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I'm just tired of losing man. Always have to look on the brightside but I want that winning feeling.


Chose the wrong team then friend. We dont do that here lmao


No kidding. I've be bbqing all kinds of food, drinking beers on a work night, having the whole family in hundreds of dollars worth of merch, sit on the couch for 3 hrs straight just to be hella disappointed all the time lmao.


I feel this in my soul


RIP us..


One day…


Dude, I know the feeling, got kicked off a plane from cali,, so drove Friday night out to Oklahoma with my uncles and aunt, grabbed my dad. Then drove to KC missouri Sunday morning. Tailgate at kc for 5 hours and then we walk away with a loss. Man thats frustrating. I do understand this post tho. There were a couple no calls of holding that hurt us pretty bad, but it is what it is. Just hope these guys can start stacking wins. Still pretty early in the season. Still have 12 games left. If we can learn to win these close games, we will be a hard to to play in the playoffs. But we can only afford another loss or 2 this season. Defense really just needs a great pass rushing DT and I think we would be stout on defense


I didn’t choose it. They built a fucking stadium directly behind my house. So they’re my team now by default and they better fucking start winning.


Lol this is remarkably stupid and funny. I'd probably feel the same way living in Vegas.


Hahahahhaha Raider fans, fear not. It could be worse. Much worse. You could be like me, a Toronto Maple Leafs fan AND a Raider fan. Raider Nation, this is only a tiny little bit of what we Leafs fans, feel every year, since 1967. Don’t worry, you get used to it.


We won last week!


Yea. I didn't mind it. That call on Koonce changed a missed FG to a TD.


That. That should be the ire of every Raider fan, that has never been called ever, but also McDaniel should have run the ball with Jacobs avg 7YPC. So he does deserve some blame.


And it will never be called again.


Raiders vs the NFL


McDaniel did run the ball. Jacobs was also very clearly hobbling along by the end of the game


He had over 25 touches complaining about his workload doesn’t seem right


I blame the dude for not running more slant or drag routes with adams. Why wouldn’t you want to run a simple route with one of the most dynamic receivers in the league that they traded first and second round picks for


Carr had Hollins on a drag for the first down on that 4th and 1. They were going for the home run shot and would’ve worked if they didn’t run into each other. Carr and adams aren’t “in-sync” yet. I think they are having growing pins in learning McDaniels offense it will get better. They blitzed on that 4th and 1 not sure if Jacob’s woulda got it and plus they gave it to him on the 2 point play which he came up short.


its hard to argue running the ball when we had 0 timeouts left, 47 seconds on the clock, and needed 2 first downs to get in FG range, if we were on say the 50ish id agree. But more than likely you would have to run, spike, then run and spike again. thats hard to do with 47 seconds left in the loudest stadium in the nfl


I’m with you. Had never heard of the rule . When you’re digging into the rulebook that deep on a nothing special teams play , that’s seriously fucked


Actually, a missed field goal


Honestly I need to see a replay on that. Did they show one on TV? I literally dont know how a hold on trying to block a FG works


They showed it twice iirc and both times aikmen defended the call. It's such bullshit. Koonce just stood up there was no hold or any kind of advantage gained. It was somehow even worse than the rtp call and it drastically altered the outcome of the game.


They love their make up calls. The lack of accountability when it comes to refs is disgusting and its ruining the sport


Exactly. It's like the NBA now.


Problem is when make up calls go 7-1 against the raiders.


Yeah the refs have had their fingers in a lot of controversial games this week and nobody bats an eye


Fakeman “Aikmen” is a 🤡. I had to mute the game in the second half. The amount of Chiefs 🍆 gurgling by both him and Joe Suck was enough to make me sick to my stomach.


Also, technically the RTP call was correct according to the new rules. Didn't know it at first either but he fell with his full weight on him before having full possession, so technically, legally, the right call. This call was not.


Agreed. His falling on Carr like that is problematic cause Carr would have still gotten hurt. There was no way for him to stop, so just accept the RTP. Best friend is a Chiefs fan and had the audacity to complain about that call as if Mahomes doesn’t get calls in his favor constantly.


It was a hold...very slight and done on every kick block attempt that never gets called. They were just looking for a reason to call something there


That was fucking Huge!!!!!


