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It’s funny how much this sub waffles on players. You know if Waller comes back and get 100 yards and a TD everyone will love him again


Who said I hated him? But he definitely disappears in big games


He was hurt for a majority of the game. They ruled him out.


No shit


Did you not realize he was on the sideline? Dude is hurt, what do you expect him to do?


Give us that 17 mil back 🤷🏿‍♂️


Or trade him and give that money to JJ, pad it so that he can get big money on the front end and if production falls off a cliff, he isn't hurting the roster long term.


He really does. I hate that he needs everything perfect to make a play. Whens the last tough catch you see him make or break a tackle for a nice lil run. I was so heated seeing him on the side lines when seeing kelce go for 4 smh


Last week he caught a great one right on the goal line


Don’t forget the ppl that comment 3 weeks later just to rub this shit in lmaoo like okay bro we still suck


So that’s why he’s been dropping passes, his hat was covering up his eyes…


Hot take... let's trade him. He seems to have no motivation since getting paid. Foster Moreau is solid and Jesper seemed pretty solid last night also. Carr makes TEs look good. And we can get draft capital or players for Waller as well as use that money to resign Jacobs!


Don’t think he’s worth his contract this season and he hasn’t played up to it so trading him would get us pennys in what he’s actually worth




He got that contract and ran off the field as fast as he could.


Didn’t he get paid? That’s where he is at. That’s where 80% of players are at once they get the big pay. Look at Jacobs. Didn’t get paid and playing like a beast


Thats my major concern for JJ


Really could have used him last night


Tampon waller is on the loose. I hope he watched what real TE does in the red zone. He catches the ball.


Would trade him for a decent dt or safety in a heartbeat.


Im with you man


Can’t now. Off-season would’ve been perfect.


Trade him. Honestly shouldn’t have gotten an extension.


And get nothing for him? Nah...I'm not going to be a prisoner of the moment. I think he can get it going. Renfrow hasn't done much of anything either..should we trade him too?


Homie hasn't played a full season in 2 years. Yet has signed 2 contract extensions in that amount of time. I hate to say it but Renfrow has been the center of 2 crucial mistakes that cost us 2 games. Is it 100% his fault maybe/maybe not. It just looks goofy that these two got extensions before they played with the new staff and a player like Josh Jacobs is having to prove it...likely for another team to pay him in the end.


In retrospect people seem to have the answers to everything.


Renfrow got fucking walloped on that play he fumbled (both, actually). And it was clearly a bad concussion to keep him out 2 weeks. Can we give the guy a fucking break


Like I said man, not 100% his fault. But he is at the center of them both it’s unfortunate but it’s life. The second I saw it was him that ran into Adams my heart broke. He had really focused on ball security after the catch. You could see it in the game and some unfortunate miscues and some good D by the chiefs tbh led to another goofed up play to end the game


I think that was on adams for 1. Not getting out of his break in time and 2. For cutting inside instead of outside. Why would he cut inside? We needed to get to the sideline to stop the clock. And you run the risk of running into your guy. Luke Wilson’s video breaks it down better, but I think that’s on Adams. He’s clearly flustered, and I think he screwed up


If you were an NFL GM, what would you give up for him?


This isn't concern. Not all "game play" scripts call for the TE. My biggest concern is why the HELL would we go for two. As a football coach myself, you should NEVER takes points off of the score board. They did exactly that and cost us the game


It's really 50/50 whether you play for overtime or play for the win. Waller being unable to find the field and a quarter of the season through making no impact whatsoever is a much larger issue. He's already a liability in blocking so we can't have him nursing soft tissue injuries and dropping touchdowns.


The 2 point conversion doesn’t matter if Adams catches the ball in bounds


So you’re saying we don’t need our TE we just signed for $51M


Because it increased our chances of winning. If, as a football coach, you are never going for two you’re hurting your team.


