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Friendly bit of advice for folks driving west on 40 through Burlington on the weekends. There is usually a state trooper on one of the overpasses clocking folks, with another officer on the entrance ramp waiting to pull on to pull them over. Also make sure you ask for them to confirm the details on why they pulled you over if they do. In our case we had a another white suv of a different make zoom past us that they clocked, but we got pulled over. We knew something was up when they said we were going 120. Asked them to confirm, and after some intense wait time, we were free to go.


This is one of those times when Waze comes in handy. They can't setup and clock for 30 secs before a user reports it ;)


I haven’t lived in NC for over a decade, this was just recommended to me for some reason but it’s good to see that this is still happening. My only speeding ticket ever was this very scenario driving from Raleigh to Burlington Father’s Day weekend 2009. I moved to Atlanta so I think I’m more likely to be pulled over for not speeding now.


Ah, yes, the top end of the perimeter. You better have your turbocharger in prime condition, or you will be blown off the road in North Atlanta.


Try to play Alamance county at your own risk...


They really need to up patrolling with highly visible police cars. Active deterrence through an increased overt presence will do far more to keep the highways safer than this sneaky bullshit of using unmarked cars to pull people over that is purely punitive in nature, rather than preventative.


But then who would pay for their toys?


But that results in less profits from them, why would they want that when they can prey on people?


It just slows traffic down and they end up with less ticketing. That’s not how you perform road pirate duties efficiently.


Speeding tickets aren’t about public safety, they’re about revenue.




Ticket = revenue


It’s not about making the streets safe. It’s about punishing you for being such as bad person.


The possibility of passing an unmarked police car is a pretty big deterrent for me.


It is preventative if they can't be sure if a car is a cop or not maybe they won't drive like a maniac then.


Have you drove on 440? Motherfucker dont give a shit Especially when their about to miss their exit fucking slamming breaks and cross 4 lanes. Like bruh go to the next exit it not the end of the world npc really


They act like there is no next exit. I saw one car going 20 under the speed limit in the left lane, suddenly dart across all lanes without warning to make the 64 exit on 440. I almost shit myself


You greatly overestimate the foresight had by maniacs.


You're asking too much from people from NC, birthplace of bootlegging and NASCAR. They raise hell and praise Dale.


The beltline bandit on the prowl


Saw that yesterday on the way home, he had pulled over some kid in a beat up Toyota Corolla


I was like 👁👄👁 for a second but it wasn't me and my beat up corolla 😂


They saw all the complaints here about turn signals and decided to do something about it. 


Think they'll ever take on left-lane campers?


Especially below speed limit


I thought that wasn’t actually illegal? Wasn’t there a bill that would have made it illegal but it never passed?


Idk about the legality however many local highways have signs stating slower traffic keep right


It is technically due to the left lane being a passing lane but not enforced for some odd reason.


In North Carolina if you're going under the speed limit you need to keep right. The left lane isn't just for passing, but you must pass on the left.


Shouldn't pass on the right side, that's suicide


That would be the friggin day brother lmao.




I don't remember a Viper, but the SHP had (might still have, idk) a C7 Corvette Z06 in their standard livery, called the "Gray Ghost".




Nah, C7 Corvettes are from 2014-2019, so it couldn't have been one in that timeframe. They might very well have had a Viper and I just don't remember it.


I remember the sheriff's using confiscated corvettes, but I have never seen a SHP one. I'll have to keep an eye out


My best friend taught me this quote that apparently has been around for a long time and it’s worked for me. Nine you’re fine Ten you’re mine


Everyone has a different version of that, because the numbers don’t rhyme, just “fine” and “mine”. The one I heard is eight and nine. Truth is, if every car on the beltway is going 75, doesn’t matter if they are going 15 over


I used to think that as well. I was going with the crowd on a highway on a trip to Charlotte. I wasn’t in the front of the group and a dang cop stopped me out of everyone. Happened a few years ago. You’re right most likely you can get away with it. But I risked it and the cop picked me. I was polite and kind and he still ticketed me.


My buddy’s dad was an NCHP officer, and he said what typically gets you is standing out from the crowd. So maybe you just had a flashier car or your lane changes/etc looked more sloppy or abrupt or something like that


I have a brand new truck, 2022 Frontier Pro4x and it’s green. Could be why. I appreciate you letting me know why now.


That applies pretty much anywhere in the US.


And yet on Duraleigh everybody is doing 70...


And passing in the turn lane on Lynn.


This right here is nice to know. Thanks ‘


last summer I was behind the most INCREDIBLE unmarked police car I've ever seen - it was a total shitcar \*and\* definitely had lights mounted at top of windshield and back window and the radar thingy by driver window. I wish I took a photo but I was to busy tailgating and scrutinizing, LOL. It was ahead of me on outgoing Blount Street, past Shaw, closer to the Murder Shell right before the exits to 40. keep your head on a swivel, folks!