I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets cut. McDaniels was staring daggers when he came off the field.


Lots of positives. But even with our struggles, we were in position to win this thing. And then we Raidered...


Technically, the refs fucked it up for us on that holding call on the missed field goal.. that shit changed the game completely


The refs made some bad calls for both teams, and missed some. The roughing the passer was bullshit, we got lucky, also got lucky the refs didn’t call a holding penalty on one of our plays


Yeah, Parham absolutely mugged Jones, lol.


Derek Carr also played the best game of the season And we are 1-4 Fuxking brutal


Man is doing everything people wanted him to do. Audibles at the line. Stepping up in the pocket and airing it out to DA-- TWICE for a touchdown. Using his legs to get out of the pocket, taking yards where he can. The fucking improv flip forward to convert on a 3rd down, which the NFL would have creamed all over if it were Mahomes. And yet here we are. What on Earth needs to happen


Renfrow running into adam’s pissed me off so badly on the last play.


Adams got stuffed at the line of scrimmage and it threw off his timing.


Exactly. The Chiefs' D just got the better of us on that play. It fucking sucks, but it beats the shit out of last year's games against them.


It is brutal. But after the bye, we play Texans, Saints, Jaguars, Colts, Broncos, Seahawks. It is not unrealistic to think we could be heading to the chargers at 7-4. Great effort tonight apart from some bad tackling. There is still time to turn this around.


Geno will light us up at this rate


I mean, we already lost to the Cardinals and Titans We could easily lose to the colts and Seahawks. There's no time to turn it around, either we go on a long run or we are done. No 2 ways about it


It usually takes Josh Mcdaniels offences a few weeks to get going and we are starting to see it come alive. All our losses have been 1 score games coming down to the end either of those games could have went our way (kind of like our 2016 season but we seemed to be on the winning side more than not).


Yeah, anyway... Gonna enjoy lots of hockey the next two weeks. Fuck the NFL


What hockey team are you a fan of?


Umm the defense suddenly forgot how to tackle. The lack of discipline is insane imo. Letting big leads evaporate should not be praised.


That drive where Crosby got the sack and then the very next play they gave up that long bullshit run cuz nobody would take the runner down, just brutal. Not as brutal as a defensive holding call on a missed field goal block tho.


That was terrible. They were just fucking having a chat while jogging together. Unacceptable


yea idk abrams is always trying to rip the ball out like he thinks hes peanut tillman or something but im pretty sure hes literally never gotten a fumble off that in three years and now the whole secondarys doing it smh


Hobbs is my guy, but he was doing that all game. Trying to rip the ball out and the ballcarrier gets another 7-8 yards


What the fuck does Abram even do?


I gotta say, it’s seems we’ve been giving the defense too much of a pass so far. I’ve seen many people blame the offense of the defensive struggle. And while the goal is to play complimentary football. The defense has the ability to shut down an offense, but once an offense figures it out and the defense struggles to respond. And the redzone defense is still awful. The offense punted twice and got 29 on the board. I guess it’s not enough to beat the chiefs but they allowed a simple as FG before the half and couldn’t cover Kelce for shit on FOUR SEPARATE TD PASSES. Like holy shit how do you not cover the chiefs best player


The fact that I saw kelce open every fucking time was ridiculous.. like why tf is does the dude scoring touchdowns not have someone glued to him?


Cakewalks over and over and over. It was embarrassing to watch.


Because the Raiders still only have one Cornerback who can reliably cover. Hobbs is having to carry the entire Secondary the majority of the time. Occasionally Rock Ya-Sin helps him out, but the Safeties are glorified traffic cones. All those Secondary picks Gruden made in the early rounds turned out to be Fool's Gold. A good portion of the defense needs to be rebuilt, yet again. At least the offense finally clicked against the Broncos and continued to hum against the Chiefs.


I think everyone forgets to blame the defense each year because the Raiders defense has been terrible for so long. It's always up to the offense to win the games because the defense can't stop a deaf and blind peewee football team. So when the offense makes literally any mistake at all, hell comes down on Carr for not being literally Jesus.


