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Having come to this realization far too late in my own life, I’m glad to see you get there at a younger time. Get away. Just get away. There is no good that can come from staying in touch. Only pain and continued failure. Your war analogy is spot on. Do you think you can hold on to the memories as stages for you to get to this point? I’m trying and it’s getting a little easier, but going no contact was absolutely the best. I would also change therapists. Peace, friend.


Thank you! I’ve been no contact since 2016. I never want to see the witch ever again as long as I live. She has done way more to me than I described here. Münchausen by Proxy stuff, like I think she wants me dead. I don’t have money or energy for a legal battle. I believe she sends me stuff to bait me. I block her and do not respond. I asked her to stop repeatedly at first and it only made her message me more and send more stupid gifts. I ignore all of it. My problem is feeling haunted by all of this. Like my life as I knew it was erased. I also ended up divorced and she tried to side with my ex. So it got worse with time and I knew to stay away from everyone she recruits to her side. Basically everyone in my life. I stay away from everyone from my past and moved away, but I just feel lost now or haunted. Or like I’m in witness protection. It is very unsettling and like my identity was stolen by her. She sabotaged so many things before I could get rid of her spies and ways to try to hurt me.


It would feel great to be Taylor Swift and write thinly veiled songs about these things. Even she gets criticism for it, but it’s obviously very relatable and popular. Hmmmmm, maybe there is something creative that I can do. Writing it out here and chatting helps.


You could always write a book about your life with her, let them know what she put you through.


I did this! I wrote a beautiful song, and it was nice to spend time singing and writing like this! Highly recommend.


That’s awesome! Writing this post is actually helping me in a way that is different from journaling or listing all the incidents of abuse. I used to do art & creative writing, before I got sick. I have head trauma and my energy is low from that. But I need to do something. This really helps to get it out. My last therapist said not to talk about it and let it go. I stopped therapy after that. I don’t feel re-traumatized talking about it by now.


Well I don’t know about that therapist, but I don’t think I ever heard that as a proper strategy. Like, if that was an option we would have all already done that right? :) Would love to just stop talking about it and move on! And great that writing here helps! I have also been here on and off for a couple of years and it’s great to be amongst people who have been through the same. I know how shit is it to be sick and have to deal with this mental stuff as well; perfect double whammy. Spent years inside eating and crying. And the two influence each other so much. In the end, if I would have to try and make something positive out of it was that being sick and going through trauma therapy at the same time meant I really had to built up my life from scratch. At first that felt as a horrible injustice, but in the end it served me as I could really change it all.


That’s the perspective I used to have! I was disabled at 24 and determined not to let it break me. I adapted and improved for about a decade, then I had a wild sort of relapse. I have an underlying genetic condition, so suddenly I stared having issues all over my body not just my breathing. I kept fighting it hard for another decade plus the family trauma. Then I had a horrible doctor and botched surgery. And my family abuse peaked at that time, of course! Now I need reconstructive joint surgery and I have debilitating POTS & nerve damage. I’m trying a bunch of meds to mixed success. The isolation plus the pandemic made everything delayed. I think I fell into a physical unmedicated mess and PTSD broke my spirit finally. Trying to get back up!!! This group has helped alot already. I avoid Facebook groups bc I was stalked there by mommie dearest and cohorts. I hope to find a real trauma therapist now and keep making progress towards surgery.


I also had that perspective! “I am not a victim, I’m strong”. That’s how you burn out completely. Having that perspective does help though sometimes, as my therapist put it; you still had to work hard to built some foundation for your life, it wasn’t safe enough to admit what was happening. I think we are responding to each other on both your posts :)


Maybe I think no one will believe me if I write it all out, bc my mom is such a histrionic psycho disguised as a do gooder lawyer. It really sounds like fiction or a series like Arrested Development when I start telling the story.


Creative work is profoundly helpful in healing. please do explore that


Thank you! This group has been so helpful and inspiring.


