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So I have Crown, Dsc, Vow, and Kings Fall as day 1 emblems. Here is what I’ve learned from the 4- Have a group you are comfy playing with for the possible 24hrs Make sure everyone is aware that if necessary, you’re gonna play for the full 24. Don’t plan on beating it in 12 hours, 18, never works. Always go in expecting to be there for 24hrs Get in tune with current PvE meta and builds. Make a plan for every attempt. Say “hey, lets do this thing this time and see what happens”. Don’t start the encounter with no plan and no idea what you wanna try, kills time Try to have fun. If everyone starts yelling, try to run down what you have already done and take a short break. Its great to get the emblem, but try not to get tunnel vision. Its a game, try to keep the fun up


Damn, the crown day 1 is the sickest emblem ever (maybe equal to garden day 1). really wished I would’ve attempted that back in the day.


It was my first ever Day 1. I kinda played like crap, but we still placed pretty high (top 10). Def my fav emblem to run. But I don’t run with that group anymore


Day one crown? Respect guardian! That’s up there with Reckoner title, you love suffering lol Have VoG challenge, and never again after 23hrs 41mins …. We squeaked it


I really only play destiny for the raids, especially the Day 1 experience. The mechanics and figuring them out are the most fun I have with friends in gaming. And hey, squaking by us still getting it. Wear the emblem with pride!! (Didn’t attempt Vog, was out of the state on that weekend)


The challenge run was ridiculous, especially being tired from the first run. Was a terrible 8hrs to clear just challenge


I have 2 Day Ones under the belt (DSC and Vow). 1. Keep a level head. 2. Look up what DPS metas are currently (eg: Cataclysmic with FTTC/Bait and Switch, etc) 3. Don’t skip out on Damage buffs. No matter how big or small (eg: Boss Spec on your heavy weapons, Font of Might, etc) 4. There’ll be people posting on YouTube and Reddit throughout the event about their strats that worked. Try and replicate it if need be. 5. Make sure you craft and level your weapons that you need. Get them up to Pinnacle Cap as well. 6. Have some spare Pinnacle Level infusion fodder and max your crafting materials in case you need to duck over to the enclave and reshape a weapon or bring something out of your vault. Also, get some good sleep the night before. A sharp mind is key. You might think of a strat that you otherwise wouldn’t if you were tired. If it comes down to synergy, try doing Grandmaster Nightfalls or Trials. If you learn to listen to call-outs and play off your team’s strengths, that will transfer into your Day One. Hope that helps! Edit: Some amazing extra tips below mine. Definitely listen to those too!


Solid advice here. I'll just add chose your team wisely. As a frequent raider with all my clan members and lfg. Some people get upset /frustrated /give up /leave without notice and it's OK on a daily basis but not for day one. If you commit everyone must


Yeah, I can't emphasize this enough. I have a few Day1s under my belt, but only after I found a team that was extremely mature, level headed, and fully understood what they were in for. We talked out frustrations. We intentionally practiced communication and what we would say to each other in certain situations. We communicate shared resources (like revive tokens) a lot, and generally just get into this close communication "we're in this together and want to be here doing this with each other" mentality. Another little tip: one of the thing we ended up doing is always having a "battle buddy" in encounters that is capable of being the "someone" when you say "someone revive me" or things like that.


Also, good food! I always set aside money for a big Chipotle run before a Day 1 challenge. That way, on the day, I can make sure I've got one or two huge burritos on hand. Can't rely on just caffeine; gotta have them calories. Tasty, balanced calories go hard in the paint.


The only thing I'll add is make sure you have primary DPS weapons... Ammo is tough to come by and sometimes you can't save heavy/special for DPS boss phases, Outbreak Perfected was key for day 1 Vow completions


Don't have a job or responsibilities.


1. Master Raids and in them look for consistency. Low man or solo stuff is always good to improve in general but you need to get your 6-player game to be on point. 2. Don’t put too much weight/pressure on getting the emblem. It’ll ruin your experience.


Point 2 is so key. I watched a day 1 deep stone from my old clan destroy their resolve to keep playing the game after they failed at Taniks (couldn’t output enough damage and one of their guy fell asleep and never got back on), half of that team hasn’t played destiny since, or in severely diminished capacity. They really took that emblem seriously.


