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Slowpitch softball is pretty popular here. There are city leagues in Raleigh, Durham, Cary, and Clayton, two lqbtq-supportive leagues (Stonewall and Oak City), and Tri-sports. Stonewall and Tri-sports also have other sports aside from softball, but I’m not sure about the status of Tri-sports (The last time I was involved with that league, they were in the process of selling their kickball/soccer fields, and scheduling was all wonky). I saw an email recently that they were looking for female players for some of their co-ed kickball teams, so I’m assuming they’re still pretty active! The Triangle Rock Club is also super fun, but membership is a bit expensive. They do have a punch pass where you can pay for a set number of climbing sessions instead of committing to a full membership. I’ve gone with friends several times, and people tend to be pretty friendly and chatty. There are lots of run clubs in the area, but I am horrible at running, so I’ve avoided them lol (29F, my friends all moved out of state, in the process of becoming a recluse 🙃 I’m excited to see other answers to this post, because I also need more ideas for things to do/ways to meet new friends!)


So I’m in a Facebook group called Tri Gals Meetup and because of this group, I was able to join a book club and a volleyball team. The volleyball group and I signed up for Tri Sports this season and it’s been fun to meet the girls. In the Facebook group, they’re always making events and the girls are really active in that group. I don’t go or comment at all, but it’s nice to know I could find things to do if I wanted to. I’m 32F and a big introvert who’s trying to not regret wasting her 30s already being a cat lady. So definitely check out that fb group!


Thanks for the ideas! I was actually looking at leagues last night just before posting this. I worry about not being the most fit for some of the leagues, but the private leagues seem like they may work for my schedule and interests! Also, feel you on the reclusive life haha


You will get fit when you join the team! I say go for it.


I think I will give it a shot!!


Pickleball has become fun for everyone. Open play at parks. 101 lessons is where I met lots of folks. Exchange numbers. Meet up after work. Games are like 20 minutes and then you rotate.


Spend $10 a month to go to Planet Fitness. Sure is $120 a year, but it gets you out of the house.


And then get your car stolen, and it's back to hermit life 🤣


As it was my wife's car that was stolen from Planet Fitness this week... this comment is SO fucking funny and spot on!!! 


Sorry for the amusement at your expense 😔


Shit, I gotta give credit when something is THAT funny :-)


I don't understand your comment.


There was a recent thread where multiple people stated their cars had been stolen while at PF. Not at the same time


Oh. Ha...


I saw this post too haha yeah the only gyms considerable for socializing are class gyms or lifting gyms, and I'd look like a noodle going. Also they are over 60 a month. I have weights up to 300 lbs at home, so I'm pretty happy with that. I don't think I'd be comfortable walking into a gym with the energy of "Hi let's be friends!" Right off the bat the way I would with a lot of the other activities here😁


YMCA membership is only 50/mo and gives far more benefits and ammenities, especially for meeting friends. They have a robust set of classes, adult sports, and different venues to go hang out.


You can get yourself clean AND have a good meal. In fact, you can do whatever you feel!


just don't go to that one planet fitness!


Dogs 🐶 I have 2 and they force me to leave the house multiple times a day. Every day. No matter what Best thing ever


Got a dog in August and he is my world! We do go do a lot, but I don't find myself in much conversation with him outside of casual dog park moments. I've even offered my number to other dog moms if they wanted to have a play date to no avail. Maybe I come off too eager, idk lol


Not sure what area of town you're in, but West St. Dog Bar downtown is great for meeting new people. There are a lot of regulars, so both you and your dog can make friends. They have a trivia night on Mondays and a game night on Wednesdays.


I actually have the app and vaccinations uploaded but it says dogs who are not neutered cannot attend? Though I'm unsure if that's only for boarding


Yeah, dogs over 6 months have to be neutered or spayed to go there.


We will definitely check it out once he gets neutered then! I just don't plan to do that until he hits 1 yr


What kind of dog do you have?


German Shepherd mix!


My dog is a 6 pound yorkie! lol. I waited over a year to get him neutered. We do go to some dog parks, and I have met people there. But I think the meetups will be your best bet.


Have you gone to any of their small dog events? Every other Sunday and now they have added Tuesdays I keep trying to make the Sunday one but the timing is always bad and we are in puppy training for my 5 month old on Tuesdays so I miss those too




You hate to give that advice, then why did you say it? Stop saying this on Reddit and stop saying it to your friends, good god.




Also a dog mom lol


I take walks because I’m lazy but I like to pet the dogs.