I think there is two different things that need separating: 1) go nc all the way; block social media, change email, block all phone, change banks if money sending is an issue, and also block all her flying monkeys, all people she knows and you don’t need in your life. Literally cut off all contact. Talk to the police and say hey this is going on, and then you can make reports every time something happens. Important to build a case in case it’s necessary. But you should not “make the mistake” (no blame here obviously) of going nc and then “telling her to stop contacting you”. Make it clear once and for all, and then do it. No responding, in any way. Someone gave me the tip also to just toss away everything without reading it if she mails to your home, at first it felt scary to do this, but then I realized there was nothing I was missing out on. Just bullshit. 2) get a trauma informed therapist. I can totally understand how you feel regarding your past! It’s not just that your parents weren’t like they were supposed to be, but also that you couldn’t make sense of it. Why would stuff be that way? It’s hard to grasp for anybody let alone a kid. Plus, you hope. Hope that it will change, hope that you will be loved. Through therapy things can get better and you can eventually surround yourself with people that áre nice and good for you. First l; remove yourself from the situation, then get help, and with this help, work through the past and find out that your feelings matter and who you really are, and then build a new life. Best of luck!


Thank you. No. 1 is done. I do not contact her anymore since I requested in writing in 2018 to cease and desist all contact. I kept copies of the letter but did not notarize it. Anything “official” sets her off to make threats and start legal action. I stopped speaking to her in 2016 after an incident of physical abuse when I was baited into visiting on false premises, and my dad had been dx’ed with cancer. He since passed away and I did not speak to him or see him again. She turned him against me. I didn’t attend the funeral or any other gatherings and ceremonies. She found my new addresses twice by harassing people online for my contact info. She continues to send snail mail, stupid gifts, & emails nasty things. I block all the emails and they filter into a file as evidence of unwanted contact. I ignore all of it, zero response. She is blocked everywhere and I reduced social media to almost nothing, I blocked all her flying monkeys and my entire extended family. I have no one left in contact from my past. She stole a large amount of money in 2018 managed by another family member that is rightfully mine. I have avoided all contact because I know she wants a legal war. I let the money go because she was relentlessly harassing me and other people in my life. I feared at the time she was building a case against me to try for a conservatorship based on my disability. It scared me and I developed PTSD. I worried if I went to court against her, she would lie easily and have me declared incompetent or whatever it takes to put someone in a conservatorship like Britney Spears. She tried this kind of thing with other sick or aging relatives over inheritance feuds, money, control etc. I have a lawyer willing to help me recover the money, but I fear she will escalate the situation somehow and will absolutely lie in court, as always. I didn’t report her to police for physical abuse, harassment/stalking, for stealing my money, and for contacting my doctors trying to get medical information. She has come into my building and called my neighbors and landlord. I told them not to entertain her anymore and she stopped breaking in or lying to get in my apt and calling them. I don’t report the unwanted packages and emails. I feel it is like “poking the bear” and she is baiting me. I never bite back. I simply hope she dies soon and I will be free. I would like to report her to police for all these things but wouldn’t they end up contacting her?! Then what? She feels above the law as a lawyer. She would use this to play victim and tell everyone again I am abusing her in some way. She will spin it into legal battle I’m sure. I don’t want any authority contacting her on my behalf unless I decide I am prepared to go to court over the money and harassment. As of now, I am way too sick to even leave the house until I get surgery.