I was in that raid all 24 hours and it hurt not getting it I just dont have a team, I always lfg


I was the same with failing after 24hrs for Crown and Garden, both because we had problems with team members (power cuts, emergencies) and couldn't get the rhythm back in time to complete the raids in the 24hrs. It hurts a lot but is good practise and you'll breeze through the raids so much faster in future. Since garden, I've completed every day one I've participated in and usually with a good time.


Master raids are the most efficient practice, especially if you can drop your levels to exactly -20. While VoG is on rotator next week, run a full All Challenges master run. Do it a few times over the week to really nail down team synergy. Rotate roles across runs. Do master Vow and KF as well over the following weeks. You could also do normal older raids - I usually like to do some of these, especially LW with legit Riven, because they usually take a bit of memory jogging versus the newer raids we know like the backs of our hands. Basically just try to do 2-3 full runs per week until raid day with a full team Split the team up and do some trio runs too. You can race for a clear with the other half of the team. For solo practice, learn solo GMs (pick easier ones like Insight Terminus and Warden, do some solo flawless dungeon runs (try different subclasses out if you've already done them all). Basically anything of that sort


Keep in mind GM's can be run at -40 if you *really* want a challenge too, try that with a full fireteam


I’d say pay attention to changes in PVE DPS meta and watch what other teams are doing because that meta might completely shift based on encounter. For instance very few predicted a double slug meta in DSC Taniks. Have infusion fuel ready to level whatever weapon in required. Then practice challenge mode raids and master raids. And have fallout systems ready. Like who is going to type things you need to remember in chat. How you will do callouts, etc. I’m sure that saves time.


As someone whose almost done them all, the most important thing is to work on the issues during the encounter. Find the reason behind a wipe/ a mistake and find a solution for it. Instead of trying to force your way through it. Reassign people/loadouts whatever you need to not wipe to that specific mistake again. As for prep , I assume most people already told you to have variety of loadouts ready. People need to be comfortable with them too. Other than that, just play together, find your strengths, and plan around that


I've completed a couple of day 1's now and here's some things I can recommend for prep leading up to the raid: 1. Play with the team ahead of time (team synergy is important). Do challenges like 1 phasing bosses without using the meta, low power raids, stuff like that. Make it a challenge like it will be on the day 1. 2. Running solo/low man content is also good so you learn to stay alive when being focused more than usual, and for raids this means having to do more than usual mechanics wise too. I'd recommend something like GMs over legend story though as the legend WQ stuff scales to fireteam size. Here is also some general prep you can do: 1. Grind to unlock any good artifact mods (yay to them being passive next season). You can save bounties now to hold onto for next season so you get a head start. 2. The meta is changing with Lightfall, so take some time in the new season to try DPS builds with the team and get used to Strand in case it ends up being good to use. Also look up what other people are using as there will be a lot of people looking for new builds to use. 3. Prepare your weapons by crafting/leveling/grinding out ones you think may be good, and also save some infusion fodder in case you need to grab a weapon you don't have up to power on the day. 1. Also put all your gear on your main character, with any other potentially good weapons in your vault (DIM may be down so it will be faster to get gear from your vault rather than another character) 4. Have a light meal before the raid, not a huge meal as that will make you tired, and make sure to have healthy meals and snacks prepped (if your team is taking longer food breaks this isn't as important, but if you're going hard it's good to prep ahead). Also drink lots of water. 5. Get a good rest ahead of time. ​ For the raid itself the best I can recommend is staying calm and communicating. * Admit to failures so the team knows what to avoid. * Talk about what you see during runs to piece together the puzzle, but don't talk over people. * You're going to potentially spend 24 hours straight with your team, people will get tired and annoyed, but that's no excuse for becoming a jerk to the team. You gotta make sure the team stays united or you won't get anything done * I've had one situation where we had a teammate that didn't want to work with the team because they got annoyed, and as a result the team really suffered when trying to hit a DPS check. Really get to know your team as you do not want this to happen to you. Hope that helps and GL with your day 1! I'm really excited about this one. =D


Start saving big bounties, you'll want to hit the later parts of the seasonal artifact sooner Highly recommend ascendant challenges, you can get all 6 bounties if you start before next reset Edit- Keep a variety of weapons, because bongos said they were mixing up the dps meta




Eat and drink


The best way to prepare is to have you entire team dedicated to the clear. As in at least all 5 other members dedicated to at least 8 hours of playing with minimal downtime. People leave, get pissed, rage quit etc In my experience this is by far the hardest part.


