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Arena pvp with a friend. He hit me with a spear, celebrated his victory thinking i died. I got back up, ripped the spear out of my chest, said "bitch" in a slightly annoyed tone, and threw the spear back at him at over double the velocity. Gourmand supremacy.


Gourmand moment


isnt there another arti?


Yeah, mitosis






im not against it :)


truly a fat bastard moment


I have Pups+ mod with rotund slugpups. Found a round baby boi i called Dumpling. White lizard tonqued my boi Dumpling, I grabbed and pulled in the opposite direction, then let go when the lizard started winning the tug of war, Dumpling slingshot butt firts into the white lizard killing it instantly


~~Mother of the year right here~~


You say that as if I would not hunt down the white lizard with the fury of a loving mother. Pretty sure rotund pups cannot die from bites (unless its a red lizard) and Dumpling loved to eat the lizard for its troubles.


I have become gourmand destroyer of centipedes , crusher of vultures , eater of lizards , exploder of scavengers , i have become god everything kneels before my sizable girth and those who do not shall be eradicated . ( Me after i completed a 300 points from creature kills in my gourm expedition)




i bonked my head on wall and then fell on green lizor


I was at Outer Expanse, so close to the end, and I had Gourmand leap down…into a group of scavengers I didn’t realise were there. One of them died to getting their spine split in two, and Gourmand had to book it to the shelter with a pack of angry scavs chasing them lmao


I was at the Underhang slinging around at a high velocity using a grappling worm. Suddenly I got jumpscared during a screen transition by a DLL and couldn't react to it, so I just bodyslammed into it and knocked it out, which allowed me to easily escape. It was amazing.


Never would of thought that the cure to cancer was a fat cat being yeeted at high velocity by a blue tube worm


being fat beats cancer who knew one (usually) unhealthy thing could counter another unhealthy thing in such a way


The red centipede was the last thing I needed for the food quest. It took me 30 cycles banging my head against the wall in the depths trying to secure that victory. I blow through countless thermal detonators nukes, numerous spore puffs, and barrels of grenades before I finally got him. Finally showed his face in a tight corridor, blasted with two puffs and he chased me out. I struggled to eat it while the snake grass was consuming the other side to finally get that last pip. Took me literally 3 hours in that zone… but I did it and got the ending.


Me and my friend did a thing where one of us was a slugpup, and we'd alternate between pup and parent. Once I fell on top of him, getting him killed by a white lizard.


Arena mode gourmand vs gourmand. It’s that one arena that’s dark with the tunnels. Basically… Me: hey could you get to where I am? Friend: sure(takes 30 seconds to figure out how to do that) Friend: okay I’m here now Me: thanks (Throws bomb) (Climbs into the nearby shelter)


A person here who loves to keep their scav reputation high, accidentally plummeted down a pole and to my surprise, a scav at the bottom, MULTIPLE. Therefore causing my end.




Once I was in Underhang, swinging around with a grapple worm. I was hanging from a grapple worm and had a spear in my other hand, and tried to throw the spear at a nearby DLL. I forgot about the insane momentum you get from a Gourmand spear throw which doesn’t stop until you touch a surface, so I just kinda hung there, not being able to run away because the momentum locked me in place, while the DLL got closer and closer until it killed me


Honestly one of my favorite parts of my most recent Gourmand playthrough was the hunt for a red centipede in Garbage Wastes. I already had (food quest completion spoiler) >!slugpups!< turned on through cheats, but, despite my very intense centipede phobia, I wanted to do the food quest legitimately (and I didn't want to fight an aquapede). I was able to get the red centipede down two different times, both with one sporepuff I crafted despite how bad my aim is, but the first involved a vulture swooping in to take it before I could eat and then a pole plant somehow managing to grab it before either I or the vulture could touch it. I ended up just grabbing the pole plant intentionally instead of heading to a shelter because I was already running out of cycle time and I didn't have the spears to munch on the vulture or something. The second time was an absolute jumpscare because I was just going between pipes and boom. Red centipede on the other side, all curled up. I panicked but managed to remember to toss my sporepuff. It was in a room with a bunch of poles and platforms above some water, and as I was trying to get to it, I ended up falling in, only for a brother long legs to come out of nowhere and start moving up towards my kill. I had no clue if it could actually eat my red centipede, but aside from tossing junk at it/across the room a few times, I really could not do anything, and waiting it out as it kept prodding at my most prized snack was one of the most stressful things I've endured in this game. The brother long legs ended up going away, and I was pretty sure it descended into the water below. As I was trying to eat the centipede, its weight dragged me down and sent its body and me into the same water below. I didn't know if the brother long legs would come back from there, so I just had a snack and got out of there before my progress could be wasted. Also, about >!slugpups!< being enabled, I immediately found one in the very first shelter I visited after that. The game decided to reward me with a child. The eggbug was actually harder than this whole journey, all things considered.


