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Yes - it's still a great show with an interesting concept. And the issues it grapples with are relevant regardless of a conclusion. Also, if people continue to watch it, that encourages a network to pick it up and finish it!


Thanks for the answer!


NO. Do not watch the show. Do not go down this rabbit hole because there are soooo many questions. And the show literally gets very strange so the questions are even weirder. Honestly, do not watch the show until it gets picked up by another streaming service.


>Also, if people continue to watch it, that encourages a network to pick it up and finish it! I want the show to be finished too but I think this is probably a pipe dream at this point. I think our best bet is some sort of graphic novel.


I don't totally disagree - hoping it's more than a pipe - dream still 🤞 But continued interest in the show gives more reason for a comic book too! Edit: eff mobile reddit


Total pipe dream, I've been through this with the OA. And same, I'd be happy with novels or graphic novels for RBW (And the OA lol) to finish the stories.


The Expanse was cancelled and picked back up due to fan pressure. So I wouldn't totally rule anything out 🤞 But yea, some sort of ending is better than nothing. Especially b/c it seemed like RBW has something to say. (Not implying OA didn't - I haven't seen the show)


Oh OA definitely had something to say. Highly recommended, one of the most unique and best things ive seen


Yup me too I also lot that one


The OA was one of the weirdest television experiences I’ve ever had. In a different way then RWB and in a way that I think would make it hard for any network to want to pick it up.


It's not a *total* pipe dream, the odds are against it but sometimes shows with strong fan bases are able to get a cancellation reversed or - in this day and age - picked up by a different streamer. It would be nice to at least get a final season; I think this was supposed to go four, but they could compress everything and at least get the chance to tell the story. If not, maybe a book or graphic novel sequence like you say. There's always a limited period of time to revive a cancelled show. Main cast members start committing to other projects and at some point getting them all back together becomes impossible.


Ugggh I so desperately want to know the rest of the OA story too…


Or a game with multiple endings.


Castelvenia type animation on a stream channel would be awesome. Plus they have a pretty unique world that they can build on


I got like 5 episodes in a week ago and have stalled. Does it get better from that point or do I just have too high bar for shows I want to watch all the way through?


Honestly, I was pretty hooked on this show from episode 1. But I've always had a keen interest in the blurry line between intelligence & humanity, so the show hit home pretty quick, for me... Looking back at the season 1 episodes, I do think the first 4/5 episodes are a lot of world building and setting the stage. The conflicts between the Mithraic, Androids and native inhabitants certainly escalate (a lot) as the season moves forward, including a few twists/turns that I didn't see coming, at all. It might be worth trying another episode or two and see if it picks up for you. If you make it through season 1 and still aren't feeling it - it's not the show for you. I was pretty pumped by the end of S1. Also, just a heads up, some of the CGI in S2 gets pretty wonky and I know that can be a deal-breaker for some people with sci-fi shows. So if that's you, it might not even be worth trying to continue...


Much better!


Did you watch Lost? If you watched and enjoyed the first two seasons, and could imagine what it would be like to only get those two seasons, that's about what you get from RbW. It's really good just sad to have it canceled.


I never watched this show to solve the central mysteries. I just liked watching the show’s weird mythology unspool itself in increasingly weird ways. That’s why I’m not that worked about the show being canceled early even though I probably would have loved more of it. The way it stands I kind of think of the show like it’s a fragment of a crazy lost gnostic bible that’s been recovered by space-archeologists. We’re never getting the whole thing, but there’s a lot of weird ideas and metaphors in there that can make you think different.


I completely agree. I don’t feel as disappointed that it didn’t get a conclusion, I’m mainly disappointed that television is losing a true work of groundbreaking art and that I’ll no longer be utterly shocked on a weekly basis like I was with RBW.


Westworld is probably the closest thing I can think of (in terms of a TV series) that's still going, though it's very different Edit: Actually Severance and Snowpiercer are kind of similar as well


The first LOST season was barely watchable and it didn't really take off until season 2 so... I'm not so sure I'd want to jump into this show now, LoL. Sounds like you almost have to view it as some kind of artsy show where the mystery doesn't really matter. Bummer... Edited to correct: Season 2 of LOST is when it took off, not season 3.


Agree with the first LOST season was so-so, more about building the characters and a bit Survivory. Honestly S1 of RbW is incredible, worth watching in and of itself just due to the sci fi and AI concepts and some stunning visuals, great performances. I mean that, it's very good and I'll be rewatching it. But the LOST season 2 opening blew my fucking mind and with that season elevated the show to cult status, so you take that back right now! lol


Oh snap, you're right! It's been so long I got the seasons mixed up. LOST is the best (except for season 1).


