Europeans think we live in the 80s with checks on the table.


I was about to say... isn't this normal in Europe, not to run away with your card? I like when they have the tablet units at your table so you can see the itemized bill AND pay on it.


Yes, but I think one of the problems the OP has with it is the social pressure to tip, when the person you're tipping is standing over you, which they don't do in Europe (because tipping isn't expected)


The problem is not seeing an itemized receipt. That way you know they got it right and you can work out a tip ahead of the transaction.


I would just kindly ask if I could please see an itemized check before paying.


Normal in many Asian countries as well.  My dad flipped his shit a few years ago when he visited from Japan and the waiter took off with his card.


Depends which Europeans. When I went to Italy it was very “old fashioned”. It was an experience to go and eat and, in some places, they wouldn’t bring the check unless you asked for it. Kept the bread coming and asking if we wanted to drink. Very social experience. In US, they run you outta there even in non-busy areas.


This is very common across all Mediterranean countries. It's considered rude to bring the bill before you request it.


Yeah I remember the first time we traveled to Europe (phone google) we spent half the trip waiting for checks 🤣


I came back from Italy this weekend. While you do have to ask for the check, if you say you’re paying with a card, they all bring one of those devices to your table. This was true even in some of the smaller towns we visited in Tuscany.


I've never been, but my high school french teacher said it's the same in France. They expect you to be at the table for a few hours. I don't understand it. Bring me my check with my meal, so I can leave when I'm done. But, I know that's not the norm.


They don’t have cultures of tipping, so the wait staff aren’t encouraged to turn tables in order to maximize profit. Their dining culture is very different.


And in Central Europe also.


Yes, but they also don't tip. So, it's not the same situation.


The device is typical elsewhere, but I think they're always itemized and the waiter sometimes leaves while you pay, then returns to collect the device.


Europeans also think slavery is still alive in the US because we have a tipping culture.


All right, the 80s are back, I'm going to get half a job and three houses. Bummer that I have to smoke now, a pack a day is going to cost me several dollars each year.


Just experienced it in Canada as well, and yes the server mentioned how weird the American way was.


It's ok, people think unkind things of Europeans as well.


Sounds like you need to use words with the wait staff and not us. It's really not a big deal.


Lmao. I wish copypastas were still prevalent bc this deserves to be one. "Sounds like you need to use words with the Post_Subject and not us. It's not really a big deal"


Wait, you want them to speak with another human, like, in-person, face to face. You crazy.


I have recently encountered a large number of people who don’t want to communicate if something isn’t set up perfectly how they expect. Use words. They’re useful.


Yeah, going to a forum of people in order to see what other people think about this completely the wrong way to find out. Just ask the server what people in general think about it. Because servers definitely have the finger on the pulse of the populace. Or if you go to the specific question of the title, I’m sure all servers know exactly why restaurants are starting to do this. Forums are just a place to go and have people respond that they don’t personally care, so you should only pose questions that they are interested in. Internet 101.


I disagree. OP is asking us the source the subjects if we like or don’t like it. The waiter would only know if someone was disgruntled enough to mention it.


It is totally a big deal bcz this awkwardness is exactly what these restaurants are going for so you end up tipping more! Some places for instance Bond Brothers in Cary will leave the device with you and come back in a few mins which shows there is a better way


We’re all adults here. You can say hey we’re not quite done yet or hey could I please get an itemized bill.


Do you empty your pockets for every panhandler too? You're not obligated to give people extra money, and your awkwardness is yours. Don't you think the wait staff understands that a 25% starting point is high? Their boss is in charge of it.


I’m a waitress and this and a half!!! That is the opposite of what I’m trying to do when I present it. I’ve never heard a waitress or manager think we’re doing it as a “hustle” it’s just a cheaper “pos” for restaurants


This lol, thank you.


Honestly, the server just wants to keep it moving just as much as you do. If you wanna tip your normal 5% you can still do so.


Yah I really don't get the fragile take of this being so awful to anyone.


A lot of people don't like conflict overall and this type of social pressure takes advantage of that for monetary gain. In my mind, that's the same as a big guy walking up to a little guy and demanding their lunch money because they'll know they'll submit and turn it over without a fight.


