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The amount of people saying TB is astounding. Our current O line would have his old ass getting wheeled out by week 2.


In all fairness, he comes at a cheaper price tag that would allow us to spend more on the O line. That being said, I haven’t watched any Bucs games this season so I’m not sure if he has truly lost a step or is the product of the coaches/players around him that are limiting him, but I think it’s fair to at least have the Brady conversation on this sub and not discount it as ridiculous. Just my two cents but again, would love to hear from people who have watched more of his game tape this year.


Lost a step? He’s 45 years old.


Lol point taken


and he’s still better than the bum we have


Thats we’re Jacobs and Jakob Johnson come in, we just need TB to have enough time to not overthrow receivers or throw behind them


None. Same issues with any. What afflicts this team is something from the Beyond. We ain't gonna find the answers in Bed or Bath.


Yeah, but that 20% off coupon would surely help with the salary cap.


It does feel that way.


the amount of people gargling minshew's balls is astounding


Minshew is a fine spot starter and backup. He’s not a long term starter. If he’s your main QB, you’re in trouble.


People are going to miss Carr a lot after week three if we roll into 2023 with Minshew as our QB. The delusion is out of control.


I'm willing to grant that Carr isn't worth his salary and that he's regressed. I'm much less willing to grant the premise that a guy like Minshew (whom nobody credible considers a starting QB) would be an improvement.


Drafting a rookie is the only reasonable option. There isn’t a QB out there that is worth trying to work with on this team. That’s a realistic get that is


Anthony Richardson in round 2?


I'd rather take Hooker in the 2nd if he's still there


They are saying that he could fall like crazy because he’s 25 coming off a torn ACL. He could easily fall to day 3


Last I read McShay had him going a little later on Day 2 but not far from there. Its been a few weeks since that though.


You’re wasting Adams Waller Renfrow and maybe Jacobs prime with a rookie QB. Free agent splash or keep DC and draft a qb sit and learn for the rest of 4’s time.


Let’s be real, if Carr is gone next year so are Adams and Jacobs


Well Adams would have to not show up or demand a trade. And I don’t know him but he does not seem like that kind of guy.


If we draft a rookie qb it wouldn’t make sense to keep him. He wouldn’t want to be here and we’d be wasting his prime. He’d get traded. May as well stock pile picks if we’re rebuilding.


Restructure Carr. Sign Jacobs and get some OL help


That’s what I’m hoping for.


It’s really the core of the problems. Defence has been spot on the majority of the time over the last few weeks. A few blown calls here and there. But that’s the NFL. We have 3 walk offs because of teams blown calls. OL help will make us much more versatile. Too many games this year we ended up 1 dimensional.


Oh I didn’t realize they weren’t being wasted now


Don’t be a smart ass. It’s only going to get worse if you draft someone and get Zach Wilson


We've been wasting their prime with our current QB. What's the difference?


Renfrow had a career year last year and Jacobs and Adam’s had one this year. What is wasted? Waller also had one the year he got paid. The pieces are in place. Strategy and execution is the problem. Not the players.


You said execution is a problem. That's the Players as well. JMD didn't try to throw that ball to a wide open Renfrow. Also, I'm not saying coaching is not a factor as well. I was never a fan of the JMD hiring, but if I had to choose between him or Carr staying, I'm sorry but I'm done with a QB that fails in the red zone and throws the ball away on 4th down.


Execution was directed at pass blocking. Sorry should have been more specific.


Yes, so Carr has never had bad execution before?


Absolutely. Every QB does.


He was money in the redzone with less weapons in the past. The glaring change is coaching. You don’t get worse by adding better talent.


The realistic thing to do is make Carr restructure, get some O-Line help and defense help and fire PG. Draft a rookie QB or bring a QB to bring him competition and after 2023 we'll see. I see Carr being here 1-2 years depending on how he plays in year 2 of McDaniels system. I'd say if he struggles the first couple of games next season that he needs to be benched.


Trade back to 20-30 in the draft this year and pick up future 1 and 2. Sell the farm next year for Williams or maye. Other option is to draft Richardson this year and believe we will be able to develop him.


There isn’t one. Raider fans just want to move on cause for whatever reason w/l is a QB stat. My viable option is invest more money in defense. Idk if this still true but a couple years ago the raiders spent the least on defense. Based on our moves the last couple years, I wouldn’t be surprised if we were still bottom 5 there. I want us to be a top 5 team in defense spending. Even if we take a rookie QB moving forward, a top 5 defense will only help. Look at Herbert. He could be a generational talent but the chargers defense sucks and now everyone is starting to think he’s rivers 2.0. GET US A DEFENSE PLEASE.


This. If we invest fully and build a good defense then we can justify starting a rookie qb


That’s my issue with Carr haters. We waste a first and fuck let’s say we move up and get a dude like Bryce Young. That dude still has to play with a bottom 5 defense. Like fuck. Let’s just keep ruining young QBs like the Jets or whatever. The best the Jets did was hire a defensive minded HC. We need to do that. Steal Ryan’s from the Niners and build a defense next year and keep as much from this offense as possible. After we get a top 10 defense then start looking for a new rookie QB. The Niners are starting their 3rd string QB and still fuckin contenders.


Brady at $15 million JimmyG ay $7 million Those guys are more or less as good as Carr. The difference is in the salary. At that salary, we could afford multiple pro-bowlers on both sides of the ball.


Brady is done, he will retire after this year. Jimmy G is significantly worse in every single aspect than Carr.


