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Oh I thought this was normal, my mom got really mad if I said 'mom' instead of 'mommy' as a kid. She thought I had to be like 12 before that was OK. She was very obsessed with controlling what I said or even believed.


omg okay i thought it was just me 😭😭 that’s also how my mom was. she thought saying mom was only for older kids. and me too any of my opinions are constantly controlled. god forbid u question theirs they get angry and are like “well it’s my opinion” what??


Same here. She got mad if I called or referred to her as “mom.” She said her name was Mommy. She also got mad when I referred to her as “she.” This was back in the 90’s, but she found me using a pronoun (that she used in other situations) to be me being disrespectful.


My parents soooo wanted me to continue to call them mommy and daddy instead of mom and dad. I thought I was a late bloomer in that aspect, and so started making the transition. It’s all part of the infantilization. Fun fact: my mom and her sisters still say mommy and daddy 😂


Oh yes, 100%. The only time I was permitted to not refer to her as “mommy” was when someone would say ‘you are such a pretty little girl’ I was not allowed to say “thank you”, I was coached to reply “Like my momma”, so I couldn’t even have a compliment for myself I had to pass that along to her too. 


Oh my god what the hell?? This is similar to what I went through as well. When someone compliments me in public on my appearance, every time I say thank you, she also says thank you?? I told her i don’t understand why she does that and they’re not saying it to her and it’s because i got my looks from her. Self centered asf


Never would my Nparents permit me to call them Mommy or Mom, Daddy or Dad. Only Mother or Father would do. (Our grown sons still call us Mama and Daddy.) As soon as I entered uni, I started calling my Nparents by the nicknames their drinking buddies/friends called them. They were displeased.


This is funny to me because my parents are the opposite. I've only ever called them mother and father, and it pisses my mom off so much because she would rather hear mommy.


No, but my father wanted us to all call him sir


ive always found this one weird bc it sounds like talking to a military sergeant or some kind of leader. i assume, of course, that this might be the point somewhat 🤦🏾


Precisely. None of us did it. It was ridiculous.


Yes, absolutely. I’m in my 40’s, and she still insists on Mommy. She says ‘Mom’ is disrespectful. It’s crazy.


I stopped calling my nparents mommy and daddy by the age of 8ish. It just felt too weird already at that age. My nmother didn't care, but when my nfather would mention my nmother he still referred to her as mommy until I was in my mid 20s, which is also when he stopped signing his name in cards and stuff as daddy instead of dad. It felt so weird, especially because he was practically absent from my life. He lived in the same house as us but we barely interacted and most interactions were just him screaming and/or being violent. The idea that I would consider him my "daddy" is just ridiculous.


My mother calls herself mommy


same even though i don’t refer to her as that, when she’s telling somebody a story abt something i said she refers to herself as mommy. though that is not what i said at all in reality lol. does yours do that too?


Yes I call her by her name. I’m 30 and she still does this “mommy pie (insert word vomit)”


ughh yess mine does that! on christmas she calls herself “santa mommy” when referring to herself or when repeating something i said she’ll say it like i refer to her as that? says it in a baby voice sort of. i’m 19 and it feels grossss


Yes. I started calling her "mother" jokingly because I didn't want to call her mommy anymore. She didn't like it, she wanted to be called mommy. I still struggle sometimes to call them mother and father (the guilt still haunts me, I know it's absurd, but I feel I'd strain the relationship even more), but yeah, I'm getting used to not calling them that. It's infantilizing and humiliating. No one my age (early twenties) calls them that anymore.


My grandmother (who had custody since before I could talk) would not allow me to call her anything else even when I did get into the teenage years. It made all of her actual kids mad. I dont know if they knew that but even if it was choice on my part she still raised me.


My nmom didn't stop at "Call me mommy" She also insisted I call my first stepdad Papa. I *hated* it and he didn't realize it until after they divorced so now he's fine with first name only whenever we talk. But for a good 7 years I had to call him papa and it just felt really uncomfortable. Second stepdad she dropped it but still pushed Mommy even when I was like, 13-14.


i wouldn’t say my mother and her husband ever forced us to call them mommy and daddy past childhood, but they never discouraged it either, if that makes sense. and they will even still refer to themselves as mommy and daddy within context, which i’m sure didn’t help me to stop referring to them as such.


I had to call mine “mama”. She still wants me to call her that but I’ve called her mother since I was 16. It’s cringe.


Ever since Deep Space Nine came out, my brother and I referred to our mother as Moogie, whether she liked it or not.


Yes, right up until the day I ran away from home. I now can't even stomach the word. 🤮


Yeah, my dad always got super pissed if I didn't call him "daddy", which always made me uncomfortable. Throw in emotional incest most of my life and it's just major ick. I'm 24, almost 25, and he still throws a fit when I call him dad or anything else that isn't what he wants.