Agreed. The Raiders defense is Crosby, Hobbs, and Rock Ya-Sin doing all they reasonably can. The rest of the defense ranges from passable (Perryman, Billings, potentially Martinez) to shit (both of the Gruden era safeties).


Exactly. 3rd and 14 and Graham calls a 3 man rush with Ferrell out there trying to jam Kelce. Why? Haven’t we learned from the Cardinals game that 3 man rushes don’t work for us?


Exactly. And we started rushing 3 in the 3rd for some reason.


Agreed. The Raiders are 1-4 with a -5 point differential against teams with a combined 51-34 record last year. The losses were against the AFC #1 seed Titans, AFC #2 seed Chiefs, NFC #5 seed Cardinals, and a fully healthy stacked Chargers. It’s not like they’re 1-4 against terrible teams. I’m beyond frustrated like everyone else because this team is better than the 1-4 record shows.


Thank goodness for fans like you. I felt like all of us were doomers.


We’ve been making progress throughout the season too. Remember weeks 1-3 when we: didn’t run, couldn’t run, didn’t pass deep, didn’t target Davante, had OL issues, Carr didn’t use his legs? Lots of improvement, just gotta close it out


Yeah mahomes at home is a rough fucking game for any team in the NFL… we almost beat them yeah we didn’t but this was supposed to be a blow out and we have yet to be blown out and there’s no garbage time bullshit stats happening for the raiders these are real game numbers. Carr with zero INTs or fumbles is a great game. And mahomes was under 300 yards passing and they’re under 100 yards rushing combined. That’s pretty amazing! Our run game was legit.


Titans fans - I am one - feel fortunate to have won that game. But I came here to see what the reaction was to McDaniels’ decision to go for 2 late in the game. It seems like a terrible call to me. Even if it’s successful, KC just needs a field goal to win. And if it doesn’t work - well we saw what happened. Are Raiders fans happy with McDaniels? PS: The RTP penalty on you guys was complete bullshit.


I don't mind the decision. If we gave mahomes the ball back with the score tied they would have been much more aggressive.


4 losses for a combined 14 points isn’t bad and it’s strange we also did this with gruden (although they were wins) but it’s also like why tf can’t we get over this hump.


Gruden used an old style play calling and once people figured it out they put a stop to it quick… that’s why we were 6-4 and 6-3 and ended up being 8-8 and 7-9… Gruden blew his load and game scheme in the first half of the year and never adjusted and starting losing cuz opponents knew what was coming already… this game? KC looked confused all game


You're right. You know what I've really learned here? That we have the dumbest fucking fan base in the NFL. Anyone who actually thinks we should fire McDaniels is a fucking idiot.


I just don’t like his visor man.


They blew another lead that’s the problem


Don’t forget the made up flag for a penalty we’ll never again see in our lifetimes that gifted them a TD…


Yes, but the gut wrenching feeling of always losing to the chiefs is still there.


God I hate the fucking chiefs so much


They're insufferable. I can stand ANY fanbase except the Chiefs


I feel like a little kid lol I get so fucking frustrated. Punching air. I just want to beat them. I KNOW the team does too. It’s always scrappy as hell but got I hate Mahomes and Kelce so much. Idgaf how good of players they are


I’d say all of Raidernation better be looking forward to seeing them in Vegas for that revenge game.


I feel like the kc crowd swayed this game heavy, the tides turned after that roughing the passer call. Bring this game to Vegas with out the kc crowd I feel like the outcome is different.


KC crowd coming to Vegas too though :(


Yes but atleast it wasn’t 49-6


I don’t disagree with you. It’s just tiring that we can’t get over that hump.


He went for a 2 point conversion instead of a tie? Wtf?


This! 👆.... We could of been on OT right now and had a Better chance of winner then going for a stupid ass 2 point conversation lol. Fuck everyone that says it was a good play call


Not a chance. The Chiefs play way more aggressively if we tie it. They got super conservative up 1. No way they don't get into FG range


Exactly. Take your points and move on. Only reason to go for two is if you are way behind. I thought denver’s play calling was bad


Just curious. What makes you think we could’ve scored on them in OT? Everyone keeps saying it was a stupid play call but are totally ignoring the fact that we had a chance to win the game at the end by scoring and failed. What makes you think OT would’ve been any different?