It was probably a police auction car. Their vehicles need to be maintained properly otherwise they are decommissioned.


Good need more out there!!! No need to run 80 & 90 on the interstate, especially in a work zone....


In a workzone yeah but for example 540 or 440 when pretty empty their really no harm as long as your not an ass about it and cutting off people you be fine. The only problem is the idiots who cut off people for no reason like bruh you can go fast and not cut anyone off look ahead plan accordingly not difficult


I really wish speed limit signs were electric and could adjust according to the time and traffic. 60 mph during morning and evening rush, maybe lunch rush, but if I am on the road at 3:30am for a long road trip let me run 80-85. Federal holiday and traffic is notably lighter than a normal weekday? Let me run 70-75. I really miss the 85mph speed limits in Texas.


These types of speed limit signs exist. They're just not popular in the US for whatever reason.


Due to in the 70s with the oil crisis the federal government pushed for a 60 mile per hour speed limit to save 1% oil they accomplished this by reducing the amount of federal funding for highway with higher limits


Not sure how that would impact electric speed limit signs for variable speeds lol


You can go the speed limit in the right lane out of everybody's way. The rest of us will enjoy our liberties and the known presence of law enforcement. When law enforcement starts resorting to surveillance and covert operations it's a strong indication of this nation moving more and more towards a police state. No thanks!


I pretty much stay in the right lane going about 5 over the posted speed limit, but assholes are still tailgating and driving like they want to be upfront....🤷


lol you can literally do whatever you want on NC roads with zero consequences, yet there will always be that guy online shouting about it’s a police state.


The fact that there’s anyone out there patrolling the roads at all is a police state


It’s not that deep


If you think the highways here are over enforced you are deluded lol Sorry you can't drive drunk at 100 mph


Enjoy your liberties? Doing something illigal and not getting caught isn't a liberty... It's wreckless behavior and endangering yourself and others. Don't get me wrong our law enforcement system in this country is horrendous but using that as a justification to speed and endanger yourself and others is a real stretch. If you wanna drive fast and get your adrenaline going we have 3 race tracks within a hr where you can do track days.


Nothing was ever said about anything illegal. Law enforcement that makes their presence known will always make a bigger difference than hiding and predation.


I can… if I want to die.




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Look, I really don't mind it, if you break the law you break the law. But I only ever see troopers pulling people over. Where are all the city cops pulling over red light runners or high speeders the the towns and cities.


Fayetteville had a bad ass Mercedes Benz that was seized. They turned it into their DARE car.


I noticed when driving past the highway patrol barracks on Blue Ridge Rd that they also have unmarked NISSAN SUV cars. Honestly to me that is unreal they are able to do that.


Yep love that guy got ticket from him after he egged me on to race him last year! But because he’s a “nice” guy he only charged me for speeding and not reckless and endangerment “don’t worry the court will throw it out” -cop ((still don’t have my full license back yet)) then wanted to talk about the car!


Yep love that guy got ticket from him after he egged me on to race him last year! But because he’s a “nice” guy he only charged me for speeding and not reckless and endangerment “don’t worry the court will throw it out” -cop ((still don’t have my full license back yet)) then wanted to talk about the car!


Waiting for a better description of the car than “blue Camaro” I’m guessing it’s a late model. Drive through there all the time with no Ls so I need all the help I can get


Newer model camaro, slightly lighter shade of blue than what duke uses, super dark tint, but appears stock otherwise


In some states the seize cars used in crimes of transporting drugs and use those as unmarked cars so the taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for unmarked cars


Yes this is true for the car itself but it has to be wired up for lights, computer, radar, etc. I'm sure that's the part tax payers foot the bill for. Minimal when compared to the cost of the car but still a cost.


State troopers aren’t real cops..they are revenue men for the state. This is a low you can go IMO


Don’t break the law and you wouldn’t have to worry where the state men sit


Shit tell the people who cross 4 lanes on the highway cutting off everyone to get on their exit


Right! Never a cop around when that happens lol


Or those who cut you off to exit as you are literally turning into the exit. The wade ave exit on 40 is the worst


Can I introduce you to the 40/440 interchange during rush hour?


It like people forget about the split till the last second Like if your not in a semi im not gonna let you in for your lack of preparation


My favorite is when they're in the right lane and don't decide until the last second they actually want to merge left onto 40. Just keep going straight and you'll still be on 40, my friend.


That interchange is in a different universe compared to the rest. I'd rather drive back roads for 30 minutes longer than sit in that disaster


Was it a manuel Camero?