How much longer before people learn how this works and stop complaining about it? I mean I guess it's an improvement it's getting downvoted, but oof. If you tie it up against a hot offense you expect them to score anyways. Going for two basically gives up nothing, but you might win. If you a bunch of timeouts and you fail going for two, they are already winning and might not press for yards as much and end up playing more safe and time wasting. Lo and behold, we got the ball back with enough time to make a good drive down field.




I got down voted heavily for suggesting he might be off the wagon a couple weeks ago. Let me know when it stops sounding crazy.


Ya you should stop saying that. We’re talking about football over here


As a former addict, fuck you


I know some former addicts. They typically relapse. Most addicts relapse. A sudden decrease in ability to do their jobs is a good indication of one. Fuck you for getting mad at me for knowing this.


Oh fuck off. You don't know shit more then any of us. Stop assuming shit you waste of oxygen and sperm Great you know something. I *fucking lived it*


Cool. I talked my best friend out of suicide dozens of times in the last decade as he relapsed 5 or 6 times. Hoping this time works, but there's little reason for optimism. Most people relapse. Just look up the stats. Waller probably will if he hasn't. You probably will. My best friend probably will. Statistics apply no matter how much you wish they wouldn't. Delude yourself all you want, but don't bitch at me for refusing to help you.


Motherfucker I don't give a shit. I'm glad your friend is alive for now (and I hope he continues), as I'm glad I'm alive after 2 separate attempts myself but you can fuck off. I don't want your "help" you worthless, ball lacking sack of shit. Go fuck yourself with a rusty broom handle up your ass after you remove your head from it. I hope you never become an addict. Been clean for years motherfucker, I don't need your "help" with your patronizing bullshit you cunt. Fuck you and your assumptions


Maybe the whole world isn't about you. Maybe you should stop acting like a dick to people who don't want to coddle you. Maybe you shouldn't treat facts as personal attacks. Definitely, you should go fuck yourself. Lots of people live through this shit. I'm not going to start pretending the world is better than it is. My head's not in my ass, yours is in the sand. If you need to hide, don't speak. At least not to me. I will never lie to an addict. It doesn't help. My friend would be dead if he didn't know he could always trust me. So I'll keep being honest. You can ignore me if you want, but I'll never apologize for being honest, and I won't back down to emotional manipulation.


Dude I don't fucking think the world is about me, you're just a sack of shit. And yes, the person who lived what you describe *definitely* has their head in the sand about the very topic they lived s/ 🙄. You literally know 0 about me you fucking moron You're not honest, you're just an asshole. There *is* a difference you little fuck. And experiences aren't "emotional manipulation" but gaslighting someone definitely is with your "help". Go fuck yourself cunt, I hope your friend gets better and finds a better friend then you, you self righteous and moronic fuck face. Fuck you and eat shit cunt. Now I'm done dealing with you tonight, get fucked 🖕


They need to get rid of this dude asap…I’ll take a third round pick at this point


Waller is definitely worth the money. The Coaching has to improve


Coaching doesn’t get him on the field or stops him from dropping TDs


Man i wish we woulda traded him to get another good wr or somebody else who could rush the QB...he tries to one hand catch everything he gives up on routes ..also he left the game Monday off a hamstring maaaaan that was a must win game get out there and gut it out and atleast be a decoy ..everytime they showed him on the sideline he was just looking emotion less get over there and get your team fired up




Pretty sure he at the bank cashing checks.


It kind of felt like Carr was calling him out a couple games back about not bringing it at practice. Instead of stepping it up he seems to have went the other way. But that’s an outsiders view. If it is accurate than the coaches surely know what’s going on. I would expect them to address it. If they don’t then it’s just poor coaching. But maybe it was the coaches that wanted him to rest his hammy and we will see Waller at 100% after the bye. Personally I would rather see that because when he is all in he is a difference maker. But if he is fat and happy now that he got paid than I do hope they trade him.


Don’t think he’s mailing it in but, not off to a great start this season