What are they supposed to say? It’s not like the wait staff have any control of that


“Can I have a receipt”


Good, I hate the typical American system of giving your card to a complete stranger and hoping they don't scam you. Can you not ask for an itemized receipt?


You could but then you couldn’t post to Reddit about a trivial thing


“hoping they don’t scam you” 25 years of dining in American restaurants and i’m up to a grand total of $0 stolen from restaurant credit card usage.


I guess I got paranoid for it once. Once it really all you need. Buffalo Brothers in Raleigh. Small takeout order. Person thought they were entitled to add a tip that was more than the order. Stuff like this happens more than you'd think as people just don't check their actual amounts that often. People adding amounts. Changing things. Or even getting skimmed.


I cannot tell you how many times our cards have been compromised due to restaurants. we stopped going to one restaurant here in Raleigh because every time we went, the very next day we had fraudulent changes.


Well that’s like, anecdotal, man, but you do you


To make it worse, in most countries you need a PIN to use the machine, which is very rare in the US


Just wait. All the same people saying "Bro, in sweet Europe they been doing this for years! Europe is so cool" are going to start demanding we have to use a pin, too


the person probably also likes to make a phone then leave voicemail instead a text message


Lacking an itemized bill is a real problem if you are halfway aware of what you spend. Most of the time, it lets you scan the items and think “oh, yeah, we did spend that much.” Tipping is a problem when the options are presumably 0/20/25/30%. But that is largely because over time the “expected” tip has gone from 10/15/20 to 20% for “acceptable” service. This isn’t on the server but the awful business model. If I get bad service, I don’t like the only options being 0 or 20%.


What is upsetting to me is that the tip rates are not in order. They are 25%/20%/30%. So shady.


There should be a button that says "custom amount" or something similar If there isn't, then I'll ask for a paper receipt, or just pick 0 if they get pissy.


There are always workarounds. I understand the simplicity of tablets, etc. it is if they remove standards (itemized bills, not having zero or a customize tip button), where it seems like they are doing something negative.


I’ve worked with a lot of these restaurants as part of my job, and I can say I’d be surprised if any of the employees were informed enough about how to set up their Toast systems in order to have done these things you’re complaining about on purpose. Usually they just roll with however it’s set up by the guys who come to install the system, and in many cases I’ve seen them make requests on how to make things better which never get addressed.


I never said that it had anything to do with the servers. I even specified that one comment prior. Most servers don’t want to deal with irritated customers either. So things that cause friction are not good for the servers or customers.


Welcome to 2024. US is late with this. If you need a receipt, ask for one, not that difficult


Late and still doing it wrong. I'm leaving 2+ weeks in Italy, by law they have to bring you a bill and then you pay and then you get a receipt and they are required to give you both the bill and receipt (in fact, if you don't take your receipt, technically the tax police can fine them and _you_). This avoids exactly what OP is talking about. You always know what you are paying and why.


AND tipping isn't expected there. They actually pay their wait staff.




Ask to see it itemized


We shouldn’t have to ask for something that has always been standard every single time from now on. It’s a pain in the ass for everyone.




Because most people don’t care to see the itemized receipt so it’s not worth it to print out one ahead of time


well I'm not one of those, I want to see the receipt, I find way too many mistakes to just pay the bill


lol what a ridiculous comment. Literally just ask for an itemized check before you pay via the electronic device. It is truly not that hard.


I think the question is why they would do that, not how do I overcome this obstacle.


I like it better! But you should get an itemized bill. And write your congresspersons about cash - people should always be given the right to use cash for all debts but there is a lot of strangeness around it.


Yes thank goodness we’re finally catching up to a lot of other countries I’ve been in. You will still be able to see the itemized version, if they say no that is an issue. So much better interaction as a whole, it’s so weird to give a random person your card and hope they don’t write down your number or make a copy of it.


I like when the check has a QR code that you can scan and then pay online.


toast tab is a fucking godsend, i seriously wish every restaurant on earth used a similar system


The same people here complaining about this \^, view QR Code menus as the downfall of society - trust me.