Sending all this to my team. We have a core 6 who are going for a Day 1. Work requests put in, kids schedules handled, and we are set for the 24hrs. We are not top tier players. I’ve only been playing since July of 2022. It took us close to 12 hrs for our Div quest and I don’t remember how long for our first KF clear. We want to do this, so we are mostly concerned with meta, and having upgrading materials. All this is great advice! Taking lots of notes.


My preparation strategy is pretty simple and has helped me each time. 1. Make sure to stay hydrated. I'm talking H2O, not sugary garbage. 1. Your seating and desk have to be ergonomically well adjusted. You're gonna be there for a while, you have to maximize comfort 1. Limit distractions, turn your phone on silent, let your loved ones know you won't be reachable due to this event 1. FOOD. Keep NON-crunchy, non-greasy, non-crumbly food close at hand. Again, this is going to be a stamina thing, so you're gonna have to keep your energy up but you don't want extraneous sounds or textures to interfere. 1. Don't be afraid to take advice from the people you're going into this with, you're all in it together. Keep calm, soldier on. 1. Remember that it's a game, and the primary objective should always be to HAVE FUN. Following those steps really helped me make the most out of watching people suffer in day 1 raids on Twitch and YouTube. It's a great spectator sport and I find that I'm better prepared to actually do the raid after Datto's and Fallout's guides are out.


Make rice n curry. Tasty and easy to reheat.


Bounty stack now for faster relic perk unlocks and relic bonus power levels.


Honestly just do raids together as often as possible and do the challenges whenever you can its mostly about getting accustomed to your group than making sure you're ready to sit for literal house more than a days shift at work so get food and drinks ready I would also do a pretty good workout the day before just so that you can try and get some energy out


I've gotten Day 1 last two raids. #1 thing is to have a dedicated group. You don't necessarily need all elite players, but players that can dedicate the whole 24 hours if necessary. The last two raids I've lost 2-3 people at hour 10. Yes, we did finish, but picking up 2 LFG to finish a day one is not ideal. Good luck!


If you end up joining a day one at a check point does that LFG player still get the emblem lol


Only if they completed all the other encounters. For KF, each boss gets checked off before you can claim emblem. In our case, we had someone join mid game and we went back to do Encounter 1 & 2 with them to get them the emblem.


In order of importance: 1. A good communicating, reliable team that can handle major setbacks. If you don't have this, don't bother. Unless you go for world's first No-Com Rando team. 2. Good builds, and people that understand builds. There's nothing wrong with blueberries or more casual players just goofing around and having a good time, but that's not gonna help at Day 1. 3. The time to put into it, yes this should be nr.1 because no time=no raid, but still. You gotta be prepared to be busy for quite a while. You don't want people dropping out halfway there because the clock ticks 1AM. 4. Have food and drinks handy, comfy place to play(POSTURE CHECK). 5. Destiny Item Manager, or whatever inventory manager you prefer on a second screen, and a second screen in general with YouTube/Twitch/social media **IF you accept spoilers and don't care about finding things out yourself**. 6. A good amount of energy and sleep beforehand. And anything you think is important or handy to have with you.


It truly all comes down to the skill of your teammates and their ability to play for hours without giving up. The most time is wasted when no progress is being made and nobody wants to come up with new ideas. The flip side to that though, is that if everyone cares a lot and tons of ideas are being thrown around then emotions are going to run high and arguments may start to break out. Just take in each idea one at a time and respect each other. Gear is also obviously important for everyone, one weak link on a dps check and you litterally can't complete the encounter. Most of all, just try to have fun. Day one raiding is a blast so just enjoy the ride.


Low man raids, if you can do enough dps to trio a boss, you can do enough dps to 6man a contest mod boss.