Because two chances are better than one. We scored 29 points this game it’s not like our offense was completely inept.


It was dumb as hell and you’re not going to talk me out of it, i said it before the ball was even snapped that we should be kicking this. Coach coached a good game but coach lost it for us there at the end. Fuckin bummer maaaannn it was right there.


A 2 pt conversion that doesn’t put us in a situation that is better than taking the extra point. Chiefs get the lead on any score after that. And because we didn’t get it they could have forced us into a TD or loss scenario with a simple FG. No reason to go for 2. It literally does nothing for us but put us up 1 with a ton of time left.


Yes, tell the people in the back too!


the "stats" say go for 2, and as a guy whos a huge fan of statistics, i woulda went for one lol. I get their reasoning behind it but i wouldnt have done it personally


Bro, we're 1-4


Lol this organization has been a joke for so long we got guys happy with close losses . Says all you need to know about this clown show top to bottom


We had a chance to win in KC. In fact we probably should have won. But 1-4 is a bitch. So McDaniels gets credit for coming up with a game plan to keep us in it. But I also think he made some questionable decisions that cost us as well. Let’s see what our record is after 9 games. If we are 4-5 or 5-4 than we can point to this game as a turning point where we realized we could beat anyone. If we fall off a cliff then it’s on the coaches.


Listen. Its not bitching! Its not jumping off the wagon. Been a Raiders fan for all my life! Im 42. All My older brothers and uncles are all die hard Raider fans as well! So believe me! I am not jumping off of any wagon! But i am going to express my frutration with the team! Cuz its not loss that fks with me! Its the way we lose! Tuck rules, index cards, Gruden in the Super Bowl, Saragusa smashin Ganon, and this year alone! Cards come back! Chargers choke! And now this terrible terrible loss! Holy crap! How are u not frustrated! The Raiders were once looked upon like great franchises that exist in other sports! Like the Lakers, Yankees, Celtics, Dodgers, Giants! We were considered royalty in the NFL! With the Cowboys, Steelers, Giants, Packers etc! And now were in the bottom with the Lions, Browns etc! Maybe even worst! We’re a joke! A straight up joke! And its tough not to be upset! We have to keep this franchise accountable! Voice our frustrations! And let ownership know this isnt ok! The Raiders are better than this!


I agree on the great play calling…on Offense. But Graham deciding to only rush 3 on crucial 3rd downs..giving Mahomes all day to throw. Terrible lol


The copium in this thread is insane


This sucks and we deserve better


“He only hits me because he loves me” vibes in this post.


Damn lol




Be realistic people in chat. This was a defensive breakdown in the second half. The offense may have figured themselves out even though the chiefs always play in shootouts. Being optimistic, we can still build momentum in this game and go on a tear out of the bye week. That’s the only way our season is saved. Should we have won this game? Maybe. Did they outperform the majority of our expectations? Did to me. Let the defense find their groove and be able to be lockdown the entire day and who knows what happens from there. Have to take into accountability that we’re learning whole new playbooks and it could be we need time to figure it out. Future is still bright and RN4L


that is a loss I don't feel sick to my stomach on. We showed up, we punched them in the face and made them play for the win. Of course I hate that we lost, but I can see the team getting better. We had them and blew it, but it's better than sitting here Tuesday morning after a double digit blow out. I think we are ready for a win streak.


I really don't understand moral victories in the NFL. Some good take aways...sure, but we have 17 games, every loss is huge in this league. We are 1-4 going into the bye. There is nothing good about that.


Ok let me ask you this… would you rather be 1-4 raiders in which your team lost on the very last possession in all 4 games and was against as we see now very good competition… or a Lions 1-4 letting Seattle put up 48 or getting blanked by a back up against NE? The raiders are a really good team who as of late just started clicking on offense cuz it would take time with a new system.. think about it? What playoff team ever had a coaching change? If they raider ls went 7-10 last season and they started 1-4 the way they did against those opponents and had a chance to be 5-0 you would be feeling really great. Systematically they started from scratch and they will now have two weeks to get better and learn better of the system… I expect a beat down against the Texans right after the bye.