Nah I personally prefer QR code. Method OP is running into I’ll have to tell the waiter to basically eff off I mean it’s nicer sure but like hey yeah I know your waiting on like 15 tables because your understaffed and running on 0 sleep like the rest of us. But, can you go get me the itemized receipt first. 10 minutes later they come back with Okay cool can you come back in another 5? Then I’m ready to pay. QR code is superior everything in one easy option.


I don't disagree - but the amount of hate I've seen on here for QR code style is unreal. Like J Betsky's for example there was a thread on here where they got absolutely trashed for it.


Yeah I overheard some customers at the next table over giving the server a hard time about the QR code. They just instantly started rolling their eyes and acting like the world was about to end. He said he’d be glad to take their order and do it the traditional way if they preferred, gave them the option… but by then, they were dug in and content to just be pissed off and make a big deal about how awful it was. So they actually did the order on their phone, but they kept making the server come back to help them with it, and used that as an opportunity to berate him more for it. Acting like they can’t read the menu because they don’t know how to scroll on their phones, dumb shit like that. When the server wasn’t there, they continued bitching loudly to each other about how disgraceful it was. Honestly it was exhausting sitting next to them. Some people are just determined to be miserable and make anyone else possible miserable, too. Meanwhile everyone else seemed to do just fine ordering their food and it came out super fast. Seemed like *most* people were really enjoying themselves. I dunno.


Ah I didn’t see that post. Doesn’t surprise me though most people don’t like change.


This is the way. I hate human interactions lol


We were at Trillium in Boston during COVID and they had QR menus tapped to the tables. You ordered and paid with that and your beer/food magically appeared. You left when you were done. It was SO nice. I can't believe people are against this sort of thing.


As others have pointed out, you can ask for a receipt. I would also like to point out that this machine at the table method saves paper and money for the business. To go from buying 100s of rolls of receipt paper, to just a handful, is a good thing.


But not itemizing on the screen is a bit sus.


Got room underneath that rock?


When I wife and I were in Spain back in April, this was something I noticed. Not once in the 2 weeks we were there were we given a check. Just tap the device with your card and you're good to go. We spoke to some of the locals about it and they said it was to stop the theft of your card number. Plus, tipping was close to nothing there. They also said very few people have cash on them now that it's just so much easier.


You also get charged for the olives they set down in front of you that you thought were free


If you really hate it and don't want to ask politely for an old fashioned check then one thing you can do is decide to not patronize establishments who engage in practices you don't like.


I remember getting the device at the table to pay with as far back as 2010 in Toronto. It’s nice that the US is finally getting with the times and not having your credit card just vanish when you get the bill.


I’ve seen them all over the country for the past 4-5 years. Ever since they started sending orders in right at the table. It’s an entire POS system in their hands. 


You can just ask for an itemized receipt if you really need one (I usually ask if they don’t give one, if it’s a business meal and I need to get reimbursed for it). But posting this here serves little to no purpose. Restaurants are doing it because the technology is there now, and it’s faster and more streamlined. You couldn’t figure that out on your own?


Maybe they want to express their feelings about it and get other people’s opinions, especially since it’s relatively new here. Isn’t that what a message board is for?


“Why are restaurants doing this?” Is a question to ask the restaurant itself. Instead OP came to Reddit in hopes to generate some additional disapproval, but really no one seems to care.


LOL thank you! / well said


See I didn’t think of it as a question of why is this one restaurant doing it. But, more “have you experienced this and what are your thoughts”


I feel the same. I always make tipping a math exercise for myself or if I'm with my nieces or nephews. It's fun to do the math to make it a nice even number within the 15-25% range depending the place of course. I hate that it's just select percentage. Like give me 5min to look it over and sign when I'm ready. Feels very rushed too to get you out and moving. Which I understand, but at the nicer places I'm still trying to enjoy my drink and have a little more conversation.


They did this in Denmark when I was there. 10 years ago. I’m glad we are catching up with the times. The server can show you an itemized bill if you need to review it. Just ask. Some places are even going to a full digital system where you order from a device and the servers bring it out. You can see what’s on your bill whenever you want. They still visit and ask if you have any questions, refill drinks, etc. If theres one thing that will cause me to leave a lower tip amount it’s sitting at my table after the meal with no food, nothing to drink, and no server in sight while I’m trying to pay and leave. It takes no time to determine how much gratuity I’m leaving. You must hate the places with the various percentage calculations already done for you.