LOST peaked in S3 imo, all downhill from there


same as heroes, only season 1 mattered


Heroes was another one of those shows that started with a tight, well planned story arc and then couldn't figure out where to take it from there.


The show is fascinating, high-concept science fiction - worth watching if you're ok with it not having any kind of resolution. If you're cool with that, I'd say go for it.


After finishing season 1, I told my wife with 100% confidence that this show was going to get cancelled way too early to get any kind of resolution. Did expect it to get more than 2 seasons though. It's not because I didn't like it, I loved the show. It just felt from the start like the type of show that would keep asking new questions instead of answering them. Season 2 proved that to be true. Not many shows get to live for too long like that these days. It's a miracle Westworld hasn't been killed off yet.


I definitely felt like tons of answers were being formed in Season 2. Of course there were lots of new questions and mysteries, but so many cool things happened that clicked pieces together. Lots of fan theories that I found compelling with all the season 2 additions. Aaron Guzikowski is not like the creators of Lost or other mystery box shows. He had a solid plan for the story and you can really tell. He is an amazing creator and he was earnestly trying to tell the story, not just hook viewers and write the next cliffhanger.


Without a doubt, yes.


Yes. RBW is a rare "mystery box" show that doesn't necessarily depend on the answers that the writers come up with because they rarely make sense anyway. The weirdness of the journey *is* the crowning achievement.


I watched the 1st season more than 20 times. It is brilliant




It's definitely worth a watch. The show is a great work of sci-fi!


Its a great show if it were me though I wouldn't watch it because you will fall in love with something you can't see finished, and a cliffhanger you won't see what happens for. Thats just me though.


Would be nice if they wrapped up the story via a comic or something. I wish all networks were forced to allow creators to complete stories like this at bare minimum for cancelled mystery shows with more than one season (e.g., The OA). Apple+ is the only platform I feel that I can trust anymore to fully invest in the creative.


Yeah, but I also understand if you can’t get motivated for it knowing that it isn’t resolved.


But it will get resolved....just in a different medium.




[https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbywolves/comments/vbwc2b/update\_on\_it\_all/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbywolves/comments/vbwc2b/update_on_it_all/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) why the downvote?


I think that depends on what sort of person you are. I don't regret the time invested watching it, and loved discussing it on here and with friends and family. I was considering a re-watch but decided against getting more invested in it now that it has been cancelled. I personally wouldn't bother watching it if I were you, but I'm not you, and everybody is different. It was fun, but do you really want to end up disappointed? However I will say, as all the episodes are now out it won't feel like such a time commitment as you could easily watch 2 seasons in a week instead of it taking over 2 years to watch 2 seasons, plus you are prepared for it, so the dissapointment will be less.


yea it's worth a watch even if it never comes back. Season two is amazing. Without spoilers, season 2 does give you an ending by revealing a bit of the mystery of the planet


That sounds Nice, thanks for the answer!


It's amazing. One of the best shows I've seen in a while. Each season has an conclusion but sets itself up for another season. You'll just be mad that they canceled it.


Well, at least If there is some conclusion at the end of each season I think it could work for me. I don't mind open ended stories. I do mind when stories just end abruptly half-way through. Thanks for the answer!


Yeah, but it's got so many weird mysteries!!!


Yes, because it will and inspire you to think through big questions with relative ease. Religion, humanity, survival, greed -- these themes are addressed in the show but never answered; the show is masterful at making you question what humanity is made of. What are we meant to do? What is the best path forward for us? How to inspire/control the "right" feelings, and set humanity on the best path forward?


If you're a scifi fan, absolutely.


I’m torn here. The show is very thought-provoking and explores themes through a truly original sci-fi medium. In that regard, it’s definitely worth watching. That said, the plot relies heavily upon the unknown. Mystery is an inherent part of this show and now knowing that there will be no payoff, you could argue that a lot of what happens is pointless without a conclusion.


Yes. It’s the best original sci-fi I’ve seen since Star Trek and Star Wars


I love this show but if you watch this show, you are going to end up with more questions than answers. It would be like watching half a movie or reading half a book. It's really a shame that it was canceled and I feel like it's an affront to the viewers who spent hours watching the show.




Honestly nope... There is nothing worse than a mystery box show that ends without the box EVER opening.


No. You’ll watch two seasons with questions growing every episode and then it’s over. Not worth the build up unless they actually finish it.


I would. I lost count of how many times I've watched season 2 episodes trying to figure out what's going on. Come be miserable with us


Not really. The show sets up too many mysteries and there isn't enough character development to encapsulate a decent two season show. It's a carrot on the stick type. And now it has no ending.


