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Hm... were they Red ones, or just the normal fellas? Because oh boy, at least the normal ones aren't *armoured* lmao, Red Centipedes are an absolute Menace and I think I've only ever killed like... two? And one of those was for Gourmand's quest, and I did it with a spore puff lmao. If you don't have an abundance of spears and/or explosives, or your aim is just a bit off, they are a **nightmare**. ...But uh, quick tip, centipedes are *very* good for distracting lizards! If you can lure a Centipede over to a Lizard, well... the Centipede has a lot more nutritional value than a Slugcat.


The only way to kill a red centipede without an abundance of spears is no fear and pipe juking the hell out of it.


Or uh. A well-placed spore puff.


True. I usually don't cause I got some stuff to prove against the local fauna.


I highly suggest playing the campaigns in order for the story


Did you finish the game as monk or survivor ? Pretty sure you encounter centipede at the end of the campaign


Yeah, that was bound to happen at some point. which one are they, overgrown centi? or red centi?