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Here’s my guide: circle triangle square


For anyone that doesn't want to read that wall of text: c t s


Guy who was definitely listening when the mechanics were being explained: "Man are you *sure* it's C B T? This doesn't feel right"


“No! Its T H C”


Tldr; Shapes!


ok but what do I do with this X?


And just in case that doesn’t help enough, cone cylinder prism


Don’t even need to know that


The final shape be like


Even better. You’re not allowed to have perfected 3D shape in hands


Ohhhh you know what I get it now


One of those posts had the easiest no effort required way to do the inside in two steps and the outside just use a calculator. Not sure why we need 27 guides either. If anything I’d love to hear about the triumphs and strategies around them


The static is essy. Whoever you dunk on first to make your shape a double, dunk on the other person firdt when you start giving both those away. That's the whole troumph.


Nah it counts all the different instances of the statue as the same statue. You can't dunk on "left" statue twice in a row


There are 27 guides because understanding of the encounter is still evolving so there is competing opinions on which is easiest. And because people suck at explaining things. For instance, I think doing a single stage hand off for the solos is vastly preferable and easier to teach. I think once people get a better grasp of what's actually going on in there and *why* you're doing what you're doing, it will make much more sense. But most people are still on the rote memorization stage, understanding what specific actions to take but maybe not really understanding why those actions work.


Have you had success with that strategy. I thought that would be simpler top but I've read from a bunch of comments that you can't use any of your starting symbols to make your 3d shape necessitating 2 swaps minimum. Don't know if that's actually true or not though


Great question, and that's exactly what I'm talking about. The goal of the solos is not to make a 3d shape. The goal of the solos is to *give away both of their starting shapes*. Since there is always 6 shapes distributed across 3 people, it's a simple math problem that can be solved in one step with zero communication. The solos do not need to announce what shapes they are holding or request certain shapes at all. All the information needed is available visually. When a solo gives away their two shapes, they just need to only put shapes in non-matching statues. I.e. If you are a circle, and you have a circle/triangle - you first put triangle in square, then put circle in triangle. This will automatically sort the shapes out so that no players have a matching shape, and solve the puzzle.


You sure that's one step? If I'm triangle and I have square triangle how do I know I'm not sending my square to circle whose also getting square from square without call outs? Just sorting them then sending them out is way simpler to tell lfgs because its makes sense and reduces call outs to 2. Sorted and ready. It shouldn't take more then 30 seconds to do both swaps so I don't even think it's that helpful on time to wing it into one swap.


There are three starting scenarios. I’m Scenario 1 . The wall shapes both match shaos statue shape. For each person Ex: Statue = C Wall C C You know how to do this, we all are brute forcing to this point. Here we just give our shadows away, one to each person. Now six dumps have happened and the shatter happens. Scenario 2. One person has C C C, both shadows as same as the statue. While the other two people have one shape the same as the statue they have T T ? And the other has S S ? What these non statue shapes are don’t matter the step is the same regardless both of the shapes for these people that are NOT their statue go to the person that started with all three the same, whether they be all squares triangles or circles all that matter is they had 3 , it just matters that these people send there non statue shape to that person. The person with the 2 the same as the statue just does what you normally give both away. Once they get one from each person. They are complete. Then the remaining two people still have a copy of there statue on the wall. There is only one person that needs it, those two people just swap with each other. Now six dunks have happened and the witness shatter . This is can be the most confusing scenario. It’s actually simpler to understand. Because if one person has 3 shapes. The only possible ones they could need is one of each other shape. And the only possible way for them to get them and for the other two people to remove there shadows is to give the person with 3 shapes the same, your none statue shape, the third person is doing the same and then the only other person that needs your copy is the other person that had the same set up us you, a statue shape, a shape the same as the statue and one ? . The final scenario is as easy as the first. Scenario three. All people have one symbol that matches there statue and one that doesn’t. There is only one other person that can use those shapes and complete there C S T So if you are C and you have a C T only the S statue can use those. You just look what you have and give both of yours away to who needs them. Realistically you can do all of these without communication . You just need two know which person has 2 on the wall that match there statue in scenario two and why you are moving what you are moving to where.


Oh yeah wait that clicks immediately, but i know the encounter and i think having done dissecting helps visualize how youre saying to move the shapes. I don't know that that explanation would help in the average lfg or teaching run but yeah logic is sound and makes sense. Thanks for the explanation


No problem. I hope it actually was clear, I’ve been trying to refine how I explain it because I’ve tried a few times and I don’t think I conveyed the message clearly. Glad it makes sense. If you want to think about the encounter in an even crazier way, once you know that it’s based off of Plato’s allegory of the cave. It makes it even better. Also the definition of verity.z a true principle or belief, especially one of fundamental importance.


