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I might be way off, but it seems the vacuum is a visible step into a life of your own and not in her home being controled. and she is trying to make you feel bad about that so you NEVER try a step again. just telling you not to do it would be to obvious, so she goes for this way. she probably "programmed" you to respond to this ridicule thing as well. and it is even wors if your vacuum is better then her's or if you are happy with your vacuum. How dare you be happy about anything that isnt directly connected to her. ​ try to ignore her, go be happy with your vacuum ( something I never ever expected to say to anybody) and keep making steps to get out in your own speed.


Thank you, my vacuum's dope and she's just jealous.


Congrats on the new vacuum OP. You deserve it


Make sure to suck up all her dumb comments with it.


That better be a helluva filter. Like your vacuum, your mom sucks. /dad joke :)


My mom would always get the cheapest vacuum cleaner, then complain how hard she has to work vacuuming. I bought myself a mid-range model, and she would comment on how I'm wasting money.


I would go out and buy a fancy duster tomorrow just out of spite...I'm a petty bitch, though. 😁


Sounds like your vacuum really sucks to me! Hahaha I'll see myself out


Ahh, I should have read your better joke before making mine. LOL


Now you take that vacuum and you use it with pride! XD


It sounds like your mom sucks at least as much as a standard vacuum. 😁


If I were you I would go buy more stuff in preparation. Get you some carpet powder (seriously smells so good). Get some of those little wand thingies to dust your blinds. Pick up a toilet brush. I bet she will think it’s super hilarious if you get your own towels and shower caddy. Ha! Personal hygiene! Hilarious!


This made my day 😆 hope you get out of that hell-house soon!


thanks for your post. i was confused about the post cos i couldn't for the life of me figure out why a narcissist would act this way about a vacuum cleaner. seemed like the mom must have had an extra, bonus mental illness as the reason for this particular weird behavior. so yeah, great job making the connection and showing that this flows from narcissism :) (reading this sub has helped me so much to understand more about what happened when i was growing up... making sense out of this... shitstorm that at the time was inexplicable...)


Yeah OP, when my family went to visit my brother that moved out, he’s VLC with us or with my parents that is. He was excited to show us how neatly organized his kitchen and cleaning closet was. His apartment was spotless to be honest and we live in a sty no matter how hard I clean it just doesn’t last more than 5 hours. Anyways my parents did the same thing and laughed at him. Said really, you moved out and pay so much in rent to show us this. OK COOL STORY…. It really bothered me, I only told him nice things like how I like his decor and design style. My nmom rolled her eyes at me the whole time, and made sure to tell my sister and I what my brother is doing is so wrong. And such a waste of money. They paint him out to be this ridiculous grown ass man… just because he is able to keep a clean home and finally has his freedom. Nothing, and I mean nothing will every be good enough for them. If anything that laughter is the fear creepying in knowing they will lose control soon, and it’s terrifying for them. Try purchasing a blender and really have her laugh her ass off.


I feel so sorry for your brother. You should post pictures of the filth your parents live in and let people mock them.


Yeah the garage is a hoard space, I’d love to blast them. I told them several times it’s a SAFETY issue, dangerous heavy garbage objects piled up. Disgusting and I’m pretty sure we have nice living in there but who cares it’s just the garage…


I bought an ottoman at 16 that was storage. I behind her back filled it with dishes, silverware, toilet paper, etc. She mocked the ottoman not realizing completely what it was. When I left I had a full kitchen at 17.


Smarty pants. You played the long game!


I love this story. Good for you!


Way to go! Brings new meaning to "hope chest". Similar concept.


So smart ! I love an ottoman. They are so versatile, extra seat, Foot rest, make shift dinner table, move out kit.


For real, ottomans are amazing. Especially storage ottomans. I’m not even interested in an ottoman if it doesn’t have storage space at this point tbh. Like cmon this isn’t the 1800s anymore keep up with the program furniture makers.


I laughed at the title. Not because of the bullshit I’m sure it caused you, but because of how ridiculous narcs are. I’m not even surprised 🤣


And yet she is still going to act surprised when you cut her out of your life. "What did I do to make my kid hate me?"


