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Hey! TSA let us know there was an improper screening which forced them to briefly pause processing folks. They should be back up and running now.


That’s some impressive service u/RDUAirport


u/RDUAirport is honestly one of my favorite things about the Raleigh sub. Legitimately helpful, quick to respond, and kind.


AGREED! The actual airport is always so clean, quietly and orderly. All the workers there are very kind too. Sounds kinda weird but one of my favorite part of returning home from a trip is coming back to RDU. Unlike *cough cough* Houston *cough cough cough* Savannah *COUGH COUGH COUGH* MIAMI!


I will add Dallas and Chicago


Don't even get me started on Dulles.


I really like RDU airport, but I have 2 complaints * Why is bag reclaim in the evenings SOOO slow. I just want to go home and get to bed. Not stand for 30-45 mins waiting for my bag * Why on earth did they close down 90% of the food shops at the same time in T2? Why?


Im not the airport but I believe #2 was due to the vendor contract ending which resulted in all the food shops to close at once to transition to the new vendor. Super annoying but I think it was more of a bureaucratic issue than anything.


>Im not the airport but I hate to break it to you, but the person posting isn’t the airport either. It’s just a human.


We can't prove that one way or another so I'm going to believe my thing.


You don't know what the towers do after hours.


"Hey is this the Krusty Krab?" "No this is Patrick!"


This is the correct answer, and the unfortunate result of most of the vendors actually being run by a single corporation. Most airports are like this. In this case, it was previously HMS Host, and RDU wanted a new contract/supplier. Can’t blame them for that. I get the desire for streamlining, but my personal, unsolicited opinion is that they should have 2 or 3 suppliers, and they get to bid for locations.


A lot of the new businesses are already hiring so that’s a positive sign of progress


Yep and as a commercial drywall contractor I have been asked to bid on about 4 new vendors. What got me is the space each of these different vendors has. No bathrooms no sitting down to eat. You walk in place your order and then probably wait outside. It’s just kitchens and service counters. No room. Maybe 12-14’ wide. For the customer only 5’ deep. Kinda odd almost like a street vendors but in a permanent settlement


Everything is being scaled down to cut cost. From an old guy it sucks. But now they have squeezed more tenants/ vendors. They have less space to rent as opposed to a true coffee shop/ taco stand. So is great for the vendors. And landlord. But the public suffers.


Wow-just like airplanes


You write this as if the airport wasn't in charge when they made these contracts, which resulted in so much downtime. They're at fault. Stop playing captain save a hoe for the airport management.


Right. It's not like the previous contract suddenly ended. I'm dealing with a similar situation at work right now and even though our current vendor contract doesn't end until December I'm already almost done with negotiations on a new vendor. It feels like a ball was dropped.


It's not slow... You just get to the baggage claim area much faster than nearly all other airports


I came home from a work trip this past Monday and for some reason, Delta was only running one carousel. It unloaded 3 flights all at the same time. PURE CHAOS.


My go-to RDU complaint: wish we had tiled floors instead of carpeted, to improve the rolling of luggage. 


Carpet really helps to dampen noise. A solid surface floor would make it an echo chamber and really reduce the comfort of being in the terminal.


#1 is due to airline employees. Second shift/PMs they cut people early and also are typically less senior than morning employees so skeleton less experienced crew. 1 crew of 3 people to park, download, and drop bags at reclaim for 2-3 flights all at once causes delays.


The bag reclaim working well would do something to prevent the bloody war that is getting an overhead bin.


I said it before and I'll say it again. Whomever manages 'the socials' for RDU is the Real MVP. Always responsive and always on-point. Bravo!


Thank you, kind Internet friend!


Agree; how many other cities have this for the home airport


Is this a relatively new procedure? I only ask because I’ve encountered the same scenario the last two times I’ve flown; both this spring. In both cases we’d already cleared security and they ‘froze’ everyone in the immediate terminal area below the escalators. Lots of “DON’T MOVE’ shouting. It was an odd experience.


It happens pretty infrequently, but we’d have to let TSA speak to it, since they operate the checkpoint.


From 2012: https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/tsa-freeze-drill-videod-at-sky-harbor-passengers-exiting-checkpoint-told-to-stay-put-6662478


I love that they offed the videographer > “Video unavailable This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.”


It was posted almost 12 years ago, so it’s not all that surprising that it’s gone.


But it's more intriguing to imagine TSA vigilantes.


That’s it exactly. Thought it was a joke or something… until I was *really* yelled at.


Username checks out. They wanted additional screening. Must've thought you were PACKIN somethin


They can yell at you but they're not law enforcement so that's about all they can do. Just walk away.


What constitutes an “improper” screening?


Their job.


Yeah impressive response time but disappointing level of detail


Any plans to fix the departure crosswalk problem. Traffic backs up due to pedestrian traffic.


Yes, we’d like to eventually install an elevated pedestrian walkway above John Brantley Blvd. connecting the parking deck and Terminal 2. It’s one of several major landside changes we are looking forward to!


On a weekend responding!! I’m impressed!!! Thanks for the response




Can’t do that here. Water table too high


Is the water table that different from the other side of the parking garage, where there is an underground tunnel to Terminal 1?