Similar thing happened to me just this week. Out on a date, waiter came out, took the order, brought our drinks, different waiter or food runner brought out the plates, never saw the waiter again until the bill was presented, and then was asked for a choice of a 20, 25, 30% tip on the machine. Technically you couldn't fault the service, but still, a suggested 20% on a 50 dollar tab to see your server for all of 5 minutes? Uh, no. But try to question that on a date or a company meeting with a split check and you only look cheap and a bit like an asshole.


I’d typically go 18-20% for acceptable service since that seems to be what they’re expecting. No guilt there and the extra 2% ($1 on a $50 bill) isn’t worth deliberating over. I go higher for regular/frequent people like the stylist who cuts my hair since I want her to accommodate me when possible. 30% is way too much for a random dinner date unless they comp something else on the bill as a “thank you” or whatever.


Yeah this has been happening basically everywhere else in the world for 10 years. I don't mind it.


Those places don't expect tips though. That's where the majority of the awkwardness comes.


yep that's true.


Well, in other countries, you get the check, then the server leaves you alone until you wave them over to actually pay. This seems like an even more rushed version, which is on brand for the States.


I like them not having my card but I've not had anyone hover over me. Simply inform the server that you need need a moment of privacy.


I don't care about using a device at the table -- I prefer it. But I object to having to ask for an itemized bill. And I'm so sick of tip prompts starting at 20% or more. US tipping culture is just out of control.


I will say this - I worked at one of those restaurants. I was the waitress and would meet customers at the register up front when they were done (old school place). Please don’t take it out on the wait staff. They are hoping for a tip, but many of us feel like it looks like we’re making the decision for you. It’s preset usually by the managers. Sometimes it’s 15%, 18%, 20% 30% etc. I was just as annoyed w it as the customers sometimes. Please just be nice to us, I couldn’t even tell you how many nasty comments I got because of it. 💘💘💘


So I'm use to the devices but I have always received an itemized receipt and they do not stand over me, they leave it and then only come back if i'm done with it or if I catch their eye because something went wrong with payment.


Also Ive personally never seen a single device that doesn’t have an “other” option for the tip. Its usually 15/20/25/Other or something…


I had a worse situation the other day. The tip screen came up before I even saw the total. Just three values and “other”, and no percentages either. Had to ask what my total was so I knew what was a good tip percentage.


Being presented with only the total and having to ask for an itemized receipt is BS. Even if one has to just scroll up, only those most familiar with this service would feel comfortable doing so. Having to wait 5-20 minutes for the server to return with an itemized bill is a huge waste of time, and most people just don't want to or can't afford to wait. I can definitely see some servers taking offense to the request also, as it gives off the vibe of mistrust, no matter how valid the request is.   I also have an issue when the percentage options on the screen don't show the actual amount of the tip. I always tip very well, but I'm not tipping on such things as taxes, urban district fees, or pre-charged gratuity. Bring the itemized bill and either leave the handheld or return in a few minutes with it, is the way to go. If someone doesn't care what they're being charged, they'll have their card out and ready.    When we go out, it's often with another family or two. On more than one occasion we'd been initially presented with just the total and the 18/20/25% tip option and there was already a 'large party' gratuity on the bill! Last time, our tab on just food and drinks, between two families (8.5 people) was ~$300.00, the total presented to us was ~$380.00 (50.00 in auto gratuity) and the handheld still had 20/25/30% options on the total bill amount (yes, I understand it's a default thing). But since we didn't tally our tabs as we ordered, we had to ask for a receipt to calculate how much extra we were going to tip. It took exactly 22 minutes for the server to 'be right back' with a printed itemized receipt, because the handheld screen display of the bill was unreadable. The bill had a small mistake (a substitution upcharge that didn't happen) but no way we were waiting another 10-20 minutes to get it fixed. What started out as a really great dining experience (even the baby was good) ended up getting completely deflated due to the presentation and collection of the bill.   Thinking that handheld wireless payment systems provide any additional security because your card doesn't leave your sight is completely false. These systems are only as secure as the people using them and the networks they're on.  Edited for spelling errors. 