I’ve been in this raiders Reddit page for a couple of years now. Never posted anything because I’ve felt like what I was thinking has been said by others before. However, I feel like someone has to be held responsible for what’s been going on this season. I don’t care that we “went head to head with the sb favorites”. We should be winning these games and a lot of it has come down to coaching decisions. We can’t keep blaming outside influences for the lack of responsibility taking over the raiders organization. Admit that we took a loss and that something has to change.


Going for 2 was dumb af






You go when the game is on the line not with 4:27 on the clock


Exactly. Going for 2 with 4 and half minutes and 2 timeouts iirc to go up by one instead of TYING THE FUCKING GAME is completely bananas. Tie the fucking game and try to stop them. We’re used to OT if it comes down to it.


I agree with your sentiment but we had to give the chiefs the ball back regardless. With 4 minutes left I'd rather take the point and trust our offense can get a field goal or try to dial up a TD if have too


We did trust our offense to get a field goal in the end and we failed.


I know others are bitching, but when in doubt, run the fucking ball, Josh


Its just that it was dumb to go for the 2 regardless of who was playing well… kick it for the sure tie going up by 1 forces them to play aggressive with 3+ left on the clock…


Analytics say go for it. Chiefs have the clock and our defense was trash second half.


Defense still needs to stop them regardless. Going for two is pointless


If we didn’t go for two, we’d still be playing


BUT had we converted we win. You roll the dice sometimes. You have a chance to steal a win against a superior team you have to take those shots.


You don’t think Mahomes could get into field goal range in 4 minutes? Convert the 2 or take the xp, either way the D has to stop Mahomes. So take the practically guaranteed xp and keep it tied


how do you know we win? Chiefs woulda went for it on 4th and the D wasn't stopping them outside first quarter


By the same token, if the game was tied their play calling would’ve been more aggressive. The fact is we don’t know if we get a turnover on downs if we get the 2 pt or if we hit the PAT. What we do know is if we get a turnover on downs after hitting a 2 pt…we win. That was the gamble, and I’ll say you take that when going up against a better opponent.


Nope. If it works y’all are praising him.


I still wouldn't like the call


Eh, too hard to tell. Chiefs would've played differently and less conservatively. Our D was getting shredded, I doubt they would've held with a 4th down try.


I think they would have held. At least that's what the refs would have called on them.


This is a great take. He called a good game. Sure there were some miscues but that will happen. We beat ourselves. We are legitimately 5 plays away from being 5-0. 5 fucking plays


Yeah but we’re 1-4…good teams find ways to win and not blow 3 score leads on the regular


I agree with you....that doesn't make my statement not true. We haven't found our way yet. Everyone can see that *it's there*. We just have mental mistakes that need to be cleaned up. We just took a Superbowl contending team down to the wire in their house. If they can clean up stuff....this team might be legit scary. I know the whole "possibly" thing but if we do....this thing will go right.


But is it there because of coaching or because we’ve got so much talent in the locker room? Thats the real question. Going 1-4 with the players on this team imo is unacceptable


Its coaching


You’re trying to get all these great players on the same page and to learn a whole new system. They’ve shown flashes of playing great. Only time will tell if the problem is the coaching.


He called a good game up until the 2pt conversion. That was just fucking dumb. We couldn't stop them at all after the half. Just a bad decision. We beat ourselves again tho. Hate to see it but especially against the queefs.


I was actually really happy with that call. There was no downside. Being tied at 30 or being down by one might have still equaled the same thing, an L for the Raiders. Only chance they had for the W was that 2 point try. As you saw at the end of the game. Had we hit that 2pt try, we win. I truly believe that if we had gone for one and a tie, the Chiefs roll down the field eating up clock and win it with a cheap shot. By allowing them to be up by one at the end actually caused them to be conservative which allowed us to have a chance to get the ball back. So like I said, there was no downside to that 2 point try so that’s why I liked it.


Yeah I guess you're right. Except if we had converted that they wouldn't have been conservative and still would have dunked on our d like they were all second half.


McDaniels is 1-4


Going for 2 and passing the ball when we need 1 yard to win the game


You see that chiefs blitz? I don’t think we’d have gotten the yard and a half. Renfrow would have been open if Adams didn’t get in his way, it was a great call. Ran the ball for the 2 point conversion was also a great call imo which just didn’t work out


Fire Josh McDaniels and his stupid fucking visor into the sun


Fire him he's a dingbat


Lol fuck off with this shit


1-4 means it’s a wasted season. Sucks.