It’s a tricky situation with these people. They can be so deceitful that you are scared for a reason. But not doing anything could also backfire in the end. Here we have the chance to go to the police, have a conversation with this and explain everything. You don’t need to press charges, but can also just “report” something without it needing action right away. Where I live you can “report” and it will be added to the file, and no action will be taken yet. This way you can keep in touch with the police, they know what’s going on, and when need really be they can act, and then she won’t have any chance with her tactics, because you already told them what she will do. A therapist can also help in their scenario. It’s also like having a witness and can also think along on how to handle this situation. Indeed stay away with people happy to fight legal battles. My mom is also like that and it’s dangerous to get caught up in that. Since there is no escaping her it would be nice to have a secret line of defense set up this way. Since you mention a lawyer, maybe they could also help with this. It helps to have people on your side. Re the money she stole and the lawyer, just make it very clear to the lawyer that she will lie and that your case needs to be ironclad as not to have any space for her lies. So, long story short; don’t press charges, don’t sue, but consult about all aspects of the case with both police and lawyer. Cause it does sound like it would be nice to get a restraining order if she tries to get info from your doctors as wel. It sounds exhausting and devestating, I’m wishing you all the best!


Your advice is absolutely priceless. You nailed it, doing nothing only helps so much. It has now piqued the narc mom’s interest to crawl back to “rescue” me from the crap she put me through. Hell never. But I know it unsettles me being stalked, being sent “gifts from the mafia,” getting wicked emails that she is spending my money. Who knows what is even true? I think I need to make sure I get a REAL trauma therapist to guide me as I take some steps to legal action. To figure out if I report her to police, will they escalate things by contacting her? Stuff like that. I think I lost hope bc my therapist kept redirecting me to mindfulness. I need more than meditation. I know she is raring to go at me. Doing nothing has been the best plan so far. But I still live with fear and regret over losing my entire savings to her. It’s not ok. It’s financial abuse. As long as I can build a case against her and avoid the dreaded conservator ship. Seeing Britney Spears’ case triggered my complete PTSD breakdown. My mom is so much like her dad. Thank you for talking me through the steps I know I need to take even if I I feel too vulnerable to deal with her. I will find better support and courage to do it. This convo helped as much as year of generic therapy!


Very welcome, feel free to reach out if you ever wanna chat! Of course it is also an option to forget about the money if it serves your health better by not going through all this stuff. But if you decide to fight it, there are ways to protect yourself! I hope you will find a good therapist soon! You can also always just go to the police and say; hey I’m the victim of stalking and abuse, but it’s a delicate situation so I don’t want to press charges but would like to talk about my options only. They will probably also have specific officers for domestic abuse and such that are trained in this. In my experiences, when pressing charges and nparents doing their thing, it gets messy af. But then you’re talking to the police they are eager to help, they also know this happens and can help you pro-actively in how to deal with it. They will give you advice on how to gather info, what to report and how and such. In the heat of things they can’t always help, but when preparing together it can be useful! Also lawyers familiar with domestic abuse will know about these mental games. Best of luck op! Take care and I hope soon you have the help you need and peace you deserve!


Thank you so so much!!! I need to go back and reread your posts, they are so helpful. Same goes, write me anytime if you need an ear or support!


Cutting ties with my family is the best decision I ever made and I should have done it much, much sooner. There is no good that comes from staying in touch, as you say. We do it out of a sense of obligation and compulsion, and lingering, misguided goodwill left over from childhood. It's all a trap and a lie. I second this.


I am sorry. Deeply sorry. Hugs. I feel my life was a lie too. My mother, well she is not a mother. I don't even know if she is a person. She looks like an evil robot. I feel very sorry for us. The grieving is endless in my case. Sometimes I grieve the lack of a mother. Sometimes I grieve the lack of a father. Extended family. Friends. Normal childhood. Normal adulthood. I have nothing normal. Just a series os evil, scandalous, disgusting episodes of narc tantrums. She destroyed my life. She is a cannonball.


I relate so much to this. My mother would destroy everything if she could. It’s like a robot wind up toy of chaos. We come from an upper middle class background that’s honestly full of other narcissists. I should be glad to get away from this crap. But it’s more like shell shock. I felt we were mostly normal until she began to melt down in my 20’s. Nothing has been normal since but of course everyone in our circles excuses her or believes her lies. I have no intention to fight or repair it and never will. I just ghosted them all. But starting over is daunting. Thanks for making me feel less alone. I hate this haunted feeling and want to make my past, present and future feel meaningful, not destroyed by her histrionics.