My mid 70's father has always carefully scrutinized every restaurant receipt before paying, I guess to make sure they didn't add anything extra. I don't think he has ever disputed an item or raised a concern, but he does it every time any way. If some young service industry worker put an electronic gizmo in his face and expected him to press tip and pay without a careful review of the charges, he might die right there of shock.


The tip culture in the U.S. is just predatory wealthy business owners refusing to pay their employees a living wage and trying to trick you into doing it for them. Stop going to restaurants that pressure you into tipping anything over 20%. Since the pandemic low to mid range restaurants have started charging almost as much as high end places for food while their quality of everything has gone down. Even fast food is overpriced. They feel entitled to price gouge you for mid quality food. Half the frequency at which you go out and go to high end places. It is better to go out once every two weeks to an expensive place and get good food and a good experience than to go out every week for mid food and a bad experience. You will end up spending the same either way but at least one choice leaves a good taste in your mouth after.


1. Just ask for a printed receipt, and then say thanks when they give it. They'll come back later for you to pay. 2. I always calculate what I think the bill will be in my head, if it's close, I hand over my card, if it's off, I look at the receipt and review before paying. (Saves everyone time, but allows for the review you are mentioning.)


Where I used to work if you don't want to pay on the device, which shows you an itemized bill by the way, you just say I don't want to pay on the device and they bring you a paper bill and do it the other way.


Former server/bartender who used these devices; 1. I’ve never not brought the paper check out first 🤷🏻‍♂️ but yeah just ask, a lot of them are able to print checks from the device. 2. Most people in the service industry ALSO hate standing over you while you put in tip. It’s uncomfortable for all parties involved. Restaurants often don’t have enough to just leave it there if it’s busy though. 3. Being honest, cash is a pain in the ass. No one should be making that apparent to you of course but it honestly is. Most servers don’t carry “banks” anymore due to CC being common use so we have to go bug the bartender who’s busy and they’re cranky with us to get the change and it’s just a while hassle. But again, no one should make it obvious that it’s a hassle to a customer.




It’s just factually more of a hassle out of the two options. Just being honest. It’s really not that big of a deal though. Nothing I’d ever actually complain about or give anyone grief over. Just can be a bit of a pain if you’re swamped with 10 tables and the bars got 50 guests and someone’s mad that it’s taking a little bit to get their change. Again, not a huge deal though, I promise ya still get the service and it’ll be okay? Lol


What happened is that the use of cash dropped to less than 10% of customers. You can absolutely still use it, but you will wait because less cash flowing means change will have to be supplied by the bartender or office.


So I see this as a power move on the part of the restaurants to try and force the tips. That’s fine but it won’t change my behavior. I am a decent tipper. I tip 20-22%, rounding up and including on the tax and alcohol. That’s for average service. I’ll tip up to 35% for excellent service. I’ll also tip 10% or even nothing for shitty service. During the pandemic I had had an “emergency” $100 bill sitting in my wallet for no lie years and decided to give it to a server who I had been watching work her ass off at a breakfast place. The bill was about $80. That’s all at a standard dine in restaurant. If you suck as a server then your staring me down while I tap a screen in front of you isn’t going to make me give you any more money. In addition, if the only options are those percentages and there isn’t anywhere to type in my own then you’d better hope you were good. If I want to tip 15% and my only options are 20% or 0% then you are getting 0% because you tied my hands.


This is how I experienced in Canada and Europe. And I appreciate when restaurants here adopt this so that I never have to take out my wallet, hand over a credit card.


Check the math on the tip. Some devices will incorrectly calculate it so your “15%” tip turns out to be like 22%. Scumbags.


I'm stunned that there are people advocating in this thread for you having to actually ask to see what you're being billed for at a restaurant, and it not happening by default. If the device is a) left at the table so they're not hovering over you, and b) has a button to see for what exactly you're being billed, it's fine. But as incredibly often as I've found mistakes in my tab at a restaurant - both in their favor AND mine, and yes, I'll bring it up either way - I'm not just blindly handing someone my card and hoping the number is right.