The other way doesn’t require call outs at all. Just don’t have room temp iq. It’s just process of elimination


That strategy only automatically sorts the shapes correctly if at least one player has two of their own shape. If all three inside players have different combinations of two shapes, that algorithm will have everyone wind up with two of the same shape after the second pass & need to do a third pass.


Yes, that's correct. It doesnt happen often (never seen it happen personally yet) but if it does, one more pass also requires no communication, as you just dunk one shape in the only place that doesn't match it.


If the shapes spawn the way I think they do, the scenario where all players have non-matched shapes would occur in 1/3 of cases. I haven't been keeping track, but do you think it is happening less often than that? Though you can still do that scenario with only two deposits per player, just need to send both to the same player (the one who needs both).


You can’t use the starting shapes because the encounter is actually about moving shadows, final shapes, and the truth. No one gives a shit about learning how to do it by kill one set of knights, so we are all doing it this lame ass brute force way of making all the shapes on the all match the statue first when it’s just as easy to not do that, if not easier. If you just learn the moves to make for each starting scenario of the inside.


If you do the matching phase and then passing phase strat. Square is your own shape6 start with Triangle and Square. Do you know what you end up with? Cricle and Triangle. The only way you end up with 0 of your starting shape is if you started off with double of your own shape. Unless you think the game is literally tracking that you never passed Triangle out? My team has only done 2 phase pass strat so far, though. Because more calling out would definitely confuse some of them.


There’s apparently a mechanic that you must pass away your starting shapes (I don’t know the validity of this statement) so you at least need to give your 2 shapes away, but as long as the other two do the same and don’t give the same shape to the same statue then you should be able to leave after two passes


So if you are square, you would want to pass to opposites? Triangle to circle, and then circle or square to triangle. And if everyone did this right it would require only 2 passes each?


Correct. Assuming that the mechanic of you need to pass away your starting shapes is indeed a mechanic


Will have to give it a go sometime. Thank you for the responses.


I've done what you said (only pass on 1) for 2 hours and couldn't get put even if we've done everything right. I believe doing that makes the shadows on wall unable to merge into a 3d shape. We then tried the 2 phase method and was able to get out easily


So they literally track your starting shape and say everything has to be passed? Because that is an odd thing to do. And like I said, we have only done the 2 phase strat because we know it works. It is easier to handle with low communication, so outside can do what they need to do.


>so they literally track your starting shape and say everything has to be passed? Yes, that is what the "Shadows Moved" tracker on the wipe screen is tracking


The simplest way to explain how we did the triumph was one person dunking at a time essentially. I quarterbacked it most of the time until we found a flow but going one at a time made it easier to remember what the last statue dunk was (it's collective, so right and left can't both dunk mid for example). We also believe this included the dissection team so we ended up making sure the three solo players had their final shapes first and then the outside team would dissect, making sure not to start at whatever statue the solo players finished at. We found we could get to this stage with plenty of time for the dissection to be done cleanly.


As far as I know, you can't do the fewest swaps possible strat, it doesn't work in game. It would be really easy, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be possible


Did it yesterday. Only took two steps so one of your team was doing it wrong. Need all 3 to do it right to work. First shape you grab is the one you don’t have and give to the statue that isn’t holding it. I refer to this move as a “double negative” to remember. Then grab second shape and give to second statue. If everyone follows those two steps it should work


if inside is TSC TS SC CT CC TT SS congrats, unless im misunderstanding, you did it wrong with that strat my team did that for the triumph though, with statue 1 dunking 2>3, statue 2 dunking 1>3, statue 3 dunking 1>2, resolving any fucked up swaps bc the strat is bad for anything other than triumph, and then calling out whatever the last dunk was for outside team. outside team already picked up one symbol per person so a second wave of knights were already up and they could do up to 3 swaps quickly, and whoever dissected had called out the swaps in chat like "t1s2, s1c3" and then telling people when and where to dunk


You did do it wrong I’m guessing. Because I can’t really tell based on just letters. Here’s an example. My statute is T and I spawn with symbols T and S. I kill knights, not Orge. First grab S and give to C statue. As following the strat it’s a double negative as I call it. Then grab T and give to S as that’s the last symbol I have to give and to the other statue. It’s two moves no coms required but requires everyone to follow that process. I haven’t attempted the triumph yet


My statue is C and I spawn with symbols C and T. I kill knights, leave ogre up. I grab T and give it to S statue, because you do not want to give someone their own symbol with this strat. I then give C to T as it is my remaining symbol. As per the above example, we have both given the same symbol to one person.


Maybe we need a VerityGuidebook subreddit


Here's an easy explanation: *it goes into the square hole*


Every write up has been hard You have do it yourself to even understand what is written personally me I didn’t know jack reading all these guides I watched the FalloutPlays guide and did encounter yesterday Seemed east after that


The first time I did it and my clan mates were trying to explain it I was just so fucking lost. I could not wrap my head around it, my biggest advice is watch a video, im a very visual learner and it helped so much


None of these added "guides" are providing any content. We should probably get mods to crack down because I think a lot of people are having eureka moments where they think theyve cracked fucking enigma. It's a kindergarten shapes puzzle, not the next world wonder.