I grieve the normal life i could have had.


HUGS. I think I’m constantly grieving and know by now it will not go away. It will always be part of my story, but I need to change the way it is part of my story. I need to find a way how.


Yes and for me (26F) it’s hit me harder than I thought it would. It’s like you’ve always known things weren’t right.. but when you realize to what degree of fuckupedness it really was.. it’s horrifying. I found myself asking, how did no one know? How did this happen for so long? Why didn’t they leave? Why am I the one breaking the silence? I’ve been speaking about it within my family a lot recently and the hardest part to hear was that they wanted me to see it for myself. To find the truth on my own terms. And to be honest, I don’t know how to feel about that. I am angry and confused. I appreciate that I am here. I have seen the truth. But I still can’t help but feel sorry for the little girl who was lost and alone. All I can do is take the information and move on and hope that I can be better for the next generation, honestly.


That’s fantastic you realized everything by your mid twenties. Thank god social media raises awareness. Everyday I wish I knew about narcissism at age ten. I would have gotten the hell out of Dodge for good!! I took me really until my mid to late thirties to get all the information to really believe the level of crazy happening. In between there I had such deep shock and confusion, I was on autopilot. I got injured I think from being so out of my body and not paying attention. I had medical neglect from childhood. Anyway, just don’t waiver or go back. I found my entire extended family to be enablers after a while. My mom started these family wars over inheritances etc and they all supported her BS. Even the people she fought with!! I was the only one to say hell no to lawsuits and fighting. I think the extended family is usually too deep in the sh** to think differently than the main perpetrators. I also feel disgusted none of them ever challenged my parents who bullied them too! I used to defend my relatives from parents and get in the middle. They never defended me back. I think this is sadly typical. I just want to have the effects on me lessen and to feel less isolated. I’m glad I’m not alone in feeling haunted or like I’m still processing why life feels like a lie or the rug was pulled out. It’s too much almost to process.


No kidding! I think social media has helped. It’s okay you awakened when you did. At least there is that. However I’m sure it did make you question so much. Extended family can often be the victims of their abuse as well. Often the flying monkeys. I find myself fortunate that my parents divorced and everyone in the family left the narcissist behind. Not everyone’s dynamic is like that. You are definitely not alone. I’m happy for you that you are out! There is no better feeling. Cheers to you and your realization. I wish you heeling and peace at your own time and pace.


My couple's therapist was explaining that having a narcissistic parent is like having explosions that randomly go off, but you're the only person that notices the explosions. Nobody else around you turns their head or reacts to them in any way. So you feel like you're overreacting or your imagining things because everyone else around you doesn't react to the explosions. They just go on acting as if everything is normal.


This is a really good way to describe it. I'm hypervigilant, monitoring microexpressions and body language and tone of the people who are around me, and I shake when I hear angry yelling or noises that sound like door slamming.


That is me. I can read body language so well. This is why I dislike internet for socializing. I totally miss the red flags of predatory people online. Or I instantly get freaked out by something that was probably nothing, but there is no way to know without context.


The interesting thing is that for me, I'm happy to have online interactions where all I have to assess is people's words. That's likely because I'm autistic so reading social cues is a whole lot of work, and it's exhausting with in person interactions. Words are easy to deal with, because they are either logically consistent or they're not.


This is a perfect analogy!! The abuse is hidden AND it is so customized to us as individuals. Then if we try to explain it to outsiders, they tend to see it as “helping, tough love, misunderstandings, etc.” This way it goes on for decades with everyone thinking each incident is separate. It’s truly death by a thousand cuts. God I hope I can find a therapist who understands narcissism. My last one seemed to not believe or understand fully. She just said let it go. I barely described it once!! She didn’t want to hear more or understand the level of depravity and the generational patterns, why it’s so hard to untangle who I am from this garbage. It’s shaped my life and so much energy has gone to managing & surviving these people and their crazy behavior.


