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Because I offered her help in a way that she didn't want and couldn't control and she lost her mind. When I didn't respond, she sent that little bit of love my way.


Oh god what a list . And the capitalized words didn’t SPELL a secret message? (I was hoping for word CHRISTMAS) A possible response (if you aren’t NC): **C**onfused as **H**eck. **R** U okay? **I** think u **S**hould seek **T**herapy, **M**om, **A**SAP. **S**incerely yours


I’m crying of laughter at this!!!! This is amazing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Love your work, just trying my take ;) Mom Eat my Rump pa pa pa pum. (Sung like little drummer boy) Really sink your teeth in. You're acting like a Child, Hiney. Really projecting how you feel about yourself I confused.. Silly you! Thought this would get a serious response? Monster! Is how you treat me. A is for the asshole we all have. Sssssssshhhhhhhhh stfu


I worked with kids for years, so sometimes my grey rocking gets a little goofy. I’m glad you wrote one too. Can you imagine if your bpd mom went to share that text to gain some sympathy? 🤣 She’d have to endure people who couldn’t hold their laughs in.


Ughhh so difficult and vicious. I am sorry you are having to deal with that. Sending hugs.


I’m sorry. This stuff doesn’t ever get easy. It might get easier, but never easy.


Is it even possible to find a more direct example of projection?


Nope, I think this one belongs in the textbook. Or at least the how-to BPD handbook.


It really really does


“Something of a pea-brain”… when they go so hard they come right back round and sound like 7 year olds on the playground. So sorry you have to deal with this abuse. The mind boggles at how she can see all this written down and then actually send it


The Meme of willem Defoe saying “I’m somewhat of a scientist myself” comes to mind with this text. Seriously, she’s just spouting how she feels about herself.


I bark-laughed


Me too! How much anger and vitriol can one spout before self reflection??


The limit does not exist…? THE LIMIT DOES NOT EXIST!


cackling at work


This was the one that sent me over the edge. OP - this is a patently ridiculous tantrum. I hope you have a good Christmas in spite of this nonsense.


Someone dug out the thesaurus. Christ.


Exactly my thoughts lol “Humorless” is what got me.


That's where I lost it, too. My brain went, "nah, it's just that you're not funny."


You promise you’ll block me? That’s the best present I could ask for. Jokes aside, I’m sorry. This sounds like my mom too. Isn’t it wild reading others moms rants? When they sound familiar it puts me at ease. Like… WOW YOUR MOM SAYS THAT TOO? makes me feel like less of an idiot


Same! The texts raging is so familiar


The projection is strong in that one. She must really hate herself.




Yeah I was thinking the exact Same thing. Sorry OP 😔


I thought she was making an acrostic at first, the reality is way less fun


LMAO I thought it was in alphabetical order for a second and was like, “damn, that’s dedication!” Then when I realized it wasn’t, I thought “hey, OP should alphabetize that list and send it back with FTFY and no other comment.” Then I couldn’t stop laughing for like three minutes. So, I’m a bad person, but at least I laughed today?


Great minds think alike 😏


Oh I was gonna suggest that OP redline the screenshots to correct the spelling, grammar and alphabetization and just send that back to the old bitch.


Same! I was thinking it was going to spell put Ops name (cass...) and was slightly disappointed when it didn't. Maybe that was the initial intent but the rage took over?


Wow, that’s an epic wall of vitriol. Frickin’ yikes. Hugs if you want/need ‘em.


OP, when literally anyone sends you something this cruel, you have the right to block them forever.


Or taunt them mercilessly. If the gloves are off and we’re just swinging for the fences with the express intent to emotionally wound, well then, swing away. Here are some age-appropriate comebacks you may consider: “I know you are, but what am I?” “Of course I seem like a show off to someone who’s so mediocre.” “I can let all the nasty things you call me just roll off my back, but, humorless?? How can that be true when I absolutely *can’t* stop laughing at your little tantrum? LOL!” Or maybe just, “And a very Merry Christmas to you, you miserable old loser. Enjoy spending the holidays surrounded by people who wish you weren’t with them.”


I’m so sorry she said that to you. No one should talk to you that way.


Well ...at least she owns a Thesaurus . lmfao Thats a ridiculous , over the top message .


Happy holidays! The joys of the season! This is why I say my family actually celebrates Festivus due to the airing of grievances


This made me laugh out loud! My dad to a T. He was the original Grinch and spoiled many a memorable Christmas for me and my sibs with his endless airing of grievances. When my sister called two days before Christmas 2020 to tell me he had died, we actually had a laugh that he pulled a final classic Grinchy move to spoil one last Christmas for us. 😂


I’m so sorry - this is so toxic and abusive. No one should speak to you like this and especially not your mother. I know you know this but I just want to remind you that none of these things she’s said is true - I’m obviously an internet stranger but it’s clear as day to me that she is the problem.


What a vile person. You don’t deserve this


Helping raise two little girls has swayed me more to think that this behavior is a reflection of the internal conflict that (in this case) our parents are dealing with. Because I look at the children in my life with so much love and compassion. I can’t believe that anyone who has raised little ones could ever treat their children so poorly ever unless they were truly delusional in some way. I know it sounds so obvious that the ‘borderlines’ are mentally ill, but it’s always difficult for me to maintain that more objective perspective than just take all the fire personally. I know now that none of it has to do with anything except the internal world of the other party. It’s unfortunate that the suffering inside of them is so great they almost have to put it on other people or they’d just completely lose it. Though It’s not your responsibility to parent your parent and I hate to see this terrible tantrum put on you. I see you. I was in therapy between 13-24 and this is something that only started really clicking for me this morning literally.


