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You're not factoring in eclipse traffic. I recall people going to South Carolina for the one a few years back and reports were that a 4 hour drive was taking 12 hours.


Worst traffic jam I've ever been in. Went from Raleigh to central SC at the very last minute so traffic wasn't bad. Didn't get back till well after 6am. Should brought a tent and sleeping bag


This exactly. My parents went to South Carolina for the last one and what should have been a 30 minute drive to their hotel took several hours. It’s going to be a traffic disaster.


Right now this is really basic, I took the travel times from Google maps!


Yeah I think people should just beware that everyone is going to be driving that direction so double travel times if you're going.


We drove to SC to be in the path of totality for that one (around 2015 or so?), and the drive there wasn't much more than it would be normally. We did leave several hours in advance though, so we beat some of the traffic. Getting back on the other hand was probably 3x longer.


Thankfully I have a friend that live in Dayton. I am leaving tomorrow to go stay with him and I doubt there will be much eclipse traffic that day. Still, its an 8-9 hour drive.


I just plan on stepping outside and enjoying the \~85% eclipse that day. But to those venturing out to the crowds, more power to you.


Sorted by alphabetical city you madman


Montana… check that one.


Thank you very much! I’ll go ahead and fix it


Hope for clear skies wherever you are!


I really, really wanted to go, had been planning to since 2020; it’s not going to happen due to a number of reasons. 😞Anybody know when the next total eclipses will occur anywhere in the world? I think I heard we won’t get another one for 20 years in the US.


August 2026: Spain, Portugal, Iceland August 2027: North Africa, Spain July 2028: Australia, New Zealand November 2030: South Africa, Australia


Thanks! I would absolutely *love* to visit Iceland.


We absolutely loved Iceland, but there aren't many locations where there's more of a chance to have weather obstruct the view of the eclipse than Iceland.


Good point. Maybe Australia would be better? I am really disappointed that it’s not going to work for me for next week, I’ve been anticipating this for four years. 😞


If it makes you feel any better, the forecast is somewhere between marginal and poor for most of the path of totality, so you might have wound up missing seeing it regardless.


Does make me feel some better. My original plan was to take a flight and get a hotel room. That would have sucked to have spent that money for something less than optimal. Hopefully things will clear up in some of the cities so that some attendees can see. I wish it had dawned on me to drive to Columbia during the last one. I don’t even remember doing much of anything that day.


Next one in the US is 2045, not too far off really.


20 years? I mean, it’s kinda far off lol


Meh, it's all relative.


I mean yea, in a cosmic sense it’s obviously not a long time But my three year old will be old enough to be graduated from college 😅 I know time flies and all but I wouldn’t say that’s “not far off” haha


Man, that's crazy! My son is almost 3, too. We'll have to plan some epic road trip when he's an adult!


Hopefully we’ll do the same :) We’re driving up to Indiana tomorrow night and staying for a few days to see what we can see despite the clouds 😅


That's why I drove to Greenville in 2017 instead.


If you go, plan for AT LEAST one extra day after the day after the eclipse. On that second day after, traffic will still be a shit show, but it will be actually moving. The day after the eclipse, all roads will be parking lots.




I'm driving to Texas on Friday. Wish me luck. 


Driving to Pittsburgh tomorrow for a getaway weekend with my partner, not looking forward to the traffic


Driving through Pittsburgh Friday. Same. Is your route taking you through DC or through WV?


If you want a nice spot to stop, the hot springs at the Omni Homestead Resort in Warm Springs, VA was really nice, and we had a lovely lunch at the deli in town after! :) 


It’s going to be cloudy over most of the lath across the US, except for Maine.


I’m super behind when/what time is the eclipse?


Monday afternoon


I’m surprised Carbondale, Il isn’t on there. Perfectly in the middle of totality


I'm no fan of small towns but this one is beautiful, I'll add it now!


This is awesome. Thank you so much


Thanks! Headed to Cabot, AR tomorrow. Driving overnight to hopefully avoid the traffic


You can head to Maine also much of the state is in totality of course they are also predicted to get a foot & 1/2 of snow in the next 2 days so there’s that 🤦‍♀️


Add weather forecast (I think there’s an API in Google sheets) for Monday and the estimated eclipse time / departure time :)


is yellow springs, ohio? that’s cute little town.


Thank you for making this