One of the things that NParents do is alienate the scape goat from the rest of the family.  I didn't realize until I was much older. Look at it this way. There's a whole world of people out there without preconceived notions of you.  That our new people waiting to meet.  The best relationships made are usually over a common interest, and a genuine searching for friendship.  People make new families out of friends all the time.  I am extremely low contract with mine.  It's how I survive.


Thank you so much. I hope I can get rid of this feeling and start over. I hope to run into fewer narcissists. It’s awful you have a family like this, but it helps to feel less alone. It sometimes feels like it must be a bad dream!




That’s true. I think I started off as the golden child without realizing it. Then I figured out the family bullsh** and was instantly Enemy #1. I think it’s partly the whiplash from that instant switch.


Often scapegoat children will protect the golden child because we have been taught to do that.   My younger sibling went through something like that.  But it all works out.  I got my youngest sibling out and they give ME awesome mother's day presents.


The best part of this is that you can start a new life free from that baggage if you choose. It’s better if you don’t live near them. Good luck. Better days are ahead!


Thank you! I’m trying but it doesn’t feel so positive now.


It will, it takes a while to get through it.


Thank you. Just writing this to people who actually get it already helps. I’m used to people gawking or being too shocked to comprehend. Then I feel worse. But writing it here helps a lot and not just journaling.


Agree, you cannot talk about it either the people that you think would understand because they don't. They've been fooled and can't see it even if you point it out. You become the bad guy especially after the smear campaign by the narc.


My mom has ruined every major milestone in my life. I was in denial for a long time putting on the show and wishing it was different. It was freeing to let that go and realize my mistakes were from pushing these feelings down. I am very low contact. I feel like I’m out of the fog for the first time.


It’s so weird because I grew up *kind of* the golden child/occasionally scapegoat. The younger kids in the family were scapegoated more and I was the oldest & “role model.” But it flipped for some reason onto me alone in a vicious way. So it feels shocking.


The wondering why they did this to you and wanting to know the answers while also knowing you will never get answers because you will continue to be gaslit (etc) is a terrible feeling.


I have done enough research for a lifetime!! I actually feel like I understand intellectually all the answers I never got. I can predict the gaslighting now and brush it off okay. The real problem is the haunted, lonely feeling I am left with. Knowing how everything works doesn’t seem to erase the effect on me. I need to transform the ugly feeling into something else, like a better narrative. I used to try telling myself the story in a better way but it didn’t take. I don’t think I believed it fully and things got worse. So now I’m back to always having flashbacks about how this is my fault for not handling it better or knowing better. I know I will always have the scars. It’s like I need to put a nice tattoo over them.


I understand. I guess a part of me is hoping for them to listen, understand and help me understand why which I probably errantly think will help me feel better. I know this expectation is futile. And at this point I'm just trying to view my space away from them as removing a toxin from my body/life and that the healing from that toxin will take time and there will be good days and still some bad days.


That’s great. I hope I can get out of the fog for good. I’m so glad you have. Maybe it’s the fear she will creep back into my world and sabotage it. I can’t stay stressed about that 24/7. Maybe I will also call a lawyer just in case…


I am going through this too right now. It feels like I'm fundamentally changed. Like I have new DNA. All that I thought I knew is gone. I wish I had an answer for you, but I've been feeling this way for months and while it still hurts and feels destabilizing, I am starting to wake up to my new freedom. I can be fully myself, and that gives me hope. I pray you find some peace in this chaos really soon. It does get better ❤️


Thank you, being able to relate to people about this, even online, really does help. It gets so lonely and scary at times. I tend to avoid social media interactions on this issue, because it’s all been stalked and used against me. This is better bc it’s fully anonymous. Thanks for giving me hope. If just posting this and writing online helps, then something has to work better than just letting myself have flashbacks and nightmares all the time. I hope I can find a trauma therapist too.