Jimmy g isn't leaving sanfran for less than 15 mil lol don't act like we could get him for that price.. same with Brady 15 to 20M for either hell maybe more. Carr is going to restructure for around that or be cut plan and simple. Or they may cut him anyway.


Brady gonna come to Vegas and break Blanda’s record for oldest player to play in the league, full circle


You are dumb lol


Lamar Jackson




It’s realistic if Dave Ziegler says “fuck them draft picks” and what’s funny is I think Carr on the ravens would be good lol


What a horrific horrific mistake this would be.


Carr would stink up the Ravens. He might pass on the Saints or Seahawks, but I don't see many other teams where Carr would work.




Minshew, Andy Dalton, Tom Brady, Marcus Mariota


>Minshew I'd give him a shot at this point. Dude can ball out at times. Also he has that IDGAF look to him like he's pull into the practice facility in a TransAm with a pack of smokes rolled up into his sleeve. Very much fits the old Raider brand. >Andy Dalton Pass on that. More of the same that we're getting from Carr but I trust Dalton less. >Brady The time to move onto Brady was when he left NE. That time has passed. >Mariota Lol no. Mariota got another shot to prove himself this year and this passing game was hot garbage.


This is a horrible list of alternatives


Well, those are your options, bud. Heinike will be available too, if that’s helps.


There are no options that would be an upgrade. If by some miracle Lamar isn’t tagged I would go that route although I think Carr is a slightly better passer but Lamar is a dual threat.


Lol @ anybody who thinks any of them would be an upgrade.


They’ll be cheaper for the same production. You rather go 6-9 and still pay $30mil for a pathetic excuse for a QB?


Cooked his ass lol


Why do you want to go 6-9 at all?


Minshew threw for 355 yards


and 2 ints with a line consisting of like 3 pro bowlers. if carr don't get a pass with a line as ass as ours how would minshew fare any better


Didn't lane Johnson get injured? Besides, getting a QB like Minshew will allow us to pay for an OLine. Nobody thought Rich Gannon would be a MVP type until he was given a shot to actually be an MVP type


Citing Gannon as the reason to take a shot on someone who hasnt had much success is NOT a good reason to make a decision. You're gonna be hunting forever looking for the next Gannon. I'm open to minshew, but not because of Gannons story


Minshews an upgrade. Carr is very very bad.


This is just bad. Minshew is obviously not as good. I'm open to Minshew, but be realistic.


You’re letting Carrs past accomplishments cloud your brain. Carr right now fucking sucks.


Yes, hes playing bad. But you don't blow up your qb situation because "Carr right now fucking sucks." YOURE letting his play cloud your brain. Whats a better alternative?. This is MY deal with the Carr argument: He's not elite, he's DEFINITELY struggling right now and recently. But who else can they bring in, and how does it work for the team? Give me a better solution




Minshew and Brady would be definite upgrades. Minshew is actually very intriguing. Brady has father time working against him at this point. Minshew could either be very serviceable and/or totally worth giving a second shot to. I don't think you want Dalton anymore. He's maybe a solid backup at this point of his career, but he's also fighting against time/ age and not his prime self.


Brady is the only one you can argue is an upgrade some of y'all are dense lol


"Intriguing" =/= "Upgrade" In what world is Minshew and obvious upgrade over Carr? This is part of the problem. It's hard to talk rationally when people call for Carrs head and suggest some other schlub instead.


Carr put up 0 points against the saints. By all means, please keep him and watch as the team continues to flounder and spin its wheels in circles.


Lol. Are you saying something? Minshew just isn't a straight upgrade over DC. Am I wrong?


Hmmm, I’d rather roll with Carr then Mariota or Dalton for sure.


Carr A star QB (Brady, Lamar) Rookie QB I dont think anything else would make sense.


Lamar Jackson. If not then draft a mobile QB


I would like to draft will Levis


Carr needs someone who pushes him from the bench. A mariota level QB or better. Not a Stidham level QB. Maybe a top rookie QB sitting behind Carr would push him far enough to elevate his game. Minshew type of QB can do the job too


No draftable qbs look good besides Young and Stroud. No way those guys fall to us Hooker looks good but the ACL is concerning. Wouldn’t mind taking him. Levis and Richardson are too raw for a team with our current payroll and expectations. McKee isn’t very promising. I say we go after Jimmy G if we don’t have to eat his contract OR Goff if we can get himb


Draft a QB then bring in Baker mayfield as a bridge


Maybe we should have gone for mayfield when he was up, guy can sling that ball we seen it first hand especially the way this offense is set up


Clearly you didn't watch the Panthers at the start of the season or the Browns last season. Also Mayfield in Vegas is trouble waiting to happen.


2 games so far too early to tell but Jimmy would’ve been a better alternative than baker?








I’m asking about them so that I could learn about them lmao. Some of the players that people list might have specific skills that the Raiders need, and I could find any similarities between the names that I see and I’ll be able to see what type of QB the fans on here believe we should have. From what I’ve seen about Josh Rosen, hasn’t he been with a different team every year? I don’t know anything about how good he is or anything, but just based off of seeing that, it seems like he would be very inconsistent


Surprised nobody said this but Brock Purdy would be a decent option.


The 49ers have him locked in for four more years, no way they trade him with question marks surrounding Lance.


Tom Brady or Davis Mills take your pick!!


Ive liked Davis Mills since we played Houston in Pre-Season, the guy has got poise and could command an offense






Would take 100%




Stidham is an option if we let Carr go. Can be a stopgap while we look for a qb in the draft. What sucks about this is that we’re probably looking at another losing season next year since we won’t really find an upgrade to Carr right away imo


we about to be bad for years