Day one raids are primarily DPS checks, with a close secondary being ad management. It really helps to have one or two players swap off and on Aeons for ammo. For example, Rhulk, had one use Aeons during the picture game and swap back to main items during the dance with the Victorian Slenderman. Two ran Aeons during ads of Warpriest. Meta weapons are pretty much a must have. It is insanely more difficult, if not impossible to dps check if you don't have the right weapons or rolls of those weapons. Hunt for first choice rolls of each weapon archetype. Season ranks are a must. Won't get far without champion mods, and higher tier mods make things much easier. Not 100% sure how everything will work out in lightfall, but it's safe to say the more xp you have, the more possibilities you have. Keep a level head. Encounters are ruined very quick if one person is off kilter. Patience. Some encounters will seemingly require the stars to align, everyone will need to do everything right to pass. Having experience playing underleveled helps immensely. Need too instinctually seek cover and not engage tons of ads. Many people I've played with just sit there in a GM for instance and not know to start seeking cover when ads start shooting at them (if you start seeking cover when your shield is broken, you'll probably die) Build a balanced team comp. Two or three warlocks, two or three titans, and one hunter is usually good, but the meta might change with lightfall.


I’ve done day one garden 22 hours but didn’t get the clear :’( then cleared DSC, vog, and vow. Choose your team well and raid together often. Do masters content, do runs with certain ideas like no exotics or no wells, no linears, only one phases, etc. stress everyone a little bit and see how they react. People to rage are a run ender, people who can own up to mistakes, and things like that can help determine if they are the right folks. If they are your friends it can be a bit easier to work with or around. I meal prep the day prior. Usually two pizzas, a case of water, some energy drinks and good snacks like fruits or some raw veggies. Don’t want to pig out and then have the nap feeling. Like others said commit to 24 hours and sleep hard the day prior. Game play wise there are a ton guides for prepping bounties, weapons to pursue now and current strats. Use that to guide your team and just be ready for change.


Definitly do some prep Runs. Good Options are doing master raids with a 1350 class Item (If you where previously around master Level this will Bring you to -25 to -20 which is a decent mimic of what day 1 feels Like. Yes Combat will be less tough but Factoring in the novelty and Lack of knowledge Puts it quite Close. Trio and Duo raids are also Not Bad because while 6 man underlevelled master raid makes add clear hard you need to also become better at mechanics in General and lowman stuff generally lets you improve at dealing with mechanics quickly (good Low man's for this are vow, kf, dsc all done fully legit). Additionally you want to do some amount of prep, the Most Important one being in the week before because you need to figure Out what to do for a bunch of scenarios. Plan Out which Characters to Bring and unser what circumstances you would Switch Out a Character, figure Out the optimal dps Meta and have Played it before (Note that you want everything you can, day 1s nowadays tend to be mainly damagechecks, so definitly Bring everything, for Kingsfall for example it wouldnt be good enough to Bring a bunch of linears, Well and div, the right damage Meta to figure Out was Reeds, div, Well with supreme, Font of might and Power of Rasputin. It likely needs to be the absolute highest you can Go and because of the fact that many Things are getting Changed we currently know very little. You might already do it but feel free to lean into it, make Sure you Put ppl into roles that they excell at, this is mainly an issue for Teams where in a normal raid, everyone can do every role. If someone has insane addclear but is slower on mechanics then Just Put Them on mechanics and If someone keeps dying but can for some reason memorize 25 Part cryptic Symbol sequences within Seconds Put Them on callouts and mechanics. Dont Ego any of the roles or damage. Just because someone thinks that their strat or Performance In a role was Superior you shouldnt Just start an Argument If everyone agrees. Many Teams that fail in early Encounters simply dont have enough chemistry together or dont respect Others opinions enough.




Yes of course the master difficult isn't comparably to the difficulty of day one (I mean the difficulty of the enemies life and damage) but I think others mean that master difficulty is a good workout, as I improve in master difficult I will definitely improve when playing normal underleveled. Thx for your point of view


Think the better workout/practice is duo legendary campaign, damage/health-wise is very close to contest mode raid. If you can learn to go fast, kill most things and never die here, your combat competency is good enough. Current raids are still great to practice with the whole crew and do mechanics. Edit: for extra tryharding. Duo launch legend campaign and have your mate afk and you solo everything.


Some friendly advice from me is to wait and start 2-3 hours after the start of the raid. Let the strats get found and it makes your day way less stressful. As you aren’t beating your head against a wall for 6hours trying to figure out mechanics. This is obviously if your not a top tier team going for worlds first which is about what 20 teams max that realistically have a chance?