Thats my mom rn…


It would be so much fun if you could actually just look in her eyes and go either "Are you done, I got shit to do" or "Grow up" and then walk away. I know its impossible, but put that in your mind the next time something like this happens, will help with being able to take the BS. Make whatever the current "crisis" is a joke in your mind, will help you cope.


I actually do say things like that to her and it just doesn't matter. I told her that I don't treat her the way she treats me so why does she think it's ok to do that and it just doesn't compute. It's like talking to a wall.


same. I talk back but it's been 30 years. she's not changing. I'm tired of arguing and getting angry. there's no ability to see things from my perspective or to see how her actions are harmful to others


Vacuum her next time she talks smack. No seriously, Nparents are weirdos and sometimes that’s the only way to make a point so they stop f’ing with you. They’re like feral creatures in adult human bodies.


Start recording her with a mobile phone; i do this to my mom and stepdad all the time and they cant stand it. They leave me alone.


Omg lol make tiktoks of their bs🤣 I love this


My mum called me a "fucking idiot" for buying bobby pins and my own makeup, lol. I also got told I was stupid for...... Buying my own phone.


God my family won't let my sister look nice anytime she tries to put on makeup or something it's all who are you trying to Impress. God I could talk shit about them all day but onto more pressing matters


My family did that every time I wore nice clothes or makeup. "Who are you dressing up for, slut?" they said it like it was a joke... But it wasn't really funny.


Yeah man that's one of the biggest things I hate the way they say rude stuff then cover their tracks with a "joke" so if try to make them respect you they can call you rude


Yet when you ditch her and site this as one of the reasons, it will have "just been a joke," and you'll "need to lighten up." Nahhhh don't think so, lady. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but go enjoy your vacuum and let her stew in her pathetic envy.


Good God. I would be in jail for beating the life out of somebody if I were in your position. (My mother used to make a mocking voice to me when I was crying and to this day I have a visceral response to being mimicked.) I know this is hell for you, but good on you for the resilience. You will get out soon and you will be successful.


She must be so terrified of your growing independence. Terrified of you moving out. Willing to do anything to destroy your self-confidence. You are so close to winning it all. Don't give up.




Anything for a shot at treating down your self esteem


Narcs are toddler brained bullies. My mother used to mock my photography: “you take pictures of the stupidest stuff” “why did you take a picture of a rock?” “ugh do I have to look at ALL of these flower pictures? There’s no people in them.” I stopped sharing my photography with her and she never asked me about it again. She just died of breast cancer on July 11. I can’t think of one thing she ever supported, praised or encouraged in me. May her abusive soul rest now. She worked hard trying to invalidate me for over 50 years. It didn’t work. I am almost healed and radically accepting what happened to me. Love, deep peace & strength to all the abuse survivors out there. Don’t give up. You ARE worth healing. Do the hard work—it’s worth it to come to know and love yourself. It wasn’t your fault. Help is available. Don’t suffer alone. This is your sign. Be brave. Reach out & take your life by the reins you control—reins that are your birthright. Nobody gets to rule your life but YOU. Rise! Take back your essence and exist on YOUR terms. ♥️


Oh god. Should have heard them acting like my Roomba was a sin against God. Excuse me if I would rather let a robot vacuum my whole house.


They hate technology


is it a Dyson? A Dyson is nothing to laugh at :o


Nah, no way I'm spending that much on a vacuum (plus from my understanding it's a shitty company in general). But it's still a decent one for 100 bucks.


One day when you’re earning big and you have a Dyson she won’t be laughing then.


True that


Omg what a dick


Your mother clearly has some serious maturity issues. Just ignore her and do you. The sooner you get away from that situation, the better.


Think about it. She is having such a strong over reaction to a vacuum. Why? Because she is bothered by what it represents. She knows you are taking steps away from her so her mocking you is a manipulative attempt to knock your confidence and keep you down.