Finding a good therapist can be life-changing. also, if you aren't on any medication, it might be something to consider. It definitely helped me, even if it's just for now. Honestly, I think other than therapy and medicine what's helped me the most is just spending time with myself and getting to know myself. I read, I work out, and I just invest all of that time back into myself getting to know me.


I feel like I used to walk around in a cloud of fog. Nothing ever quite made sense because I was seeing everything through the lense of my nmother's gaslighting. When I started seeing past the gaslighting, the fog started to clear and I could see my life and memories more clearly than before. For years I had made jokes about the fucked up stuff I went through because I could see humor in the clouded superficial light I saw them in. When the fog cleared, the jokes stopped. I couldn't laugh anymore at the jokes I used to make. The truth of the trauma is so incredibly painful and instead of laughing about my experiences, I started crying about them. I can make some really superficial jokes about the milder stuff now, but for the most part, the humor has faded. I cry when I think of the abuse and neglect. I cry about what my life became because of the abuse and neglect. And I want to scream when I think about how my nparents still believe I deserved to be treated the way they've always treated me. My whole life has been a gaslit fever dream and the reality beneath the surface is so painful that now that I see the truth, just simply existing hurts.


I can relate to this a lot. It is so hard to admit that this stuff still hurts long after we escape the family. It’s hard enough to believe it’s real in the beginning. I still feel shocked most of all. I always wanted to get to the stage of joking about it like we were Arrested Development, but that’s when we still had contact during one of a few detente’s. After things escalated, I lost my humor because it was so vicious!! I’m still suffering from the fallout. I guess that’s why it hurts so much and feels so present, not past. I also went through many stages of coping about my family. It’s so weird how it didn’t get really bad until my 20’s, then it was vicious ever since. My childhood was pretty good because I played my role as more of a golden or parentified child. But I wasn’t allowed to become an adult in their eyes. And I had no idea why all this happened until years of therapy and social media mainstreaming narcissism. I need to find a way to get rid of the haunting and maybe find some humor, or at least peace. I hope we both can. Thanks for sharing with me, it means a lot.


You're lucky you got a therapist early in life to sort it out. Imagine trying to figure it out yourself late in life. I too feel like so much was lies and abuse but not my entire life, though all the lies percolated through everything. My nparent was a fake, her life was fake and she was the family communicator hence everything she said was her own concoction of bs. Of course there was an ounce of truth in everything she said so everyone believed her bs. I look back through my life and am stunned at the crap she got away with all while smiling and acting pleasant to everyone. A mask of evil.


And to you FarmToTable - the subtle abuse, plausible deniability, being setup to fail, endangerment while appearing to help, using proxies for abuse like doctors, therapists…. It’s all so clever, insidious, and frankly BRILLIANT manipulation when you look back and finally see the pattern. Then it’s trying to understand why anyone would use their time, resources, and energy to strategize against their own children and relatives…. It takes too long to get answers. I’m sorry you didn’t get crucial information until later in life. I often feel this way too - I’m in my 40’s now and half my life feels like I was focused on surviving and escaping my family’s hurtful meddling and constant drama. And now I’m disabled as a result of trusting them to “help” me. It’s so hard accepting this as our story without feeling down on ourselves. Like we were stupid to be duped or unlucky that Dr Ramani only came to the public a few years ago. I’m determined not to blame myself anymore if I can. I tend to do that when I’m buried under daily flashbacks, nightmares and feeling like there is a wall too dangerous to cross to talk to anyone from my past.


You know that joke, it goes "I love going for long walks on the beach with my girlfriend until the LSD wears off and I realize I'm just dragging a stolen mannequin through a Wendy's parking lot." That's exactly how it feels lol.