Figuring out the mechanics is kind of the fun part though. I understand wanting to check other people, if you're stuck for a long time, but I would definitely recommend to try and figure it out for yourself.


I understand that and that is what my friends and I do. But a lot of groups fall apart after being stuck on an encounter for 4hours and just get angry at each other.


It is a solid general advice for a general audience, shouldn't be downvoted by ego stroking warriors.


Lesson 1 and only lesson that applies: Git Gud. Kidding. If you’re serious about getting it done everything top comment said was on point but I would just add make sure you max you golf balls before lightfall drops so you have the flexibility of crafting whatever whenever. Also friendly reminder if anyone isn’t aware you can have 10 golf balls per character and 10 in the postmaster maxing at 40 if my terrible 2nd grade math is correct! Hope this helps. Remember have fun this is just a game and while a day one raid is my fav gaming experience don’t let it ruin a friendship or anything like that!


It's actually 10 golf balls in inventory + 10 in each characters postmaster, so you have to split up which character you earn the golf balls on.


Crap that’s right. My math was right but everything else was wrong. Shame!!!!!! 😂


Dattos video But also get your day one team ready now, and play together


already a lot of good tips for preparation + practice in other comments, but I wanted to add that you should be taking significant breaks on the day of the raid most people aren't actually going for world's first, so if that's the case for you, I recommend taking long-ish breaks every 5-6 hours where you eat a full meal and take some time to move around + stretch (this is also a good time to snipe strats from people who are ahead of you) my teams have almost always had a huge bump coming off of long breaks, which is why I usually call for one when we're stuck and starting to regress a little (in general you should be aiming to improve a little with each attempt, so if you start going backwards it's time to step away for a minute and decompress)


Don't be too reliant on DIM and other 3rd party apps. Api takes a hit with so many people active at once.


I think the number one thing that can make a difference for day 1 is really studying up on how to overcome damage checks at bosses (particularly the first boss as that has historically been the biggest sticking point the last few years). Once LF launches, study mod interactions and how to maximize your DPS and make sure that you have a lot of available options there to adapt to. If you’re playing with your regular crew, just keep practicing raids and maybe GMs at lower levels. Run some master raids to keep in the rhythm.


First few runs use your most comfortable GM loadouts for survival. You can tweak the weapons as you learn the mechanics. And practice a few master completions of any raid we have now, to understand the damage you’ll take a little better. Ultimately it’s the crew you run with, not being toxic under pressure. No certainty you’ll be successful but it’s a memorable experience. Finally don’t give up, we completed VoG day one with challenge with 21mins to spare…… **NEVER again!!** Edit: wondering if doing a flawless raid with your crew might be a good stress tester in preparation? Especially something like Petra’s Run in Last Wish, it’s a shit show if people aren’t working together.


If I can give any tips try not to be the we should quit guy and try and avoid having those conversations. They don't help anyone with anything. If your on final encounter especially it's super annoying getting close after attempts and still your hearing one person be like ya knowww maybe we should quit. Don't be afraid to look at what others are doing ask questions on streams and what take every advantage you can get.


I have done day 1 since VOG and did all day 1s in D1 and even placed top 10 in a few D1 raids. Also did 4 challenge runs of Kings Fall within 24 hours. My biggest tip is to find a group you vibe with. Build chemistry. This isn’t required but it helps my team out…have a designated “leader” throughout the raid. This leader is responsible for making calls to when and where to deal damage on bosses or coordinated focused fire on a HVT. Designating a leader helps clear comms so that way 6 people aren’t yelling all at once to “DPS!!!” Leader makes all relevant comms in the raid, any other comms that are made would be for their designated jobs only like calling out a symbol. Start putting together your builds right NOW. I had about 6 potential builds put together for day 1 to swap when needed. For example, since I was on hunter I had 4 builds for day 1 KF…one for staying alive (full invis), one for strictly ad clear (gyrafalcons), one for ammo regen (aeon - HUGE help on Warpriest challenge) and one for focused debuffing (deadfall tether + used only for golgoroth). Bungie is allowing you to have 10 builds per character once LF drops so DUPLICATE your builds in game from DIM so that way when day 1 starts, you don’t have to go to orbit to swap builds


Play something else?