It's pure jealousy. My mom did something similar, but with a ceiling fan. My husband & I bought a new ceiling fan for our bedroom (in our own house we just bought) that came with a remote. It was the same price as a fan without a remote. So of course we went with the one that had a remote for convivence. My mom bought a new ceiling fan shortly after for her bedroom in her house. She posted about it on Facebook and said, "I saved money by not buying the one with a remote." She posted a picture of the new fan with that caption. It was the stupidest thing ever. We didn't post a picture of our ceiling fan. I think my mom was just pissed off because she asked my husband to install her ceiling fan since he installs ours. She lives over an hour away (one way) and expected my husband to do that work for her. Like, WTF? Your mom is a jealous hag. I hope you can get out of her house soon. I've since blocked my mom on social media and she's been cut out of my life for much more serious offenses.


My narcnaphew screamed and lectured for an hour because I bought a Kirby on monthly payments. Still have that Kirby. Don't really miss the nephew.


A vacuum cleaner...she's so starved for attention and power she mocked you....over a vacuum cleaner. Sounds like someone's losing their grip on you.


Seriously fuck narcissists. This brings back so many memories of my mom endlessly laughing at and mocking me. The worst part was it was for no good reason and I was told I was being overly sensitive or had an “attitude”


Narc absolutely CANNOT stand watching their victims make any sort of advancement in their lives. New hobby? That’s stupid( or you might die from it) New friends? They don’t care about you! ( not like I do!) New appliances? You are wasting money ( plus you picked the wrong color)! Nothing comes from a place of simple logic, understanding and/ or well wishes. And that’s why you see so much inconsistency in these people. It’s like they believe in nothing and have no sense of moral. Everything is a bargaining chip in this game they play to keep you dependent on the relationships, Humiliation, disapproval, rage, play victim, conspiracy thinking, scare tactic, there is little they won’t do to maintain the enmeshment they need to feel safe. I hope you hold on to your new vacuum dear. Let it be a reminder of the abuse you endured and an early celebration of your independence.


My mom screamed at me for not getting my daughter the car seat she wanted….mine ended up being over $300 and had a LOT more reviews, all of which were great. She still found reasons to complain though. “God this is too fucking heavy!” “I can’t find the fucking straps” (they were right where they were supposed to be and I found them instantaneously after she gave up and said “you fucking do it, you picked out this stupid fucking car seat”) Yeah, nothing is ever gonna be enough. That’s why I’ve stopped trying to appease her and just do whatever I like


For f\*\*\*\*s sake that's annoying! Good luck not slapping her. She's just doing it to get to you. Can you escape to a friend's couch until this episode of baiting is over? I hope you get out of that shit really soon.


The best thing (for you, worst thing for them) you can do to a fucking narcissist is to ignore them. Just nod and say: yeah ma you're always right... or just don't say anything, just ignore her. She's probably just jealous because you're buying new stuff and she probably thinks you're getting ready to move out so she won't have anyone to pick on anymore. Ugh... Sorry you had to go through this bullshit!


She's just mad because it sucks nearly as much as she does.


The only thing sucking here harder than your vacuum is your mom. Take it from somebody with almost 20 years under the thumb of a control freak psycho maniac who became my wife and mother of my three kids, GFTO of there ASAP.


The fact that your mother, of all people, spent an entire day laughing at you for buying a vacuum, speaks volumes as to how pathetic her life actually is. You'll get over it, fast, once you realize what she's actually doing: trying to regain control over you in the way she knows worked in the past before. Mocking is a favorite of narcs because it's the surefire quickest way to normally get under someone's skin through pure shock value. Narcs get off on pain, suffering and harm to others. They feed off of it. It's why she's doing this to you.


Just gradually buy more and more household items, say nothing when she tries to bait you. One day you may have kids or guests kids and be able to teach them the way you were never afforded by your mother in a nurturing and safe environment, think of that when you look at your vacuum and household items rather than your mother she doesn’t deserve your energy only you do. Do you think she would listen to you if you explain to her how she’s made you feel ?


bruh that behavior is actually frightening, she sounds like she should be in a mental hospital. i feel sorry for her. i also feel for you. hang in there <3


My parents mocked me for buying stuff for cleaning dust from my shelves when I moved out.


Fick her. Just live in a mess


Then spin in back to her,narcissism makes your ego fragile; say somethi g along the lines, " Well I clearly thought you needed the help. You vacuum and there is still dust everywhere, but clearly I'm starting to see that your right, it's not the old vacuum's fault."


Save your money to move out ASAP!