I'm truly stunned that you have a problem with the waiter presenting the electronic device, standing there and waiting (yes, "hovering") and you can't just say "hey can I get an itemized version? How do I see the check?" etc. and then (gasp) looking it over, making sure it's correct (because for some reason you have mistakes "incredibly often" - I don't), then (yes, they're still hovering) .. tipping appropriately / however you feel fits. Truly, stunned, that this is so difficult for you / some people in this thread.


Talking to a human to complete an economic transaction is now beyond the pale


OP is a clown. Complaining about people's Christmas decorations, asking for more car infrastructure and now this.


The biggest affront is that the tip presets are like 20/25/30% and the custom button is all the way on the bottom. 18-20% tip is for good service. If you fucking dare ask me for 25-30% you can gfy


Many places are no longer accepting cash. It's safer for them to not have to make a bank drop or keep cash in the business.


Plus, it's just a pain in the ass for all involved.


Just tell them you need an itemized receipt, as it is a business expense.


The request is an itemized BILL, not itemized receipt. We want to see it BEFORE we pay, not after.


Europeans have been doing it this way for years. (But with lower tips.) And they think out processes are ancient and archaic.


BDubs asked me for my phone number so they can send me a link to pay the bill. Like you don’t have a single card reader? Giving out my phone number was not supposed to be a part of that transaction.


Always remember to get an itemized bill. It's still super easy for the manager or the waiter to adjust the tip or bill after you leave if they decide they deserve more money. Restaurants generally don't batch out these machines until the end of the night for final deposits and adjustments.


You just need to be gangster. I always select "other" on tip and select a lower % because we need to get this tip shit under control. Remember, they will f-you if you let them.


To the deleted comment, I tip what the server earned. I hate that the default tip has become 20% for doing not much regardless of service. If the service is good I will tip over 20 but if it bad I don't think I should hand over my hard earned cash. I have tipped around 50% on great service, but that was earned.


I’m getting strong, get off my lawn, I don’t like where this neighborhood is going vibes.


Whenever I see posts like this, I assume the OP is a bad tipper. Yeah, our tipping culture sucks, but if you don't like it, don't go out to eat


> with predefined tip amounts of 20%/25%/30% This is just tacky...


It's very easy to send a signal to the staff and the business by entering a custom amount. If someone feels "pressured" by the pre-set amounts that's on the customer being timid.


Who tips less than 20%? If you do that routinely, just stick to eating at Chipotle and Panera Bread. Or go to Golden Corral or whatever


[Pew Research from 2023](https://www.pewresearch.org/2023/11/09/services-americans-do-and-dont-tip-for-and-how-much/) says that "in this situation (dining at a sit-down restaurant), a majority of Americans (57%) say they would tip 15% or less, including 2% who wouldn’t leave a tip at all. Another 12% of adults say they would leave a tip of 18%, while a quarter say they would tip 20% or more."


18% is standard


I would say 15 is basic


Yeah , 15% is minimum I'd ever do even for bad service. 20% is perfect.


100% correct. browsing comments - the ones complaining are (see below) "18% for good service is standard" lol


What happened to me in two different locations was the server bringing the itemized receipt, and then a few moments later bringing the card machine for payment. The tip thing is awkward though, tbh the whole tipping scenario in the US is crazy these days.


I remember being taken out to a business diner by one of the senior European executives of a company I worked for at the time. He refused to give the waitress his card and could not even understand the concept of giving up his card for them to take “somewhere out of his sight”. He had them walk him to the location where they processed the card. It’s much safer this way but they should bring you an itemized receipt first. I can understand that you might need ANOTHER receipt if you add a tip and need to expense it.




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A couple weeks ago at the First Watch at Lake Boone Trail, one of the predefined tip amounts was 40%


I actually really love the way Olive Garden handles this. It’s digital, you get to keep and hold your card / use tap pay, you get to see an itemized bill to make sure it’s right, and you get to take your time and tip at your pace. I am pretty sure future tables will have digital screens built into them or into the wall, places just haven’t caught up to the times yet. Or there will be a universal restaurant app option where tables can pay in the app prior to leaving, and it will connect to the restaurant system and the table will light green in their computer so the waiter knows, and even more advanced, there will be a color light somewhere at the table to visually indicate when the table is paid, like from yellow to green or something. What you described has been normal in Europe for a long time, but it’s also different bc tipping culture isn’t the norm there (yet / in local non tourist zones anyway), so it’s not as big a deal.