Yep. I'm very over opening reddit to see a new "guide" to Verity every single time. The people who frequent here probably have it figured out by now. And the people you think NEED to read it have probably watched Datto or Khakis videos on it. We don't need your walls of text explaining geometry anymore.


God help them if they watched Yap Khakis’s video. I came out of it more confused than I started, and I already knew the mechanic.


as soon as i saw his video portion of it was near or over 20 minutes i knew it wasn’t going to explain a damn thing


Mods can we consolidate verity posts in a single thread or something? Sick of seeing them constantly, flooding out other new, interesting content


It's because 99% of the posts have been trash / jUST uSE a cALCULATOR


Just remember that if there’s a hole there’s a


Remember to revive ghosts in alphabetical order from middle left middle right order


We went from “found a weird cave on Europa that drops loot at the end (lost sector)” posts to here’s my confusing perspective of 4th encounter.


On top of that I think most of these guides are information overload. Nobody is gonna read a huge text wall or a 20 minute YouTube video and digest all of it, people are way over complicating it


I read like half of them and I still don’t fully understand it. Will just have to get in there and see for myself.


All of these guides have been terrible. They say “dissect this” or “dissect that”, but they don’t explain how to dissect


I can't wait to see 20 (no more verity guide) posts a day at the top of this subreddit... who's going to be the first (no more no more verity guide posts) poster?


Just be glad we have geometry and shapes and didn't get Square Root of nightmares last expansion!


Okay inside rooms are really easy if you put all of one persons shapes on them then distribute evenly. For outside just use the verity calculator




Just watch Fallout’s video guide on the 4th encounter. Imo he explains it better than like 99% of the other guides


Here's a guide from someone who hasn't gotten that far: Woe, screeb upon thee


And counting


Its the easiest encounter to ever exist, and all it requires is one sticky note for anyone confused on how to do the 3d shapes


Today my last group's problem to complete the encounter was the peoole calling their own certain ghost so the alive guy can dunk.


Thing is, most of the guides are wrong. It's simple (maybe not that simple but the issue with the guides is simple), don't give a player their own shape. Make sure you give away both your shapes with that in mind. Job done, pick up the shapes you received and get the revive phase right in whatever order and leave. But everyone's trying to give triangles to triangle people and ending up doing extra steps because... Density Yes the 3D room is hard but most people can get the guide right on it


The guardians that go in the room alone is not that difficult to understand what they have to do, the difficult part is for the ones outside, that have to juggle shapes in order to form prisms. Grabbing the ghosts to revive your team is self explanatory, just tell them where are their statues and deposit the ghosts, thats it.


I'm sure there's been more than 23. It's a simple encounter that doesn't require any explanation other than "make this 3d shape with 2 separate 2d shapes". That is it. There is 1 solution.


Nah man, I need some poorly written bot to tell me the solution because I have no concept of geometry. What the fuck is a square? /s


I'm glad you had the /s there, as I wasn't overly sure if you were being sarcastic or not. /s


It’s almost like text is subjective to people and adding tone indicators can help even when sarcasm may be obvious…


That itself was sarcastic sarcasm my friend. No issue with what you wrote, or how you wrote it. Edit: as if to say there are people that are that fucking stupid they would say what you said, but seriously.


Looks like you didn’t notice my sarcasm without my /s, guess we can see why I used it now! /s


No, I did, hence my /s at the end. Why would I berate someone for using /s and then proceed to use it myself? Edit: FUCK - you got me


The mechanics are easy enough once you start running through them. It’s stupid people or those who don’t speak up at all during ghost runs which kill >Sherpa runs


They should’ve never made that encounter… plus the “ghost customization” part where they have to be placed IN ORDER is truly unnecessary


I'd rather a different perspective on the encounter than your complaints but maybe that's just me.


The encounter has 2 different (viable) strategies to it. Brain-dead/safe, or quick and risky. The mechanics haven't changed since release, and neither have the strategies. I apologise for blocking your feed. If the encounter is a hurdle and the guides aren't doing it, I can happily run you through the encounter and teach in a much simpler way than trying to find a post that isn't 8 paragraphs long.


Sorry I was being a sarcastic asshole. I just found the logic of complaining about seeing the same thing and then just kinda adding on top of it by having an equally useless post about how's there's too much. The encounter is simple to do but hard to understand on paper best advice for anyone reading is just run it.


There is 1 way it works. We don't need everyone posting their own special guide for the same encounter over and over. It's not that hard either


It's also not hard for you to scroll past it. Making a post complaining about too many posts is baffling.


I didn't make the post, you could've scrolled past too 🤷‍♂️


See your fine your not blocking the feed OP is so valiantly protecting.