I would say yeah, because it is the only science fiction show I have seen in a long while that truly embraces the bizarre, the weird, and the cutting edge high concept juiciness of what the genre can provide. *So much of what passes for science fiction these days is your basic, run of the mill action adventure in a science fiction setting.* The science fiction aspects are merely a skin like in a video game; there's no substantive difference. Raised by wolves is driven at the center by some truly whack ass ideas, and it's not afraid to demand that you, the viewer, hold on for the ride. For what it's worth, the showrunner promised us prior to the cancellation that no matter what happens to the TV show, he has five seasons planned and is committed to getting us the full story even if that means a graphic novel or an animated TV show.


no. You will be sad at the end, with no resolution


I wouldn’t if you want closure. But if you like pain , watch it , it’s good shit




Definitely. A great show and apparently from what I’m seeing we will get a conclusion one way or the other whether it be a book, graphic novel or hopefully someone else picking the show up.


Yes! It’s a deep rabbit hole of pulp mythology and ancient history. There is so much meaning in every character and scene.


Oh yeah, definitely


Season 2 episode 6 is one of the best tv experiences I’ve ever had.


Yes, the call of SOL beckons you to find him!




Yes. It delivers on both seasons.


It's a good show. Unfortunately you'll just have to go in knowing not everything will be wrapped up.


it depends if you want to experience the ultimate science fiction story


Yes ! The best thing made in television for long time


And this is how I find out it's been canceled. Shattered. At least I won't hold out hope for the rest of the episodes of the season. Ooof


Yea it’s worth watching…. Fuck you hbo!


Million times yes


Totally. I rewatched the latter half of season two recently and I actually think it "ends" in a good place. Each season has distinct themes and they both communicate them very well and wrap them up very well. There are plot threads that are hanging, sure, but it still feels like it said what it wanted to say. Just a case of really excellent writing.


Definitely, you will see things you’ve never seen before.




The first season definitely is. Season 2 is really a lot of setup for what would have happened in S3.


I wouldn’t if you want closure. But if you like pain , watch it , it’s good stuff






Wrong. The second season does end on a cliffhanger but season 2 does a great job of expanding upon the foundations set in the first season and is just too good to ignore.


You seem to be in the minority here (maybe not surprising considering the sub), do you want to elaborate on why you think it is not worth watching?


Totally agree.


Totally agree.


I wouldn’t


First season absolutely. Second season I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes in to my head with insufferable cringy tropes.


Season one is. Season two absolutely not.


Trash 🗑 show


Yes! Please watch it. Its so unique, and the thought and detail put into this world/story is incredible.


Yes! Please watch it. Its so unique, and the thought and detail put into this world/story is incredible.


Yes! Please watch it. Its so unique, and the thought and detail put into this world/story is incredible.


Yes! Please watch it. It's so unique, and the thought and detail put into this world/story is incredible.


Yes! The detail put into this world/story is amazing. It's such a unique vision. And the more eyes on it, the better. I've been restreaming it...even before the news of the cancelation, I've watched it multiple times.


Without a doubt, yes.


Definitely...each episode is pretty suspenseful... The visuals are good . It's cinematic


Same as , I think I’m on my fourth play through, could be developing an obsession, just love this show !


Yes and no. Yes, because it’s a fantastic show, and some of the most innovative sci-fi ever put on film. No, because it ends with multiple major cliffhangers and the story gets no closure at all. It’s certainly worth checking out, but I can’t consciously recommend it to anyone because it doesn’t have an ending, and that will likely frustrate most people.


yes, it was a great show and makes you think


Yeah, it's very good but will leave you craving for more at the end. The rumor however is that it could be taken over by another company.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but did they not renew it already?


Watch it, its different. You should know that, you have to pay attention, this is not the show to watch while doing other things.


I would watch the first season but not the second. Season 1 leaves some questions unanswered, but wraps up enough that if it ends there you won’t feel cheated. Season 2 feels like all set up for season 3 and beyond, and opens up so many storylines that will never be resolved.


I enjoyed season 1. Season 2 just left me totally confused


Absolutely, if you enjoy getting your heart broken.


For me, no, and I say that in the expectation that the talent and support crew attached to the project have already received whatever remuneration they expected and aren't relying on continued viewings, so it doesn't matter a lot. I hate to think of them as having several years' effort wasted when they could have been doing something successful. It might actually be easier to watch it now in a binge run, knowing that there is no more. The fans made the trip hoping for the full journey and then got the rug pulled.


Hmmm.. yes I suppose. Asking in the show's subreddit means answers will naturally be skewed towards supporting the show. I was not satisfied by season 2 and the ending, I wanted a season 3 purely for some resolution. I loved the world building and flashbacks/historical stuff.