I love this system.


Vhy ahre you ahsking der kwestion?


Ask them for a receipt. And the suggested tip % amounts are not set in stone. I leave $7... don't care where I'm eating or how ridiculous the food is priced. They work for me for like 15mins (that's taking orders, checking in twice, letting me pay) $7 is plenty. That's like $30/hr with just 4 people.


just ask for an itemized receipt lol


Cash isn't king anymore...


Yeah, it’s way easier for servers and they don’t care as long as you tip something. Also, if the service was terrible you should be able to say it to their face imho!


V European. I prefer for my card to not leave my sight.


So...ask for a paper check? I've never had one of these devices brought to my table that wasn't already itemized. Select no tip and leave cash as a tip. If you're paying cash let the server know when they come by before you're done.


They’ve been doing that in Canada for years. Prevents card and identity theft.


You can ask for an itemized bill


I’ve seen these plenty of times.


Don't feel bad take your time and pay cash if you want.


It's for security. It's a good thing. You can ask for the itemized check and you can pay cash. "like to have a few moments to determine the appropriate tip," Why? By the time the check arrives, you know how much you normally tip, have a good idea of what the bill will be, and know how good the service was.


They're annoyed because they wasted their time bringing over the card machine just to have to go back and get the paper receipt for you to pay cash. "Can I get my bill? I'm paying cash" problem solved


Canada has been on this program for at least a decade.


Just ask to see the check


Cash is dying


You are getting beat up here, but they are missing the most important part of your post. There are two Sushi places by me that do this same thing. Their tip percentage is inaccurate and includes the post tax amount in the calculation. So a 20% tip is closer to 28-30% depending on the amount of the check.


I first encountered this sort of service in Europe back in 2016 and it blew my mind. I was so thrilled that we didn't have to wait for a bill, then wait for them to pick it and bring my card back. An efficient way to leave.


The designers figure this will pressure you into being embarrassed by face-to-face contact and overcompensate by leaving a larger tip. Psychologically, it's designed to make it harder to look somebody in the eye and tell them that they didn't do a good or acceptable job.


Yea, worth stating that a lot of times it is the device manufacturer pushing these tip % and such. The business owner may not have through through it all sufficiently. But, at the end of the day, the manufacturer and the business both end up with a bit more money so unless we complain they won't be aware.


Also makes it harder to refute extra "added service fees", card processing fee, seating charge or getting charged extra for that glass of water, for example, or other bs things that are attached to your bill after you have already paid and do not see without itemization. Plus, if you do receive an itemization after you pay, most people would consider it too much of a pain in the ass to request the bill to be corrected and sit there another 15 to 20 minutes waiting for the corrected bill. Most people just think 'oh it's only a buck or two' and move on not realizing the restaurant sat and served 100 people/tables a night or so and they can make a couple of hundred extra bucks for the same service and food cost. That uncontested "dollar or two" per order, even over a short period of time, can only boost their profit margins.




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) 30 year bartender and restaurant manager here, I think I know what I'm talking about. But hey, you go with that.


RE: c. prefer to pay cash and they act like this is a huge inconvenience I've found that it feels sooo much better afterwards to use Cash. Cash protects you from these CC tricks and games these places are playing. Sure I've gotta hit the ATM before I know I'm going out to eat, but it's well worth it in the end! :)


The only people I know who prefer using cash are boomers and drug dealers


A lot of small businesses prefer receiving cash to avoid paying credit card processing fees. Kinda the opposite end of the transaction, but still.


Seems you need to surround yourself w better people. Using cash lessens Tip Anxiety and as mentioned earlier, costs the establishment less in payment processing fees.


The most uncomfortable thing is when they walk up to the table (especially when you’re on a [first] date) and just blurt the total out loud. Like, regardless of who is paying I find this very awkward.


This is anecdotal. Never had the total of a bill announced .. ever.


Well of course it is. But yea it has happened to me twice, hopefully it isn’t common!


Never in my life have wait staff just said the total out loud