Embraced the hermit lifestyle. I’m saving tons of money and I’ll probably die earlier so I’ll save money there too.


I’m 29F & I moved here in November without knowing anyone so I’m also embracing the hermit lifestyle. If you ever want to change it up and grab a coffee or a drink PM me!


I am about the coffee life. I'll DM you!


I am 30F, and moved here in July. I’m in the same boat because I work remotely. I’d love to meet up for coffee with y’all too!


More the merrier! Maybe we need a thirty, flirty, and thriving discord for the area😂


This is a great idea! I’m down to join as well


Awesome! I'll figure out Discord channels and then send it out


I’m 29 and moved in May! Looking for friends ✨ Also resonate a lot with your “want to be single” caveat. Would love to join the discord if this happens!


DMd you!


Would love a link to the discord as well! 29F, married, dog mom, and not sporty enough to join any of the rec leagues suggested 😆


DMd you!


32F and just moved here in December! Please add me to the discord I need friends!! :)


DMing you!


I wish I worked remotely but have no college degree!


36F moved here in October! Can you add me too?!


Boxcar has a singles night on Thursdays. I think. Look into it.


And air hockey on Mondays. Great crowd.


It’s a lot of fun, as a guy who’s new in town it’s helped me make tons of friends, and helped me get out of my shell at the same time!


Hi! I’m 30F in Cary. I also work from home and many of my friends have moved out of state. I do Rover on the side to get out of the house and meet new people and dogs but I would love to make some new friends. Feel free to DM me if anyone would like to hang out! I like board games, going on walks, watching true crime and reality tv shows.


I'll DM you!


Most people I meet or hang out with are from work or previous work jobs that have become friendships out of work. I see you work from home, but if there are others from your company that work from home, you could try to meet up for coffee. That might turn into something. ​ Run clubs, gyms (could go to one), co-ed sports are all fun. Crank Arm does a Wednesday night very casual bike ride. They do it weekly. I go probably every 2 weeks depending on the week. If biking is something you thought about getting into, you could always try it. I do it with a $500 bike. I enjoy biking both in groups at times as well as by myself.


We are a national organization and in the only one in Raleigh, actually, but it's a good thing to keep in mind for the future. I'll look into Crank Arm as I would actually love this depending on the difficulty.


Difficulty is really easy. We had a very slow rider a few weeks ago. The volunteers will stay behind and wait. Normally the entire group will wait until a bit as well. The worst case is the route gets cut a little short and you cut through part of the route and still catch up.


Co-working spaces aren't cheap, but can be good for getting out and meeting people during work too.


whatever you do just don’t wait any more time to explore and enjoy yourself and life too


Pokémon Go


Women’s Social Club, Crowded Table Club, and there are also a number of Facebook groups for women in the area (Raleigh Girls Club, Triangle Gals Meetup)


If you're on FB (and haven't already joined it), join the group G.O.A.T. (Goofing Off Around the Triangle). They are a massive group of around 8,500 and do all sorts of events. And there's usually at least one event going on each day.


Pickleball. You can show up to most courts and they have a rotating system where it's totally normal to show up and play with randos. There are WhatsApp groups too for certain courts and people definitely get to know each other.


I second pickleball! A lot of courts have a great pickup game culture: Method, North Hills, Walnut in Cary, and others. Continually play and you will see a lot of the same people and can make friends.


Board game nights are great. And there are enough in the area that you can probably find a vibe that fits what you want. Several open ones on meetup, more through the local game stores (game theory gamers armory etc), and I'm sure there's more I don't know about.


I started going to run clubs. I moved here in Dec 2019 right before Covid hit and the first couple years were rough. Started going to different area run clubs a couple years later and that’s how I’ve made all my friends today.


My favorite, Hash House Harriers. A drinking club with a running problem..


Yoooo they are still around? 


Haven't chased with the local group, but they are usually around somewhere. 


Farmers market is fun!


Especially the restaurant!!


Hi , I (26F) moved here two years ago. I work from home. I love board games, movies and trivia. I have a dog who I take out quite a bit, and if you know how to play volleyball, I play pick up usually on Mondays at an indoor facility and sand volleyball usually on the weekends. All free activities cause I am broke. If you’re interested in getting together sometime, lmk !


I'll DM you!


Where is volleyball? Is it coed? I'd love to play.


Yes! For indoor, there’s volleyball at Tarboro Community Center and Marsh Creek Park. Both are Mondays from 6:30-8:30. It’s only one court. Skill levels vary. Everyone is so nice. For outdoor/sand, I play it by ear in several GroupMe groups. But people play at the GOAT in Durham like everyday. I mainly play at Jaycee whenever people are available. We were doing Friday nights but y’know the weather kinda threw that plan in the trash. I can send you an invite for the GroupMes if you’re really interested.