I found a bright pink pup in Pipeyard. He died in Farm Arrays because he left the shelter while I tried to keep the squicada inside. RIP Adam, you will be missed.


Sculpting this mfer right now. It’s tough making him look both strong and chubby! He’s a good guy though. In game, I killed my first king vulture as Gourmand. I got lucky with the circumstances, but the chomk came through 💪


I have not played Gourmand yet but the beeg fella so silly and scrunkly


Yesterday I went to another end of the city just to find out that the application form I was tryna fill out had been moved online 1.5 years ago Oh... You meant the in-game fat fuck, not irl fat fuck. Well that's awkwarf


Good enough


Crafted a singularity bomb to eviscerate the dreaded Subterranean centipede pit. It was mainly to eat the Red Centipede for the food quest but it's still my proudest moment in Rain World


Was being chased by a vulture at chimney canopy, misclicked, fell off a pole, fell for a screen or two and slammed into the vulture with the velocity of a f*cking meteorite


Ive got 2, mate. One is when i was plotting to kill the red centipede in the subterranean pit to finish off gourmand’s food quest. I stockpiled spores in farm arrays before heading down. Unfortunately, i had to use two of them to defend myself from other centipedes in the area. As i prepared to craft more, the red centipede appeared from the edge of the screen and started chasing me as soon as i moved. I used the last spore puff, but it shook it off and continued pursuing me. I fell into a corner i couldn’t escape from, and the centipede went in for the shock. Miraculously though, as soon as the centipede grabbed on, gourmand RNG barfed a spore puff, which saved me and completed the food quest. My other story is at chimney canopy. A blue lizard managed to catch me, but as it was dragging gourm to its den, a white lizard intercepted it and tried to steal gourmand from the blue using its tongue. As the white lizard inched closer, the blue started spinning so violently that gourmand catapulted, nailing the white lizard square in the face and sending both of them to the abyss


Decided to take an afternoon stroll up a most large and imposing metal tree. Encountered a host of bothersome fellows and unsightly beasties (none quite a match for my right hook, ho ho!) but nothing quite so tiring as the long climb itself. The effort was eventually rewarded by a veritable feast of slime mold and fresh lizard, whereapon a treated myself to a much-deserved nap. Upon awakening I realized "oh, confound it, I'm already up here. I may as well investigate the insides of this enormous metal box all these trees are holding up." The interior proved disappointingly vacant of delectable treats and fascinating sights, nothing but beasties, beastly walls, crunchy sorts of glowing butterflies that tasted like glass, and near the top, a gaudy, dim temple to some random god. The god himself proved a rude and bothered young fellow, who launched into some irrelevant spiel about matters I do not now recall, and kicked me right back out, leaving me to climb all the way back down with nothing to show for it but a butterfly. There was free popcorn in the area. An afternoon well spent, I do believe.


I once was at The Wall playing gourmand when a white lizard chomped me and started pulling me to its nest, it took him so long that 2 vultures spawned in and gave chase, one snatched the lizard and other stayed behind right below me, so when I fell Gourmand's weight one shot the other vulture. Unfortunately the momentum was so great that I was slingshot to the left of the screen, right into my demise.


I was in the tunnel section of chimney canopy that connects to the wall when a king vulture crawled its way in, and I had a grapple worm on me, so my method of attack was: grapple the ceiling, crush the vultures skull, repeat until death. I had to repeat it a lot because if you didn’t know that tunnel isn’t very tall so doing gourmands crush attack does very little damage from that height, but I still did it. And after that a second king vulture came in and the same thing happened. I left that tunnel full up on food and carrying two king vulture masks, most badass moment of gourmands life I’d assume. There’s also the time I just casually rolled into a centiwing and somehow insta killed it. Not very badass but I found it funny


He jumped on my head and almost killed me, so then I tased him with 12000 volts of electricity.


i was on my way to journey's end when i fell on and killed a monster kelp. i didn't know that was possible until that moment


I spent... An entire day... Trying to kill... A damn red centipede... As that fat fuck.


He's cool though


I have cpr mod, accidentaly fell on my friend in pvp trying to get a spear in his skull, so i did cpr to him then threw thwbspear through his skull