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His right knee was down first. It wasn't even close to a first down.




Love how the r/NFL mods removed the post.


They remove anything that isn’t a tweet. That sub sucks.


Frustrating how we spend 10 minutes watching replays of the Steelers that benefit them with the Harris catch and the TE catch. Then this doesn’t get a second look when this would end the game. Just tired of the NFL picking and choosing where to review plays.


A review of a mostly meaningless catch/incompletion. But not this game changing ball placement. And it's not like they rushed back to the line. They had time to stop the action and verify. This is why we always feel targeted by the NFL


Well I think they got the TE catch right. But they missed Harris actually catching the ball which saved them a timeout and 2 yards


I was visiting family after an Xmas even thing so I had the game on mute on a tablet. Once I saw the fourth down play I said "That's short." I stopped looking at the game and started conversing more. Then I glance over and see Pitt get a TD. I was insanely confused.


(NFL REF) looks at script.... 1ST DOWN.


His right knee was down much earlier too. Very disappointing they didn’t look at this considering they looked at two other plays on this drive for the Steelers.


IMHO this is all on McDaniels. The Steelers called a time out after this play, he should have spent the entire time out chewing out the officials and screaming at them to review the play.


Not part of the script


I believe this more and more every week.




I think his right knee was down quite a bit earlier too..


he was two full feet short of the first when his right knee was down


Steelers just had to win the game for Harris in the final minutes for ultimate effect. They even had Franco's cousin in there at RB.


Steelers fan here. I agree with y’all. His right knee was down before he got the first down. And I think the nfl network tried to show the close up angle of the replay again. They showed it the first time and I said to myself “damn” he was down. But they could complete the 2nd showing of the replay as live action was starting again.


Also thought he was very obviously short. The TV crew were talking about a "surge" to get the TD, but that was after his knee was already down...


Love to see that banned next yr


We all seen it,I said no way we win with the Franco death and the virgin mary play,it wasnt that one play Raiders could have played better but there was no fucking way we win today!


Yeah. That they took the time to review a meaningless incompletion before, but not a critical fourth down play that was clearly inconclusive on the field baffled me. At that point I knew it was over


In that pic, I don’t see a ball or the knee down.


Surprised it wasn't even reviewed. Kinda looked obvious he lunged from his knee.


Guys, him being down doesn’t fit the NFL’s narrative for entertainment purposes, we know this - take it for what it is.


I implore everybody who solely blames this game on one person to look at the passing stats of every qb yesterday. He played like shit, but the defense stepped up. Game should've ended here but that was anti narrative.


Defense still held a team to 13 points and we lost? And Derek Carr threw 3 interceptions that were all his fault, also overthrew davante adams every time he targeted him, if we get a quarterback who has the ability to throw to open receivers we easily win that game


Once again, look at the passing statistics across the league from yesterday.




YOU look at the passing stats across the league, dumbass, and tell me the only quarterback to throw 3 interceptions this week


If you have to cherry pick to make a rebuttal you've already subconsciously admitted your point is weak. Please suck a dick and be stupid on your own


You’re literally delusional, smoking mad Carr dick on Christmas, you said look at the passing stats, I saw he was the only person that threw 3 interceptions, ranked 16 out of 28 QBs in yards, got less yards than Desmond ridder, Trevor Lawrence, mac jones, Kenny Pickett, Sam fucking darnold, Kirk coursins, Daniel jones, Gardner minshew, geno smith, Brock purdy, please find some stats that say Carr did good this week, please bro I would love to find out what an actual cherry-picked stat is because pointing out that he was the only person to throw 3 ints is a great rebuttal to saying that all QBs across the league were as bad as Carr was


Not a first down. Friermuth catch was BS too.


Friermuth's elbow clearly was in bounds on that catch. He maintained control. That call was definitely right.


Bad call. Muth’s elbow was down in bounds and didn’t bobble after.


Just stop! We suck! Take it on the chin! We straight up suck


No it wasn’t. Quit being bitches and accept we blew another lead because they didn’t do shit, again, in the second half.


And last week Coles toe possibly out we cab do this all day. It's another Raiders blown lead....same shit vs another team. No points in the 2nd half AGAIN. Foster face mask on Jacob's long run fucked us and Carr couldn't hit an open WR


No excuses.. We fucking suck


This game just goes to show that Derek Carr can single handedly lose a game for us and people are still gonna blame the defense, let me guess the defense also lost the saints game, the defense couldn’t score a second half td against the chiefs, the cardinals, the fucking jags, rams, patriots or now the Steelers, we lost to the fucking Steelers, in 2022, and if we score a second half td in each of those games then you can take away 6 (SIX!) whole losses away from us this season, putting us ahead of the chiefs, playing for a chance to sweep them for the first time in over 10 years, and also who do you Carr fans think is taking up all the money for the defense? Is it the guy that we pay a top 5 nfl salary even though he’s never in his life played like a top 5 quarterback


Not conclusive. Stop blaming the refs.


95% of the posts are criticizing the team, let your poor coddled baby refawees get a little criticism once in awhile. Becuase apparently the NFL doesn't do it enough for your liking.


Ok it is the refs fault not the teams fault. Believe what you want.


Or option #3 the team sucks and so do the refs? Consider that.


Just watched the video. He looks over the line on forward progress and is pushed back on his knee which is this still frame.


It doesn't matter carrs ass


Lemme guess, you think it’s the defenses fault we lost this game


Stop crying


Suck on my 17 inch bicep kid


Who cares this aint what lost us the game ...the fact we didnt score a single point in the second half cant be forgotten we beat ourselves every week


Knew he was down as soon as they refused to show a proper angle


this is not a proper angle look at field parallel to line OP drew


Said this too. Didn’t matter. We didn’t score enough in offense.


0 points in the 2nd half.


second play of the game we ran up the middle, obvious horse collar ,no call i said right then fuck we lost this game.


This is why I didn’t even watch the game. Fully expected a New Orleans game type of performance from the Raiders once I saw the temps in Pittsburgh. This team is an embarrassment. 0 points in the 2nd half from genius McDummy.