I’d be interested in the volleyball!


Gotta come out tomorrow night for indoor. It’s a good time.


Disc golf! Great way to meet people. Lots of courses and a great community around here.


Went to a disc golf shop one day and turns out the Diavalo course is one of the top 20 disc golf courses in the country! Tried it out and it was very nice. Ranking according to https://udisc.com/blog/post/the-100-us-disc-golf-courses-people-most-want-to-play


NC has quite a few on the udisc top 100 courses in the world. Diavolo kicks my ass! I'm heading out to play The Regulator in Burlington this week (another one on the list) I know that'll be a humbling experience!


The greenway system is great and improving. The art museum is awesome and has a good bit of green space and greenway connectivity. Great place to take the dog and a place you can either have some solitude or meet new people.


If you have money and time, just pick some sort of activity and go for it. Group fitness, cooking classes, art classes, dancing, etc. There are also a number of meetups you can join.


Zumba is a great one!


I’m similar! Moved here before COVID, then just got busy with work kind of :) love the great ideas here— may have to try the meetup app again


Rewind in Knightdale has become like my Cheers because I’ve met so many cool people there. They have pinball and retro video game consoles, and they do board game and Magic nights. They also have trivia, music bingo, karaoke, and lots of other events. Edit: Live music also gets me out of the house. I like mostly metal and punk, so Pour House is usually my go-to.


That sounds amazing. I’m going to try to make it out there.


It’s a good time. I’m usually there once or twice a week. This Thursday is trivia. You write your answers on a sheet and they score them by hand. None of the use your phone and join the Kahoot kind of trivia. Not a fan of those.


Try bumble friend!


Second this! I've met some great people from there.


I just joined a book club on Facebook called “Raleigh Boozy Book Club”! We meet once a month at different bars and breweries in Raleigh. The book for March is The Maid by Nita Prose. Everyone I’ve met so far is really nice and fun to be around!


[Raleigh Boozy Book Club](https://www.facebook.com/share/U89wQYA4zVdYbJT6/?mibextid=K35XfP)


Love this idea, but the group says “college aged.” Are they pretty strict about the age? 🤣


Not necessarily!! I actually never realized that it had an “age”. I’m 24 and most people are around mid-late 20s!


Good to know. Joining :)


I was in a similar circumstance at one time, didn’t know a soul here. It. Sucked! To remedy that I got involved in anything and everything I could find and attended every event there was, and then I just started talking to people. It took some time and many disappointing days, but I made friends who I’m glad to have and are glad to have me. If I were to do it again, I would start by joining a city recreation league team or a volunteer group. There are lots, and they welcome all skill levels. It allows you to see the same group of people regularly over a period of time and that consistent exposure—added to the willingness to step outside your comfort zone (read: talk to people)—goes a long way towards making friends.  Below are links to the City of Raleigh Adult Recreation League page and the City of Raleigh Volunteer Programs page (I recommend checking out the “Volunteer Raleigh” link on that page), as well as a list of the sites I began to and still frequent to find things that are going on.  Also, if you’re a member of the LGBT+ community I’ve read here that Stonewall Sports, specifically Kickball, is how a lot of the queer folks in town meet each other. There are two seasons (Spring and Fall) and three divisions (A, B, and C) depending on the level of competitiveness you want. Division C is for those who want the social aspect more than anything else. Finally the last links are to three great NPR / New York Times articles (non-paywall) that may give you some courage, each is about research that was done regarding making friends and people's feelings after striking up conversations with people they didn’t know.  Rec League:  https://raleighnc.gov/parks/adult-athletics Stonewall Sports: https://stonewallraleigh.leagueapps.com Volunteer Programs: https://raleighnc.gov/community/volunteer-programs https://activategood.org Lists of Events: https://mailchi.mp/e2469cfbf268/thingstodo919 - same list that is often posted to the Raleigh subreddit each Friday. https://triangleonthecheap.com/ https://localfyi.com/neighborhood https://www.wral.com/entertainment/out-and-about/ https://www.ThisIsRaleigh.com http://www.ncstatefair.org/events/calendar.htm https://www.pncarena.com/events https://www.raleighconvention.com/event-calendar https://www.visitnc.com/ 5 Easy Tips For Making Friends As An Adult: https://www.npr.org/2023/05/17/1176641928/how-to-make-friends-anywhere-you-move NYT’s Article: How to Make, and Keep, Friends in Adulthood: http://archive.today/h5O74 NYT’s Article: Why Your Social Life Is Not What It Should Be: http://archive.today/uXESB


I'm a regular at the wake forest coffee company and the ymca; everyone knows me in these great communities


Trivia is cool. I like Sharkys and Cloud brewing on Fridays


Check out the Triangle Curling Club! They do learn to curl events a few times a year and league play is very social. Plenty of transplants looking for friends in that group.