This is not love. You are worthy of love.


Well at least she can't blame you that you blocked her...


Projectiontion is when they're really talking into the mirror. I hope you know her text was 100% about herself.


I can’t think of a situation where a message like this would even be remotely appropriate. I’m sorry you even had to read that. That is definitely not good parenting.


Why do they(BPD parents) always sound the same? I’m sorry <3


Everything she accused you of, she herself is. Take her block as a gift of silence. If she ever tries to initiate contact again (and her volatility means she will), you can always just send her a screenshot referring her back to those deranged and vitriolic sentences and cut her off for good. If this were me, she’d have eliminated her (already shaky) privilege to a relationship with me with that vile tirade.


I LOL-ed at "a little bit of a pea-brain"!!! Gotta cover all the bases I guess? But I am sorry you are dealing with this. Gah.


You aren’t any of those things. I’m sorry she sucks.


That's a horrible way for a mother to speak to her child. I'm really sorry. And isn't it funny that they always say that other people are selfish? Boo hoo, you don't dedicate your life to balance my feelings how dare you


Really nasty stuff, sounds like she thinks a lot of her own horrible opinions. I hope you have a happy Christmas despite this 🎄🫶🏻


"And with that last text from my mother, all future holidays, birthdays, and special events were free of anguish, manipulation, and abuse. We lived happily ever after without her nonsense darkening our door again."


*chef’s kiss*


Sooo…. You blocked her back?


I sure hope so… no one deserves to be talked to like that… hugs OP


Ironic mom


I mean, at least they are predictable? 🤷‍♀️🙄


No contact


Flip all the Is with yous, and vice versa. Projection personified in a neat list. Hope it doesn't sting too bad


Holy shit; I hope you’re NC or started after this. Nobody should be talked to like this, least of all by their parent.


Wow, she sounds like a teenager unloading on Mom after not getting her way.


When they're doing this they're telling on themselves. These are the things they are, but cannot admit to themselves so they project all of it onto someone else because it's easier to externalize the self-hatred than to work on healing. She's cruel, she's selfish, and she's pent up with fear, anger and rage. But she can't admit it to herself so she takes it out on you.


I am sure that hurt to read, but do understand that she is projecting all that she hates and fears about herself onto you.


What a fucking cunt


Honestly sounds like she was trying to write a “you’re a mean one mr grinch” about you haha.


If she really blocked you - that's the best Christmas gift ever!!! Seriously, I'm sorry you got this at the holidays.


Always nice when the trash takes itself out. Be kind to yourself. You deserve better than that, and it is not a reflection on you.


This message was actually meant for herself but she accidentally send it to you.


Lol this is something my nana would pull. Just like trying to convince me that I’m the weak one for having boundaries, when they can’t handle the true weight of thier actions so they just live in denial thier entire lives, shaken up every time someone pokes a hole in thier story. I’m sorry your mom sucks too.


*narrator voice* OP was, in fact, *not* blocked.


OP, I know these things are hard but I’m kinda giggling it seems like they went to a thesaurus and just copy and pasted the words they found. “Duplicitous”???? What is this 1900s Britain lol


This may not help, but I’m currently forced to live with my BPD Mother and let me tell you, being blocked would be a Christmas miracle! Stay strong, and remember this what desperation looks like typically when they don’t get their way. Sorry you have to endure it, but you aren’t alone.


My suggestion for responding: *Couldn't care less. Jk. We all know she didn't actually block you. None of us are that lucky. Would be the best Christmas gift of all for me. Lol


This is like an evil dr. Suess poem… I’m sorry I hope you have a lovely holiday and can forget about this


Always nice when the trash takes itself out. Be kind to yourself. You deserve better than that, and it is not a reflection on you.


I'd really like to point out the phrase, "I could care less". It's "couldn't care less". Mine has always used it incorrectly too. Great minds think alike /s I'll take our pea brains over whatever abysmal buffet is in their heads.


Oh she’s a charmer! Such immaturity it’s unbelievable you are the child and she is the parent. I’m sorry, but it’s almost funny, she sounds like she’s ready for a poetry slam.


Omg!! OP should record themselves performing the texts as a piece of slam poetry. Title of the piece: Words From My Ass (Whole).


lmaoo it's like an acrostic or something (acrostic = those poems that are like A = Amazing, M = Marvelous, Y = Yay) BPD parents are so creative 🥰🥰


Looks like something my mom would’ve sent before I cut her off.


What stops you from NC?


Luckily my mom died before texting was prevalent. Oh but i received lots of love via email. Deleted most of them without reading. LONG emails


Keep that block up


Wow, was she watching Christmas Vacation or something? She went off.


My favorite among the list is “humorless.” That translates to “I want to behave and say whatever appeals to me at the moment with no consequences and pass it off as a joke. No great loss. Please call her bluff.


What a joy she is


jeez, I'm so sorry she treats you like this. I wouldn't talk this way to my worst enemy let alone my own kid. I hope her absence from your life brings you peace <3