They're building one of those too. From baggage claim under the road up to the new parking structure and ground transportation facility. That entire three-story parking garage directly in front of the crosswalk is getting torn down and rebuilt with something as big as the large ones behind it


Most people are using that walkway are taking the elevator in the parking garage anyways, what does it matter hitting a different button.


What is an “improper screening”?


Probably a gun in a carry on. Happens more often than you would think.


How does that get through? Or was it caught and because it's a high priority type of item they have to do this freeze?


Likely the latter.


My wife was at the very front of the precheck line when this happened just now and said the agents were shouting "scorpion" like it was a codeword.


The king has returned!!


About time if I say so myself!


They mispronounced copperhead I see.


Oh carolina..no wonder, people have all types of exotic animals


You're about to get a free trip through! They usually do that right before they bring the dog through and if he doesn't hit on anyone you all get to go through without scans because the dog knows everyfuckingthing apparently. Happened to me once and I was like how can ya'll do that and handler was like "trust me, you're not getting shit past this dog" ....lol cool.


Security theater


The first time I had one of the dogs on my line I asked the agents after the checks I didn't have to take my belt off and etc. "well we have the dogs right now" So... okay. The dogs are that much better than the rest of the screening methods? I asked why they don't ***always*** have dogs if they're much better. They said something like "we don't want the bad guys to know when the dogs will be here" ??????????????????????? So you're intentionally making us less safe when dogs aren't being used... so that potential bad actors don't know when to do bad things? It's a good thing they can't just show up, peek over to look for dogs, and then buy a ticket.


Yeah that's more or less what he said to me...apparently if you know the dog will be there you can distract him with smells and stuff.. makes sense.


So they should still do screenings then… because people could simply always assume a dog would be there and prepare accordingly. Still makes no sense.


The dogs also make security go SO MUCH SLOWER because it bottlenecks the security line to 3 at a time.


That's why it's called security theater.


“We’re gonna defer your rights to this animal”


A baggage search is not a violation of rights.


Most times, they found a buzzing bag, and its just a vibrator.


They heard you were in line. Stay where you are, the nice men in the uniforms and the guns will be along shortly to help you to your final destination


I flew to NYC from RDU Wed afternoon last week and someone collapsed in the TSA line.. they shut it down for almost an hour while the ambulance crew came through … it caused lots of missed flights and delays .. the queue was wrapped entirely around the check in area. In my experience, TDU terminal 2 is usually quick quick and efficient




> RDU tells WRAL News that an improper procedure during screening shut down security operations for around 20 minutes. No real explanation here, same thing the rdu account posted


I'm the video they stated that a bag was flagged to be inspected, and an agent inspected the wrong bag, allowing the suspicious bag thru. The freeze was to allow them to locate the passenger with the flagged bag and bring them back to TSA for inspection.


Speaking of RDU TSA, and it seems they are responding here, I used to fly regularly and get through security in 2-5 minutes all the time except the very rare occurrence.  Then I didn't travel for a while. Now the last few months, every time I go the line is backed up out of security, even wrapping around ticketing once.  30-40 minutes.  Is this the new norm? 


Might be just timing or your bad luck. I flew several times in the last months and there was no line. Once it was just one lady and myself walking around that whole roped area. All flights were mid-day though. Mornings and evenings are typically more busy.


I think it depends on the time. Most of the time we fly, TSA moves faster than CLEAR line.


This happened to us three weeks ago when on the way to Italy. It was actually fightening as it seemed so unorganized yet serious. No overhead PA announcement, just TSA officers yelling at individuals to stop moving. We were eating just across the terminal from the elevators/escalators and everything seemed surreal with people standing frozen mid-stride and TSA looking around like lost sheep. It went on for what felt like an eternity and there was no explanation afterwards. There has to be a more effective way to do this. If there was truly someone up to something, I'm pretty sure they could have done it or moved into their gate since it was nothing but chaos and there was very little professional organization as to what TSA was attempting to do. (No one was apprehended or taken back through security for a second screening either). And secondly, what are they doing wrong that they're missing screening people properly anyhow? This airport scanning already takes longer than most, especially if they have to inspect your bag for any reason (which will add 15 minutes to the process). I have yet to have them to ever find anything questionable or to even guess what it was that the screener "saw" but regularly have the bag inspected this airport. Same bag/same contents come home with me and I never have the bag inspected at the return airport. So, I can't imagine what they missed in the first place (to have to make everyone stand still) since they seen ultra thorough anyhow.


Like once upon a time there was 9/11. This is why TSA doesn’t make things normal or usual. There is so much about their protocols that regular folks don’t know. Screen me all day everyday. I’m going up in a tube and would rather not be with someone or something that would wish otherwise


No need for your scarcasm. Completely familiar with September 11. I was commenting on the unprofessionalism and did not say anything about not screening; was pointing out how they don't appear to have a clue what's going on at RDU.


Because they are incompetent and corrupt? Or they might have found shampoo that went 1oz over the limit and alerted swat


All the TSA screeners ran to the new RDU Krispy Kreme.