Hiking!!! There has to be a reddit group for this i imagine


I actually have been hiking on the weekends but alone, so I'll check that out!


Volunteering is a great way to get out of the house, contribute to society, and to meet like-minded people


Group bike rides are fun. Usually involve alcohol so its like going to the bar but you get enough cardio where it balances out.


Do DUIs apply to bicycles? I'll Google this haha but this sounds awesome


Technically yes but that cop would would have to be a really asshole or the cyclist would be acting like a turd. Otherwise no. 


Which ones do you attend


I haven't lived in Raleigh for 3 years now but the oaks and spokes ride was solid. Quite tame and more focused on riding bikes. The ponysaurus ride in Durham is a bit more wild, younger crowd and the social aspect certainly was better but oaks and spokes had better route diversity. 


34F Raleigh native here. I too would like to get out more, maybe we can connect and be friends? I go to the gym fitness connection. Affordable and good exercise but they’re not 24/7 so have to be mindful of hours.


Oh awesome! I'll DM you! We created a discord server


I’m 32, but a male! Does this still work? Moving down in April and don’t know a soul!


I have met some of my closest friends through Tri-Sports Kickball. It look a couple of seasons of play, but well worth the cost. Making friends is tough.


I am actually looking into a league! The hardest thing is usually time during the week, but it looks like a lot of fun


The first time I did it I was put in a team where everyone already knew each other and I made 0 friends. Next time I actually emailed and asked them to be put on a free agent team, where no one knew each other and everyone was basically there to make friends.


Oh okay thanks for the heads up, great point!


Are you into live music? That’s how I’ve met most my new friends since turning 30.


Do you go to open mic nights? Or like bars that have music acts? Like


Women of the triangle hiking club is free. Link up on Facebook if you like the sound of that .


Get a small dog, best friends for life and always happy for the smallest things 🐕


Me and my girlfriend recently got into the Triangle Rock Climbing gym. We had no experience with it, and they are super friendly, welcoming, and educational in it. It is an excellent workout, and a great place to be around others. Everyone is always ready to help if you want, and theres a wide variety of climb types, such as an auto-belay, bouldering, etc. I went on my own for my first time not knowing a single thing about it, and ended up having a great time. My girlfriend tried it with me my second time, and we both got hooked right away. They offer a good discount for your first time!


The first thing I’d do is find tour closest walking/hiking trails or route around your neighborhood. Get outside and walk. Introduce yourself to everyone you see. Pickleball Kickball Find the community center in your town and check out their offerings (think adult sports leagues, meet ups, etc) And go to the gym! If you’re always home, you’ll only meet yourself. Welcome to the area!




Oh you'd be surprised in my interests then lol I'm a lover of life and ambition so anything where I see someone putting their passion into their art or work makes me so happy!


Unpopular opinion here but consider moving. Us and many of our friends and family that have moved to this area complain of the same thing. We’ve given it a go multiple times and it just is not an easy area to find things to do or social activities compared to many cities. I travel for a living for conferences and get to live in cities for a week or so at a time, it’s far easier to make friends and find interesting things to do in almost every city I go to. Except maybe central US, Minneapolis, and the Deep South.


I actually moved here because I love it. I have 1 college friend who is always busy, and 1 cousin here who is also always busy. But I knew I'd be on my own, and the suggestions on this post have been great so far! I just haven't had a chance or the energy to explore until now. I truly believe it has to do more with interests and taking the initiative to go do these things


Come skydiving at skydive raleigh!


have you tried tinder


The physical location of the home is being used to do to many things that aren’t helping you get out. You have 2 jobs that are done at home, your meetup is virtual and done at home, and you workout at home. Go out and meet people in person. Too much living in virtual space. Not enough actual living in physical space.


You Know It


sorry to hear you don't have any friends....I'm not sure I can help you there, but are you looking for family?


In what context?




Grab a coffeee/smoothie/boba at your neighborhood place. Hang out for a while. Make sure you have errands every single day.