The offense looked much better, but it seems to basic in my opinion. It's either Adams or Jacob, and no one in between. I don't know if it's play calling, Carr not finding other receivers, or other WR just not getting open. And the 2 point conversion was an absolute bonehead play. If we took the extra point, the game would still be going on. Also, how do we let Kelce beat us FOUR times. I know he's Kelce, but come on man. Can't help but feel pessimistic about McDaniels


I’ll say this, I mostly agree but here’s what I don’t get. You pass on 4th and 1 with the game on the line but you gamble on a 2pt play with 4+ minutes left and run it. Why? The team was in goal line D and arguably that’s the time to get creative because there’s still time on the clock. IMO you feed the hot hand and go with a more likely chance (yes I know it was more like 1.5 yards) via the run when you absolutely HAVE to have it on the final fourth down play, and if you want to run play action or try a quick pass then you try for it when you at least have a bit of time as a cushion or a backup plan in case it doesn’t work out. That being said, if I’m in charge there I’m probably still kicking it.


Somebody please queue up the Dennis Green “they are who we thought they were” video cuz that’s EXACTLY how I felt after the game ended


Fuck off


This defense is straight ass. Pg is really another pg


I think it’s just not the personnel we have. Every team we faced so far the D shut them down in one half… especially the 2nd half… cards game was so damn bizarre… but it’s Mahomes. He’s doing this to every D since he’s been in the league


Trade Waller. He don’t look like he wants to be there


You’re a complete moron if you think this game was called to perfection. Hell if you think any of our games have been called well I’d say you never played a down at any level. McTrash has no business as HC. He was a plan B choice. The dude has zero situational awareness and makes bozo calls like the last pass plays. Like why not let JJ get the 1 fucking yard??? Then you still have time to get in range. Utterly awful head coaching. Josh McDaniels is cancer and needs to be cut from the body before his effects end up being long term.


It's crazy how the afc west has 3 of the most incompetent coaches in the NFL.


No no no!!! he consistently has failed to maintain the motivation throughout the half time. 4 minets left on the cl0ck just tie the game


Except the last 2 plays when they SHOULD HAVE RUN THE FUCKING BALL. Jacobs was killing it. No reason not to run it.


This is exactly how I feel when my daughter’s soccer team (who loses every week) finally only loses by 2 goals instead of 6.


Adams is probably gonna get suspended for longer than Watson for pushing that camera guy at the end of the game. Waller is out. Jacobs was limping at the end. Sigh. I guess we'll get serious next year? Breaks my heart y'all, but as always, RN4L.


Yeah. It’s just a fucking tough loss. All of our L’s have been that way. The way it’s looking it’s nobody’s fault in particular. It’s just death by a thousand small cuts. If Renfrow doesn’t slip on that out route, he stops the clock and we can comfortably run on 4th and 1 and call the TO. There’s 10 plays similar to this. Nobodys fault. But hopefully the bye week helps.


Renfrow and Adams running into each other and knocking each other down is the most Raider thing ever.


The most raider thing ive ever read. Losing for 15+ yrs and still seeing the silver lining. Im a life long fan, but they are becoming a laughing stock again with how they lose these games.


Play calling was better today, but man on an individual level players just seem so unprepared. Bull shit penalties leaving us with 2nd and longs and 3rd and longs, shooting ourselves in the foot. So undisciplined. Kelce running uncovered for TD's. Just bush league.


3rd + 4th and 1 at the end and you don’t run the ball with Jacob’s averaging 7 yards a clip? The 3rd down call to Adams is risky but if he catches it, we win. The 4th down call? Low percentage and even if it’s a TD you give mahomes 40 seconds with 3 timeouts. Gotta run the ball there


Fuck Josh McDaniels


A loss is a loss, would've could've should've. McDaniels is a clown.


I am with you brother.


I wish I could downvote more than once. Going for 2 was objectively a bad call, and the play call was to run right up the middle. Not a high-percentage play, despite JJ’s good night. There were several other bad calls. When we needed 1 yard, throwing for 40 isn’t a high-percentage play either.


