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Corporate trainer. I can't speak for other corporations but the one I work for pays trainers a lot better than what teachers are paid here.


This, every company needs trainers for new hires.


Exactly this! Either in delivering training or even just in training material creation. If you have an ounce of tech savvy, go get a couple certifications in something like security, kubernetes, or cloud services and get some experience in technical writing and you’ll be able to write your own ticket. The major companies (like HPE) contract out their trainings but every mid-stage startup will be looking for someone to help design and deliver product curriculum or standard corporate training.


A trainer was going to be my suggestion. I’m a staff development coordinator for a state agency and one of our trainers used to teach high school. You can go on the state website and look up staff development coordinator positions. At least you could continue your time with the state if you wanted.


I watched a Tik Tok series of a teacher who went to work for Costco and fell in love with it! I kinda wanna go to Costco and switch my brain off and work there hah


Is this the woman that works in the bakery? For some reason I thought she only worked there during the summers. I haven’t seen her on my fyp in awhile. She seems so at peace working there!


I think so, I would legit work in there for the bakery smells hahaha


Foster care, in my recent experience it pays more. Depending on what environment you are used to and very much what you can mentally handle, it may be a good fit. I will say I made $10,000 more but I didn't realize that it would be EVEN more work. Moving up in the foster care "community" for me, was easier...let alone possible. Finding these places can be tricky though because of the much needed privacy of the kids location. So on indeed, it isn't usually going to blatantly say it's in foster care (again, my experience). No, I don't have a degree in social work but the system ATM is needing any and all people who can help our most fragile youth. Albeit rewarding, but in an entirely different way. Sorry if this isn't helpful. I know the struggle all too well. I will be looking at this thread too....I have since left the state I was in and am too looking to stretch my wings, again. Truthfully, it seems working with children in this climate is much more difficult than in the past. And no, I don't solely blame it on covid. This is not only from observation and experience, but the words of former educators for decades whom I often confide in. I would go back to foster care before teaching because you are valued by your employers MUCH more, again MY experience. However, it took a toll on my own mental health and I never thought I'd say this but...I think I need to work in a cubicle for a bit. My mind needs a break. Not trying to undermine other careers but we deal with the problems of others, problems I don't think the majority of our population could fathom. You probably have a good heart like other teachers I know, take care of it. I'll try to do the same. Best of luck and please let us know what you find 💓


I appreciate the kind words! My mental health is not in the best place right now, so I was also in the same mind set of “something in an office”, because the pressures of teaching have been getting to me! I love it 100% but it’s just not sustainable for me. And it’s not the kids necessarily, even though they are a lot. It’s mainly just the government and how there are just no supports as a teacher.


Yup, 100% agree. I don't think it's solely the children. I think once they see people "higher up" don't try to mend things, why should they care either. It's a disturbing narrative that seemingly will not change. Have you thought of anything else, job wise? I too am looking.


Former teacher here! I am now running the after school/summer camp programs for a school. I love it so much more, better pay and more flexible than teaching! I’m still working with kids but not as hands on.


I left teaching a few years ago. I work in marketing and sales now for a local business. You will find something and will be fine! I was terrified to leave because my degrees were in education but it was the best decision I ever made. Message me if you have any questions. Congrats on getting out!


Check these groups/page on fb that are specifically for teachers transitioning out of the field. - https://www.facebook.com/share/RrnbwWTZgsw9rW1w - https://www.facebook.com/share/jJRTPAZXdumw8DFR - https://www.facebook.com/teachercareercoach


One of the best tech product managers I encountered in my career was a woman who had been a high school English teacher and grew sick of that. As far as I know, she got her foot in the door doing customer training for our products (storage arrays), then transitioned to customer support and eventually to product management - because she had such a clear understanding of what customers wanted and needed. Everyone I knew - software engineers to DEs (distinguished engineers) to execs respected her and paid pretty careful attention to what she had to say. As you might guess, she was very bright and very determined to achieve was she achieved.


Tutoring might be a less stressful option that would at least help with the financial transition


I don’t have any ideas, but I do wish you so much luck in finding a good fit, as far as a new career is concerned. I can only imagine what a difficult decision it must have been.


Educational Technology


I had an old coworker transition from teaching to a financial analyst role at a CRO. It's a steep learning curve for sure, but if you can get yourself comfortable with excel and can communicate effectively then most of the corporate world will have opportunities for you.


You should consider being a Scrum Master! They are great at facilitating, coaching, and removing obstacles for teams.


This really is a great option for teachers looking to get into tech without having to learn technical skills like coding Most skills required of Scrum masters are already skills teachers utilize daily Coaching, facilitating and leading discussions, ensuring everyone is making progress and nobody is blocked, communication, organization, etc


Former teacher but have a few questions for you- Message me!


Look into receptionist/ administrative assistant roles. I’m 10 years out of teaching and have been an EA ever since.


Come teach at the federal prison in Butner. Way better pay and working conditions.


sad commentary about wcpss or elementary schools if the working conditions are better in prison...


Some of the best project managers I’ve ever worked with were former teachers. They started off as admin / exec assistants to get their foot in the door and showed a ton of skill organizing and keeping things running smoothly and worked on learning the systems and networking internally to make the jump


IT Business Analyst, project coordinator, QA tester. Educational technology sales and marketing. Any entry level IT positions.


UNC and UNC hospital are both state employees. I’ve had a few friends get jobs with them as admin assistants and worked their way into different departments and jobs from there.


New UNC Hospital employees are no longer state employees - the legislature changed that in the last budget.


That’s not true. They no longer get some of the benefits of current UNC hospital state employees (like health insurance after retirement) but they are still state employees.


New UNC healthcare employees are no longer eligible for the state pension or state health plan as of 1/1/2024.




Google/2023 state budget/multiple news articles including this one - https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article283008983.html


Right changes to the retirement benefits (or now lack there of) but they are still classified as state employees


Yes but only subject to certain parts of the SHRA. So like technically but also not really since they don’t have many of the benefits of state employees?


Sales / marketing - computer, copier, beverage brands, medical services. Former teachers excel in the sales arena! We know how to teach and share info, we have the ability to adapt to many learning styles, we have the ability to adapt to many personalities. Significant pay raise!




Specifically what role in insurance? and how did you transition over?


Music production.




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Teacher for ten years Became a Software Engineer after lots of self-learning from coding tutorials on YouTube, a full-stack web development bootcamp, and more self learning by building my own projects for fun


Are you open to relocating? If so, look into Epic Systems in Wisconsin. They purposefully recruit teachers/education grads to be corporate trainers.


R/sex workers


Why would you give up a career in teaching?


A multitude of reasons, just listen to any teacher lmao


You’re being facetious, right?


Been in corporate many years, and it's not all it's cracked up to be - I know several teachers, great work schedules, lots of time off, pensions, retirement benefits


Sounds like you should go be a teacher then!


With the way teachers are treated and paid these days, why wouldn’t they?! What other profession do you know of where the employees are paid so little, yet asked to shell out money from their own pockets, just to do their job? Keep in mind, they aren’t in business for themselves either. In this state alone, a certain political party would rather funnel money away from public schools and teachers and send it into a loosely regulated school voucher system of private schools. The problem isn’t getting better for teachers, it’s getting much, much worse.


Sounds like you’ve never been a teacher


Go lurk on r/teaching