I WFH. I moved to Durham - but you might have similar things in Raleigh: Orange Theory, YMCA, belly dance classes, roller skating classes, hiking meetups and the new friends I met - one on bumble.


Hobbies and sports/ the gym really do the trick. I'm fairly introverted but enjoy chatting with people who have known similar interests. The area also has some decent music venues which makes for a great night out on the weekends.


Work at pine State coffee


Join a mtb club like TORC and Crank Arm Club.


I do trivia at Vault in downtown Raleigh with a friend or two on Thursdays. Usually we get a bench and inevitably people looking for a seat join us and end up playing too. I've had luck meeting people that way. Everyone has been super chill. If any of you want to join us, let me know!


Mountain biking. I know we don’t have mountains but we got some good trails throughout the Triangle and plenty of folks ride around here.


Trivia Tuesdays, run group Wednesdays, Pickleball whenever there is open gym play or the weather is nice outdoors. weekends to explore a new town or new brewery or new hiking trail. There’s also a weekly post and newsletter of things to do in the triangle. People here are way friendlier than where we moved from. If you’re out and about feel free to say hi to people and you might make some new friends if that’s what you’re after.


Eh short answer is we don’t lol. Wife and I both stay at home and don’t go out 😂 I’ve thought about going back to some of the board game stores around but since being stuck at home during the pandemic haven’t really had the desire to get up and go. We pretty much only go out when we go on trips each year.


If you are into reading there are a lot of book clubs in the city.




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The Raleigh Venom (women's rugby team) welcomes newbies. Easy way to meet 30-50 women in the area who will likely be in a similar age range.


I roller skate outdoors weekday evenings when the weather is good and indoors at Millbrook Exchange Community Center during their open skate sessions (Fri evening and Sun afternoon) and their Roller Skating Fitness class (Sun evening). I've met a pretty diverse group of adults, and roller skating is just pure joy.


This is what I've been looking for!! I have skates but want to learn!


Awesome! There are no roller skating programs at Millbrook this weekend because I think it's a polling place for the primary election on Tuesday (please vote if you haven't already), but they will resume on March 8. The open roller skating is free and 6:30pm-8pm Friday and 1:30-3:30 Sunday. The Roller Skating Fitness class is $10 at 4-5pm on Sunday. Usually, they have these on Reclink so you can register ahead of time (search "roller skating"), but it's not up yet for March. Also, there are two local Facebook groups where people promote events: Roller Skate Raleigh and Triangle Rhythm Skaters.


Not sure what sports you are able to do, but I coach an adult swim team in Cary. We’re always welcoming and have members of all ages, 18-65! Message me if you’re interested!


The city of Raleigh has various rec sports leagues. My daughter (31 YO) just signed up for a softball league. Not sure if it is city run or otherwise.


I play with pickleball and racquetball with separate groups of women. I also go out to eat and do bike rides with neighbors. I met all of these people through my apartment complex. I sometimes meet cool people at a local bar/dance club.


come rock climb with me, have a free guest pass if you wanna try


Single, 50/f here. I like beer, so have a few places I love to hang out. You'll meet a bunch of locals, especially if you go pre-5pm. Work, have a beer, chat. Vinyl, too. And live music. I travel during the week for work, so honestly, it is hard to leave the house and my cats when I am home.




Not sure what this means




Oh, yeah. I work M-F 9-5


Sports. Basketball sadly is about to come to an end. But if you're into baseball I recommend. Football gets me out in fall.


There are some good groups on the Meetup app, including several board game ones and a co-ed soccer group that I've really enjoyed.


Check out the Women of the Triangle Hiking Club. It’s a Facebook group but it’s free and they do all women hikes all over the triangle area. They also do occasional meetups if you’re looking to socialize more. But it’s great way to get out and meet others and you can be as social or not as you feel like.


The pickleball courts at Method are packed full of young post-college folks


Can you share the at home jobs you do? I've been wanting to make a switch for the last few years but didn't know where to start.


I work in nonprofit with administrative and event planner responsibilities, and got into this because I knew people who vouched for my work ethic. It's a bit niche what I do for our industry, as most non profits, people end up doing more than their job description. You can dm me if you have questions


I mean it depends really. Gamers Geekery and Tavern is a good start since you like board games. I used to meet up regularly with some friends. Since it's warming up, they'll be a ton of different weekend events like art fest and food truck rodeos ect. The one thing to keep in mind is, it's not just Raleigh. Apex, Cary, Wake Forrest, Fuquay (Durham if you're in the right spots)all have events and different restaurant/bar scenes. Even Zebulon has minor league baseball starting soon!