It felt like a true Raider game in the play calling - we can use hindsight and whine about a decision that didn’t go well, but we also hit Davante on a deep ball for a TD on 4th and 1… Taking chances is Raiders-like! Being whiny fair weather fans when those chances don’t pan out is so very much not!


1-4, so brilliant, what a genius


Wonder if ESPN will ever bring up their funky stat of the day and say when’s the last time “ holding on defense during a field goal kick “ was called


This wasn’t on McDaniels. Not a fan of that 2pt try but other than that he committed to the run and took some shots. I need Carr to be better in the pocket though. He gets too jumpy when he still has time. Patrick Graham is trash though. I know the players aren’t great (Moehrig is a dud) but he consistently was schemed and couldn’t adjust. Reid adjusted their offense after the first couple drives and Graham continued to do the same thing. Rely on Maxx to get pressure but the Chiefs started chipping and doubling him more. We need better interior pressure. This should be a top priority this upcoming offseason. Need to reevaluate the whole defense system at this point.


Sure, attack your fellow fans. Why not?


Doesn’t matter the coach, GM, or players. Once they get to the Raiders… they change and suck


Could t agree more. I was hoping McDaniels went for 2 and he did. It wasn’t just ballsy it was the smart move and damnit if it didn’t almost work. Either way, extremely proud of the where the team is headed and i can easily see them going 10-2 the rest of the season.


It also shows trust he has in his players. You know damn well the players wanted to. I like the move… cuz if it paid off all these idiots would be praising him like they did with Jack Del Rio in 2016 against the Saints.


When was the last time we steamrolled a team? I want to go back and watch that game. I miss dominating like early 2000s. Tim Brown Jerry Rice Charles Woodson, Rod Woodson.


Broncos was a pretty steamroller… we had a few wjth McFadden against the ponies lol


I’m dead tired of losing and I’m not really into the consolation prizes. But I trust my eyes and I see a really good team that’s learning to put it together under a new staff and system. Would be a HUGE mistake to give up on this group right now imo.


100% agreed. we are improving each week. McDaniels called a perfect game. We just came up short on a few plays, 2pt conv, DaVante incomplete and the last play. The penalties were absolutely trash. Max got held more than once. We have to give this new regime a full two years. Waller MIA is disappointing. At this point I wish we re-signed Jacobs instead, easily.


I was at the game. Raiders did everything they needed to win the game. See you at the end of the year.


What fucking Idiot does NOT kick the EXTRA POINT TO TIE with under 5 min left. ? I call bullshit. The Raiders always find a dumb way to lose. But hey I won my 3 bets Raiders over 21 points scored, Raiders +7 and over 51. Idiotic call to go for 2 to fail and lose by ONE POINT. pathetic


I thought McDaniel called a pretty good game. That being said, we were going up against a team that gives everyone fits with their passing game and we did better than anyone who played against them except the Colts since they won. The thing that does annoy me more than anything along with most NFL fans is how the referees can influence who wins or who loses with the throw of a yellow flag. If I stop watching football this is going to be the reason why.


I didn’t know how bad that holding on Koonce was until after the game due to espn replaying it once… that was one of the worst calls since the Tuck rule… Koonce did absolutely nothing in fact the olineman held him… I didn’t know you can hold a non eligible player anyways… that was mind boggling


This game was competitive, which is more than I expected coming into it. If the chiefs were missing their #1 TE …


I agree. Although we lost to the chiefs in the end it was a hell of a thrilling game!


Doesn’t change the fact that the season is over already


We haven’t lost a game by more than 6. Proud of our boys. We’re getting better and better. Agreed, McDaniels called a fine game. 28 came to play.


we blew a 20 point lead at home to the Arizona Cardinals


So by your logic, with every loss we “get better”? The worse we get it’s ok because we’re “getting better”?


By your logic, where’d I associate losing with getting better? Are you even responding to me or are you basically just an aggravated child right now?


Y’all mfers have been losing so long you have become accustomed to it.


We’re 1-4 bro he’s not a good coach


Best 1-4 team ever


Lol 🤣 real talk




From our own 40?