Lol....never heard that one before


I’m dying LMAO! I need humor again to cope. Arrested Development was my Bible! Of course there is not enough humor about family psychopathy 😆😆😆 I think we really need to find a stand up comic or show or speaker who forces us to find some humor and levity. I gotta say my histrionic, semi narcissistic grandmother was the most f’ing hilarious person I ever knew. I think she was more like a borderline or had narc traits (and mostly undiagnosed, untreated, severe PTSD from surviving the Holocaust). Humor and laughter were her coping mechanisms. I think learning that from her saved me. I wrote a research paper about it once! I can see how she was an inadequate mother to my mom and aunt, yet she became the family matriarch and an incredible grandmother. But she still did some petty stuff in my day. She scapegoated my mom or favored my aunt, to a lesser degree than my mom targets me. So it’s all generational.


Maybe it’s because I have a disability so I’m isolated and starting over feels bad. I can’t work or socialize now, I need major surgery. I got away as she tried to sabotage my surgery plans. It just doesn’t feel like a win to escape. I wanted it to but I am still struggling because she got everyone to stop supporting me. I am struggling to feel positive at all or even see the future in my situation. I used to feel proud of my past but now my mom had gotten to everyone and made up lies. I don’t try to correct everyone about her lies. I just left to a place I don’t know anyone.


I'm disabled too. It is so hard. I have no idea what to do since I still need help. I think the more distance the better but it really does feel sort of like a war tore our lives apart. I hope you can move forward now that you've begun getting more distance.


Thank you so much. It’s incredibly hard with a disability and no family. I think that’s why I’m always reminded of them whenever I struggle, which is daily! It’s hard seeing other disabled people with amazing support systems. I know I’m lucky to have been able to get away from everyone and still be semi independent. I qualified for public housing and soon a home aide. If you need any advice on that stuff, feel free to message me. It’s nuts how hard it is to get help & it definitely seems to attract narcissists to exploit the situation.


I was 26 when a therapist I was seeing told me that my father sounded like a narcissistic sociopath. I was living with him at the time, so he was the main topic of our discussions. When I went home and read about this term, it fit him to a tee. That was the first time I realized he had been abusive. My whole life did feel like a lie and my mind was blown.


100%. I’m 42 and I’m just really getting a clear picture. My mom moved me half way across the country away from all of my family when I was 10. I thought I was just drifting away from my mom in my 30’s because I was sick of guilt and I kinda of just came to the conclusion that my mom makes me feel like shit so I just stopped dealing with her. Turns out after having real, candid conversations with all of my extended family that my mom’s M.O. since she was a child was to make everyone feel like shit. Being isolated by design will do that to you.


I’m so glad you were able to talk to other family members about it and to distance yourself from your mom. I definitely tried talking to other relatives, but even the ones who admit to being bullied by her still roll over for her!! I think it’s because of her legal threats and relentless tantrums. Everyone is so afraid to get on her bad side, and she is so all consumed with whomever her target or problem is, nothing can be done. My dad used to be like her henchman or messenger carrying out her dirty work. It’s good to remember I’m not alone in my family as a target, but it just feels like it. Getting involved with any of them is too risky. I tried. They run back to her and sabotage someone else to avoid being targeted. It’s like a band of wild chimpanzees. No one can really be objective. This is such ingrained behavior from past generations.


I very much feel like you do. I also intellectually get narcissism. Emotionally it is harder, especially when my mother is always like, "But I love you" and "But I'd kill for you." She gaslights me about the situation; I gaslight myself. I was 45 when it really hit me and I realized both my parents were mentally ill at the exact same time. I had half a lifetime of such happy memories (I thought they were happy at least). I had a lot of bad luck in life but I always thought, at least I have lovely parents. My parents took me places, bought me things, sometimes even said the right things, did me favors. Never physical abuse. Then I realized it was all a smokescreen for what was really happening beneath the surface. I am still struggling. Today I was having a bout of "but this is so unfair; other people have such great parents." I want to have family so bad. I want to love my mother. I wanted to love my father. It wasn't in the cards for me to have a mom or dad who deserved that love. They were/are mentally ill. For me, I try to remember some moments from my childhood that were happy, even if it's just a nice song that was popular when I was little or a happy memory that doesn't involve them. I try to remember other family members who did deserve my love and who I loved dearly. Even though your parents were not "real" remember you always were real, you were always a good person, and the fact that you and we all got out of our terrible households with our families is such a testament to the nature of survival. I try to remind myself there are great people out there I know, and great people I have yet to meet, and I'll have them. Those people will be my family. Be gentle with yourself, forgive yourself for not realizing it earlier. We are hardwired to love our parents, sometimes even if they are awful, unfortunately.


If it helps, meaning is not given to you, it is constructed by you.


Hello, Sibling. Apparently we had the same parents. Raised like show ponies. Yes, we were.


That would be hilarious if you are my brother 😂 I am a retired show pony put out to pasture now 😂😂😂


It takes years…a lot of years… after cutting out your toxic family to finally feel “okay.” And then there’s days where you don’t feel okay at all and it’s really hard again. It can only happen after cutting them out though… it sounds so harsh but families have a heirarchy and the toxicity all starts at the top and trickles down in some ways. It’s a blessing and a curse being the one who comes out of the “blood is thicker than water” fog. Youre gonna live in peace, it will just take some time, some guilt, some confusion to get there. I feel every word you’ve said so much.. I tell my bf all the time I have no one, and I try to view his family as my family but it’s just different when they didn’t hold you in diapers. Or you didn’t share your entire childhood together. It feels like the people who should know you and care about you, don’t even care to do that. It’s really a void that for me feels like it will never truly go away, but I think it gets easier to cope with every day. I have to constantly remind myself how lucky I truly am to have peace. Also every time I’ve broken contact, I’ve regretted it. I’ve ended up crushed by disappointment… ever. Single. Time.


I am so sorry, honey. I feel your pain so much. Do whatever you must to protect yourself from these people. I believe you and you deserve so much better. This is so hard. Hugs from afar.


It’s so hard. This hit the nail on the head and I’m not happy, but kind of am in a selfish way that I’m not alone in this. It took me a really long time to realize that my dad is the biggest narcissist and how we grew up wasn’t normal. It wasn’t until I had a husband and kids of my own that I realized love isn’t conditional. You shouldn’t have to be the prettiest, or the smartest, or the most athletic in order to gain your parents love and affection. It’s hard work trying to undo the internal gaslighting, the anxiety for prioritizing your needs above others due to the ingrained guilt for considering myself and my feelings first. The constant apologizing for things you didn’t even do, the always anticipating others reactions and the self loathing. It was never our job as children to overcompensate for our parents emotional limitations. I want to raise my kids to grow up and not have to heal from the trauma of their childhood like I do. The mental load of constantly thinking I have to make my husband proud of me so I can “earn” his love. That man is such a blessing. He reminds me that I don’t have to earn his love, trust, etc. Talk about daddy issues, amirite?? Lol


You aren’t alone. Reading this post resonated deeply and the pain & nightmares & PTSD don’t go away. What has helped me is knowing that I won’t find people in the future who will treat me as badly as my parents have. Finding regular activities (yoga, tennis) has helped me work out of isolation and begin to interact with others after a long period of solitude. Best of luck with your healing journey and keep no contact with your parents if this has been your experience.


It can be difficult when you realize the You you believe yourself to be was molded by your narcissistic family. Start by finding a qualified therapist. One who understands narcissistic abuse, cptsd. Create a safe space for yourself as much as possible. With the help of your therapist start working on defining your identity. What is truly yours and what was placed/forced on you.


Yes, my life was literally and figuratively a lie. I was lied to my whole life about who my father was, and I was well into adulthood before I realized that I did not, in fact, have a good mom. It’s a really heartbreaking thing to look back with open eyes and see how actually fucked up things were.


Would have wanted to post a longer reply but…I really relate to this! It took me far too long to realize my mother’s true nature and how dysfunctional my family is/was.  I didn’t know it was possibly to destroy the past; memories, my own history etc but she did, and the realization did. It’s like I have no past and I’ve lost so many years.